'Run Away!' -- Gallup: Percentage of people identifying as Democrats reaches all time low


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
For their heinous non-representation of their constituents Americans handed the DNC an historic, record-setting loss in 2014. Loyal Democrats were so disenchanted with their leaders / Reps that they refused to go to the polls to support their party.

Continuing to monitor their party as it trudges into the 2016 Presidential election year Democrats do not seem enthused at ALL with a DNC race between an old, rich, white female who her own staff calls 'often confused' and 'technologically challenged' and who is up to her arse in an expanding FBI investigation AND a old, rich, white self-professed Socialist Party member (not even a Democrat).

...and the Democratic party's base is less and less identify with being 'Democrats'.

Both party bases have been and are beginning to feel more and more LESS represented and more DICTATED to, both struggling to energize and maintain a handle on their bases / constituents. While 'hardcore' die-hards on both sides continue to claim superiority, the other members are beginning to lay down their banners to go in search of a new 'team' to join!

Hallelujah! I hope this is a sign that Americans are tired of the B$ from BOTH Parties and are walking away from them BOTH! Time for Americans to wake up and decide for themselves what is best for America instead of what is politicians pushing onto us what is best for them, their donors, and their buddies!

Free you mind (from the propaganda and lies on both sides) and you a$$ will follow!

Gallup: Percentage of people identifying as Democrats reaches all time low
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The reason the OP doesn't give you a link is that the poll shows the Republicans even lower than the Democrats.
Check the bottom of the post, NYC.
Not only is one required, but I would hate for you to have to try to cut-n-paste the Heading into google and find it yourself... :p
Check the bottom of the post, NYC.
Not only is one required, but I would hate for you to have to try to cut-n-paste the Heading into google and find it yourself... :p

Why are you afraid to link to the actual poll? Y'all always have to get HotAir or somebody to masticate and regurgitate information for you.

It should also be noted that in many states the Democratic primaries are open to non-affiliated voters as well. Only the GOP insists on party loyalty in order to vote in the primaries. Very telling.
Why are you afraid to link to the actual poll? Y'all always have to get HotAir or somebody to masticate and regurgitate information for you..
I posted a thread based on an article reporting how a recent Gallup Poll shows Liberals are 'defecting'. I provided a link. My 'contract' with you is done. I provided the STORY, and I provided the link to the STORY.

If you don't like the fact that the author did not post a link to the poll itself, feel free to take it up with the author.

Why are you afraid to link to the actual poll? Y'all always have to get HotAir or somebody to masticate and regurgitate information for you..
I posted a thread based on an article reporting how a recent Gallup Poll shows Liberals are 'defecting'. I provided a link. My 'contract' with you is done. I provided the STORY, and I provided the link to the STORY.

If you don't like the fact that the author did not post a link to the poll itself, feel free to take it up with the author.


You'd have more credibility in citing a Gallup poll if you included the actual poll. If you prefer sensationalism to credibility, that's fine.
You'd have more credibility in citing a Gallup poll if you included the actual poll. If you prefer sensationalism to credibility, that's fine.

Analogy: I post a thread about an article that talks about Trump going to a campaign dinner where the meal is provided by a world famous chef who cooks incredible ribs....and even though I provide a link to the article you claim it is not valid because I don't post a link to the chef's web age non which he has his recipe for those ribs.

You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid.... :lmao:

For my own sanity I think I am just going to ignore you for a bit. My ears pop too much when I have to fly down that low to talk to you. :p
I thought I was going to have to go all day without experiencing g and his daily urine fetish! Not so - thanks, g.
You'd have more credibility in citing a Gallup poll if you included the actual poll. If you prefer sensationalism to credibility, that's fine.

Analogy: I post a thread about an article that talks about Trump going to a campaign dinner where the meal is provided by a world famous chef who cooks incredible ribs....and even though I provide a link to the article you claim it is not valid because I don't post a link to the chef's web age non which he has his recipe for those ribs.

The actual poll indicates that voters are leaving both parties in significant numbers, but that wasn't the message you were trying to convey, so you went to a secondary source that claimed the poll said something else.

That's known as mendacity.
Dems are fantastic, look at all the 20-24 year olds who are now "retired"!!
Cashed out after selling an app. That's the kind of forward-looking people the Dems attract, not the rooted-in-the-past Republicans.
The actual poll indicates that voters are leaving both parties in significant numbers, but that wasn't the message you were trying to convey....

From the initial Post:

"Both party bases have been and are beginning to feel more and more LESS represented and more DICTATED to, both struggling to energize and maintain a handle on their bases / constituents. While 'hardcore' die-hards on both sides continue to claim superiority, the other members are beginning to lay down their banners to go in search of a new 'team' to join!

Hallelujah! I hope this is a sign that Americans are tired of the B$ from BOTH Parties and are walking away from them BOTH! Time for Americans to wake up and decide for themselves what is best for America instead of what is politicians pushing onto us what is best for them, their donors, and their buddies!"


Do you ever hate being so WRONG?

Do you wake up in the middle of the night, after your brain has caught up with your ignorance, screaming "NO, Don't post that - it's wrong'?!

Or are your mind and body in sync and happy to be stupid together?

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