Russia had every reason to invade Ukraine.

A better analogy would be Hitler's takeover of Czechoslovakia. His specific target was the German-speaking Sudetenland, but when he saw how weak UK PM Chamberlain was, he took over the whole country.

In response the U.K. hastily promised to defend Poland, but Hitler thought that was just another bluff and subsequently invaded that country. Chamberlain then had to save face by declaring war on Germany and initiating WW2.

I hope Biden hasn't made the same foolish mistakes.
Thanks and YES I DID mean Czechoslovakia. Silly me, I keep doing that. Thank you. Meanwhile, back on topic:
Only Americans can be so stupid and hypocritical to criticize Russia for doing what the US has done many times before.

Imagine what would happen if Russia tried to put missiles that *could* be armed with nukes into Cuba. Oh shjt wait that already happened in response to US putting nuclear weapons in Turkey and the US lost its shjt.

Don't take my word for it. Take the US's.

Why doesn't Russia share with the US it's hyper-sonic rocket technology, then maybe the US military industrial security complex won't be so obsessed with placing intermediate range missile close to Russia, and we can all re-sign that IMF treaty and go back to the way things were?


You know, as well as us, the only reason for all of this, is Russia's strategic advantage with those hyper sonic missiles.

The Russians Have Won the Arms Race​

“Object 4202” was a new kind of weapon, a hypersonic warhead capable of speeds 15 times the speed of sound, and capable of evading any anti-missile system the United States has today, or may develop and deploy for decades to come. While the October 26 test used an older RS-26 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) as the launch vehicle, “Object 4202” will ultimately be carried on a newer ICBM, the RS-28.

The RS-28 is itself a wonder of modern technology, capable of flying in excess of five times the speed of sound, altering its trajectory to confuse anti-missile radars, and delivering 15 independently targetable nuclear warheads (each one 10 times as powerful as the bombs the United States dropped on Japan at the end of the Second World War) or three “Object 4202” hypersonic warheads, which destroy their targets through kinetic energy (i.e., through impact).

A nuclear warhead-armed RS-28 would take about 30 minutes to reach the United States from a silo in central Russia; its warheads would be capable of destroying an area about the size of Texas. Armed with the “Object 4202” hypersonic warheads, each of which is capable of destroying an American missile silo, the time would be cut down to 12 minutes or less. The RS-28 ICBM, scheduled to become operational in 2018, assures Russia the ability to annihilate the United States in retaliation for any American first-strike, while providing Russia a silo-killing first-strike capability of its own.. . ."

Only Americans can be so stupid and hypocritical to criticize Russia for doing what the US has done many times before.

Imagine what would happen if Russia tried to put missiles that *could* be armed with nukes into Cuba. Oh shjt wait that already happened in response to US putting nuclear weapons in Turkey and the US lost its shjt.

Don't take my word for it. Take the US's.

Pathetic argument, going back into history playing the 'YOU"RE JUST AS BAD' game. Russia has been fucked up for over a century. You ever hear of a guy named Stalin?

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