Rush Limbaugh wins children's book author of the year award

The vitriolic hatred by the left for Rush is absolutely amazing.

It doesn't take much listening to Rush to agree that he is a hateful person. You might think he's cute and clever, talking about teaching poor kids how to dive in dumpsters for food. It's more than tongue and cheek. He hates the poor and considers them useless eaters. The way he treated Sandra Fluke and his many divorces speaks to the regard he has for women also.

As it does of his sheeple, as the post after yours demonstrates.

Listen my children and you shall hear
how Rush dodged the draft with a cyst on his rear.
On the last days of Feb'rary, two-oh-one-two
many a sponsor went straight down the loo
when they heard that infamous show from said rear.

He said to his friends, "Forsooth and tut tut,
I smell the blood of lascivious slut!!
Hang her high me boys, do it 'round the clock,
for I say unto you, they are lined 'round the block!"

"One if by Sandra, and two if by Susan,
and I the marketing share will be losin',
ready to ride and spread the slut bible.
Walletfelt apology, spare me from libel
suits from this lady to whom I do harm!"

Then he shrieked "Slut! Slut!" and with drug-muffled ear
he callously cultivated Ditto Nation's fear
as the signal went forth from many a station,
whence slinging like mud went his defamation.

With faltering ratings threatening a dry dock,
He bellowed and spewed, "They're lined 'round the block!"
Across the U.S. like a prison bar,
oozed this calumnious hulk like a magnified blotch,
as he sunk ever lower with "I wanna watch!!"

Thus through the week rode Limblob, and did pander
to misogynist dickheads, his instrument: slander.
"So much sex, not enough pills!" intoned Lush to the jerks
(For it seems he is clueless how birth control works)
"They can't afford birth control!" Blob did lament,
"Prostitutes! Sluts!" (note to Rushbo: Get bent.)

'Twas a voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,
Words of slur that shall echo for evermore!
'Twas the hour of darkness and peril and need,
-- this singular meltdown of radio's 'noxious weed.
The people, incredulous, now flip their lids
That this sleazeball is now trying to write to their kids.

Burma Shave

(Thanks to Rightwinger for the first couple of lines)
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CaféAuLait;9103159 said:
CaféAuLait;9102903 said:
LOL do you care that terrorists who have blown up the Pentagon, Capitol and Senate, committing murders and kidnappings write books and teach our children?

Nah, I did not think so. I personally can't stand the man but the hypocrisy is hilarious.

So what if Rush had a drug problem. Every other person is molly coddled when they are drug addicts, or use illegal substances. In fact we give them free syringes and places to shoot up. Some former illicit drug users are elected as president of the United States.

Thousands of people die from heroin overdoses every year, but, the only one who mattered was Philip Seymour Hoffman, found his dealer within a matter of hours. 730 fatal overdoses in NYC alone last year, but Hoffman mattered. Fuck the rest, give those New Yorkers' more needles so they can shoot up more!

Can't say one person addicted or illicit drug user is any different from another. They are all the same, some just treated a little more special.
What the bubble headed libtard jerk off piss for brains like buttlypoundrite fail to mention is, Limbaugh USED to be addicted to PRESCRIPTION oxycodone, that he got LEGALLY prescribed to him for back pain, and there are hundreds of thousands of people in the same predicament. The drug is an opiate which is not only good for pain, but also gives the user a very nice feeling. It is HIGHLY addictive, and can happen to ANYONE. It doesn't make you a bad person. In fact Rush got the help he needed and broke the addiction. He should be commended.

True, I agree. Oprah Winfrey was addicted to crack, but no one judges her by her past, do they?

Oprah?s Battle Against Crack Addiction

Oprah was wishing death upon other people that used drugs like Jerry Garcia, when exactly?

Because that's what Rush did.
I don't think anyone said he was a hero, he got an award for the children's book he wrote. You are also pissed off because being the intolerant bitch that you are, you hate people the have a different belief system being successful.

Love you tolerant left nuts.

Maybe he's concerned that a hateful misogynistic bigot is pushing his books on children -- and getting splash for it by the PR equivalent of fluff girls.

Just a guess.

Yep, just forcing his books on people, another intolerant left wing nutter speaks.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.


Ridiculing the likes of Rush Limbaugh in no way constitutes ‘intolerance.’
Maybe he's concerned that a hateful misogynistic bigot is pushing his books on children -- and getting splash for it by the PR equivalent of fluff girls.

Just a guess.

Yep, just forcing his books on people, another intolerant left wing nutter speaks.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.


Ridiculing the likes of Rush Limbaugh in no way constitutes ‘intolerance.’

Unless, of course, you're black or asian. In which case it's simply racism.

See how that works?
CaféAuLait;9103159 said:
What the bubble headed libtard jerk off piss for brains like buttlypoundrite fail to mention is, Limbaugh USED to be addicted to PRESCRIPTION oxycodone, that he got LEGALLY prescribed to him for back pain, and there are hundreds of thousands of people in the same predicament. The drug is an opiate which is not only good for pain, but also gives the user a very nice feeling. It is HIGHLY addictive, and can happen to ANYONE. It doesn't make you a bad person. In fact Rush got the help he needed and broke the addiction. He should be commended.

True, I agree. Oprah Winfrey was addicted to crack, but no one judges her by her past, do they?

Oprah?s Battle Against Crack Addiction

Oprah was wishing death upon other people that used drugs like Jerry Garcia, when exactly?

Because that's what Rush did.

[ame=]Chris Matthews Finds Humor In The Idea Of Rush Limbaugh Being Killed! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Wanda Sykes hopes for Rush Limbaugh's death while Obama laughs - YouTube[/ame]
Yep, just forcing his books on people, another intolerant left wing nutter speaks.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.


Ridiculing the likes of Rush Limbaugh in no way constitutes ‘intolerance.’

Unless, of course, you're black or asian. In which case it's simply racism.

See how that works?

Yeah - it doesn't.

Not unless said black or Asian declares Rimjob is a rimjob because he's white.

Stupefying how many in the 21st century still don't know what racism means. We even have one wag here who thinks it means the demographics of Fox Noise.

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