Romney is the only GOP candidate with the money and organization


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
for the long-haul.

Been that way since Day One.

None of the others - with the possible exception of Rick Perry - who blew himself up in the debates - was ever a threat to Romney eventually being the GOP nominee.

What Romney needs to do is get vicious with Obama's record.
for the long-haul.

Been that way since Day One.

None of the others - with the possible exception of Rick Perry - who blew himself up in the debates - was ever a threat to Romney eventually being the GOP nominee.

What Romney needs to do is get vicious with Obama's record.

Which Obama record - the factual or fictitious one?
for the long-haul.

Been that way since Day One.

None of the others - with the possible exception of Rick Perry - who blew himself up in the debates - was ever a threat to Romney eventually being the GOP nominee.

What Romney needs to do is get vicious with Obama's record.

...and he probably won't win in his home state of Michigan...

Vicious attacks are not going to play very well this time as they really only appeal to the base, that's bad news for republicans.
Romney is the only GOP candidate with the money and organization

That certainly qualifies him to lead the free world!
Mitts problem is that he is too nice.

Same problem that Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole and John McCain had.
Romney is the only GOP candidate with the money and organization

for the long-haul.

Been that way since Day One.

None of the others - with the possible exception of Rick Perry - who blew himself up in the debates - was ever a threat to Romney eventually being the GOP nominee.

What Romney needs to do is get vicious with Obama's record.

Which makes it all the stranger since he has been running for POTUS for 5 or 8 years and outspent all other hopefuls combined about ten to one. All that money and time and the sorry Morman can't seem to bust a nut. He's still like maybe 30% popular just in republicans.. Kinda sad ....
for the long-haul.

Been that way since Day One.

None of the others - with the possible exception of Rick Perry - who blew himself up in the debates - was ever a threat to Romney eventually being the GOP nominee.

What Romney needs to do is get vicious with Obama's record.

Which Obama record - the factual or fictitious one?

Start with 8% unemployment and the runaway deficiet - as well as gutting our nuclear arsenal deterrant, deep-sixing the oil pipeline, deep-sixing the space program, always apologizing for America etc....
for the long-haul.

Been that way since Day One.

None of the others - with the possible exception of Rick Perry - who blew himself up in the debates - was ever a threat to Romney eventually being the GOP nominee.

What Romney needs to do is get vicious with Obama's record.

Which Obama record - the factual or fictitious one?

Start with 8% unemployment and the runaway deficiet - as well as gutting our nuclear arsenal deterrant, deep-sixing the oil pipeline, deep-sixing the space program, always apologizing for America etc....

Context matters - and you totally ignored it.
Romney is a superb debator - won every single GOP debate so far.

Would tear Obama apart.....
for the long-haul.

Been that way since Day One.

None of the others - with the possible exception of Rick Perry - who blew himself up in the debates - was ever a threat to Romney eventually being the GOP nominee.

What Romney needs to do is get vicious with Obama's record.

Republicans don't like Mittens. That has been established time and again. How much more does he have to spend to get people to like him? I think the question answers itself.

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