Rosie - Newt should read a history book

Historic numbers.

"Where his predecessor, George [H.W.] Bush, could find only one qualified woman, one African-American and two Hispanics for his Cabinet, Clinton nominated three black men, a black woman and two Hispanic men to join nine white Cabinet nominees -- three of them women. George W. Bush's push for diversity in his own Cabinet this year [2000] can be seen as an affirmation of Clinton's work on that front.
... In [former President Ronald] Reagan and [George H.W.] Bush's 12 years in office, of the 545 federal judicial appointments, 65 were women, 22 Hispanic, two Asian American and 17 African American. In Clinton's eight years, of 366 federal judicial appointments, 104 were women, 23 Hispanic, five Asian American, one American Indian, and 61 African American."

Leaving diversity in his wake - News - Special Coverage - The Clinton Years -

You can look em up yourself.

Washington Post reports that President George W. Bush appointed blacks to 25 percent of the cabinet positions, but more importantly Bush appointed blacks to senior cabinet positions while Clinton appointed none. Examples include Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Advisor and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Education Secretary Rod Paige, HUD Deputy Secretary Alphonso Jackson, Deputy Secretary for HHS Claude Allen, and Veterans Administration Deputy Secretary Leo Mackey. And who can forget the appointment of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court by George Bush Sr.
lol... Sooo, what did Obama win that NPP for again and I guess that makes Bush something great as he was President for 2 terms even...

The Award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama was a no brainer. It will go down in history as one of the most significant Peace Prizes ever awarded

Barack Hussein Obama was born to a white mother and black father at a time when his father would have been lynched in much of the United States for marrying a white woman. From this humble beginning he rose to be President of the most powerful nation on earth

The Nobel committee has long recognized accomplishments in racial harmony as the furtherment of peace. Previous prizes to Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu were examples

The election of a black man in historically racist America is a significant accomplishment.

No question President Obama deserved his Nobel Peace Prize

Besides the fact I'm not sure why you are quoting yourself, this is a fallacious argument.

Dr. King and the South African recipiants were honored because they were fighting for the franchise in places where you could be imprisoned or killed.

Obama's race was barely an issue in the 2008 election, and if anything, it prevented people from asking otherwise sensible questions like, "Why should we elect a guy with no accomplishments who hasn't even completed one term in the Senate yet?"

No, no, can't ask that question. It's "racist".

I think it just shows how cheapened the Peace Prize has become in recent years, where it is handed out for political reasons rather than reasons of merit.

Heck, once upon a time, when the people of this planet were being such shitheads, they didn't even hand out Nobels (like during the world wars).
The Nobel Committee has long recognized racism as an impediment to world peace. Previous awards to Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu show that

The Nobel Committee is a gang of left-wing hacks. Awards to Yassir Arafat, The IPCC, Algore, Kofi Anan and Barak Hussein Obama show that.
The Award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama was a no brainer. It will go down in history as one of the most significant Peace Prizes ever awarded

Barack Hussein Obama was born to a white mother and black father at a time when his father would have been lynched in much of the United States for marrying a white woman. From this humble beginning he rose to be President of the most powerful nation on earth

The Nobel committee has long recognized accomplishments in racial harmony as the furtherment of peace. Previous prizes to Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu were examples

The election of a black man in historically racist America is a significant accomplishment.

No question President Obama deserved his Nobel Peace Prize

Besides the fact I'm not sure why you are quoting yourself, this is a fallacious argument.

Dr. King and the South African recipiants were honored because they were fighting for the franchise in places where you could be imprisoned or killed.

Obama's race was barely an issue in the 2008 election, and if anything, it prevented people from asking otherwise sensible questions like, "Why should we elect a guy with no accomplishments who hasn't even completed one term in the Senate yet?"

No, no, can't ask that question. It's "racist".

I think it just shows how cheapened the Peace Prize has become in recent years, where it is handed out for political reasons rather than reasons of merit.

, once upon a time, when the people of this planet were being such shitheads, they didn't even hand out Nobels (like during the world wars).

Barack Obama had his own fight and his election as President was the culmination of hundreds of years of fighting for racial justice in this country. Gaining the presidency in this country is no small achievement. Doing it when you are a mixed race American with a name like Barack Hussein Obama was amazing

The Nobel Committee got it right
Barack Obama had his own fight and his election as President was the culmination of hundreds of years of fighting for racial justice in this country. Gaining the presidency in this country is no small achievement. Doing it when you are a mixed race American with a name like Barack Hussein Obama was amazing

The Nobel Committee got it right

So how is that job at the turd polishing factory going, because I think you are due a promotion.

Frankly, I don't much like the notion of a bunch of Scandinavians passing those kinds of judgments on my country, a bunch of sissy white people who are trying to throw out the few Muslims who live there. Maybe they need to get their own house in order first. Just saying.

Obama got elected because we as a country treated the Presidency like an episode of American Idol and ignored truly qualified people (Hillary and McCain) for a guy who just made us feel good.

And we are paying the price for it now.
Alfred Nobel was not a fact, one of the first Nobel Peace Prizes went to Progressive Republican Teddy Roosevelt
Do you even know who Alfred Nobel was...besides the guy who invented dynamite that is. Cause that and that damn fool peace price is about all MOST of you ideologues care know about the man.

Do you know how he EARNED the money used to set up and FUND the Nobel Foundation? He did it by manufacturing and selling CANNONS!!!

And not just cannon. He invented and manufactured all manor of armament and explosives...which he sold to just about everyone on the planet!

The "Peace Prize"...wasn't even in the original model for the foundation, but he added it to honor a lost love who was a peace-nick.

Good God son, you really ARE a Rosie disciple!

While 70% of Obama’s nominees have been women or minorities, former President George W. Bush had a non-traditional appointment rate of only 32.9%.
A flamin' liberal ought to appreciate GW's 32.9% minority appointments. It's AFFIRMATIVE ACTION HIRING IN PRACTICE!

Obama's 70% is a violation of what blacks have SUPPOSEDLY been working for...AND federal hiring mandates for racial diversity, which states that hires should reflect the minority percentages in the general population where possible.

It's REVERSE discrimination. It's also just further proof of his true nature. Obama IS A RACIST...unless you are dumb enough to try and tell us that he couldn't find enough "equally qualified" white men and women to make up 64% of his nominees.

Cripes liberals are hypocrites!

Republicans gave us a negative GDP growth in four of their last five quarters which is a recession
Republicans oversaw a stock market which crashed from 14,000 down to 6500
Republicans stood by as unemployment rose from 4.5% to 8%
Republicans were losing 700,000 jobs a month when they were chased from office

And Republicans want us to put them in charge again? :eek:
WHEN was the recession that contained all those wonderfully horrible statistics you find so damning of republicans? Oh yeah, starting in 2008 and running through 2009.

Uh....dumbass. The DEMOCRATS controlled BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS from January 2007 till January 2011!

Before you decide republicans are the ones you need to vilify...make sure you have a freakin' clue whether or not the FACTS are gonna bite ya on the ASS!

Honestly...I've become convinced that a total abandonment of reality is prerequisite for becoming a liberal!
To ignore the racial history of this country is just plain ignorant. Race has always been an issue in this country and will be for some time to come. The election of a black president was a significant milestone in achieving a non racial worthy of a Nobel Prize

Alfred Nobel
According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize shall be awarded to the person who

...shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.

now which one of these did Obama do RW?.....first black President is not on the list ....

What did Mother Teresa do that meets those standards?

You going to bitch about her Peace Prize too?

Mother Teresa had a history of helping people RW and she participated in a few "peace" conferences in her what did Obama do to win this thing?.......being elected President just does not cut the cake to win this thing......but then Arafat won it maybe it dont matter.....the peace prize is getting to be as relevant as the Rock n Roll hall of fame.....anyone can get in anyone can win the prize i guess.....
Alfred Nobel
According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize shall be awarded to the person who

...shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.

now which one of these did Obama do RW?.....first black President is not on the list ....

What did Mother Teresa do that meets those standards?

You going to bitch about her Peace Prize too?

Mother Teresa had a history of helping people RW and she participated in a few "peace" conferences in her what did Obama do to win this thing?.......being elected President just does not cut the cake to win this thing......but then Arafat won it maybe it dont matter.....the peace prize is getting to be as relevant as the Rock n Roll hall of fame.....anyone can get in anyone can win the prize i guess.....

The modern conception of peace has evolved from the days of Alfred Nobels concerns about peace between nations. Awards have been given for humanitarian, environmental and racial harmony reasons. Obama won his for forming a campaign that was able to get a black man elected president in racist United States. No small achievement

Republicans whine about Arafat, but he shared his prize three ways. At the time, he looked like he was involved in negotiations that would lead to lasting peace with Israel. As it was, those negotiations fell apart. But it was a legitimate effort for peace
What did Mother Teresa do that meets those standards?

You going to bitch about her Peace Prize too?

Mother Teresa had a history of helping people RW and she participated in a few "peace" conferences in her what did Obama do to win this thing?.......being elected President just does not cut the cake to win this thing......but then Arafat won it maybe it dont matter.....the peace prize is getting to be as relevant as the Rock n Roll hall of fame.....anyone can get in anyone can win the prize i guess.....

The modern conception of peace has evolved from the days of Alfred Nobels concerns about peace between nations. Awards have been given for humanitarian, environmental and racial harmony reasons. Obama won his for forming a campaign that was able to get a black man elected president in racist United States. No small achievement

Republicans whine about Arafat, but he shared his prize three ways. At the time, he looked like he was involved in negotiations that would lead to lasting peace with Israel. As it was, those negotiations fell apart. But it was a legitimate effort for peace

The Noble Peace prize was all about the "perception" of political acceptance. They did not like President George W Bush with his stance on fighting terrorism and his statements concerning nations that harbor them. Obama was "softer" in his foreign policy towards Islamic terrorism. The Noble committee also supports more of a left leaning ideology. So Obama winning the peace prize without achieving anything significant with his OWN life towards a life changing cause is understandable. It's a 100% political statement by those who represent the decisions that award the Noble Peace Prize over a lifetime accomplishment from someone like Mother Teresa.
Ummmmmm....not exactly

Socialism is the government controlling the means of production. Any privately owned insurance company is not socialism because a private entity is making decisions on your coverage. Having hundreds of insurance companies competing for healthcare dollars is not socialism

Unfortunately for your theory, government makes most of the decisions. They determine what services can be offered, who can offer them, what qualifications the need to have, and a million other things,

Government makes most of the important decisions.

Important decisions like what path your medical treatments should take? Like what treatments you qualify for? Like which doctors you can see? Like how much you have to pay?

Those decisions are made by Insurance Companies every day without government involvement

so then there will be no difference whether we have private or Govt health care.....SOMEONE will still be determining who gets what and how much.....
lol... Sooo, what did Obama win that NPP for again and I guess that makes Bush something great as he was President for 2 terms even...

The Award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama was a no brainer. It will go down in history as one of the most significant Peace Prizes ever awarded

Barack Hussein Obama was born to a white mother and black father at a time when his father would have been lynched in much of the United States for marrying a white woman. From this humble beginning he rose to be President of the most powerful nation on earth

The Nobel committee has long recognized accomplishments in racial harmony as the furtherment of peace. Previous prizes to Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu were examples

The election of a black man in historically racist America is a significant accomplishment.

No question President Obama deserved his Nobel Peace Prize

i guess that is a matter of opinion RW......

What the FUCK has Obama done to help racial tensions in America?

I have seen NOTHING but class warfare rhetoric come out of his dumbass mouth.

"It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks’ greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere…That’s the world! On which hope sits!"

No question that the election of Barack Obama as President will go down in history as one of the most significant events in our sad history of racism. This positive milestone was rightfully acknowledged with a Nobel Prize


Nobel Peace Prize is meaningless now.... :eusa_whistle:

it became meaningless before Obama's award.....
so then there will be no difference whether we have private or Govt health care.....SOMEONE will still be determining who gets what and how much.....

perhaps. but since the government doesn't operate on a profit motive, and insurance companies do, who do you think you have a better shot with?

A profit motive based on getting repeat business with satisfied customers.

While the government has no incentive to make a profit, it does have an incentive to stay within budgets.

Fact is, for every horror story about Cigna denying a liver transplant, I can match you with one of the NHS in the UK denying people cancer drugs because they are too expensive.

At the end of the day, any system has to stay within a budget.
so then there will be no difference whether we have private or Govt health care.....SOMEONE will still be determining who gets what and how much.....

perhaps. but since the government doesn't operate on a profit motive, and insurance companies do, who do you think you have a better shot with?

No. The government works on error and mismanagement. How much fraud is in Medicare and collecting revenue in IRS that the government hasn't recovered? I'll take private companies any day.
No question that the election of Barack Obama as President will go down in history as one of the most significant events in our sad history of racism. This positive milestone was rightfully acknowledged with a Nobel Prize


Nobel Peace Prize is meaningless now.... :eusa_whistle:

Only to Republicans

geezus christ you guys pay to much attention to Dean....i think it does not mean much anymore to more than just Republicans RW......yes its true,there are NON-Republicans out there who think what you said is ....Laughable......
No question that the election of Barack Obama as President will go down in history as one of the most significant events in our sad history of racism. This positive milestone was rightfully acknowledged with a Nobel Prize

In other words, he deserves it because he's black?

Of course, eliminating racism isn't the purpose of the Nobel Peace Prize.

The Nobel Committee has long recognized racism as an impediment to world peace. Previous awards to Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu show that

yes....people who had a record of years of working towards peace.......not the current guy.....he had no record of this....
In other words, he deserves it because he's black?

Of course, eliminating racism isn't the purpose of the Nobel Peace Prize.

The Nobel Committee has long recognized racism as an impediment to world peace. Previous awards to Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu show that

yes....people who had a record of years of working towards peace.......not the current guy.....he had no record of this....
So, now it seems the conventional wisdom among O-bots is that Obama got the peace prize for being black? :lol:

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