Ruh Roooooh!

It seems that there's going to be a new Special Counsel to investigate lynch, comey, obama, the shrilary, rice and isn't that GRAND!

You’re not smart enough to know why this is happening.
1. Sessions is running scared trying to keep his job so he’ll do anything the asshole president tells him to do. Only this president is stupid enough to advocate for putting his political opponent in jail. Couldn’t be more unamerican.
2. It’s just another distraction from the Russian Investigation.
It seems that there's going to be a new Special Counsel to investigate lynch, comey, obama, the shrilary, rice and isn't that GRAND!

You’re not smart enough to know why this is happening.
1. Sessions is running scared trying to keep his job so he’ll do anything the asshole president tells him to do. Only this president is stupid enough to advocate for putting his political opponent in jail. Couldn’t be more unamerican.
2. It’s just another distraction from the Russian Investigation.

The russki investigation is a fucking farce you 'tard. The only people who provably colluded with anyone is the shrilary campaign.
When more indictments come down on Trump’s inner circle and fat boi himself, AND the justice dept concludes no laws were broken nor any wrong doing whatsoever on Comey, Hillary etc. the republicans should just quietly walk out of the capital the day before the midterms and hand the keys to the democrats.
When more indictments come down on Trump’s inner circle and fat boi himself, AND the justice dept concludes no laws were broken nor any wrong doing whatsoever on Comey, Hillary etc. the republicans should just quietly walk out of the capital the day before the midterms and hand the keys to the democrats.

Keep telling yourself that sunshine, if they had anything at all there would already be indictments. So far not one person who has either plead, or been indicted has done so for actions for the trump team. You're just another desperate butthurt clown who can't imagine how your hero lost to a neophyte.
It seems that there's going to be a new Special Counsel to investigate lynch, comey, obama, the shrilary, rice and isn't that GRAND!

You’re not smart enough to know why this is happening.
1. Sessions is running scared trying to keep his job so he’ll do anything the asshole president tells him to do. Only this president is stupid enough to advocate for putting his political opponent in jail. Couldn’t be more unamerican.
2. It’s just another distraction from the Russian Investigation.

The russki investigation is a fucking farce you 'tard. The only people who provably colluded with anyone is the shrilary campaign.

You’re brain damaged and I’m sincere about that. Already 4 indictments with many more to come.
Every single day there’s new developments in the Russian/ Trump scandal but I’m sure you dont follow it.
Why don’t you admit you don’t want to know if your president is a crook.
You can’t. You might have a stroke telling the truth for once..
When more indictments come down on Trump’s inner circle and fat boi himself, AND the justice dept concludes no laws were broken nor any wrong doing whatsoever on Comey, Hillary etc. the republicans should just quietly walk out of the capital the day before the midterms and hand the keys to the democrats.

Keep telling yourself that sunshine, if they had anything at all there would already be indictments. So far not one person who has either plead, or been indicted has done so for actions for the trump team. You're just another desperate butthurt clown who can't imagine how your hero lost to a neophyte.
Moron thinks there has been no indictments. Ha ha ha
View attachment 170464
When more indictments come down on Trump’s inner circle and fat boi himself, AND the justice dept concludes no laws were broken nor any wrong doing whatsoever on Comey, Hillary etc. the republicans should just quietly walk out of the capital the day before the midterms and hand the keys to the democrats.

Keep telling yourself that sunshine, if they had anything at all there would already be indictments. So far not one person who has either plead, or been indicted has done so for actions for the trump team. You're just another desperate butthurt clown who can't imagine how your hero lost to a neophyte.
Moron thinks there has been no indictments. Ha ha ha

Wrong dumb ass, I said there were none for actions on trumps behalf. Stop lying.
View attachment 170464
When more indictments come down on Trump’s inner circle and fat boi himself, AND the justice dept concludes no laws were broken nor any wrong doing whatsoever on Comey, Hillary etc. the republicans should just quietly walk out of the capital the day before the midterms and hand the keys to the democrats.

Keep telling yourself that sunshine, if they had anything at all there would already be indictments. So far not one person who has either plead, or been indicted has done so for actions for the trump team. You're just another desperate butthurt clown who can't imagine how your hero lost to a neophyte.
Moron thinks there has been no indictments. Ha ha ha

Wrong dumb ass, I said there were none for actions on trumps behalf. Stop lying.
Not yet. Obviously you don’t know how federal investigations work. They start with underlings putting pressure on them to give up people above them working towards the top dog.
Flynn is already singing his heart out trying to keep himself and son out of jail.
Mueller has Trump’s financial records from the Deutsch bank and probably his tax returns.
Anyone who knows anything about the fat Cheeto knows he cheated, lied and skirted the law his whole life in business. That’s not even debatable.
While trump was telling you idiots “ I have no business with Russia” he was involved with Russians trying to get a Trump Tower in Moscow. He lied thru his teeth. I’m sure mueller knows this.
From the legal experts, former Watergate prosecutors and ex CIA people I listen to they expect charges of money laundering, conspiracy and obstruction of justice charges AT LEAST to slapped down on T
Meanwhile trump whores like you say it’s all a hoax. Lmao
View attachment 170464
When more indictments come down on Trump’s inner circle and fat boi himself, AND the justice dept concludes no laws were broken nor any wrong doing whatsoever on Comey, Hillary etc. the republicans should just quietly walk out of the capital the day before the midterms and hand the keys to the democrats.

Keep telling yourself that sunshine, if they had anything at all there would already be indictments. So far not one person who has either plead, or been indicted has done so for actions for the trump team. You're just another desperate butthurt clown who can't imagine how your hero lost to a neophyte.
Moron thinks there has been no indictments. Ha ha ha

Wrong dumb ass, I said there were none for actions on trumps behalf. Stop lying.
Not yet. Obviously you don’t know how federal investigations work. They start with underlings putting pressure on them to give up people above them working towards the top dog.
Flynn is already singing his heart out trying to keep himself and son out of jail.
Mueller has Trump’s financial records from the Deutsch bank and probably his tax returns.
Anyone who knows anything about the fat Cheeto knows he cheated, lied and skirted the law his whole life in business. That’s not even debatable.
While trump was telling you idiots “ I have no business with Russia” he was involved with Russians trying to get a Trump Tower in Moscow. He lied thru his teeth. I’m sure mueller knows this is I know it..
From the legal experts, former Watergate prosecutors and ex CIA people I listen to they expect charges of money laundering, conspiracy and obstruction of justice charges AT LEAST to be out on T.
Meanwhile trump whores like you say it’s all a hoax. Lmao

Oh, I can guarantee you that I've testified in Court, as an Expert Witness, more times than you've watched Law and Order. The two pleas have been for procedural crimes. Neither one of them had anything to do with a crime that could have involved trump, thus, there is nothing that these two guys can do for mueller without obviously lying.

It's you that don't know crapola.
whitehall couldn’t be honest even once by telling me he really doesn’t want to know if his president is a crook.

John Dean and Bob Woodward, who knows a bit about corrupt presidents have said,” This is worse than Watergate.”

Maybe you should google how Watergate turned out. Lol
PSSSTTTTT. It wasn’t a hoax.
View attachment 170464
When more indictments come down on Trump’s inner circle and fat boi himself, AND the justice dept concludes no laws were broken nor any wrong doing whatsoever on Comey, Hillary etc. the republicans should just quietly walk out of the capital the day before the midterms and hand the keys to the democrats.

Keep telling yourself that sunshine, if they had anything at all there would already be indictments. So far not one person who has either plead, or been indicted has done so for actions for the trump team. You're just another desperate butthurt clown who can't imagine how your hero lost to a neophyte.
Moron thinks there has been no indictments. Ha ha ha

Wrong dumb ass, I said there were none for actions on trumps behalf. Stop lying.
Not yet. Obviously you don’t know how federal investigations work. They start with underlings putting pressure on them to give up people above them working towards the top dog.
Flynn is already singing his heart out trying to keep himself and son out of jail.
Mueller has Trump’s financial records from the Deutsch bank and probably his tax returns.
Anyone who knows anything about the fat Cheeto knows he cheated, lied and skirted the law his whole life in business. That’s not even debatable.
While trump was telling you idiots “ I have no business with Russia” he was involved with Russians trying to get a Trump Tower in Moscow. He lied thru his teeth. I’m sure mueller knows this is I know it..
From the legal experts, former Watergate prosecutors and ex CIA people I listen to they expect charges of money laundering, conspiracy and obstruction of justice charges AT LEAST to be out on T.
Meanwhile trump whores like you say it’s all a hoax. Lmao

Oh, I can guarantee you that I've testified in Court, as an Expert Witness, more times than you've watched Law and Order. The two pleas have been for procedural crimes. Neither one of them had anything to do with a crime that could have involved trump, thus, there is nothing that these two guys can do for mueller without obviously lying.

It's you that don't know crapola.
Thanks for admitting you’re not following the investigation. You probably still think Papadopoulos was only an errand boy because Trump told you that and you obey your masters. Do errand boys sit in National security meetings?

In my job I’m in court at least twice per week and often testifying. My experience trumps yours.
View attachment 170466
View attachment 170464
Keep telling yourself that sunshine, if they had anything at all there would already be indictments. So far not one person who has either plead, or been indicted has done so for actions for the trump team. You're just another desperate butthurt clown who can't imagine how your hero lost to a neophyte.
Moron thinks there has been no indictments. Ha ha ha

Wrong dumb ass, I said there were none for actions on trumps behalf. Stop lying.
Not yet. Obviously you don’t know how federal investigations work. They start with underlings putting pressure on them to give up people above them working towards the top dog.
Flynn is already singing his heart out trying to keep himself and son out of jail.
Mueller has Trump’s financial records from the Deutsch bank and probably his tax returns.
Anyone who knows anything about the fat Cheeto knows he cheated, lied and skirted the law his whole life in business. That’s not even debatable.
While trump was telling you idiots “ I have no business with Russia” he was involved with Russians trying to get a Trump Tower in Moscow. He lied thru his teeth. I’m sure mueller knows this is I know it..
From the legal experts, former Watergate prosecutors and ex CIA people I listen to they expect charges of money laundering, conspiracy and obstruction of justice charges AT LEAST to be out on T.
Meanwhile trump whores like you say it’s all a hoax. Lmao

Oh, I can guarantee you that I've testified in Court, as an Expert Witness, more times than you've watched Law and Order. The two pleas have been for procedural crimes. Neither one of them had anything to do with a crime that could have involved trump, thus, there is nothing that these two guys can do for mueller without obviously lying.

It's you that don't know crapola.
Thanks for admitting you’re not following the investigation. You probably still think Papadopoulos was only an errand boy because Trump told you that and you obey your masters. Do errand boys sit in National security meetings?

In my job I’m in court at least twice per week and often testifying. My experience trumps yours.

Bullshit. Your complete inexperience about the nature of a procedural plea tells me you know nothing about the legal system. You're excused junior.
Trump said he basically doesn’t know Papadopoulos yet there he is sitting in a meeting with him.
You trump whores just never learn that he’s a pathological liar.
When he keeps repeating incessantly, “ There’s no collusion. There’s no collusion.” You can bet the house there is collusion.

Just like every time he says ‘ Believe me,” it’s always followed by a lie.
Funny you haven’t figured any of this out yet.
View attachment 170466
View attachment 170464 Moron thinks there has been no indictments. Ha ha ha

Wrong dumb ass, I said there were none for actions on trumps behalf. Stop lying.
Not yet. Obviously you don’t know how federal investigations work. They start with underlings putting pressure on them to give up people above them working towards the top dog.
Flynn is already singing his heart out trying to keep himself and son out of jail.
Mueller has Trump’s financial records from the Deutsch bank and probably his tax returns.
Anyone who knows anything about the fat Cheeto knows he cheated, lied and skirted the law his whole life in business. That’s not even debatable.
While trump was telling you idiots “ I have no business with Russia” he was involved with Russians trying to get a Trump Tower in Moscow. He lied thru his teeth. I’m sure mueller knows this is I know it..
From the legal experts, former Watergate prosecutors and ex CIA people I listen to they expect charges of money laundering, conspiracy and obstruction of justice charges AT LEAST to be out on T.
Meanwhile trump whores like you say it’s all a hoax. Lmao

Oh, I can guarantee you that I've testified in Court, as an Expert Witness, more times than you've watched Law and Order. The two pleas have been for procedural crimes. Neither one of them had anything to do with a crime that could have involved trump, thus, there is nothing that these two guys can do for mueller without obviously lying.

It's you that don't know crapola.
Thanks for admitting you’re not following the investigation. You probably still think Papadopoulos was only an errand boy because Trump told you that and you obey your masters. Do errand boys sit in National security meetings?

In my job I’m in court at least twice per week and often testifying. My experience trumps yours.

Bullshit. Your complete inexperience about the nature of a procedural plea tells me you know nothing about the legal system. You're excused junior.
Oh.. so they go after the big guy first and THEN the little guys?
You’re a laugh and a half.

Papodopolous, Flynn and Manafort are telling Mueller where all the bodies are buried. Hilarious you don’t think they are.
This dumbass mod believes everything Trump tells him. Not suspicious at all. Lol
9 members of Trump’s team illegally met with Russians by not reporting it, got caught and lied about.
Why did they lie about it?

You probably believe junior when he said he didn’t tell his father when he met with Russians in July.

Trump: Don’t believe anything unless you hear it from me first.
Whitehall: yes sir.

When more indictments come down on Trump’s inner circle and fat boi himself, AND the justice dept concludes no laws were broken nor any wrong doing whatsoever on Comey, Hillary etc. the republicans should just quietly walk out of the capital the day before the midterms and hand the keys to the democrats.



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