Russia Has Reached A Dead End


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
In Ukraine, no visible path leads to a Russian victory. Putin keeps inventing stories about how Russia will inevitably prevail: First, it was supposed to win easily by removing the government in Kyiv, then by seizing the Donbas, then by destroying Ukraineā€™s crucial infrastructure, then by freezing Europeans last winter, then by waiting until the West grew tired of supplying Ukraine with weapons. Many in Russia were once willing to believe Putinā€™s fairy tales, but few can now pretend to believe a good end is in sight. Rather, a defeat is looming, and even though the word is virtually prohibited for public use, it comes up more and more often in private conversations. In his public appearance during the mutiny, Putin finally hinted at the real possibility of a defeat, openly invoking the ā€œdagger in the backā€ metaphor that was used to fuel resentment in Germany after it lost in World War I.

Any predictions on how long Putin has left?
Riiiight. Weā€™re $32 trillion in debt, inflation is sky high, the petrodollar being abandoned, interest rates are insaneā€¦..but Russia is ā€œcollapsingā€.

Letā€˜s say they do collapse, then what? They have the biggest arsenal of nukes. How long until they start selling them on the black market? Or decide to use them against Ukraine?
Russia knows who they are fighting, the Zionist Fascist Khazarian Mafia.

Reason for invasion =

The homO Administration used our taxdollars and unleased Cheney Disciple Victoria Nuland to rig Ukraine's elections (just like here and Brazil) for the Zionist Fascists, and in exchange the homO Administration and their Zionist Fascist GOP allies like McConnell and Cheney all got kickbacks from Ukraine....
Let's recap.....

Russia invaded Ukraine under the bullshit lie that they were "fighting the Nazis" -- despite the fact 100% of current day Neo Nazis love Putin....

But, wait, there is more...Putin didn't just roll thru and crush Ukraine, in fact, he needed to hire mercs to fight in Ukraine..and they ended up being more effective than his own military.....but wait, there's more...

The leader of that merc group then went on to say Putin's excuse for invading Ukraine was a lie...and then had the world believing there was about to be a military coup....but wait, there's more....

Instead of that merc group leader facing immediate execution for treason, he is sent off to chill in Belarus while brand new facilities are built for his men....but wait, there's more....

There are actually right-wing morons who claim this makes Putin look strong....even so far as saying, Putin's invasion of Ukraine is making the US look weak...the US, the folks who have not lost a single solitary soldier in a fight that sees Russian soliders dying by the thousands...but ok....

Slurp slurp...
In Ukraine, no visible path leads to a Russian victory. Putin keeps inventing stories about how Russia will inevitably prevail: First, it was supposed to win easily by removing the

Any predictions on how long Putin has left?
Pity you are clueless about Russian strategy . Keeping it simple, Russia sits tight with 3-5 defense lines and they let the US-Ukey Nazis advance . They then obliterate them with artillery and decimate the retreating enemy via land mines they have seeded by helicopter . Kyiv clowns lose up to 1000 men a day and are already using up their third army . It is just a matter of time before Kyiv runs out of men despite plenty of NATO forces being present . As long as this remains the same routine it is literally impossible for Kyiv to win anything but the Losers cap. In principle think of the Bakhmut Meat Grinder and expand it right down the front line .
I'd not call putting 20K+/- combat hardened mercs under Russian contract/control much of a "dead end".

Once the Ukes bleed themselves white against the defensive traps the Orgs have laid for them in their weak-ass "offensive" you will see the mercs again in the form of a counterattack.
Riiiight. Weā€™re $32 trillion in debt, inflation is sky high, the petrodollar being abandoned, interest rates are insaneā€¦..but Russia is ā€œcollapsingā€.

Letā€˜s say they do collapse, then what? They have the biggest arsenal of nukes. How long until they start selling them on the black market? Or decide to use them against Ukraine?

Good questions, does NATO/US have a plan for a Russian collapse, because I'm sure China has one.
I'd not call putting 20K+/- combat hardened mercs under Russian contract/control much of a "dead end".

Once the Ukes bleed themselves white against the defensive traps the Orgs have laid for them in their weak-ass "offensive" you will see the mercs again in the form of a counterattack.
How does Putin hiring mercs to fight his war and for those mercs to do a better job at fighting than his own military make the US look weak again?
Good questions, does NATO/US have a plan for a Russian collapse, because I'm sure China has one.
The Soviet Union collapsed months after a coup there....and whether you love Bush Sr or not, there was not so much of a plan for it....aside from the one NATO had......and guess what, life went on.....

If only you folks gave a fuck about the "collapse" of Iraq like you pretend to care about the collapse of Russia
The Soviet Union collapsed months after a coup there....and whether you love Bush Sr or not, there was not so much of a plan for it....aside from the one NATO had......and guess what, life went on.....

If only you folks gave a fuck about the "collapse" of Iraq like you pretend to care about the collapse of Russia
What has happened is the swamp is in control. War after war after war. Endless hundreds of billions of dollars adding to trillions spent. Meanwhile the inflation on products we purchase to live keeps rising. What is painful is we Americans put up with a lot from our political class. And when the shit hit the fan and we needed them they failed us. And they genuflected to the elites. I realize the world has issues. And each of a us as individuals when compared to others may have more comforts. Seeing how endless carcasses add up in our history validates the ruling tendencies of the psychotic and sociopathic. So, in every organization and groups of any kind and this is us all...those who control cause the innocent within them to eventually suffer.
In Ukraine, no visible path leads to a Russian victory. Putin keeps inventing stories about how Russia will inevitably prevail: First, it was supposed to win easily by removing the government in Kyiv, then by seizing the Donbas, then by destroying Ukraineā€™s crucial infrastructure, then by freezing Europeans last winter, then by waiting until the West grew tired of supplying Ukraine with weapons. Many in Russia were once willing to believe Putinā€™s fairy tales, but few can now pretend to believe a good end is in sight. Rather, a defeat is looming, and even though the word is virtually prohibited for public use, it comes up more and more often in private conversations. In his public appearance during the mutiny, Putin finally hinted at the real possibility of a defeat, openly invoking the ā€œdagger in the backā€ metaphor that was used to fuel resentment in Germany after it lost in World War I.

Any predictions on how long Putin has left?
What has happened is the swamp is in control. War after war after war. Endless hundreds of billions of dollars adding to trillions spent. Meanwhile the inflation on products we purchase to live keeps rising. What is painful is we Americans put up with a lot from our political class. And when the shit hit the fan and we needed them they failed us. And they genuflected to the elites. I realize the world has issues. And each of a us as individuals when compared to others may have more comforts. Seeing how endless carcasses add up in our history validates the ruling tendencies of the psychotic and sociopathic. So, in every organization and groups of any kind and this is us all...those who control cause the innocent within them to eventually suffer.
So why did you call anyone who opposed invading Iraq, traitors and terrorists for years?

Do you folks think Bush got re-elected because of how against the Iraq war, republican voters were?

Did you folks forget how sycophantic you were for invading foreign nations and how hateful you were towards anyone against it -- that you literally changed the name of french fries to freedom fries?? Are you saying "liberals" forced us to do that?

"In the U.S., sentiment toward Paris plummeted, particularly among conservative Americans. Fox News commentator Bill Oā€™Reilly announced on the air he was boycotting French products and Capitol Hill cafeterias famously renamed French fries as ā€œfreedom fries,ā€ in an edible admonishment of the French government."

I was old enough to remember this time frame.....I don't recall many Republicans standing up to Bush and the wasn't many Democrats either..but the elected Democrats who did oppose it were not "praised" by Conservatives for doing yall like to pretend you were against it all along.....years after the fact

Thanks for proving my signature correct....
, inflation is sky high, the petrodollar being abandoned, interest rates are insane
Um, hyperventilate much?

  • What is "sky high".....meaning how high is your high? and on what products? And how does that effect you?
  • Who is abandoning this so called "petrodollar"? And substituting it with what? How do you know? What credible metrics can you provide? Sources?
  • Which interest rates are "insane"? And what does "insane" mean in terms of interests rates? And what instruments have these "insane" rates? And do some not?
Explain yourself poster Hawk.
Russia knows who they are fighting, the Zionist Fascist Khazarian Mafia.
the homO Administration and their Zionist Fascist GOP allies like McConnell and Cheney all got kickbacks from Ukraine....
My avatar always welcomes the contributions from the "EMH" avatar.
EMH is the avatar, the spokesman, the face of, the mindset of -------MAGA.
A complete marriage.
And surprises no one.


Seeing how endless carcasses add up in our history validates the ruling tendencies of the psychotic and sociopathic.
How's that for dystopian?
Hyperventilate much, poster 22lc?


I love this bar. šŸ––
In Ukraine, no visible path leads to a Russian victory. Putin keeps inventing stories about how Russia will inevitably prevail: First, it was supposed to win easily by removing the government in Kyiv, then by seizing the Donbas, then by destroying Ukraineā€™s crucial infrastructure, then by freezing Europeans last winter, then by waiting until the West grew tired of supplying Ukraine with weapons. Many in Russia were once willing to believe Putinā€™s fairy tales, but few can now pretend to believe a good end is in sight. Rather, a defeat is looming, and even though the word is virtually prohibited for public use, it comes up more and more often in private conversations. In his public appearance during the mutiny, Putin finally hinted at the real possibility of a defeat, openly invoking the ā€œdagger in the backā€ metaphor that was used to fuel resentment in Germany after it lost in World War I.

Any predictions on how long Putin has left?
Seeing as just last weekend you loons were confident Putin would be gone by now due to the faux coup, it's difficult to take you folks seriously. Nor do you folks define 'victory' in any legitimate manner. If the Russian goal is to take the Donbas and associated oblasts to form the complete land bridge to Crimea, the goal is already accomplished. All that is left is for the Ukraine to accept reality.

It is funny how pathetic the left wing activists are here. bodecea and Chilli call EMH "MAGA"

Nobody here not a Democrat has trashed Trump more for

Chris Wray
Jeff Sessions
Handling Covid
Still in denial about Murderous Fraud Fax
Having a big ego, bragging, and pissing off independents

But that requires Reading Comprehension in Grade 3, so good luck passing this time...

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