Rush Limbaugh wins children's book author of the year award

But if a liberal drug addict, obese, drunk, drug smuggler had tried to make himself the hero, we'd never hear the end of it.

He can posture and jiggle all he wants but he is not worthy to call himself Rush Revere.

Really, that's just trashy and exactly what we have all come to expect from him.

Let him write all the books he wants but he is no hero.

I don't think anyone said he was a hero, he got an award for the children's book he wrote. You are also pissed off because being the intolerant bitch that you are, you hate people the have a different belief system being successful.

Love you tolerant left nuts.

Maybe he's concerned that a hateful misogynistic bigot is pushing his books on children -- and getting splash for it by the PR equivalent of fluff girls.

Just a guess.
But if a liberal drug addict, obese, drunk, drug smuggler had tried to make himself the hero, we'd never hear the end of it.

He can posture and jiggle all he wants but he is not worthy to call himself Rush Revere.

Really, that's just trashy and exactly what we have all come to expect from him.

Let him write all the books he wants but he is no hero.

I don't think anyone said he was a hero, he got an award for the children's book he wrote. You are also pissed off because being the intolerant bitch that you are, you hate people the have a different belief system being successful.

Love you tolerant left nuts.

Maybe he's concerned that a hateful misogynistic bigot is pushing his books on children -- and getting splash for it by the PR equivalent of fluff girls.

Just a guess.

Yep, just forcing his books on people, another intolerant left wing nutter speaks.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
I don't think anyone said he was a hero, he got an award for the children's book he wrote. You are also pissed off because being the intolerant bitch that you are, you hate people the have a different belief system being successful.

Love you tolerant left nuts.

Maybe he's concerned that a hateful misogynistic bigot is pushing his books on children -- and getting splash for it by the PR equivalent of fluff girls.

Just a guess.

Yep, just forcing his books on people, another intolerant left wing nutter speaks.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Another wag unsure of the distinction between "pushing" and "forcing".

Try not to edit my posts, dishonest hack. I have that covered, K?
Maybe he's concerned that a hateful misogynistic bigot is pushing his books on children -- and getting splash for it by the PR equivalent of fluff girls.

Just a guess.

Yep, just forcing his books on people, another intolerant left wing nutter speaks.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Another wag unsure of the distinction between "pushing" and "forcing".

Try not to edit my posts, dishonest hack. I have that covered, K?

Ok, pushing, then what is wrong with an author pushing his freaking book? Again, you try to cover your intolerance.

I did edit your post, I interpreted push as force, my bad. Why don't you call attention to it when your left wing nuts do the same? Oh right because you have an agenda to push.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Yep, just forcing his books on people, another intolerant left wing nutter speaks.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Another wag unsure of the distinction between "pushing" and "forcing".

Try not to edit my posts, dishonest hack. I have that covered, K?

Ok, pushing, then what is wrong with an author pushing his freaking book? Again, you try to cover your intolerance.

I did edit your post, I interpreted push as force, my bad. Why don't you call attention to it when your left wing nuts do the same? Oh right because you have an agenda to push.

Another Tu Quoque fallacy noted and dismissed. As they say in baseball, "you hang 'em, we bang 'em". :eusa_hand:

Edit on the verb thus dismissed, we move to the other edit: the adjective describing the author: "a hateful misogynistic bigot". Nobody's concerned that an author promotes his stuff. The concern is who the author is and the implications of his history on his targets.
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This is from the article you cite, a quotation from the email the university president wrote: First off, this is 2 years ago. Second, the quotation explains why he was not in favor of her speaking at Fordham. Not because she is a Republican but because she is a low level thinker: he wants them to have a serious, intellectual, thoughtful speaker, not a bigoted blowhard. He is disappointed in them that they don't recognize the difference. One important purpose of a good education is to help students become critical thinkers. No truly critical thinker would value what someone like Coulter has to say, no matter what side she is on politically.

As well, the president did not "attack" the students. He spoke to them about his "disappointment" in them. The use of the term 'attack' is hyperbole and intends to act as propaganda. It's dishonest and manipulative.

Boiled down, what he's saying is that Coulter is not a discussant but a troll. We have the same shit flung here, and it's equally ineffectual as argument.

The same applies to Limblob, and always has, which is why he can't be taken seriously. There is a chasm of difference between criticizing someone's legitimate rationally-presented views, and on the other hand criticizing their use of the cheap crutch of emotional hysteria in lieu of argument. For a good example, imagine how a conservative tenet might be expressed by Limblob or Coulter, and then imagine William F. Buckley making the same point. There's no contest, even if the point is the same.


After you just got finished calling Ann Coulter a troll. I don't like Ann Coulter either. She is a prima donna. But if you are going to call Coulter down for being a troll, make sure you refer to Rush by his name, not by a pejorative. Or else, you risk sounding like a troll yourself.
Another example of the Right dishing it out and whining like little sissies when it comes back in kind!

Of course, when your MessiahRushie uses a pejorative for EVERYONE he disagrees with, that's OK, even though he claims to be a Christians and Christians are supposed to do unto others as they want done unto themselves. Now since Rash claims his pejoratives are "acts of compassion" then by that "logic" a pejorative is being a compassionate Christian.

P.S. - Pay attention to the rationalization!

April 1, 2008
RUSH: New York governor Mario Cooomo who was on -- where was this? -- The Situation Room. For those of you new to the program, "Rush, it's Cuo-mo." I know that. But a long time ago, I heard the Reverend Jackson pronounce his name "Cooomo." You know, it's not stylish and it's not classy to correct somebody's pronunciation of things, especially when the mistake is made by a man of the cloth and a respected, revered Rev. So if he thinks it's Cooomo, then on this program, it's Cooomo, and that is an act of compassion.
What IS it about success that liberal find so antagonizing?

Oh, wait, because they worship only failure?
Another wag unsure of the distinction between "pushing" and "forcing".

Try not to edit my posts, dishonest hack. I have that covered, K?

Ok, pushing, then what is wrong with an author pushing his freaking book? Again, you try to cover your intolerance.

I did edit your post, I interpreted push as force, my bad. Why don't you call attention to it when your left wing nuts do the same? Oh right because you have an agenda to push.

Another Tu Quoque fallacy noted and dismissed. As they say in baseball, "you hang 'em, we bang 'em". :eusa_hand:

Edit on the verb thus dismissed, we move to the other edit: the adjective describing the author: "a hateful misogynistic bigot". Nobody's concerned that an author promotes his stuff. The concern is who the author is and the implications of his history on his targets.

Your concern on who the author is, is based only on his politics. Just more intolerance. Thanks for admitting it.

Several authors write adult novels and children's books, no one seems to have a problem with that.

Bigotry and intolerance is alive and well with Liberals.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
What IS it about success that liberal find so antagonizing?

Oh, wait, because they worship only failure?

If you are successful you either.

1. inherited wealth.
2. did so because of white privilige.
3. were deceitful and cheated.
4. just worked your ass off and sacrificed so your family may have a better life.

If you are not successful...

1. you did not inherit wealth and that's just not fair.
2. the white devil had an unfair advantge because they are white.
3. the cheating and deceitful bastards took what was righfully yours.
4. feel it's not neceaasary to work hard and sacrifice because the democrat party will go
after all those who are successsful for whatever reason and distribute wealth evenly.
I'm not sure why this is such a surprise. Rush is doing what he does best, which is communication with small, undereducated minds.
Ok, pushing, then what is wrong with an author pushing his freaking book? Again, you try to cover your intolerance.

I did edit your post, I interpreted push as force, my bad. Why don't you call attention to it when your left wing nuts do the same? Oh right because you have an agenda to push.

Another Tu Quoque fallacy noted and dismissed. As they say in baseball, "you hang 'em, we bang 'em". :eusa_hand:

Edit on the verb thus dismissed, we move to the other edit: the adjective describing the author: "a hateful misogynistic bigot". Nobody's concerned that an author promotes his stuff. The concern is who the author is and the implications of his history on his targets.

Your concern on who the author is, is based only on his politics. Just more intolerance. Thanks for admitting it.

Several authors write adult novels and children's books, no one seems to have a problem with that.

Bigotry and intolerance is alive and well with Liberals.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

So "concern" about some clown's intolerance and bigotry is now the same as practicing intolerance and bigotry oneself. :disbelief:

Some kind of violation of the rights of Bigot-Americans no doubt.

Ya learn so much in this jernt.


How is it any of your business anyway? You got some kind of crush on Limbag?
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Democrats might survive without intolerance.

But without bigotry they'd fade away like farts in a windstorm.
Democrats might survive without intolerance.

But without bigotry they'd fade away like farts in a windstorm.

Limblob's a Democrat?

Ya learn two sump'ms every day.

I didn't think it possible, but OCD Boy gets dumber as he gets deeper into his obsessions! Waay to go, POGO!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Has the doctor of OCD written ANY books lately?
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The vitriolic hatred by the left for Rush is absolutely amazing.

It doesn't take much listening to Rush to agree that he is a hateful person. You might think he's cute and clever, talking about teaching poor kids how to dive in dumpsters for food. It's more than tongue and cheek. He hates the poor and considers them useless eaters. The way he treated Sandra Fluke and his many divorces speaks to the regard he has for women also.
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The vitriolic hatred by the left for Rush is absolutely amazing.

It doesn't take much listening to Rush to agree that he is a hateful person. You might think he's cute and clever, talking about teaching poor kids how to dive in dumpsters for food. It's more than tongue and cheek. He hates the poor. The way he treated Sandra Fluke and his many divorces speaks to the regard he has for women also.



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