"Russia bombing CIVILIANS in Ghouta, Syria;" will Putin be treated like Gaddafi?

Al-Jezeera is official channel, so we can trust them, as we trust a Qatar government... But can Al-Jezeera believe to it's informers? The terrorists don't avoid any useful lies during their 'jihad'... As It was here, almost all serious media companies regularily make mistakes in such not a simple activity, like war with terrorism. You can remember own, how the world media called international terrorists-legioneers as "local Chechen rebels"....

No US attack? And what else Donald Cook did in our waters? :) How the crew of Donald Cook was imagine and fear the start of hot phase WW3, if they didn't have military mission?

Will he be Gaddafied.... What can be then? :) From my point of view Putin is overmoderate politician, he gave up to US politicians and left 20 million Russians to be potentially murdered by nazi or zombied by media. Putin careful keeps all world laws. What if Putin's successor stops it, because Russia already claimed by media as aggressor? Are you naturally want to view real aggression from Russia? (lol, offcourse :)))

Al-Jazeera aside the refugees prove that everyone in Syria are not combatants in the war.

Mr. Putin "straight checked" America with the Ukraine situation...that's some street slang, but why wasn't Mr. Putin & Russia treated like Gaddafi & Libya if Mr. Putin is killing civilians which again the refugees prove do exist?...

Al-Jezeera is official channel, so we can trust them, as we trust a Qatar government... But can Al-Jezeera believe to it's informers? The terrorists don't avoid any useful lies during their 'jihad'... As It was here, almost all serious media companies regularily make mistakes in such not a simple activity, like war with terrorism. You can remember own, how the world media called international terrorists-legioneers as "local Chechen rebels"....

No US attack? And what else Donald Cook did in our waters? :) How the crew of Donald Cook was imagine and fear the start of hot phase WW3, if they didn't have military mission?

Will he be Gaddafied.... What can be then? :) From my point of view Putin is overmoderate politician, he gave up to US politicians and left 20 million Russians to be potentially murdered by nazi or zombied by media. Putin careful keeps all world laws. What if Putin's successor stops it, because Russia already claimed by media as aggressor? Are you naturally want to view real aggression from Russia? (lol, offcourse :)))

Al-Jazeera aside the refugees prove that everyone in Syria are not combatants in the war.

Mr. Putin "straight checked" America with the Ukraine situation...that's some street slang, but why wasn't Mr. Putin & Russia treated like Gaddafi & Libya if Mr. Putin is killing civilians which again the refugees prove do exist?...


Ok, I understand. Mr. Putin is killing civilians... And all murdered in Paris (also in Kenya, above the Sinai and so on) was combatants - soldiers of regular army, special forces and so on... And Bataclan not a theatre but military base. Perfect! :)
Do you think that wingnut has any idea when WW1 and WW2 took place?
Considering the lack of knowledge of the slaughter by the Russian government, he probably thinks Russia won both World Wars single handedly.

Wingnuts, like their Nazi predecessors rely on propaganda.

Wow, great thanks for your comments. I really like Orwell but couldn't believe in opportunity to talk with people heroes of his "1984" :)
Do you think that wingnut has any idea when WW1 and WW2 took place?
Considering the lack of knowledge of the slaughter by the Russian government, he probably thinks Russia won both World Wars single handedly.

Is it really hard - just answer to my question straight? To break my fully zombied brain by small portion of your truth? :)

And why am I extremists? Because I have own opinion, based on facts?
Putin will kill them wholesale.

They messed with the wrong President.

No care for collateral damage - and no rules for engagement .

He will stack dead bodies in a dump truck and dump their bodies in a landfill...... He does not care.

Russians , however they are perceived are a proud nation.

Wrong guy to piss off.

Shadow 355
ldftards are so stupid they don't even know of the 62 million Russians slaughtered by the Russian government.

Ok, I'll trust you, just show me at this graph - when it happened?

I see three (3) periods where the population went down.
World War 1, World War 2, and ...
What is that dip in the middle of the world wars from 1933-1935?
Another war? On peasants who refused to be communists under Stalin?
ldftards are so stupid they don't even know of the 62 million Russians slaughtered by the Russian government.

Ok, I'll trust you, just show me at this graph - when it happened?

I see three (3) periods where the population went down.
World War 1, World War 2, and ...
What is that dip in the middle of the world wars from 1933-1935?
Another war? On peasants who refused to be communists under Stalin?

1. WW1 was at 1914-1918, but demografic fall was at 1917-1922. So the general factor is Civil War and Antanta intervention.

2. "Ukrainian Holodomor" was not Ukrainian but for the all USSR, including Russia (and Kazakhstan, by the way).

3. It was a time of mass collectivization, industrialization and exiles, hardened by "silent revolt" of professional old revolutioneers (including your lovely Khrushev :)) against Stalin's team. Stalin stopped this blood festival only in 1938...

4. The number of murdered are still not close to 62 millions...
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ldftards are so stupid they don't even know of the 62 million Russians slaughtered by the Russian government.

Ok, I'll trust you, just show me at this graph - when it happened?

I see three (3) periods where the population went down.
World War 1, World War 2, and ...
What is that dip in the middle of the world wars from 1933-1935?
Another war? On peasants who refused to be communists under Stalin?

1. WW1 was at 1914-1918, but demografic fall was at 1917-1922. So the general factor is Civil War and Antanta intervention.

2. "Ukrainian Holodomor" was not Ukrainian but for the all USSR, including Russia (and Kazakhstan, by the way).

3. It was a time of mass collectivization, industrialization and exiles, hardened by "silent revolt" of professional old revolutioneers (including your lovely Khrushev :)) against Stalin's team. Stalin stopped this blood festival only in 1938...

4. The number of murdered are still not close to 62 millions...
Takes a total freakzoid to deny the mass murder conducted by the Russian government from 1938-1980.
What a good useful tool you are.
ldftards are so stupid they don't even know of the 62 million Russians slaughtered by the Russian government.

Ok, I'll trust you, just show me at this graph - when it happened?

I see three (3) periods where the population went down.
World War 1, World War 2, and ...
What is that dip in the middle of the world wars from 1933-1935?
Another war? On peasants who refused to be communists under Stalin?

1. WW1 was at 1914-1918, but demografic fall was at 1917-1922. So the general factor is Civil War and Antanta intervention.

2. "Ukrainian Holodomor" was not Ukrainian but for the all USSR, including Russia (and Kazakhstan, by the way).

3. It was a time of mass collectivization, industrialization and exiles, hardened by "silent revolt" of professional old revolutioneers (including your lovely Khrushev :)) against Stalin's team. Stalin stopped this blood festival only in 1938...

4. The number of murdered are still not close to 62 millions...
Takes a total freakzoid to deny the mass murder conducted by the Russian government from 1938-1980.
What a good useful tool you are.

Ok, ok, just comment this graph or show me yours :)
Here is a news story and video about Russia bombing civilians in Ghouta, Syria...so will the U.S. and it's allies treat Pres. Putin like "Col." Gaddafi was treated for his killing?...

Russia drone footage shows devastated Damascus suburb

(Video title: "'Russia bombing CIVILIANS in Ghouta, Syria;' will Putin be treated like Gaddafi?")


A Boo Hoo for the terror-Jaish al-Islam and their bogus bullhorm al-Jazeera...
ldftards are so stupid they don't even know of the 62 million Russians slaughtered by the Russian government.

Ok, I'll trust you, just show me at this graph - when it happened?

I see three (3) periods where the population went down.
World War 1, World War 2, and ...
What is that dip in the middle of the world wars from 1933-1935?
Another war? On peasants who refused to be communists under Stalin?

1. WW1 was at 1914-1918, but demografic fall was at 1917-1922. So the general factor is Civil War and Antanta intervention.

2. "Ukrainian Holodomor" was not Ukrainian but for the all USSR, including Russia (and Kazakhstan, by the way).

3. It was a time of mass collectivization, industrialization and exiles, hardened by "silent revolt" of professional old revolutioneers (including your lovely Khrushev :)) against Stalin's team. Stalin stopped this blood festival only in 1938...

4. The number of murdered are still not close to 62 millions...
The 1932-34 starvation of at least 5 million "Soviet" people was suffered mostly by Ukrainians and considered deliberate (genocide), for cultural insubordination to Stalin's Russian nationalistic, communist agenda.

For many years, and all years under Stalin, Russia denied those starvations, while blaming Ukrainians for their problems that his administration caused.

Between 1926 and 1939, the Ukrainian population increased by 6.6%, whereas Russia grew by 16.9%.
That Russian nazi-style nationalism is evident today under Putin's regime.
Mr. Putin "straight checked" America with the Ukraine situation..
Ukrainian Nazis are now afraid that after Putin beats the hell out of ISIS, they will be next. And I hope they are 100% right.
I agree that the stupid Ukrainian nationalists ("Nazis"), about 5% of their population, should not get any respect, like the stupid Russian nationalists under Putin, about 50% of Russian population.
Here is a news story and video about Russia bombing civilians in Ghouta, Syria...so will the U.S. and it's allies treat Pres. Putin like "Col." Gaddafi was treated for his killing?...

Russia drone footage shows devastated Damascus suburb

(Video title: "'Russia bombing CIVILIANS in Ghouta, Syria;' will Putin be treated like Gaddafi?")


Devastated................LOL..................That was a minor strategic hit.................Looks more like a small Warhead Cruise missile hit..................

Had that been a DEVASTATING BOMBING run from a BEAR...............The entire city block would be rubble....................

That was a strategic hit...................and the video doesn't confirm nor deny that the dead there were civilians.............
The Russia of today is not the USSR.............The USSR crumbled under it's own weight of oppression...................That time had to put up Walls to keep people in..............................It went under and rightfully so...................

Does that mean that Putin doesn't want to restore it...........the power side of it, not the communist side of it..............




Lenin and Stalin were GENOCIDAL MANIACS..............

They are no longer that country..........we could go into what they did to the Polish at the end of WWII..............Stalin helped defeat Hitler but is SERVING IN HELL WITH HITLER as he was a POS.
The 1932-34 starvation of at least 5 million "Soviet" people was suffered mostly by Ukrainians

But this is statistics for Russia, not for Soviet Union...

Or you mean, all Ukraine except Galitina historically is a part of Russia? :)

Stalin's Russian nationalistic, communist agenda.

If it's true, what's the interest for you in internal Russian deals? Go to EU and think about EU, if you really european man :)
Oh, yes, EU doesn't have enough ME refugees, it badly needs PK1 on the top of them. :lmao:

And let's not forget: Lenin artificially "attached" part of Russia (which is now Eastern Ukraine) to Ukrainian Socialist republic. And later Khrushchev "attached" Crimea to it. Galitchina (a piece of Poland) was "attached" by Stalin after WW2. And all the people living inside those "pieces" [half of population of Ukraine!!!] suddenly became Ukrainian hostages after the USSR has collapsed.
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