Russians Bomb Themselves

Unfortunately, Putin again today, threatened Ukraine that, " You need to surrender, this is only the beginning. " This man is totally insane and he has to be dealt with, he must not be able to continue this unconscionable slaughter.
This man is totally insane and he has to be dealt with, he must not be able to continue this unconscionable slaughter.

Why? Why can't the Ukraines or the 25 other countries actually in that region do it? Why is this war so damned important while the USA has not lifted one finger to help the Tibetans whom the Chinese has been exterminating for years?

And if things get real ugly in Syria again, do we need to support that war to? And another, and another?

When do Americans begin to see some of the benefit from the trillions and trillions of OUR money this government takes from us year after year?
Why? Why can't the Ukraines or the 25 other countries actually in that region do it? Why is this war so damned important while the USA has not lifted one finger to help the Tibetans whom the Chinese has been exterminating for years?

And if things get real ugly in Syria again, do we need to support that war to? And another, and another?

When do Americans begin to see some of the benefit from the trillions and trillions of OUR money this government takes from us year after year?
The new world order is approaching. Something like it was in the Cold War era. The main difference is two main poles will be the US and China. Please catch up.

Leave Syria to Turkey. They can deal with that.
Why? Why can't the Ukraines or the 25 other countries actually in that region do it? Why is this war so damned important while the USA has not lifted one finger to help the Tibetans whom the Chinese has been exterminating for years?

And if things get real ugly in Syria again, do we need to support that war to? And another, and another?

When do Americans begin to see some of the benefit from the trillions and trillions of OUR money this government takes from us year after year?
Of course the US has not provided Ukraine with trillions of dollars. The US has two very good reasons for supporting Ukraine. First, After the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world and living in that neighborhood was understandably reluctant to give it up, but the US, UK and Russia and later China signed the Budapest Memorandum in which they guaranteed Ukraine's security if Ukraine would give up its nuclear weapons. Ukraine agreed, making the US and UK guarantors of Ukraine's security. Clearly, if Ukraine still had those nukes, Russia would not have dared to attack. Should America's word become as worthless as Putin's word now?

Second, Putin has made it clear that he intends to try to recapture the former Soviet empire, meaning he intends to attack NATO nations and the US as a NATO member is bound by its treaty obligations to fight Russia if that happens. That will not only be enormously more expensive that aiding Ukraine, but also put American lives in danger.
Unfortunately, Putin again today, threatened Ukraine that, " You need to surrender, this is only the beginning. " This man is totally insane and he has to be dealt with, he must not be able to continue this unconscionable slaughter.

Too bad the guy you voted for invited Putin to invade Ukraine, huh?
After the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world and ~ ~ ~ they guaranteed Ukraine's security if Ukraine would give up its nuclear weapons.
So, in other words, Ukraine has no arsenal to protect anymore and we are at war now over our "word" with Ukraine while we routinely break our word all the time with other countries?!

Clearly, if Ukraine still had those nukes, Russia would not have dared to attack.
That makes US the cause of the war now destabilizing the world!

Should America's word become as worthless as Putin's word now?
Just ask the Kurds. Just ask the American Indians. Just ask England or France who Biden screwed over just last year breaking our "word." Just ask every social security card holder in this country who when Social Security was started, it said right on the back of your card: NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES. They now use it to identify EVERYTHING about you. Just ask the people whom Biden gave his word would be back to normal by July 4 LAST YEAR or who he gave his word no American boots would be in Ukraine.

Second, Putin has made it clear that he intends to try to recapture the former Soviet empire, meaning he intends to attack NATO nations and the US as a NATO member is bound by its treaty obligations to fight Russia if that happens.
Ukraine is not part of NATO. All Russia needs to be the USSR again are a few pittling few little countries.

That will not only be enormously more expensive that aiding Ukraine, but also put American lives in danger.
I doubt it. Russia is just trying to survive as their economy as it stands is smaller right now that Brazil's I think.
Too bad the guy you voted for invited Putin to invade Ukraine, huh?
Putin is to blame for this whole situation, it doesn't matter who was in power in the United States. Putin was trying to stop the Ukraine from becoming a NATO member.
So, in other words, Ukraine has no arsenal to protect anymore and we are at war now over our "word" with Ukraine while we routinely break our word all the time with other countries?!

That makes US the cause of the war now destabilizing the world!

Just ask the Kurds. Just ask the American Indians. Just ask England or France who Biden screwed over just last year breaking our "word." Just ask every social security card holder in this country who when Social Security was started, it said right on the back of your card: NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES. They now use it to identify EVERYTHING about you. Just ask the people whom Biden gave his word would be back to normal by July 4 LAST YEAR or who he gave his word no American boots would be in Ukraine.

Ukraine is not part of NATO. All Russia needs to be the USSR again are a few pittling few little countries.

I doubt it. Russia is just trying to survive as their economy as it stands is smaller right now that Brazil's I think.
Ukraine would not need help to defend itself if it had not trusted the US and gotten rid of its nukes, and the US is not at war with Russia any more than it was when Reagan gave Stingers to the Afghanis to fight the Russians. There is no rational basis in fact or logic for claiming the US caused this war; clearly Putin's imperialist ambitions are the cause of the war.

In fact, Russia only constituted about half of the USSR in population and economic power so it would have to conquer a lot of countries to reconstitute the USSR empire, and several of those countries are NATO members, so do you think the US shouldn't be trusted to live up to its obligations under NATO just as you think the US shouldn't be trusted to live up to its obligations under the Budapest Memorandum?
Why? Are the Ukraines paying us for them? Are we just giving them away just because we hate Russia? What about our own economy?
They will be part of the lend lease money (I believe). I could be wrong.

It's not a "drawdown" which would come from our inventories. It is the Pentagon contracting on Ukraine's behalf with the manufacturer.

This is a ground based ADA that uses AMRAAM-ER. It's mainly for shooting down the cruise missiles.

As for the rest, I guess it depends on your viewpoint.
You don't know that.

It is a proxy war that Biden has done everything in his power to antagonize, through banking seizures and other things.
The war was started by Russian and the US and most of Europe have tried to end it by imposing sanctions on Russia aimed at limiting Russia's ability to continue the war and delivering weapons to Ukraine to help the people defend themselves against the Russians. Just this week, the Russian Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Russia reported that the sanctions are weakening Russia and threatening its ability to carry on the war. Clearly, the aim of the US and he Europeans is to try to force Russia to end this war.
It doesn't matter who was president in the United States. Putin's delusions and fears drove him to attack the Ukraine. He is as big a psychopath as trump is.
Ukraine would not need help to defend itself if it had not trusted the US and gotten rid of its nukes, and the US is not at war with Russia any more than it was when Reagan gave Stingers to the Afghanis to fight the Russians. There is no rational basis in fact or logic for claiming the US caused this war; clearly Putin's imperialist ambitions are the cause of the war.

In fact, Russia only constituted about half of the USSR in population and economic power so it would have to conquer a lot of countries to reconstitute the USSR empire, and several of those countries are NATO members, so do you think the US shouldn't be trusted to live up to its obligations under NATO just as you think the US shouldn't be trusted to live up to its obligations under the Budapest Memorandum?
The US the UK and Russia signed that agreement guaranteeing Ukrainian security if they got rid of all their nukes. Russia totally reneged on the deal. I hope the ukrainians kept a couple of them back and that they bomb Moscow. That would be Justice.

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