Roger Stone to Cooper: “I would not testify against the collusion ever happened.”

Roger Stone!!?? Now that is someone whose opinion is worth about as much as raw sewage.

Yeah, Penelope is right. He will squeal like a pig to avoid or lessen time in the federal pen. Remember there is no honor among thieves...or co -conspirators.
why would he. he has to be called first and he said he knows nothing is there. so what do you have to say otherwise since you all are so confident?

When you’re in court or at a hearing or are being deposed by counsel…you are sworn to “tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” You’re not sworn in to testifying “for” or “against” anyone. When truth is entered into evidence via testimony, it may in fact “help” or “hurt” the plaintiff or the defendant but there should never be a standard whereby the witnesses refuse to tell the truth or lie because they favor one party over the other.

This is the mockery that the Trump crime syndicate is trying to make of our system.
Yes...that was very telling, wasn't it. You'd think he'd say he'd tell the truth, but it's all about protecting the orange one....regardless.
He has more integrity than a woman who performs oral sex on camera for money.

On one hand you have a life long political operative and career liar. On the other, you have someone who has put their most intimate activities on display for the world to see. Who's the one hiding something?

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