Rush Limbaugh Just Announced Advanced Lung Cancer!

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Hey Rush, I thought smoking didn't cause cancer? Remember that time when you said that the anti smoking campaign was a liberal plot to control people? How'd that work out:ahole-1:?

Correlation does not mean causation. No one can say what specifically caused El Rushbo's cancer. Some people , like my mum, got lung cancer even though she never smoked at all. And others, like my great aunts, lived a long time and never got cancer is spite of 50 or more years of smoking pell mell.
Smoking and cancer is one strong correlation

Also, he is/was an opioid drug abuser.


Are you suggesting the Mr. Limbaugh will start dealing now, like his fellow lung cancer sufferer Walter White?

Why would he? He makes hundreds of millions dealing misinformation to his low-intelligence minions. Kinda' like organized religion.
What is your opinion about what happened in the democrat Iowa caucus?

do you believe the democrats could possibly be that incompetent?
I was introduced to Rush back in the 1990's in Reno, when I joined a gym, only to discover that I had to listen to his broadcast on the speaker system for a full hour every day during my exercise routine. Fortunately, after 2 months, the gym declared bankruptcy, and made arrangements for all members to go to another gym without charge until their 1 year contracts expired. I like to think that Rush caused that bankruptcy. His entire act was spreading hate. There was a reason why his listeners were called "dittheads".
The issue is that Republicans could do no wrong.
Trump won by saying the Rs are just as bad as the Ds; and still people insist Rush supported Trump.
Rush will support whoever is in power - like most conservatives like him in the talk radio universe does....

Then after the disaster of whatever republican presidential candidate is done....Rush exposes himself as a hack who carried water for them...This what he said about Bush after it was no longer viable to claim Bush was a great president...

"I feel liberated, and I’m going to tell you as plainly as I can why. I no longer am going to have to carry the water for people who I don’t think deserve having their water carried."

The King of Talk Radio admits he’s a water carrier

Basically he is saying he will worship and deify any president in power as long as he has an R by his name -- damn the facts......just idol worship...until that person no longer has power...

Or when Rush, in his duty to worship Trump and justify his exploding the debt, let it slip out that all of that talk on cutting the debt and deficit was just republicans being full of shit as usual...

“Nobody is a fiscal conservative anymore. All this talk about concern for the deficit and the budget has been bogus”

After bashing Obama for deficits for years, Rush Limbaugh now says budget deficits never mattered
Rush was a cigar smoker, most of whom don't inhale. Draw your own conclusion.

He was never a "King Maker." During the periods when I followed his program I noticed that his "influence" was non-existent, and he never influenced voters in any way. He HUGELY encouraged Republicans in "open primary" states in 2016 to cross over and vote for Hillary in the Democrat primary. Apparently no one did it.

There have been very few people whom he "converted" over the years. His listeners are people who agree with his views already (which is why they listen), but he says his stuff better than anyone else.

BTW his followers are called, "Dittoheads" because he long ago discouraged callers to his program from wasting the first several seconds of their phone call telling him how great he was, and how much they liked his show. He told them to just start with "Ditto," which would be understood as shorthand for, "I love you/love your show." So they could quickly get to the purpose of their call.
He never influenced republicans in any way??

No link

he just made the announcement on his radio show
I really dislike the guy and what he's done to this country but I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. I'm rooting for a recovery.
And retirement...

Mr. Limbaugh has already said that retirement is out of the question for him.

Hell, he didn't even allow his profound Deafness to stop him, he's probably the greatest Deaf radio announcer in the history of the medium. He's modern day Beethoven, who did his greatest work in composing when deaf as a door nail
Well he does lie non-stop so I wouldn't take that too seriously....
/—-/ You throw the Liar charge around with no proof making you a sad little man.
Just hundreds of phony scandals against Hillary Obama the FBI the CIA Lois Lerner holder etc etc etc none of which have gone anywhere with law enforcement or real journalists. People who listen to him live on an imaginary planet where the rich pay too much in taxes LOL and inequality is caused by laziness and stupidity. A disgrace just like you.
I really dislike the guy and what he's done to this country but I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. I'm rooting for a recovery.
And retirement...

Mr. Limbaugh has already said that retirement is out of the question for him.

Hell, he didn't even allow his profound Deafness to stop him, he's probably the greatest Deaf radio announcer in the history of the medium. He's modern day Beethoven, who did his greatest work in composing when deaf as a door nail
Well he does lie non-stop so I wouldn't take that too seriously....
/—-/ You throw the Liar charge around with no proof making you a sad little man.
Just hundreds of phony scandals against Hillary Obama the FBI the CIA Lois Lerner holder etc etc etc none of which have gone anywhere with law enforcement or real journalists. People who listen to him live on an imaginary planet where the rich pay too much in taxes LOL and inequality is caused by laziness and stupidity. A disgrace just like you.
Rush wants unfettered Capitalism.
I really dislike the guy and what he's done to this country but I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. I'm rooting for a recovery.
And retirement...

Mr. Limbaugh has already said that retirement is out of the question for him.

Hell, he didn't even allow his profound Deafness to stop him, he's probably the greatest Deaf radio announcer in the history of the medium. He's modern day Beethoven, who did his greatest work in composing when deaf as a door nail
Well he does lie non-stop so I wouldn't take that too seriously....
/—-/ You throw the Liar charge around with no proof making you a sad little man.
Just hundreds of phony scandals against Hillary Obama the FBI the CIA Lois Lerner holder etc etc etc none of which have gone anywhere with law enforcement or real journalists. People who listen to him live on an imaginary planet where the rich pay too much in taxes LOL and inequality is caused by laziness and stupidity. A disgrace just like you.

I remember when Hillary came, she saw, and people died. Not just in Libya, but also in Fort Marcy Park where one of her top associates Vince Foster is alleged to have committed suicide by shooting himself in the back twice. The part police just took the Clintons' word for it that it was a suicide.
Correlation does not mean causation. No one can say what specifically caused El Rushbo's cancer. Some people , like my mum, got lung cancer even though she never smoked at all. And others, like my great aunts, lived a long time and never got cancer is spite of 50 or more years of smoking pell mell.
Smoking and cancer is one strong correlation

Also, he is/was an opioid drug abuser.


Are you suggesting the Mr. Limbaugh will start dealing now, like his fellow lung cancer sufferer Walter White?

Why would he? He makes hundreds of millions dealing misinformation to his low-intelligence minions. Kinda' like organized religion.
What is your opinion about what happened in the democrat Iowa caucus?

do you believe the democrats could possibly be that incompetent?
I believe computer companies can be. Just like the Obamacare roll out.... Stuff happens when you are trying to reform this GOP Mess. If all you do is cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else like the GOP. Life is so much easier....
Smoking and cancer is one strong correlation

Also, he is/was an opioid drug abuser.


Are you suggesting the Mr. Limbaugh will start dealing now, like his fellow lung cancer sufferer Walter White?

Why would he? He makes hundreds of millions dealing misinformation to his low-intelligence minions. Kinda' like organized religion.
What is your opinion about what happened in the democrat Iowa caucus?

do you believe the democrats could possibly be that incompetent?
I believe computer companies can be. Just like the Obamacare roll out.... Stuff happens when you are trying to reform this GOP Mess. If all you do is cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else like the GOP. Life is so much easier....

The GOP Iowa Caucus went off without a problem last night, how is this a "GOP Mess"?

President Trump received 97.1 percent, Weld 1.3% and Walsh1.1%. Decisive margin of more than 95 points
His influence is a result of crafting his art.
Which, for the most part, is deceiving gullible, ignorant people using well crafted fallacies and lies.

Limbaugh doesn't "lie" at all,merely reports the facts as well as articulates his opinions. Which BTW, have been audited and found to be well over 99% accurate.
Rush is selective with his facts.
For example...GDP is not representative of the average salary even though Rush infers that it is.
And retirement...

Mr. Limbaugh has already said that retirement is out of the question for him.

Hell, he didn't even allow his profound Deafness to stop him, he's probably the greatest Deaf radio announcer in the history of the medium. He's modern day Beethoven, who did his greatest work in composing when deaf as a door nail
Well he does lie non-stop so I wouldn't take that too seriously....
/—-/ You throw the Liar charge around with no proof making you a sad little man.
Just hundreds of phony scandals against Hillary Obama the FBI the CIA Lois Lerner holder etc etc etc none of which have gone anywhere with law enforcement or real journalists. People who listen to him live on an imaginary planet where the rich pay too much in taxes LOL and inequality is caused by laziness and stupidity. A disgrace just like you.

I remember when Hillary came, she saw, and people died. Not just in Libya, but also in Fort Marcy Park where one of her top associates Vince Foster is alleged to have committed suicide by shooting himself in the back twice. The part police just took the Clintons' word for it that it was a suicide.
Of course you are a brainwashed functional moron. There were five different House of Representative investigations of foster including 2 under starr, and like all the other investigations there is nothing to the murder theories but garbage propaganda repeated endlessly and never retracted. So we have brainwashed functional morons like you and 35% of the country. Poor America.
Also, he is/was an opioid drug abuser.


Are you suggesting the Mr. Limbaugh will start dealing now, like his fellow lung cancer sufferer Walter White?

Why would he? He makes hundreds of millions dealing misinformation to his low-intelligence minions. Kinda' like organized religion.
What is your opinion about what happened in the democrat Iowa caucus?

do you believe the democrats could possibly be that incompetent?
I believe computer companies can be. Just like the Obamacare roll out.... Stuff happens when you are trying to reform this GOP Mess. If all you do is cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else like the GOP. Life is so much easier....

The GOP Iowa Caucus went off without a problem last night, how is this a "GOP Mess"?

President Trump received 97.1 percent, Weld 1.3% and Walsh1.1%. Decisive margin of more than 95 points
I'm talking about the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Which just keeps getting worse and you people don't know a damn thing about LOL arrggghhhh. Rush is a Non-Stop liar and you are totally misinformed. Last three years of Obama's economy was better than Trump's first three years. But you believe Obama economy was a disaster and Trump's is wonderful. Because you are a brainwashed functional moron end of story...
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I doubt you listened to him as much as you claim as you aren't showing an accurate knowledge of his world view.
I doubt you listen to him at all; his voice provides confronting background white noise.

By the way...
Is Rush a Republican 1st, Conservative 2nd and Entertainer 3rd these days?
That was during GW because GE certainly wasn’t a Conservative.

Of course the very first day Obama was in office Rush became a Conservative 1st and Republican 2nd.

And it’s amazing how no one but me caught that.

Rush is all Entertainer.
Yeah, you seem to have insights into Rush that no one else has, probably because you are much smarter and more observant than everyone else.
The advantage of being politically independent is that I listen to every word.
It’s interesting that you are so offended concerning Rush but not affected at all by the list of Political commentators that I respect.
Interesting. What is Hannity's IQ and where did you learn about it?
Hannity is a talking points parrot.
When’s the last time you heard him analyze an issue?
So, you don't actually know his IQ.
I doubt you listen to him at all; his voice provides confronting background white noise.

By the way...
Is Rush a Republican 1st, Conservative 2nd and Entertainer 3rd these days?
That was during GW because GE certainly wasn’t a Conservative.

Of course the very first day Obama was in office Rush became a Conservative 1st and Republican 2nd.

And it’s amazing how no one but me caught that.

Rush is all Entertainer.
Yeah, you seem to have insights into Rush that no one else has, probably because you are much smarter and more observant than everyone else.
The advantage of being politically independent is that I listen to every word.
It’s interesting that you are so offended concerning Rush but not affected at all by the list of Political commentators that I respect.
Interesting. What is Hannity's IQ and where did you learn about it?
Hannity is a talking points parrot.
When’s the last time you heard him analyze an issue?
So, you don't actually know his IQ.
I’s say about 105.
Yeah, you seem to have insights into Rush that no one else has, probably because you are much smarter and more observant than everyone else.
The advantage of being politically independent is that I listen to every word.
It’s interesting that you are so offended concerning Rush but not affected at all by the list of Political commentators that I respect.
Interesting. What is Hannity's IQ and where did you learn about it?
Hannity is a talking points parrot.
When’s the last time you heard him analyze an issue?
So, you don't actually know his IQ.
I’s say about 105.
What says 105?

I am not defending Hannity, the guy gets on my nerves. But I have to shake my head at people who project onto other people.

What is your IQ?

I test out at 130.
And retirement...

Mr. Limbaugh has already said that retirement is out of the question for him.

Hell, he didn't even allow his profound Deafness to stop him, he's probably the greatest Deaf radio announcer in the history of the medium. He's modern day Beethoven, who did his greatest work in composing when deaf as a door nail
Well he does lie non-stop so I wouldn't take that too seriously....
/—-/ You throw the Liar charge around with no proof making you a sad little man.
Just hundreds of phony scandals against Hillary Obama the FBI the CIA Lois Lerner holder etc etc etc none of which have gone anywhere with law enforcement or real journalists. People who listen to him live on an imaginary planet where the rich pay too much in taxes LOL and inequality is caused by laziness and stupidity. A disgrace just like you.

I remember when Hillary came, she saw, and people died. Not just in Libya, but also in Fort Marcy Park where one of her top associates Vince Foster is alleged to have committed suicide by shooting himself in the back twice. The part police just took the Clintons' word for it that it was a suicide.

I don't understand why you did not bring this scandal up...:

The advantage of being politically independent is that I listen to every word.
It’s interesting that you are so offended concerning Rush but not affected at all by the list of Political commentators that I respect.
Interesting. What is Hannity's IQ and where did you learn about it?
Hannity is a talking points parrot.
When’s the last time you heard him analyze an issue?
So, you don't actually know his IQ.
I’s say about 105.
What says 105?

I am not defending Hannity, the guy gets on my nerves. But I have to shake my head at people who project onto other people.

What is your IQ?

I test out at 130.
I am mortal and I judge myself by my character, not my IQ.

Hannity is incapable of thinking off script but he’s not an outright moron.
Interesting. What is Hannity's IQ and where did you learn about it?
Hannity is a talking points parrot.
When’s the last time you heard him analyze an issue?
So, you don't actually know his IQ.
I’s say about 105.
What says 105?

I am not defending Hannity, the guy gets on my nerves. But I have to shake my head at people who project onto other people.

What is your IQ?

I test out at 130.
I am mortal and I judge myself by my character, not my IQ.

Hannity is incapable of thinking off script but he’s not an outright moron.
Then why even bring up his IQ? If you judge based on character, you'd not even mention it.
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