Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World

Seems to have worked.

Girl you seemed desperate so I took pity on you.

Gee, it worked again...I'll make a deal with you...I'll pretend that you don't exist like all other women you know do and your hand will still fall asleep on you.

So you don't have a man in your life, thought so.
leave candy corn alone

Fuck you two,
I like candy one of the smart liberals on this board
Isn't Russia not approving of us a good thing?
Is that why Hillary gave Putin a reset button?

I thought it was because Bush looked into his eyes and saw his soul.
Putin didn't go on a rampage under Bush, did he?

He invaded Georgia while Bush was President.
Him do you have a reading problem? I posted it stupid Fuck? Did they anex part of Georgia?

God you are dumb
Depends on how you count Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Has anyone actually checked out where this story came from? It looks like the link provided takes you to a message board called Freedom Press. A further independent search leads to Pravda, the old official communist owned and government controlled newspaper of the USSR.

How about a cursory review of current news coming from Putin world.
The largest NATO war games in the Baltic's history are taking place with large Polish participation. NATO stealth fighters are probing the Russian skies and Navel ships are challenging the coast. The USS Ross and other NATO assets are playing touch and go in the Black Sea and causing the Russians to do overflights to steer them away from Russian claimed waters.
Announcement are coming from the Kremlin that the Novorossiy initiative (New Russia) that was meant to form the Donestk and Luhansk confederation of separatist states in the Ukraine has been abandoned.
Russian support for Syria's Assad seems to be done or at least ending. Russian citizen advisers and technicians are leaving by the plane load.
Reality is that Putin in failing on all fronts. American patience, smart policies and tactics are winning the economic war with Putin are placing the dictators goals in non attainable status. The "world is laughing at the USA" nonsense is meant for the Russian domestic audience that are still paying attention to Pravda or listening to unfounded rumors. Mention Pravda to a Russian and they will giggle.
That has to do with Saudia Arabia stupid Fuck, nothing to do with Obozo, they are keeping oil low to hurt Iran and a byproduct they hurt Putin

Again dumb ass Saudi wants to buy nukes from paki because of Obama
Hey stupid fuck, all the news and facts can't be adjusted to your distorted view of the world and goofy agenda. Russia and China have been long time accusers of a US-Saudi conspiracy. The business/investment world has propagated the theory that the Saudi's have kept the oil prices down to compete with US produced shale oil which has a high production cost. The idea is that the Saudi's want to nip the shale oil development in the bud.
Add to these theories the most logical one. Both Iran and Russia went on a very public and open policy of support for the Saudi's arch rival, Syria's Assad. The Saudi's actions of keeping down the oil prices hurt and even limit the support the enemies of Saudi can receive and hinder the success of their hated enemies in Syria and Iran.
There ya go dumb fuck. Might be more than your tiny agenda driven thoughts can hold or comprehend, but give it a whirl.
you are a year behind me dumb Fuck, it has nothing to do with fracking in the US or Russia Jack ass Saudia Arabia don't want Iran to get a Fucking nuke

You are not that bright

You do know the low oil prices are killing Iran, right?

That's why they are considering buying nukes from paki?

You do know stupid Fuck Saudia Arbia are the ones who financed paki to get there nukes in the first place?

Saudi nuclear weapons on order from Pakistan - BBC News
It has also been clear for many years that Saudi Arabia has given generous financial assistance to Pakistan's defence sector, including, western experts allege, to its missile and nuclear labs
Last edited:
I know these facts as I know my left hand, camp it has nothing to do with fracking in the US

Or Russia oil

Saudia Arbia don't want Iran to get Nukes

That's why they are keeping oil prices low.
Has anyone actually checked out where this story came from? It looks like the link provided takes you to a message board called Freedom Press. A further independent search leads to Pravda, the old official communist owned and government controlled newspaper of the USSR.

How about a cursory review of current news coming from Putin world.
The largest NATO war games in the Baltic's history are taking place with large Polish participation. NATO stealth fighters are probing the Russian skies and Navel ships are challenging the coast. The USS Ross and other NATO assets are playing touch and go in the Black Sea and causing the Russians to do overflights to steer them away from Russian claimed waters.
Announcement are coming from the Kremlin that the Novorossiy initiative (New Russia) that was meant to form the Donestk and Luhansk confederation of separatist states in the Ukraine has been abandoned.
Russian support for Syria's Assad seems to be done or at least ending. Russian citizen advisers and technicians are leaving by the plane load.
Reality is that Putin in failing on all fronts. American patience, smart policies and tactics are winning the economic war with Putin are placing the dictators goals in non attainable status. The "world is laughing at the USA" nonsense is meant for the Russian domestic audience that are still paying attention to Pravda or listening to unfounded rumors. Mention Pravda to a Russian and they will giggle.
That has to do with Saudia Arabia stupid Fuck, nothing to do with Obozo, they are keeping oil low to hurt Iran and a byproduct they hurt Putin

Again dumb ass Saudi wants to buy nukes from paki because of Obama
Hey stupid fuck, all the news and facts can't be adjusted to your distorted view of the world and goofy agenda. Russia and China have been long time accusers of a US-Saudi conspiracy. The business/investment world has propagated the theory that the Saudi's have kept the oil prices down to compete with US produced shale oil which has a high production cost. The idea is that the Saudi's want to nip the shale oil development in the bud.
Add to these theories the most logical one. Both Iran and Russia went on a very public and open policy of support for the Saudi's arch rival, Syria's Assad. The Saudi's actions of keeping down the oil prices hurt and even limit the support the enemies of Saudi can receive and hinder the success of their hated enemies in Syria and Iran.
There ya go dumb fuck. Might be more than your tiny agenda driven thoughts can hold or comprehend, but give it a whirl.
you are a year behind me dumb Fuck, it has nothing to do with fracking in the US or Russia Jack ass Saudia Arabia don't want Iran to get a Fucking nuke

You are not that bright

You do know the low oil prices are killing Iran, right?

That's why they are considering buying nukes from paki?

You do know stupid Fuck they are the ones who financed paki to get there nukes in the first place?
I never mentioned fracking. I mentioned shale oil. You apparently don't know there is a difference between gas and shale oil. Nor are you up to date on the status of shale oil prices and production cost. Might be something you will want to learn if you are going to discuss global oil topics while you call others stupid.
Otherwise, most of what you are talking about is just speculative political commentary and opinion. If the Saudi's wanted to buy a nuke from Pakistan the price of oil or the oil profits in Iran would or will have nothing to do with obtaining it. Of course the Saudi's don't want Iran to get a nuke. Iran is not going broke. The price of oil will have nothing to do with whether they get a nuke of not.
Anyhow, you are just deflecting away from the bullcrap OP and doing the usual bashing the USA and Obama thing.
Has anyone actually checked out where this story came from? It looks like the link provided takes you to a message board called Freedom Press. A further independent search leads to Pravda, the old official communist owned and government controlled newspaper of the USSR.

How about a cursory review of current news coming from Putin world.
The largest NATO war games in the Baltic's history are taking place with large Polish participation. NATO stealth fighters are probing the Russian skies and Navel ships are challenging the coast. The USS Ross and other NATO assets are playing touch and go in the Black Sea and causing the Russians to do overflights to steer them away from Russian claimed waters.
Announcement are coming from the Kremlin that the Novorossiy initiative (New Russia) that was meant to form the Donestk and Luhansk confederation of separatist states in the Ukraine has been abandoned.
Russian support for Syria's Assad seems to be done or at least ending. Russian citizen advisers and technicians are leaving by the plane load.
Reality is that Putin in failing on all fronts. American patience, smart policies and tactics are winning the economic war with Putin are placing the dictators goals in non attainable status. The "world is laughing at the USA" nonsense is meant for the Russian domestic audience that are still paying attention to Pravda or listening to unfounded rumors. Mention Pravda to a Russian and they will giggle.
That has to do with Saudia Arabia stupid Fuck, nothing to do with Obozo, they are keeping oil low to hurt Iran and a byproduct they hurt Putin

Again dumb ass Saudi wants to buy nukes from paki because of Obama
Hey stupid fuck, all the news and facts can't be adjusted to your distorted view of the world and goofy agenda. Russia and China have been long time accusers of a US-Saudi conspiracy. The business/investment world has propagated the theory that the Saudi's have kept the oil prices down to compete with US produced shale oil which has a high production cost. The idea is that the Saudi's want to nip the shale oil development in the bud.
Add to these theories the most logical one. Both Iran and Russia went on a very public and open policy of support for the Saudi's arch rival, Syria's Assad. The Saudi's actions of keeping down the oil prices hurt and even limit the support the enemies of Saudi can receive and hinder the success of their hated enemies in Syria and Iran.
There ya go dumb fuck. Might be more than your tiny agenda driven thoughts can hold or comprehend, but give it a whirl.
you are a year behind me dumb Fuck, it has nothing to do with fracking in the US or Russia Jack ass Saudia Arabia don't want Iran to get a Fucking nuke

You are not that bright

You do know the low oil prices are killing Iran, right?

That's why they are considering buying nukes from paki?

You do know stupid Fuck they are the ones who financed paki to get there nukes in the first place?
I never mentioned fracking. I mentioned shale oil. You apparently don't know there is a difference between gas and shale oil. Nor are you up to date on the status of shale oil prices and production cost. Might be something you will want to learn if you are going to discuss global oil topics while you call others stupid.
Otherwise, most of what you are talking about is just speculative political commentary and opinion. If the Saudi's wanted to buy a nuke from Pakistan the price of oil or the oil profits in Iran would or will have nothing to do with obtaining it. Of course the Saudi's don't want Iran to get a nuke. Iran is not going broke. The price of oil will have nothing to do with whether they get a nuke of not.
Anyhow, you are just deflecting away from the bullcrap OP and doing the usual bashing the USA and Obama thing.
I am educating the hell out of you.

Which your college professors failed to do.

You are welcome and remember little prick I am just a little industrial maintenance guy:)
Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World
Freedom Outpost ^ | 6/1/15 | Leon Puissegur
Ever wonder why Obama does not sit with Putin? Because Obama does not want to be seen with a man who knows what he is doing, even if some of it may be against our own nation. But herein lies the problem: Obama and Kerry both are powerless in the world, and Russia and the world know this—they laugh and joke about how incompetent both of these men really are and at how dumb they look in the eyes of the world. When was the last time anyone heard of our leaders being laughed at, scorned at nearly every word?
But in a recent article posted in Pravda RU titled, "USA: Joke to the World," it is shown why and what the world laughs at and makes fun of our leaders. But this is not the only article that shows the world laughing at the USA. Obama and Kerry look like 2 of the 3 stooges. Here are some excerpts from the article by Xavier Lerma, "USA: Joke to the World."
It begins with a very critical statement.

Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost

What a joke my country has become under Obama.
Thanks Comrade...
Has anyone actually checked out where this story came from? It looks like the link provided takes you to a message board called Freedom Press. A further independent search leads to Pravda, the old official communist owned and government controlled newspaper of the USSR.

How about a cursory review of current news coming from Putin world.
The largest NATO war games in the Baltic's history are taking place with large Polish participation. NATO stealth fighters are probing the Russian skies and Navel ships are challenging the coast. The USS Ross and other NATO assets are playing touch and go in the Black Sea and causing the Russians to do overflights to steer them away from Russian claimed waters.
Announcement are coming from the Kremlin that the Novorossiy initiative (New Russia) that was meant to form the Donestk and Luhansk confederation of separatist states in the Ukraine has been abandoned.
Russian support for Syria's Assad seems to be done or at least ending. Russian citizen advisers and technicians are leaving by the plane load.
Reality is that Putin in failing on all fronts. American patience, smart policies and tactics are winning the economic war with Putin are placing the dictators goals in non attainable status. The "world is laughing at the USA" nonsense is meant for the Russian domestic audience that are still paying attention to Pravda or listening to unfounded rumors. Mention Pravda to a Russian and they will giggle.
That has to do with Saudia Arabia stupid Fuck, nothing to do with Obozo, they are keeping oil low to hurt Iran and a byproduct they hurt Putin

Again dumb ass Saudi wants to buy nukes from paki because of Obama
Hey stupid fuck, all the news and facts can't be adjusted to your distorted view of the world and goofy agenda. Russia and China have been long time accusers of a US-Saudi conspiracy. The business/investment world has propagated the theory that the Saudi's have kept the oil prices down to compete with US produced shale oil which has a high production cost. The idea is that the Saudi's want to nip the shale oil development in the bud.
Add to these theories the most logical one. Both Iran and Russia went on a very public and open policy of support for the Saudi's arch rival, Syria's Assad. The Saudi's actions of keeping down the oil prices hurt and even limit the support the enemies of Saudi can receive and hinder the success of their hated enemies in Syria and Iran.
There ya go dumb fuck. Might be more than your tiny agenda driven thoughts can hold or comprehend, but give it a whirl.
you are a year behind me dumb Fuck, it has nothing to do with fracking in the US or Russia Jack ass Saudia Arabia don't want Iran to get a Fucking nuke

You are not that bright

You do know the low oil prices are killing Iran, right?

That's why they are considering buying nukes from paki?

You do know stupid Fuck they are the ones who financed paki to get there nukes in the first place?
I never mentioned fracking. I mentioned shale oil. You apparently don't know there is a difference between gas and shale oil. Nor are you up to date on the status of shale oil prices and production cost. Might be something you will want to learn if you are going to discuss global oil topics while you call others stupid.
Otherwise, most of what you are talking about is just speculative political commentary and opinion. If the Saudi's wanted to buy a nuke from Pakistan the price of oil or the oil profits in Iran would or will have nothing to do with obtaining it. Of course the Saudi's don't want Iran to get a nuke. Iran is not going broke. The price of oil will have nothing to do with whether they get a nuke of not.
Anyhow, you are just deflecting away from the bullcrap OP and doing the usual bashing the USA and Obama thing.
I am educating the hell out of you.

Which your college professors failed to do.

You are welcome and remember little prick I am just a little industrial maintenance guy:)
mechanical or janitorial?
That has to do with Saudia Arabia stupid Fuck, nothing to do with Obozo, they are keeping oil low to hurt Iran and a byproduct they hurt Putin

Again dumb ass Saudi wants to buy nukes from paki because of Obama
Hey stupid fuck, all the news and facts can't be adjusted to your distorted view of the world and goofy agenda. Russia and China have been long time accusers of a US-Saudi conspiracy. The business/investment world has propagated the theory that the Saudi's have kept the oil prices down to compete with US produced shale oil which has a high production cost. The idea is that the Saudi's want to nip the shale oil development in the bud.
Add to these theories the most logical one. Both Iran and Russia went on a very public and open policy of support for the Saudi's arch rival, Syria's Assad. The Saudi's actions of keeping down the oil prices hurt and even limit the support the enemies of Saudi can receive and hinder the success of their hated enemies in Syria and Iran.
There ya go dumb fuck. Might be more than your tiny agenda driven thoughts can hold or comprehend, but give it a whirl.
you are a year behind me dumb Fuck, it has nothing to do with fracking in the US or Russia Jack ass Saudia Arabia don't want Iran to get a Fucking nuke

You are not that bright

You do know the low oil prices are killing Iran, right?

That's why they are considering buying nukes from paki?

You do know stupid Fuck they are the ones who financed paki to get there nukes in the first place?
I never mentioned fracking. I mentioned shale oil. You apparently don't know there is a difference between gas and shale oil. Nor are you up to date on the status of shale oil prices and production cost. Might be something you will want to learn if you are going to discuss global oil topics while you call others stupid.
Otherwise, most of what you are talking about is just speculative political commentary and opinion. If the Saudi's wanted to buy a nuke from Pakistan the price of oil or the oil profits in Iran would or will have nothing to do with obtaining it. Of course the Saudi's don't want Iran to get a nuke. Iran is not going broke. The price of oil will have nothing to do with whether they get a nuke of not.
Anyhow, you are just deflecting away from the bullcrap OP and doing the usual bashing the USA and Obama thing.
I am educating the hell out of you.

Which your college professors failed to do.

You are welcome and remember little prick I am just a little industrial maintenance guy:)
mechanical or janitorial?
wasJust a taxi cab driver at one point of my life

You decide who I am I guess..
Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World
Freedom Outpost ^ | 6/1/15 | Leon Puissegur
Ever wonder why Obama does not sit with Putin? Because Obama does not want to be seen with a man who knows what he is doing, even if some of it may be against our own nation. But herein lies the problem: Obama and Kerry both are powerless in the world, and Russia and the world know this—they laugh and joke about how incompetent both of these men really are and at how dumb they look in the eyes of the world. When was the last time anyone heard of our leaders being laughed at, scorned at nearly every word?
But in a recent article posted in Pravda RU titled, "USA: Joke to the World," it is shown why and what the world laughs at and makes fun of our leaders. But this is not the only article that shows the world laughing at the USA. Obama and Kerry look like 2 of the 3 stooges. Here are some excerpts from the article by Xavier Lerma, "USA: Joke to the World."
It begins with a very critical statement.

Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost

What a joke my country has become under Obama.
Move to Russia.
Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World
Freedom Outpost ^ | 6/1/15 | Leon Puissegur
Ever wonder why Obama does not sit with Putin? Because Obama does not want to be seen with a man who knows what he is doing, even if some of it may be against our own nation. But herein lies the problem: Obama and Kerry both are powerless in the world, and Russia and the world know this—they laugh and joke about how incompetent both of these men really are and at how dumb they look in the eyes of the world. When was the last time anyone heard of our leaders being laughed at, scorned at nearly every word?
But in a recent article posted in Pravda RU titled, "USA: Joke to the World," it is shown why and what the world laughs at and makes fun of our leaders. But this is not the only article that shows the world laughing at the USA. Obama and Kerry look like 2 of the 3 stooges. Here are some excerpts from the article by Xavier Lerma, "USA: Joke to the World."
It begins with a very critical statement.

Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost

What a joke my country has become under Obama.

We are a joke. What else do you call a country that describes itself as number one while every metric and measure has up not even in the top 10 globally? That's pretty funny.
Were still #1 in cost of healthcare. So there`s that.
Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World
Freedom Outpost ^ | 6/1/15 | Leon Puissegur
Ever wonder why Obama does not sit with Putin? Because Obama does not want to be seen with a man who knows what he is doing, even if some of it may be against our own nation. But herein lies the problem: Obama and Kerry both are powerless in the world, and Russia and the world know this—they laugh and joke about how incompetent both of these men really are and at how dumb they look in the eyes of the world. When was the last time anyone heard of our leaders being laughed at, scorned at nearly every word?
But in a recent article posted in Pravda RU titled, "USA: Joke to the World," it is shown why and what the world laughs at and makes fun of our leaders. But this is not the only article that shows the world laughing at the USA. Obama and Kerry look like 2 of the 3 stooges. Here are some excerpts from the article by Xavier Lerma, "USA: Joke to the World."
It begins with a very critical statement.

Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost

What a joke my country has become under Obama.

We are a joke. What else do you call a country that describes itself as number one while every metric and measure has up not even in the top 10 globally? That's pretty funny.
Were still #1 in cost of healthcare. So there`s that.

Most incarcerated too. Great country if ya work in the prison industry.
Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World
Freedom Outpost ^ | 6/1/15 | Leon Puissegur
Ever wonder why Obama does not sit with Putin? Because Obama does not want to be seen with a man who knows what he is doing, even if some of it may be against our own nation. But herein lies the problem: Obama and Kerry both are powerless in the world, and Russia and the world know this—they laugh and joke about how incompetent both of these men really are and at how dumb they look in the eyes of the world. When was the last time anyone heard of our leaders being laughed at, scorned at nearly every word?
But in a recent article posted in Pravda RU titled, "USA: Joke to the World," it is shown why and what the world laughs at and makes fun of our leaders. But this is not the only article that shows the world laughing at the USA. Obama and Kerry look like 2 of the 3 stooges. Here are some excerpts from the article by Xavier Lerma, "USA: Joke to the World."
It begins with a very critical statement.

Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost

What a joke my country has become under Obama.
Move to Russia.

No need, at the rate we are going, we will be Russia soon enough...
Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World
Freedom Outpost ^ | 6/1/15 | Leon Puissegur
Ever wonder why Obama does not sit with Putin? Because Obama does not want to be seen with a man who knows what he is doing, even if some of it may be against our own nation. But herein lies the problem: Obama and Kerry both are powerless in the world, and Russia and the world know this—they laugh and joke about how incompetent both of these men really are and at how dumb they look in the eyes of the world. When was the last time anyone heard of our leaders being laughed at, scorned at nearly every word?
But in a recent article posted in Pravda RU titled, "USA: Joke to the World," it is shown why and what the world laughs at and makes fun of our leaders. But this is not the only article that shows the world laughing at the USA. Obama and Kerry look like 2 of the 3 stooges. Here are some excerpts from the article by Xavier Lerma, "USA: Joke to the World."
It begins with a very critical statement.

Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost

What a joke my country has become under Obama.

We are a joke. What else do you call a country that describes itself as number one while every metric and measure has up not even in the top 10 globally? That's pretty funny.
Were still #1 in cost of healthcare. So there`s that.

Most incarcerated too. Great country if ya work in the prison industry.
We'll just send all the thugs to your house from now on okay. That'll solve prison over crowding & you can give them all the 15th chance they deserve
Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World
Freedom Outpost ^ | 6/1/15 | Leon Puissegur
Ever wonder why Obama does not sit with Putin? Because Obama does not want to be seen with a man who knows what he is doing, even if some of it may be against our own nation. But herein lies the problem: Obama and Kerry both are powerless in the world, and Russia and the world know this—they laugh and joke about how incompetent both of these men really are and at how dumb they look in the eyes of the world. When was the last time anyone heard of our leaders being laughed at, scorned at nearly every word?
But in a recent article posted in Pravda RU titled, "USA: Joke to the World," it is shown why and what the world laughs at and makes fun of our leaders. But this is not the only article that shows the world laughing at the USA. Obama and Kerry look like 2 of the 3 stooges. Here are some excerpts from the article by Xavier Lerma, "USA: Joke to the World."
It begins with a very critical statement.

Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost

What a joke my country has become under Obama.
Move to Russia.

No need, at the rate we are going, we will be Russia soon enough...
Ah, the hopes of an anti-American.
Just like the Racists abandoned the Democrat Party for the GOP in the 60s, we see today's racists (yes, I'm looking right at you, Matthew) abandoning their own country for Russia.
Sadly, under the leadership of our first black president, we are seen as a joke to the rest of the world.

Guess we aren't as respected as Obama said we are. Talk about clueless.

It's pathetic that this man is even in office.
Just like the Racists abandoned the Democrat Party for the GOP in the 60s, we see today's racists (yes, I'm looking right at you, Matthew) abandoning their own country for Russia.
Revisionist history is fun ain't it lol

Least you got the Matthew part right
Putin kind of reminds me of the old images of strutting blow hard Mussolini but the fact remains that it was Barry Hussein who spent the first two years of his administration on a pathetic apology tour. The former community activist thought the rest of the world would respect us more if we became more humble. I guess he learned different but maybe not.
Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World
Freedom Outpost ^ | 6/1/15 | Leon Puissegur
Ever wonder why Obama does not sit with Putin? Because Obama does not want to be seen with a man who knows what he is doing, even if some of it may be against our own nation. But herein lies the problem: Obama and Kerry both are powerless in the world, and Russia and the world know this—they laugh and joke about how incompetent both of these men really are and at how dumb they look in the eyes of the world. When was the last time anyone heard of our leaders being laughed at, scorned at nearly every word?
But in a recent article posted in Pravda RU titled, "USA: Joke to the World," it is shown why and what the world laughs at and makes fun of our leaders. But this is not the only article that shows the world laughing at the USA. Obama and Kerry look like 2 of the 3 stooges. Here are some excerpts from the article by Xavier Lerma, "USA: Joke to the World."
It begins with a very critical statement.

Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost

What a joke my country has become under Obama.

Whoop de frickin' do. Russia's been doing that for 98 years. Duh.

Yeah, when did the Russia become the arbiter of truth here?

Russia says they have a bigger dick too. Are you crying about that? Why not?

Because its fucking silly right? Stop being silly

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