Ruh Roooooh!

Geezus you are still leaving that second special investigator dream?

Look at the date on your OP, time to fold.

Like I have said many times before, dc is slow as molasses. EVERYTHING takes time there. Just be patient. This is the beginning right here. Or do you not follow the news?

House GOP launches probes into Obama-era uranium deal, Clinton email inquiry

House GOP launches probes into Obama-era uranium deal, Clinton email inquiry
This is not a special counsel.

Nor was mueller involved in the beginning. And, if the current investigations are productive, they won't need a special prosecutor.

Well ok I will grant you soon as Hillary will fire the FBI director, because that's what created Mueller's job.

Don't you mean trump? And isn't it funny how mueller used fake documents to launch his attack on American citizens, and how that fake document was paid for by the shrilary and the dnc. Manafort has been under investigation by the fbi since at least 2014. Only now do they bring a case against him? Did the podesta group protect him through their connections with the shrilary?

I wonder.

I mean Hillary will get special persecutor when she creates situation like the one Trump's clown moves caused. Currently there is NOTHING preventing Justice Department and FBI from persecuting Hillary via standard process.
Has Gowdy Doody ever had a successful investigation? He sure is touted by right wingers.

Nope - Howdy is a creepy, sweaty, annoying & ineffectual little man ..

For Halloween, he's gonna go as himself :)


The fact that the left is beginning to attack him personally is a pretty good indication that Gowdy is quite effective and very dangerous for those who want to conceal the truth.

Actually it's the right that is attacking Gowdy now for his backing of Mueller.

Hero, no more :rolleyes:

I'm sorry but I am not seeing that.

Not seeing what? Gowdy backing Mueller or Trumpsters not liking that?
Has Gowdy Doody ever had a successful investigation? He sure is touted by right wingers.

Nope - Howdy is a creepy, sweaty, annoying & ineffectual little man ..

For Halloween, he's gonna go as himself :)


The fact that the left is beginning to attack him personally is a pretty good indication that Gowdy is quite effective and very dangerous for those who want to conceal the truth.

Actually it's the right that is attacking Gowdy now for his backing of Mueller.

Hero, no more :rolleyes:

I'm sorry but I am not seeing that.

Not seeing what? Gowdy backing Mueller or Trumpsters not liking that?

Gowdy thinks a lot of Mueller and does not believe Mueller should be accused or dismissed until he has shown cause that he has been partisan or has shown favoritism that would indicate he is not doing the job he was hired to do. And I am seeing those on the right who disagree with Gowdy, but I haven't seen any evidence that they are attacking or criticizing him.

Of course there are some who are unable to grasp a concept of civil disagreement or constructive debate and will salivate and gleefully shout that everything is in disarray or turmoil or chaos or disruption or they're attacking one another if one conservative disagrees with another.
Somebodies are not telling the straight facts about Gowdy and Mueller.

Share Tweet EmailJack Davis
October 30, 2017 at 8:06am

Share Tweet Emailsurrendered to the FBI on Monday to face charges.

Beginning Friday night, media speculation flowed regarding who would face charges after multiple outlets began reporting that an indictment was handed up Friday. News accounts based on leaks said that charges would be revealed Monday, along with the names of those being charge.

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates, who were partners in Manafort’s consulting business before working on the Trump campaign, surrendered to the FBI on Monday to face charges.

Gowdy said he was irritated with the media circus because he had warned Mueller not to let it happen.

“In the only conversation I’ve had with Robert Mueller, I stressed to him the importance of cutting out the leaks,” Gowdy, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told “Fox News Sunday.”
The mainstream are afraid of the alt and far right removing their gravy trains, so they are getting out to move onto richer fields.

The Gowdys and Hensarlings don't care if the Dems may hay out of their defections.
Seems like the glacier is starting to move...

"The FBI has begun turning over to Senate investigators hundreds of pages of memos regarding the bureau's probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server, sources told The Hill.

The sources said the Justice Department notified the Senate Judiciary Committee late Friday and the FBI began transmitting memos soon after to assist Congress in its review of former Director James Comey's handling of the Clinton email case.

The memos detail how and when the bureau's leadership declined to pursue criminal charges against Clinton for transmitting classified information on her private email server as secretary of State, an investigation that has remained controversial since the 2016 presidential campaigns.

FBI officials declined to comment. "We don't have any information for you," spokeswoman Carol Cratty told The Hill."

FBI turns over new Clinton investigation documents to Congress
Seems like the glacier is starting to move...

"The FBI has begun turning over to Senate investigators hundreds of pages of memos regarding the bureau's probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server, sources told The Hill.

The sources said the Justice Department notified the Senate Judiciary Committee late Friday and the FBI began transmitting memos soon after to assist Congress in its review of former Director James Comey's handling of the Clinton email case.

The memos detail how and when the bureau's leadership declined to pursue criminal charges against Clinton for transmitting classified information on her private email server as secretary of State, an investigation that has remained controversial since the 2016 presidential campaigns.

FBI officials declined to comment. "We don't have any information for you," spokeswoman Carol Cratty told The Hill."

FBI turns over new Clinton investigation documents to Congress

Ya, this will be a bombshell... kind of like the 4th Benghazi investigation....
Seems like the glacier is starting to move...

"The FBI has begun turning over to Senate investigators hundreds of pages of memos regarding the bureau's probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server, sources told The Hill.

The sources said the Justice Department notified the Senate Judiciary Committee late Friday and the FBI began transmitting memos soon after to assist Congress in its review of former Director James Comey's handling of the Clinton email case.

The memos detail how and when the bureau's leadership declined to pursue criminal charges against Clinton for transmitting classified information on her private email server as secretary of State, an investigation that has remained controversial since the 2016 presidential campaigns.

FBI officials declined to comment. "We don't have any information for you," spokeswoman Carol Cratty told The Hill."

FBI turns over new Clinton investigation documents to Congress
Any day...any day now...any day now...
Seems like the glacier is starting to move...

"The FBI has begun turning over to Senate investigators hundreds of pages of memos regarding the bureau's probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server, sources told The Hill.

The sources said the Justice Department notified the Senate Judiciary Committee late Friday and the FBI began transmitting memos soon after to assist Congress in its review of former Director James Comey's handling of the Clinton email case.

The memos detail how and when the bureau's leadership declined to pursue criminal charges against Clinton for transmitting classified information on her private email server as secretary of State, an investigation that has remained controversial since the 2016 presidential campaigns.

FBI officials declined to comment. "We don't have any information for you," spokeswoman Carol Cratty told The Hill."

FBI turns over new Clinton investigation documents to Congress
Any day...any day now...any day now...

No, more like "any quarter now", but, it is slowly happening. Seems the Dems don't like knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along. Even fanatically blind people wake up eventually.
The dirty little secret is that an "independent council" is nothing but political cover for timid members of congress and the ironically named "justice dept." to pass the buck and dodge responsibility for enforcing the law. We don't need another stinking independent council. What we need is for congress and Justice to do it's freaking job.
Seems like the glacier is starting to move...

"The FBI has begun turning over to Senate investigators hundreds of pages of memos regarding the bureau's probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server, sources told The Hill.

The sources said the Justice Department notified the Senate Judiciary Committee late Friday and the FBI began transmitting memos soon after to assist Congress in its review of former Director James Comey's handling of the Clinton email case.

The memos detail how and when the bureau's leadership declined to pursue criminal charges against Clinton for transmitting classified information on her private email server as secretary of State, an investigation that has remained controversial since the 2016 presidential campaigns.

FBI officials declined to comment. "We don't have any information for you," spokeswoman Carol Cratty told The Hill."

FBI turns over new Clinton investigation documents to Congress
Any day...any day now...any day now...

No, more like "any quarter now", but, it is slowly happening. Seems the Dems don't like knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along. Even fanatically blind people wake up eventually.

"don'tlike knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along."

20+ completely fruitless investigations will leave that impression...
Seems like the glacier is starting to move...

"The FBI has begun turning over to Senate investigators hundreds of pages of memos regarding the bureau's probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server, sources told The Hill.

The sources said the Justice Department notified the Senate Judiciary Committee late Friday and the FBI began transmitting memos soon after to assist Congress in its review of former Director James Comey's handling of the Clinton email case.

The memos detail how and when the bureau's leadership declined to pursue criminal charges against Clinton for transmitting classified information on her private email server as secretary of State, an investigation that has remained controversial since the 2016 presidential campaigns.

FBI officials declined to comment. "We don't have any information for you," spokeswoman Carol Cratty told The Hill."

FBI turns over new Clinton investigation documents to Congress
Any day...any day now...any day now...

No, more like "any quarter now", but, it is slowly happening. Seems the Dems don't like knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along. Even fanatically blind people wake up eventually.

"don'tlike knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along."

20+ completely fruitless investigations will leave that impression...

Twenty plus "investigations" run by her cronies. That's why it's called "official corruption". It's amazing how intellectually dishonest, and/or stupid, you people truly are.
Seems like the glacier is starting to move...

"The FBI has begun turning over to Senate investigators hundreds of pages of memos regarding the bureau's probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server, sources told The Hill.

The sources said the Justice Department notified the Senate Judiciary Committee late Friday and the FBI began transmitting memos soon after to assist Congress in its review of former Director James Comey's handling of the Clinton email case.

The memos detail how and when the bureau's leadership declined to pursue criminal charges against Clinton for transmitting classified information on her private email server as secretary of State, an investigation that has remained controversial since the 2016 presidential campaigns.

FBI officials declined to comment. "We don't have any information for you," spokeswoman Carol Cratty told The Hill."

FBI turns over new Clinton investigation documents to Congress
Any day...any day now...any day now...

No, more like "any quarter now", but, it is slowly happening. Seems the Dems don't like knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along. Even fanatically blind people wake up eventually.

"don'tlike knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along."

20+ completely fruitless investigations will leave that impression...

Twenty plus "investigations" run by her cronies. That's why it's called "official corruption". It's amazing how intellectually dishonest, and/or stupid, you people truly are.

All run by her cronies, eh? Well, you just made that that your idea is "discussion"? Okay then...the unicorn did it.

Make false shit up out of thin air...then call others dishonest.... You fool exactly nobody....
Seems like the glacier is starting to move...

"The FBI has begun turning over to Senate investigators hundreds of pages of memos regarding the bureau's probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server, sources told The Hill.

The sources said the Justice Department notified the Senate Judiciary Committee late Friday and the FBI began transmitting memos soon after to assist Congress in its review of former Director James Comey's handling of the Clinton email case.

The memos detail how and when the bureau's leadership declined to pursue criminal charges against Clinton for transmitting classified information on her private email server as secretary of State, an investigation that has remained controversial since the 2016 presidential campaigns.

FBI officials declined to comment. "We don't have any information for you," spokeswoman Carol Cratty told The Hill."

FBI turns over new Clinton investigation documents to Congress
Any day...any day now...any day now...

No, more like "any quarter now", but, it is slowly happening. Seems the Dems don't like knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along. Even fanatically blind people wake up eventually.

"don'tlike knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along."

20+ completely fruitless investigations will leave that impression...

Twenty plus "investigations" run by her cronies. That's why it's called "official corruption". It's amazing how intellectually dishonest, and/or stupid, you people truly are.

All run by her cronies, eh? Well, you just made that that your idea is "discussion"? Okay then...the unicorn did it.

Make false shit up out of thin air...then call others dishonest.... You fool exactly nobody....

Oh, sweetcheeks, I don't have to make stuff up about the shrilary, she's her own worst enemy. Case in point... I will lay it out in simple language so you can understand...

First the server is found.......FBI agent wife launches probe is launched.......................Wife of FBI agent leading email investigation gets HUUUUUGE donations...........FBI agent gets investigation comes to an end....... Were this a repub candidate you would be howling like a wolf, but, because it is your pet corrupt politician all we get is a "ho hum".

And you wonder why people think you people are dishonest......

Terry McAuliffe Aided Wife of FBI Official Later Tasked With Clinton Email Probe

Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe is a longtime Clinton ally, prolific Democratic fundraiser, and former Clinton Foundation board member, and last May we learned that he’s the subject of a federal investigation into his campaign contributions. Considering these facts, it’s a bit surprising that his name hasn’t been bandied about in this election, like that of Sidney Blumenthal, but he just made a belated entrance.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday night that McAuliffe’s political-action committee donated nearly half-a-million dollars to the 2015 state Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe. She is married to Andrew McCabe, who later became the deputy director of the FBI and helped oversee the agency’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private-email server.

Terry McAuliffe Aided Wife of FBI Official Later Tasked With Clinton Email Probe
Seems like the glacier is starting to move...

"The FBI has begun turning over to Senate investigators hundreds of pages of memos regarding the bureau's probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server, sources told The Hill.

The sources said the Justice Department notified the Senate Judiciary Committee late Friday and the FBI began transmitting memos soon after to assist Congress in its review of former Director James Comey's handling of the Clinton email case.

The memos detail how and when the bureau's leadership declined to pursue criminal charges against Clinton for transmitting classified information on her private email server as secretary of State, an investigation that has remained controversial since the 2016 presidential campaigns.

FBI officials declined to comment. "We don't have any information for you," spokeswoman Carol Cratty told The Hill."

FBI turns over new Clinton investigation documents to Congress
Any day...any day now...any day now...

No, more like "any quarter now", but, it is slowly happening. Seems the Dems don't like knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along. Even fanatically blind people wake up eventually.

"don'tlike knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along."

20+ completely fruitless investigations will leave that impression...

Twenty plus "investigations" run by her cronies. That's why it's called "official corruption". It's amazing how intellectually dishonest, and/or stupid, you people truly are.
Look at you...lolol....let us know when there are indictments/ convictions... lololol
Seems like the glacier is starting to move...

"The FBI has begun turning over to Senate investigators hundreds of pages of memos regarding the bureau's probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server, sources told The Hill.

The sources said the Justice Department notified the Senate Judiciary Committee late Friday and the FBI began transmitting memos soon after to assist Congress in its review of former Director James Comey's handling of the Clinton email case.

The memos detail how and when the bureau's leadership declined to pursue criminal charges against Clinton for transmitting classified information on her private email server as secretary of State, an investigation that has remained controversial since the 2016 presidential campaigns.

FBI officials declined to comment. "We don't have any information for you," spokeswoman Carol Cratty told The Hill."

FBI turns over new Clinton investigation documents to Congress
Any day...any day now...any day now...

No, more like "any quarter now", but, it is slowly happening. Seems the Dems don't like knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along. Even fanatically blind people wake up eventually.

"don'tlike knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along."

20+ completely fruitless investigations will leave that impression...

Twenty plus "investigations" run by her cronies. That's why it's called "official corruption". It's amazing how intellectually dishonest, and/or stupid, you people truly are.
Look at you...lolol....let us know when there are indictments/ convictions... lololol

Oh, trust me you'll be the one crying. i won't need to clue you in. You stopped crying over the election yet?
Any day...any day now...any day now...

No, more like "any quarter now", but, it is slowly happening. Seems the Dems don't like knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along. Even fanatically blind people wake up eventually.

"don'tlike knowing that the shrilary is as manipulative and corrupt as the repubs have been saying she is all along."

20+ completely fruitless investigations will leave that impression...

Twenty plus "investigations" run by her cronies. That's why it's called "official corruption". It's amazing how intellectually dishonest, and/or stupid, you people truly are.
Look at you...lolol....let us know when there are indictments/ convictions... lololol

Oh, trust me you'll be the one crying. i won't need to clue you in. You stopped crying over the election yet?
Checking in...with all this Alabama excitement....any news on this imminent Special Counsel we heard about back in July?
Could it be? Any day now? Any day now? Any day now? That Congressman at the Session hearings the other day was so shrill about it.........

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