Rush Limbaugh

When Obama was first elected, Rush said he wanted Obama to fail. Liberals lost their minds. They said Rush hated America. Fast forward to today. Liberals want Trump to fail. I guess we could say that today's Liberals hate America. They want this nation to fail, by their own standards.
Agree or disagree?
No that's different no one will be able to explain why it is it's just different.

Progressives are unable to admit they are wrong on any subject. THAT is the only difference. The only thing that matters to libs is winning.
When Obama was first elected, Rush said he wanted Obama to fail. Liberals lost their minds. They said Rush hated America. Fast forward to today. Liberals want Trump to fail. I guess we could say that today's Liberals hate America. They want this nation to fail, by their own standards.
Agree or disagree?
No that's different no one will be able to explain why it is it's just different.

Progressives are unable to admit they are wrong on any subject. THAT is the only difference. The only thing that matters to libs is winning.

Care to point to ANY policy the CONservatives were correct about or on the right side of US history?

How about ANY policy the GOP passed the past 50 years?
Anyone who starts a thread about that ugly stupid fat frog goes right on my iggy list.
When Obama was first elected, Rush said he wanted Obama to fail. Liberals lost their minds. They said Rush hated America. Fast forward to today. Liberals want Trump to fail. I guess we could say that today's Liberals hate America. They want this nation to fail, by their own standards.
Agree or disagree?


Sorry to disappoint but what I want is teh same thing that all patriotic Americans want - a successful country.

FACT is, we're not going to get that from the pussy grabbing, lying, cheating, thieving cheeto in chief.
When Obama was first elected, Rush said he wanted Obama to fail. Liberals lost their minds. They said Rush hated America. Fast forward to today. Liberals want Trump to fail. I guess we could say that today's Liberals hate America. They want this nation to fail, by their own standards.
Agree or disagree?


Sorry to disappoint but what I want is teh same thing that all patriotic Americans want - a successful country.

FACT is, we're not going to get that from the pussy grabbing, lying, cheating, thieving cheeto in chief.

Bill Clinton is not President.
When Obama was first elected, Rush said he wanted Obama to fail.
Your MessiahRushie didn't just say he wanted Obama to fail, the worthless SPITEFUL America-hating scum said he wanted ALL hard working average Americans to SUFFER the loss of their jobs and he would be EUPHORIC watching the look on their faces as it hit them.
There is no scum lower than a CON$ervoFascist!!!!
Wrong. He wanted Obama's POLICIES to fail.
That was what the pathological liar said only AFTER catching flack for spitefully wishing average Americans, who he calls "Joe The Plumbers," SUFFER the loss of their jobs.

When the scum-sucking Right do not get their way, they SPITEFULLY want AMERICANS to SUFFER.
When Obama was first elected, Rush said he wanted Obama to fail. Liberals lost their minds. They said Rush hated America. Fast forward to today. Liberals want Trump to fail. I guess we could say that today's Liberals hate America. They want this nation to fail, by their own standards.
Agree or disagree?

Rush explained numerous time what he meant with his statement. He wanted him to fail at what he thought he wanted to do with the country.
Nope, that is just a lie he fed his stupid gullible America-hating DittoTards. He said he wanted Americans to suffer and he would enjoy watching it.
When Obama was first elected, Rush said he wanted Obama to fail. Liberals lost their minds. They said Rush hated America. Fast forward to today. Liberals want Trump to fail. I guess we could say that today's Liberals hate America. They want this nation to fail, by their own standards.
Agree or disagree?

Rush explained numerous time what he meant with his statement. He wanted him to fail at what he thought he wanted to do with the country.
Nope, that is just a lie he fed his stupid gullible America-hating DittoTards. He said he wanted Americans to suffer and he would enjoy watching it.

Prove it.
Al Franken is a green skinned goofball, lisping idiot. But yes the racist liberals want to destroy the West.

Great American and future President

What makes Stuart Smalley a great American?

Al Franken is a great American Patriot who loves this great nation and defends the Constitution. He supports Truth, Justice and the American Way

How did Air America go?

Right down the tubes.
When Obama was first elected, Rush said he wanted Obama to fail. Liberals lost their minds. They said Rush hated America. Fast forward to today. Liberals want Trump to fail. I guess we could say that today's Liberals hate America. They want this nation to fail, by their own standards.
Agree or disagree?

Trump's failure is America's success. That's the difference.
What was achieved by Obama running weapons to drug lords and terrorists?
What was achieved by Obama running weapons to drug lords and terrorists?

The stories themselves achieved their purpose. They were the training grounds for the Alt-Rights' Fake News and Pseudo-Outrage department. I wonder just how much dark money was poured into these organizations from Russia and how much help they got from the propaganda arm of the old KGB.

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