Running On 911. Shame on you Mr. and Mrs. Republican.

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Running On 911. Shame on you Mr. and Mrs. Republican.

We've seen this before. What are these people thinking? What about the Muslim world whose help we need in the war on terror (WoT)?

The Republicans and the terrorists win again whenever we allow passions and emotions to take the place of policy debates and ideological debates. Make no mistake about it. Our image in the Muslim world is being damaged.

We have never been at war with Islam and the Republicans running on 911 know this, so why are they doing it? To beat Democrats of course -- to beat Democrats at the expense of national security.:evil:
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if you're a muslim thinking about strapping a bomb to your underwear and blowing up americans, do you think hearing about a mosque near ground zero will make you change your mind?

if you are a sane muslim in the middle east and just want to go about your life and take care of your famliy, do you think hearing americans don't support a mosque near ground zero is going to make you strap a bomb to your underwear and blow up americans?
Our dissent over the location of the Mosque may be providing ammunition for the Republicans, but it's also providing Al Qaeda with the same thing. I think sometimes we forget just how badly we need Muslim help around the world in our fight against terrorism.

The whole mosque issue boils down to whether you believe Islamic terrorist or Islam was responsible for 911/
I hear Americans bashing Christians and Jews EVERY day... I feel no need to blow myself up, or anyone else for that mater.
Our dissent over the location of the Mosque may be providing ammunition for the Republicans, but it's also providing Al Qaeda with the same thing. I think sometimes we forget just how badly we need Muslim help around the world in our fight against terrorism.

The whole mosque issue boils down to whether you believe Islamic terrorist or Islam was responsible for 911/

so al qaeda won't want to kill americans if we allow the mosque to be built?
Our dissent over the location of the Mosque may be providing ammunition for the Republicans, but it's also providing Al Qaeda with the same thing. I think sometimes we forget just how badly we need Muslim help around the world in our fight against terrorism.

The whole mosque issue boils down to whether you believe Islamic terrorist or Islam was responsible for 911/

so al qaeda won't want to kill americans if we allow the mosque to be built?
Of course not. Al Qaeda will continue their fight against us regardless what is done about the mosque. My point is that our opposition to the building of the mosque near ground zero will be used against us in the Muslim world to show that the conflict is not between a handful of terrorist and America, but between Islam and American. Al Qaeda has been trying to drive this point home with Muslims for years and our actions just reinforce it. Our desire to see the building of the mosque stopped shows very clearly that America hold all Muslims responsible for 911 not just a few Islamic terrorists. This is very strong propaganda.
and once the mosque is built, al qaeda won't go to its recruits and say, "look, look how weak the american people are and how noble our cause is. we have built a shrine to allah on the tomb of thousands of infidels. victory is ours!!"
Running On 911. Shame on you Mr. and Mrs. Republican.

We've seen this before. What are these people thinking? What about the Muslim world whose help we need in the war on terror (WoT)?

The Republicans and the terrorists win again whenever we allow passions and emotions to take the place of policy debates and ideological debates. Make no mistake about it. Our image in the Muslim world is being damaged.

We have never been at war with Islam and the Republicans running on 911 know this, so why are they doing it? To beat Democrats of course -- to beat Democrats at the expense of national security.:evil:

Scared aren't ya? Well you should be.
lol! Pulling out the old & tired 2008 campaign tricks ay? What's next?...BLAME DA BOOOOOOOOOSSH!! and "YOU A RAAAAAACEEEEEEST!!" Hopefully these old tricks wont be enough for the Dems this time around. The Democrats suck. I think most Americans know this. Make 2010 count America.
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Our dissent over the location of the Mosque may be providing ammunition for the Republicans, but it's also providing Al Qaeda with the same thing. I think sometimes we forget just how badly we need Muslim help around the world in our fight against terrorism.

The whole mosque issue boils down to whether you believe Islamic terrorist or Islam was responsible for 911/

so al qaeda won't want to kill americans if we allow the mosque to be built?
Of course not. Al Qaeda will continue there fight against us regardless what is done about the mosque. My point is that our opposition to the building of the mosque near ground zero will be used against us in the Muslim world to show that the conflict is not between a handful of terrorist and America, but between Islam and American. Al Qaeda has been trying to drive this point home with Muslims for years and our actions just reinforce it. Our desire to see the building of the mosque stopped shows very clearly that America hold all Muslims responsible for 911 not just a few Islamic terrorists. This is very strong propaganda.

That's utter bullshit. That's the same old story you lefties said about Gitmo, that it would be used as a recruiting tool. I have news for you, it doesn't matter what the fuck we do they will continue to recruit until America is under Islamic rule.
Running On 911. Shame on you Mr. and Mrs. Republican.

We've seen this before. What are these people thinking? What about the Muslim world whose help we need in the war on terror (WoT)?

The Republicans and the terrorists win again whenever we allow passions and emotions to take the place of policy debates and ideological debates. Make no mistake about it. Our image in the Muslim world is being damaged.

We have never been at war with Islam and the Republicans running on 911 know this, so why are they doing it? To beat Democrats of course -- to beat Democrats at the expense of national security.:evil:

Yeah, well go whine about it to your Senate Majority Leader and other Dimocrats who think it's not a good idea either. And the y'all can get back to campaigning against Bush, again.

You clowns do provide the laughs...gotta hand it to you on that.
EEEEEEETZ DA BOOOOOOOOOSH!! Oh and you're all RAAAAAAAAAACEEEEESTS too. This is tired Democrat chit. It worked for em a couple of years ago but it aint gonna work for em this time around. The Dums are done.
We should treat the muslim community well because after all, if they leave we will have nobody to drive our taxi cabs or run our 7-11 stores.
Our dissent over the location of the Mosque may be providing ammunition for the Republicans, but it's also providing Al Qaeda with the same thing. I think sometimes we forget just how badly we need Muslim help around the world in our fight against terrorism.

The whole mosque issue boils down to whether you believe Islamic terrorist or Islam was responsible for 911/

so al qaeda won't want to kill americans if we allow the mosque to be built?
Of course not. Al Qaeda will continue their fight against us regardless what is done about the mosque. My point is that our opposition to the building of the mosque near ground zero will be used against us in the Muslim world to show that the conflict is not between a handful of terrorist and America, but between Islam and American. Al Qaeda has been trying to drive this point home with Muslims for years and our actions just reinforce it. Our desire to see the building of the mosque stopped shows very clearly that America hold all Muslims responsible for 911 not just a few Islamic terrorists. This is very strong propaganda.
Most Muslims won't stop till they control Europe, America and the entire world. Secular Muslims are a minority and exist only basically in places like Iraq and Albania.

The left appeases Islam like it appeased Nazism before the second world war, today Europe is already changing for the worse. Nazi's are back in power, in places like Hungary for example there are clashes between communists, Muslims and Nazi's and rising anti-semitic hatred.

Thanks to people ignoring the threat of islam and passing it off as 'islamophobia' there will be civil war or at least heavy violence across Europe and hundreds of thousands and possibly millions will die not just in Europe but all around the world. As for terrorist attacks, Islam has just begun, as their numbers grow in the west so will the numbers willing to die for Islam increase. Most Mosques preach terrorism and hatred for the west on the side, so its guaranteed.

I am just waiting for nations (especially in Europe) to start collapsing into chaos, some will become Islamic theocracies, some will become Christian ones, most will become fascist police states after years of chaos. :eusa_eh:
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[ame=]YouTube - President George W. Bush said "Islam is a noble faith"[/ame]
I hear Americans bashing Christians and Jews EVERY day... I feel no need to blow myself up, or anyone else for that mater.

It never once occurred to me to blow myself up. But Saddam paid palestinian families 25 grand so their kids would blow themselves up, and they took it too. meanwhile all the money given to him to supply food and medicine to the Iraqi people was pissed away France and Germany scooped in an got them some of it too.. it's all fucked up.. and the libruls just love terrorists.
so al qaeda won't want to kill americans if we allow the mosque to be built?
Of course not. Al Qaeda will continue their fight against us regardless what is done about the mosque. My point is that our opposition to the building of the mosque near ground zero will be used against us in the Muslim world to show that the conflict is not between a handful of terrorist and America, but between Islam and American. Al Qaeda has been trying to drive this point home with Muslims for years and our actions just reinforce it. Our desire to see the building of the mosque stopped shows very clearly that America hold all Muslims responsible for 911 not just a few Islamic terrorists. This is very strong propaganda.
Most Muslims won't stop till they control Europe, America and the entire world. Secular Muslims are a minority and exist only basically in places like Iraq and Albania.

The left appeases Islam like it appeased Nazism before the second world war, today Europe is already changing for the worse. Nazi's are back in power, in places like Hungary for example there are clashes between communists, Muslims and Nazi's and rising anti-semitic hatred.

Thanks to people ignoring the threat of islam and passing it off as 'islamophobia' there will be civil war or at least heavy violence across Europe and hundreds of thousands and possibly millions will die not just in Europe but all around the world. As for terrorist attacks, Islam has just begun, as their numbers grow in the west so will the numbers willing to die for Islam increase. Most Mosques preach terrorism and hatred for the west on the side, so its guaranteed.

I am just waiting for nations (especially in Europe) to start collapsing into chaos, some will become Islamic theocracies, some will become Christian ones, most will become fascist police states after years of chaos. :eusa_eh:
Neville Chamberlain was the Conservative Prime Minister of England.
It was Conservatives in this country who appeased Hitler and Mussolini in the 1930s.
Conservatives love to rewrite history.
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Of course not. Al Qaeda will continue their fight against us regardless what is done about the mosque. My point is that our opposition to the building of the mosque near ground zero will be used against us in the Muslim world to show that the conflict is not between a handful of terrorist and America, but between Islam and American. Al Qaeda has been trying to drive this point home with Muslims for years and our actions just reinforce it. Our desire to see the building of the mosque stopped shows very clearly that America hold all Muslims responsible for 911 not just a few Islamic terrorists. This is very strong propaganda.
Most Muslims won't stop till they control Europe, America and the entire world. Secular Muslims are a minority and exist only basically in places like Iraq and Albania.

The left appeases Islam like it appeased Nazism before the second world war, today Europe is already changing for the worse. Nazi's are back in power, in places like Hungary for example there are clashes between communists, Muslims and Nazi's and rising anti-semitic hatred.

Thanks to people ignoring the threat of islam and passing it off as 'islamophobia' there will be civil war or at least heavy violence across Europe and hundreds of thousands and possibly millions will die not just in Europe but all around the world. As for terrorist attacks, Islam has just begun, as their numbers grow in the west so will the numbers willing to die for Islam increase. Most Mosques preach terrorism and hatred for the west on the side, so its guaranteed.

I am just waiting for nations (especially in Europe) to start collapsing into chaos, some will become Islamic theocracies, some will become Christian ones, most will become fascist police states after years of chaos. :eusa_eh:
Neville Chamberlain was the Conservative Prime Minister of England.
It was Conservatives in this country who appeased Hitler and Mussolini in the 1930s.
Conservatives love to rewrite history.

Neville Chamberlain? Ok then, Republicans freed the slaves.

Islam started the war with us, remember 9-11? If it wasn't for islam there would be islamic terroism. Islam is evil and it needs to be defeated.

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