Romney supporters, why should I vote for Mitt Romney?

You should vote for Mitt because he is the most conservative Republican that can beat Obama.

This is the correct answer. Gingrich probably won't have a chance as too man Indys will be frightened off by the MSM onslaught that would be brought on him. Huntsman would appeal to the moderates but he isn't getting off the ground, so Mitt it is. You also need to forget about the national polls, they are irrelevant. We need to look at the polling from a handful of states, states that will swing the election. The moonbats on the coasts are skewing the numbers, anything that shows a tie is really a big advantage to Romney as those swing states voted for Obama on the hope and a prayer and have been let down. They will flock to Mitt regardless of whether he changed his mind on a few social issues to try and beat Fatboy.
Serious question.

I haven't completely made up my mind yet on who I will vote for. I would very much like to hear serious responses as to why he should get my vote in the primaries.

Thanks in advance.

When the time does come, why not just Vote your conscience? Plenty time to sort things out between now and then. :)
I guess I'm looking for a difference nuance from the man we elect. I am really REALLY tired of hearing politicians emphatically state: "When I am elected I will (do this) or (do that)" when they have absolutely no power to do so. I would much rather know a person's philosophy rather than have phony specifics that s/he has no way to carry out. I would have more respect if he/she would just say that THIS is my goal. I will locate and recruit the best people I can find to determine how best to do it and do my best to work with Congress to accomplish it.

In my opinion the goals and the vision are far more realistic and important than the specifics of how it gets done.

One thing I like about both Romney and Gingrich, though both will slip now and then and fall into spin mode, is that they are less focused on the 'how to' and more focused on what needs to happen.
I can give you the pros and cons of Romney. Since this is a "pros" thread, I will add two others to the several already given.

First is that he is an extremely competent technocrat. We've had enough incompetence in the White House. Both Bush and Obama have been grossly incompetent. And neither, it should be noted, accomplished much before becoming President. Not so Romney.

Second, the politics of division and demonization have gotten out of hand. This will always be with us but it has become unbearable. I think Romney will dampen it a bit. Newt OTOH, despite his positive qualities, is extremely likely to continue this trend, given his history and personality.
Is it possible for you nutters to produce a list of positives regarding one of your candidates without providing a list of negatives about someone else?

If not, perhaps your guys don't have enough positives.
Because he's not this crappy guy...

Right on cue, Zander. Right on cue.

You're welcome. My main political motivation is to ensure the defeat of the incompetent dilettante, Barack Obama. I believe Mitt Romney is the best candidate to do that.
I guess I'm looking for a difference nuance from the man we elect. I am really REALLY tired of hearing politicians emphatically state: "When I am elected I will (do this) or (do that)" when they have absolutely no power to do so. I would much rather know a person's philosophy rather than have phony specifics that s/he has no way to carry out. I would have more respect if he/she would just say that THIS is my goal. I will locate and recruit the best people I can find to determine how best to do it and do my best to work with Congress to accomplish it.

And boy did you hit it on the head there. If Congress is not friendly to the president he becomes largely powerless to do much of anything. That always burns my ass too Foxfyre...the "I WILL do this and that" thing when in reality it's completely up to Congress. The problem is people don't get elected by saying "I will TRY" but your point is an excellent one.
I guess I'm looking for a difference nuance from the man we elect. I am really REALLY tired of hearing politicians emphatically state: "When I am elected I will (do this) or (do that)" when they have absolutely no power to do so. I would much rather know a person's philosophy rather than have phony specifics that s/he has no way to carry out. I would have more respect if he/she would just say that THIS is my goal. I will locate and recruit the best people I can find to determine how best to do it and do my best to work with Congress to accomplish it.

And boy did you hit it on the head there. If Congress is not friendly to the president he becomes largely powerless to do much of anything. That always burns my ass too Foxfyre...the "I WILL do this and that" thing when in reality it's completely up to Congress. The problem is people don't get elected by saying "I will TRY" but your point is an excellent one.

I think the likely voters have been watching and listening to political spin long enough now that most are sophisticated enough to separate the spin from the genuine. I think a candidate who is sincere and believable and comes across that way on the screen can say that "I will try" or "I will put all my skill set, power of persuasion, and resources behind it. . . . " Evenmoreso if he appeals to the people to also give him a Congress committed to similar goals and purpose. There is no simple answer to 'fixing' a many decades old problem and I respect those who don't try to manufacture one.

But it also has to be more than some vague "We have to fix social security." He or she does need some sense of what a 'fix' would look like even if all the steps to get from Point A to Point B aren't entirely clear. If I share what I believe are real goals with a candidate I don't expect him to lay out a detailed blue print to accomplish them. I have been an executive myself and know that there is often a lot of territory that has to be covered between the beginning and end of a seminal change.

Let him boldly state what he will do as President that is within the power of a President to do, but be honest about goals in those things he has to have cooperation from Congress and/or the people to do. The President, for instance, cannot defund or dismantle Obamacare. But he sure as heck can send through a Presidential request that Congress do so and promise to veto what he ethically and constitutionally can re its funding.
Serious question.

I haven't completely made up my mind yet on who I will vote for. I would very much like to hear serious responses as to why he should get my vote in the primaries.

Thanks in advance.

When the time does come, why not just Vote your conscience? Plenty time to sort things out between now and then. :)

I let my conscience get involved in politics a few years back, it got so traumatized that it's been in a coma ever since.
If you are talking about the primaries my money is on Gingrich but if Romney gets the nod it's ABO...Anyone but Obama.
Romney supporters, why should I vote for Mitt Romney?

You shouldn't. Being a resident of Massachusetts I can tell you he is a rather do nothing sort of guy. He is more interested in his ego and popularity than anything else.

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