Rush Limbaugh Just Announced Advanced Lung Cancer!

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Are you suggesting the Mr. Limbaugh will start dealing now, like his fellow lung cancer sufferer Walter White?

Why would he? He makes hundreds of millions dealing misinformation to his low-intelligence minions. Kinda' like organized religion.
What is your opinion about what happened in the democrat Iowa caucus?

do you believe the democrats could possibly be that incompetent?
I believe computer companies can be. Just like the Obamacare roll out.... Stuff happens when you are trying to reform this GOP Mess. If all you do is cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else like the GOP. Life is so much easier....

The GOP Iowa Caucus went off without a problem last night, how is this a "GOP Mess"?

President Trump received 97.1 percent, Weld 1.3% and Walsh1.1%. Decisive margin of more than 95 points
I'm talking about the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Which just keeps getting worse and you people don't know a damn thing about LOL arrggghhhh. Rush is a Non-Stop liar and you are totally misinformed. Last three years of Obama's economy was better than Trump's first three years. But you believe Obama economy was a disaster and Trump's is wonderful. Because you are a brainwashed functional moron end of story...
Trump and perhaps bernie sanders have identified the problem as free trade with red china taking jobs from Americans

add the invasion of millions of illegal aliens to our failed public education system and its a wonder that anyone is improving their economic situation
Also, he is/was an opioid drug abuser.


Are you suggesting the Mr. Limbaugh will start dealing now, like his fellow lung cancer sufferer Walter White?

Why would he? He makes hundreds of millions dealing misinformation to his low-intelligence minions. Kinda' like organized religion.
What is your opinion about what happened in the democrat Iowa caucus?

do you believe the democrats could possibly be that incompetent?
I believe computer companies can be. Just like the Obamacare roll out.... Stuff happens when you are trying to reform this GOP Mess. If all you do is cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else like the GOP. Life is so much easier....
So you excuse is the dems were so overwhelmed by what you call the GOP mess they couldnt count 170,000 voters in under 24 hours?

Thats laughable

and then you blame the hillary connected software company that wrote the app,

which no one in the democrat party thought to test before caucus night?

if thats what really happened it makes the democrats look like abunch of clowns

do you really want to go there?
as if the Democrats are all computer experts and the computer company had nothing to do with it LOL. The GOP ought to try some reform instead of just screwing over the non rich, for 35 years now.... Then we can see how their computer companies do LOL.
I have until now failed to find evidence for a hell, but after hearing rush has cancer, I kinda hope it does exist.

Quote saved for all of history to review!
Hey Rush, I thought smoking didn't cause cancer? Remember that time when you said that the anti smoking campaign was a liberal plot to control people? How'd that work out:ahole-1:?
Got a clip of him actually saying that? I used to listen to him daily in the early years and I never heard that. Prove you're not the liar I know you are.
I hope his experience is long and slow, with plenty of time to think about all the vile and hateful things he has said.

You know when people start looking forward to the death of Ruth Vander Ginsburg I rebuke them for it. But watching this thread at all the hate spewed towards a man that has told nothing but the truth about you leftist. I just may change my views on the old bat
Trump announce he will award the fat assed, college drop put, druggie, liar the Medal of Freedom.

Are you suggesting the Mr. Limbaugh will start dealing now, like his fellow lung cancer sufferer Walter White?

Why would he? He makes hundreds of millions dealing misinformation to his low-intelligence minions. Kinda' like organized religion.
What is your opinion about what happened in the democrat Iowa caucus?

do you believe the democrats could possibly be that incompetent?
I believe computer companies can be. Just like the Obamacare roll out.... Stuff happens when you are trying to reform this GOP Mess. If all you do is cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else like the GOP. Life is so much easier....
So you excuse is the dems were so overwhelmed by what you call the GOP mess they couldnt count 170,000 voters in under 24 hours?

Thats laughable

and then you blame the hillary connected software company that wrote the app,

which no one in the democrat party thought to test before caucus night?

if thats what really happened it makes the democrats look like abunch of clowns

do you really want to go there?
as if the Democrats are all computer experts and the computer company had nothing to do with it LOL. The GOP ought to try some reform instead of just screwing over the non rich, for 35 years now.... Then we can see how their computer companies do LOL.
They dont ALL have to be computer experts

But in a national party like the dems at least SOMEONE has to have enough brains to pour piss out of a boot

My guess is that the corrupt democrat machine wants joe biden and he is failing badly

so the powers that be are cheating their asses off to scam the election process
I have until now failed to find evidence for a hell, but after hearing rush has cancer, I kinda hope it does exist.

Quote saved for all of history to review!
Hey Rush, I thought smoking didn't cause cancer? Remember that time when you said that the anti smoking campaign was a liberal plot to control people? How'd that work out:ahole-1:?
You don't have to smoke to get lung cancer
Everybody has cancer cells in their body's
What Is Cancer?
Cancer is a genetic disease—that is, it is caused by changes to genes that control the way our cells function, especially how they grow and divide.

Genetic changes that cause cancer can be inherited from our parents. They can also arise during a person’s lifetime as a result of errors that occur as cells divide or because of damage to DNA caused by certain environmental exposures. Cancer-causing environmental exposures include substances, such as the chemicals in tobacco smoke, and radiation, such as ultraviolet rays from the sun. (Our Cancer Causes and Prevention section has more information.)

Each person’s cancer has a unique combination of genetic changes. As the cancer continues to grow, additional changes will occur. Even within the same tumor, different cells may have different genetic changes.
I have until now failed to find evidence for a hell, but after hearing rush has cancer, I kinda hope it does exist.

Quote saved for all of history to review!
Hey Rush, I thought smoking didn't cause cancer? Remember that time when you said that the anti smoking campaign was a liberal plot to control people? How'd that work out:ahole-1:?

Correlation does not mean causation. No one can say what specifically caused El Rushbo's cancer. Some people , like my mum, got lung cancer even though she never smoked at all. And others, like my great aunts, lived a long time and never got cancer is spite of 50 or more years of smoking pell mell.
Smoking and cancer is one strong correlation

Back in the day, however, a lot of physicians saw smoking as a tremendous hobby.

Over 20,000 medical doctors gave their endorsement to the Lucky Strike brand.

Stanford Research into the Impact of Tobacco Advertising

Just because doctors were once wrong doesn't make being wrong acceptable.
Quote saved for all of history to review!
Hey Rush, I thought smoking didn't cause cancer? Remember that time when you said that the anti smoking campaign was a liberal plot to control people? How'd that work out:ahole-1:?

Correlation does not mean causation. No one can say what specifically caused El Rushbo's cancer. Some people , like my mum, got lung cancer even though she never smoked at all. And others, like my great aunts, lived a long time and never got cancer is spite of 50 or more years of smoking pell mell.
Smoking and cancer is one strong correlation

Also, he is/was an opioid drug abuser.


Are you suggesting the Mr. Limbaugh will start dealing now, like his fellow lung cancer sufferer Walter White?

You know that was just a TV show, right?
I hope his experience is long and slow, with plenty of time to think about all the vile and hateful things he has said.

You know when people start looking forward to the death of Ruth Vander Ginsburg I rebuke them for it. But watching this thread at all the hate spewed towards a man that has told nothing but the truth about you leftist. I just may change my views on the old bat

Nobody cares about your views.
What says 105?

I am not defending Hannity, the guy gets on my nerves. But I have to shake my head at people who project onto other people.

What is your IQ?

I test out at 130.
I am mortal and I judge myself by my character, not my IQ.

Hannity is incapable of thinking off script but he’s not an outright moron.

You might find his program to be none too interesting, but that doesn't mean that he's incapable of anything. A lot of people like the Great American, and his formula certainly has scored him a large audience. Different strokes for different folks- if you don't care to listen, there are other programs on the radio dial.
My wife watches Dancing With The Stars.
Many people watch cable news with the same level of intent.

I like watching the WWE, that's where I first became familiar with Donald J. Trump and his techniques.
I listened to Savage for 8 years begging Trump to run.
I heard of Savage but never heard him . Then as I exercised at night the local low watt channel played a couple hours of his show a night. I caught the show at times. It was during a time up to about near a year before the election. There was sense to it. Trump had to come from near nowhere to win. And he did.
I hope his experience is long and slow, with plenty of time to think about all the vile and hateful things he has said.

You know when people start looking forward to the death of Ruth Vander Ginsburg I rebuke them for it. But watching this thread at all the hate spewed towards a man that has told nothing but the truth about you leftist. I just may change my views on the old bat

Nobody cares about your views.

I foresee her dying and another justice retire within the next 3 years
Party time two more picks for President Donald Trump
I hope his experience is long and slow, with plenty of time to think about all the vile and hateful things he has said.

You know when people start looking forward to the death of Ruth Vander Ginsburg I rebuke them for it. But watching this thread at all the hate spewed towards a man that has told nothing but the truth about you leftist. I just may change my views on the old bat

Nobody cares about your views.

I foresee her dying and another justice retire within the next 3 years
Party time two more picks for President Donald Trump

Breyer is also in his 80's, and can be expected to retire as well during the 2nd Trump Adminstration.

Finally, I think that the libs will finally get their way and Thomas will retire as well during the 2nd Trump term, to make room for a younger man who will be able to serve into the 50's or 60's
I hope his experience is long and slow, with plenty of time to think about all the vile and hateful things he has said.

You know when people start looking forward to the death of Ruth Vander Ginsburg I rebuke them for it. But watching this thread at all the hate spewed towards a man that has told nothing but the truth about you leftist. I just may change my views on the old bat

Nobody cares about your views.

I foresee her dying and another justice retire within the next 3 years
Party time two more picks for President Donald Trump

Breyer is also in his 80's, and can be expected to retire as well during the 2nd Trump Adminstration.

Finally, I think that the libs will finally get their way and Thomas will retire as well during the 2nd Trump term, to make room for a younger man who will be able to serve into the 50's or 60's

7-2 Supreme Court
Not to mention all the Justices President Trump will be appointing lol
I have until now failed to find evidence for a hell, but after hearing rush has cancer, I kinda hope it does exist.

Quote saved for all of history to review!
Hey Rush, I thought smoking didn't cause cancer? Remember that time when you said that the anti smoking campaign was a liberal plot to control people? How'd that work out:ahole-1:?
Got a clip of him actually saying that? I used to listen to him daily in the early years and I never heard that. Prove you're not the liar I know you are.

Are you saying Limbaugh got lung cancer from 2nd hand smoke?

That isnt what the other guy I was responding to said.

BTW, of course 2nd hand smoke has the same effects as 1st hand smoke. He was wrong about that.

Should you get a death penalty for your stupid opinions?

I think you should. You deserve to be judged by the same standard as you judge others, AND YOU WILL.
Simply proves that smoking cessation if NOT necessarily going to save you from lung cancer (remember: "formerly nicotine stained fingers")?

Hey, if you live long enough cancer's gonna get ya.
I really dislike the guy and what he's done to this country but I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. I'm rooting for a recovery.
What he's done to this country? You mean calling out traitors like you? He's a hero.

Pandering to the ignorant like you to make big bucks.

| PolitiFact

Karma sucks.....
Quoting proven

If you want to take one of PolitiFacts facts and disprove it, go ahead. Good luck!
We dont have the unlimited budget to do research all day long

So when lib liars do their thing its often difficult to disprove

If PolitiFact is a "proven liar" I would assume you had proof.
Correlation does not mean causation. No one can say what specifically caused El Rushbo's cancer. Some people , like my mum, got lung cancer even though she never smoked at all. And others, like my great aunts, lived a long time and never got cancer is spite of 50 or more years of smoking pell mell.
Smoking and cancer is one strong correlation

Also, he is/was an opioid drug abuser.


Are you suggesting the Mr. Limbaugh will start dealing now, like his fellow lung cancer sufferer Walter White?

Why would he? He makes hundreds of millions dealing misinformation to his low-intelligence minions. Kinda' like organized religion.
What is your opinion about what happened in the democrat Iowa caucus?

do you believe the democrats could possibly be that incompetent?

Tech is incompetent.
Why would he? He makes hundreds of millions dealing misinformation to his low-intelligence minions. Kinda' like organized religion.
What is your opinion about what happened in the democrat Iowa caucus?

do you believe the democrats could possibly be that incompetent?
I believe computer companies can be. Just like the Obamacare roll out.... Stuff happens when you are trying to reform this GOP Mess. If all you do is cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else like the GOP. Life is so much easier....

The GOP Iowa Caucus went off without a problem last night, how is this a "GOP Mess"?

President Trump received 97.1 percent, Weld 1.3% and Walsh1.1%. Decisive margin of more than 95 points
I'm talking about the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Which just keeps getting worse and you people don't know a damn thing about LOL arrggghhhh. Rush is a Non-Stop liar and you are totally misinformed. Last three years of Obama's economy was better than Trump's first three years. But you believe Obama economy was a disaster and Trump's is wonderful. Because you are a brainwashed functional moron end of story...
Trump and perhaps bernie sanders have identified the problem as free trade with red china taking jobs from Americans

add the invasion of millions of illegal aliens to our failed public education system and its a wonder that anyone is improving their economic situation

What? We have had an invasion of millions of aliens? I thought that was why you elected Trump! In fact, he promised to deport 12 million of them within 2 years? At what point does Trump get held responsible for this?
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