Russia Has Killed 30,000 Civilians

ivan , you are wrong again
you lost ALREADY, you wage terror company cos you can´t win this war . what you are losing today , its your juchi ulus

First - Bucha was a front line and was shelled by both sides. Second - Ukraine gave plenty of weapon to untrained civilians and send them to attack Russian forces. Third - on the wave of Rusophobic hysteria local police and Volkssturm murdered many civilians suspected or really cooperative with the Russians.

So, dead bodies in civilian dresses isn't something unusual or unexpected. Just don't take it too emotional. Nobody really cares.
280 or so bodies, hands tied, shot in the head, dumped in mass graves? Children? Dead civilians including children, in bullet ridden cars with white flags? A civilian in a stalled car with his hands raised in surrender shot dead, then his wife, still in the car shot dead? Hundreds of first hand accounts verifying this? Rape and looting?

They withdrew from Bucha and looted, raped and murdered as they withdrew. Not a professional military. Barbarians.
There is no question that vast war crimes have been committed…unbelievable butchery, right up there with Bosnia and Myanmar :(


And folks here support Putin the Butcher? Unreal…but everything has been these past few years. Democracy is fragile in the face of intoxicating authoritarianism.
Just compare Kiev and Grozniy and try to understand, that right now Putin is a pretty cautious and avoiding unnecessary damage.
Putin was planting and encouraging Russian separatist for years in Ukraine. Even Crimeans are having regrets now because they are being thugged by Russians planted into their government. Opposition parties have all stated that they are together on fighting Putin's aggression together.

I suppose you can believe whatever you desire but I personally think there is plenty of evidence of what Putin is doing and has done throughout the areas he has sent in his thugs. Syria is also a prime example of the types of atrocities his Kadyrov group does to people; and his propagandist try to lay that type stuff off as being done by American troops.
It all goes back to Stalin and his forced population transfers to dilute minorities. Ethnic Russians sent to live in the provinces, ethnic minorities sent to “underserved areas” of Russia. The ethnic Russian dominated and when the USSR fell apart, they weren’t treated well.

I totally agree with you on this…Putin has left plenty of evidence of his brutality..
280 or so bodies, hands tied, shot in the head, dumped in mass graves? Children? Dead civilians including children, in bullet ridden cars with white flags? A civilian in a stalled car with his hands raised in surrender shot dead, then his wife, still in the car shot dead? Hundreds of first hand accounts verifying this? Rape and looting?

They withdrew from Bucha and looted, raped and murdered as they withdrew. Not a professional military. Barbarians.
May be. May be they were killed by the Kievan Volkssturm, may be by the Kievan SBU (heir of KGB), may be by Ukrainian Neo-Nazi militants, or, most likely, it's just another Ukrainian fake.
Just compare Kiev and Grozniy and try to understand, that right now Putin is a pretty cautious and avoiding unnecessary damage.
cos your boss is still lying that its not a war but a "spacial military operation " , + you hordemen dont have the resources to turn Ukraine into Chechnya
That's what I'm getting from my contacts in the Ukraine.

Yet, we have alt-right ethno-Nationalist losers here supporting Putin's war crimes.

How about all the Brown nations where thousands are being slaughtered every day?
Don't be a racist.
cos your boss is still lying that its not a war but a "spacial military operation " , + you hordemen dont have the resources to turn Ukraine into Chechnya
Actually, it was a Counter Terror Operation in Chechnya, too. And the Russians have more than enough of unguided bomb to destroy the whole Kiev in days.
How about all the Brown nations where thousands are being slaughtered every day?
Don't be a racist.
Most of those are conflicts within the countries themselves with Russia asserting itself in some in Africa too. The only other one's between two countries is Yemen and Saudi Arabia and Sudan encroaching into South Sudan. Ukraine doesn't belong to Russia and did not invade Russia on a fake claim of a "special operation" of 'peace keeping'.

Most of those are conflicts within the countries themselves with Russia asserting itself in some in Africa too. The only other one's between two countries is Yemen and Saudi Arabia and Sudan encroaching into South Sudan. Ukraine doesn't belong to Russia and did not invade Russia on a fake claim of a "special operation" of 'peace keeping'.

Actually, Ukraine invaded Russian allies - DPR and LPR.
Turkey is ready to allocate ships to organize the evacuation of the population from Mariupol by sea. This was stated on Saturday by Turkish National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar.

Oh, you such a cute bunnies! Now you have decided to try to save the nazis and foreign instructors from the Azovstal plant and the port?
Actually, Ukraine invaded Russian allies - DPR and LPR.
You are not invading anything in your own country. That is called a civil conflict which Russia has no business in getting involved or promoting.
280 or so bodies, hands tied, shot in the head, dumped in mass graves? Children? Dead civilians including children, in bullet ridden cars with white flags? A civilian in a stalled car with his hands raised in surrender shot dead, then his wife, still in the car shot dead? Hundreds of first hand accounts verifying this? Rape and looting?
According to our lying media and Ukraine propaganda sources. ... :cuckoo:
Actually, it was a Counter Terror Operation in Chechnya, too. And the Russians have more than enough of unguided bomb to destroy the whole Kiev in days.
You weak evil losers have to target civilians, because your incompetent, outdated mitary cannot handle modern weaponry or anything but paved terrain.

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