RULING — Cobb County refuses to remove 16,000 voters who don’t live in Georgia

Stop thousands from voting to prevent a dozen from voting fraudulently
I think its probably just the opposite

this is something the incompetent state and local boobs in georgia should have dealt with year ago
Do they also have residences in Georgia?
Are they in the military?
Are they students?
Seasonal workers?

Should we know before we kick them off?
The best way to judge that is by the state income tax

if they are paying federal income tax but not paying georgia income tax they are not legal citizens of georgia
False. You can live in one State and make all of your income the previous tax year in another State for a variety of reasons.
Do they also have residences in Georgia?
Are they in the military?
Are they students?
Seasonal workers?

Should we know before we kick them off?
The best way to judge that is by the state income tax

if they are paying federal income tax but not paying georgia income tax they are not legal citizens of georgia
False. You can live in one State and make all of your income the previous tax year in another State for a variety of reasons.
Sure, but you can't vote in both.
No one is buying Trump's lawyers' bullshit.

No one. Not State courts, not the Supreme Court, not Republican governors, not Republican election officials, not the Attorney General.

No one. Except, well, you know.

Fer fuck's sake. I would be embarrassed for these people if they weren't so arrogant and proud of their willful ignorance.

They got their registered voter count from August, that number went way up by October. In florida along that difference was 400,000 additional registered voters.

There is one more problem with the faulty claims by Binney and the Gateway Pundit — they rely on outdated data on registered voters. They cited World Population Review’s state-by-state tally of registered voters, but that website shows the number of voters in some states months before the Nov. 3 election. For example, for Florida it shows 14,065,627 voters as of Aug. 31. But the relevant number is how many voters were registered as of the registration deadline, Oct. 6, which was 14,441,869.


They got their registered voter count from August, that number went way up by October. In florida along that difference was 400,000 additional registered voters.

There is one more problem with the faulty claims by Binney and the Gateway Pundit — they rely on outdated data on registered voters. They cited World Population Review’s state-by-state tally of registered voters, but that website shows the number of voters in some states months before the Nov. 3 election. For example, for Florida it shows 14,065,627 voters as of Aug. 31. But the relevant number is how many voters were registered as of the registration deadline, Oct. 6, which was 14,441,869.

cool story Bro... "move on nothing to see"
The best way to judge that is by the state income tax

if they are paying federal income tax but not paying georgia income tax they are not legal citizens of georgia
False. You can live in one State and make all of your income the previous tax year in another State for a variety of reasons.
I agree with Mac. If they don't pay Florida income tax, they shouldn't be allowed to vote in Florida. ;)
You have zero reason to believe there are, and zero reason to think about 50% of them aren't Trump voters. And there you have it. That's how this works. Sorry.
We should not have to guess or take some pinhead election official’s word for it
The best way to judge that is by the state income tax

if they are paying federal income tax but not paying georgia income tax they are not legal citizens of georgia
False. You can live in one State and make all of your income the previous tax year in another State for a variety of reasons.
I agree with Mac. If they don't pay Florida income tax, they shouldn't be allowed to vote in Florida. ;)
Tough. You vote where you live. That's not ever changing.
You know they cant all be legal voters
Have you ever worked in quality control? It's the same as voting lists. You don't throw out the whole list, because there are a few mistakes in the batch. And your attempts to disqualify by the batch means throwing out hundreds of times the number of good parts as bad ones.
You have zero reason to believe there are, and zero reason to think about 50% of them aren't Trump voters. And there you have it. That's how this works. Sorry.
We should not have to guess or take some pinhead election official’s word for it
Tough shit. It is nobody's responsibility to satisfy your speculation. Never has been, never will be.
Tough. You vote where you live. That's not ever changing.

and people living outside georgia should not vote in georgia elections

Jason Shepherd told the board that he found evidence of approximately 16,024 people registered to vote in the county who reside outside of Georgia. The information was gathered by running the county’s voter registration database against the National Change of Address registry, he told the board in a letter earlier this month.
So instead you believe someone with a political axe to grind with no actual expertise in the subject.
The challenges were a heads up that the georgia officials refused to look into

Jason Shepherd told the board that he found evidence of approximately 16,024 people registered to vote in the county who reside outside of Georgia. The information was gathered by running the county’s voter registration database against the National Change of Address registry, he told the board in a letter earlier this month.

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