Russians Insult Obama Naming Black Goat After Him

"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.

Unlike you, I'm a patriotic American and no, Pooting does not look strong. He's just a bully who actually beats up young girls in the street.

Not surprising you admire that while.

Seriously doodette, you're pathetic. If you love Pooting so much, get out of America. See how long you last humping Pooting's leg.

The Dixie chics called out Bush and their careers ended that day....but anybody can throw shade at the black man and its okay...this country has gone beyond shame.....and I hope the stars are in line this Nov. to pay all these hating bastards back...with a Trump win......God I hope this guy wins, I really do.

No, they have actually made a comeback and good on them. They were absolutely right to say what they did about the Bush crime family.

BTW, Barrypuppet isn't black...he is part white and part black...since when did black plus white = black? You have got to get off this tint of someone's skin matters because that is how they keep us divided. I would throw my support behind ANYONE that wants to return us to a Republic and kick the international bankers to the curb and the color of his skin doesn't mean diddly squat to me. Your hero is bought and paid for by these bankers and that is a fucking fact and a reality.

And you can type that bullshit with a straight face, can ya?

I know more than you....that is a fact. I have invested thousands upon thousands of hours learning the things I have which is why I no longer participate in the process because it is a sham from start to finish. I am here to educate and give people the benefit of what I have spent so much time learning. I wouldn't vote for a neocon even with a gun pointed at my head and the same thing goes for a Fabian socialist because I know what the end game is. I have done the work and it's a never ending journey. Once you lose the programming from watching TV, your mind becomes clearer and the ability to think improves 1000 fold.
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.
Not as embarrassing as Americans siding with Russians though. :ack-1:
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

POOTIN named the goat?
No, a goat herder named the goat. They tried to give it to Putin andPutin didn't want it.

Sounds like a desperate attempt on the part of the poor goat herder to make nice with the dictator so he had a better chance of not getting disappeared.
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.
Not as embarrassing as Americans siding with Russians though. :ack-1:

One of those pesky things that happen when you have an epiphany and you realize that all the bullshit that you were fed was nothing but propaganda in order to keep you in line and saluting the corporate banner that is USA.INC. You have idiots that are still stuck on "stupid" that swing their purses at you here in cyberville because you won't "get with the program".

I call it like I see it and let the chips fall where they may. If I was judging a fight between an American and a Russian and the Russian was kicking the American's ass...wouldn't it be chickenshit to score the fight for the guy that got his ass kicked? Yeah, I think it would.

Thanks for playing......
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.
Not as embarrassing as Americans siding with Russians though. :ack-1:

I agree. Its just sick and sad to see Americans who hate their own country so much that they think they want to live without freedom and rights under a dictator.

Did you see this?

If You Had To Pick Between Hillary and Putin, Merkel, and Cameron, Who Would YOU Choose?

What's wrong with these people?
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.
Not as embarrassing as Americans siding with Russians though. :ack-1:

I agree. Its just sick and sad to see Americans who hate their own country so much that they think they want to live without freedom and rights under a dictator.

Did you see this?

If You Had To Pick Between Hillary and Putin, Merkel, and Cameron, Who Would YOU Choose?

What's wrong with these people?

We don't have rights....we have "privileges" and those privileges can be taken away at the whim of your beloved corporate "gubermint". I don't hate my country as a matter of fact, I care enough about my countrymen to lay down my life for them. But I have nothing but hatred and disdain for this corporate entity owned by international bankers that instead of governing from the bottom up.... they pass down laws from on high in order to make a profit. They will have to kill me before I will ever stop speaking out against it. You don't have a fucking clue, are totally clueless. I wouldn't support Hitlery under the threat of with it and grow the fuck up.
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.
Not as embarrassing as Americans siding with Russians though. :ack-1:

One of those pesky things that happen when you have an epiphany and you realize that all the bullshit that you were fed was nothing but propaganda in order to keep you in line and saluting the corporate banner that is USA.INC. You have idiots that are still stuck on "stupid" that swing their purses at you here in cyberville because you won't "get with the program".

I call it like I see it and let the chips fall where they may. If I was judging a fight between an American and a Russian and the Russian was kicking the American's ass...wouldn't it be chickenshit to score the fight for the guy that got his ass kicked? Yeah, I think it would.

Thanks for playing......
Never heard siding with the enemy portrayed that way; but then never heard anyone calling goat naming as kicking one's ass. You sure do have low standards, even for a rightard.
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.
Not as embarrassing as Americans siding with Russians though. :ack-1:

One of those pesky things that happen when you have an epiphany and you realize that all the bullshit that you were fed was nothing but propaganda in order to keep you in line and saluting the corporate banner that is USA.INC. You have idiots that are still stuck on "stupid" that swing their purses at you here in cyberville because you won't "get with the program".

I call it like I see it and let the chips fall where they may. If I was judging a fight between an American and a Russian and the Russian was kicking the American's ass...wouldn't it be chickenshit to score the fight for the guy that got his ass kicked? Yeah, I think it would.

Thanks for playing......
Have you sought mental health counseling for your paranoid delusions?
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.
Not as embarrassing as Americans siding with Russians though. :ack-1:

One of those pesky things that happen when you have an epiphany and you realize that all the bullshit that you were fed was nothing but propaganda in order to keep you in line and saluting the corporate banner that is USA.INC. You have idiots that are still stuck on "stupid" that swing their purses at you here in cyberville because you won't "get with the program".

I call it like I see it and let the chips fall where they may. If I was judging a fight between an American and a Russian and the Russian was kicking the American's ass...wouldn't it be chickenshit to score the fight for the guy that got his ass kicked? Yeah, I think it would.

Thanks for playing......
Never heard siding with the enemy portrayed that way; but then never heard anyone calling goat naming as kicking one's ass. You sure do have low standards, even for a rightard.

How is Russia an "enemy"? What acts of aggression have they done that has threatened USA.INC? What Putin has done is kicked the shit out the mercenaries funded by the CIA that have wanted Assad ousted and I don't see how that affects you. So, please tell me how Russia or Putin are an "enemy" outside of the fact that he has attacked terrorists?
Barrypuppet wanted to send in troops against Assad in 2014, those within our military and those of us that are awake spoke out against it and Putin backed his ally. The chemical attacks were perpetrated by the very mercenaries the CIA is backing that we are suppose to be worried about here and the reason that the spy on us. Obviously you have no clue as to what is going on. All you know is that some world leader punked the Barrypuppet so your panties are in a wad.....and I am suppose to give a shit because of???????

I am much more leery of this corporate "gubermint" than I am of Putin or any other world leader.
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

And yet, they named the goat after our current president. :lol:
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.
Not as embarrassing as Americans siding with Russians though. :ack-1:

One of those pesky things that happen when you have an epiphany and you realize that all the bullshit that you were fed was nothing but propaganda in order to keep you in line and saluting the corporate banner that is USA.INC. You have idiots that are still stuck on "stupid" that swing their purses at you here in cyberville because you won't "get with the program".

I call it like I see it and let the chips fall where they may. If I was judging a fight between an American and a Russian and the Russian was kicking the American's ass...wouldn't it be chickenshit to score the fight for the guy that got his ass kicked? Yeah, I think it would.

Thanks for playing......
Have you sought mental health counseling for your paranoid delusions?

Have you ever taken a minute to think that you might be wrong on some things? Have you ever thought tht thre might be some people that know more than you? You might want to consider it...
I would be proud if someone named his goat after me

I was very young when I named my cat after my very much believed grand mother. She took it as the compliment it was.

Patriotic Americans don't care what Pooting's Russia thinks of our country or our president. If they do care, its about their own country and president - not the Russians.

Honestly, I remember a time when right or left, Dem or Repub, you were loyal to your own country. Now we have a whole sub-human culture like the OP who hate their own country.
Putin is cool while Obama is not. Americans hate pussies like Obama. Because of Obama being our leader, Putin sends his jets to storm our ships at sea. Our brave American boys hands are tied and can't do anything because Obama is a chickenshit coward.
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.
Not as embarrassing as Americans siding with Russians though. :ack-1:

One of those pesky things that happen when you have an epiphany and you realize that all the bullshit that you were fed was nothing but propaganda in order to keep you in line and saluting the corporate banner that is USA.INC. You have idiots that are still stuck on "stupid" that swing their purses at you here in cyberville because you won't "get with the program".

I call it like I see it and let the chips fall where they may. If I was judging a fight between an American and a Russian and the Russian was kicking the American's ass...wouldn't it be chickenshit to score the fight for the guy that got his ass kicked? Yeah, I think it would.

Thanks for playing......
Never heard siding with the enemy portrayed that way; but then never heard anyone calling goat naming as kicking one's ass. You sure do have low standards, even for a rightard.

How is Russia an "enemy"? What acts of aggression have they done that has threatened USA.INC? What Putin has done is kicked the shit out the mercenaries funded by the CIA that have wanted Assad ousted and I don't see how that affects you. So, please tell me how Russia or Putin are an "enemy" outside of the fact that he has attacked terrorists?
Barrypuppet wanted to send in troops against Assad in 2014, those within our military and those of us that are awake spoke out against it and Putin backed his ally. The chemical attacks were perpetrated by the very mercenaries the CIA is backing that we are suppose to be worried about here and the reason that the spy on us. Obviously you have no clue as to what is going on. All you know is that some world leader punked the Barrypuppet so your panties are in a wad.....and I am suppose to give a shit because of???????

I am much more leery of this corporate "gubermint" than I am of Putin or any other world leader.
Americans consider Russia as our second greatest enemy (just behind North Korea). You would know that if you loved America.
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.
Not as embarrassing as Americans siding with Russians though. :ack-1:

One of those pesky things that happen when you have an epiphany and you realize that all the bullshit that you were fed was nothing but propaganda in order to keep you in line and saluting the corporate banner that is USA.INC. You have idiots that are still stuck on "stupid" that swing their purses at you here in cyberville because you won't "get with the program".

I call it like I see it and let the chips fall where they may. If I was judging a fight between an American and a Russian and the Russian was kicking the American's ass...wouldn't it be chickenshit to score the fight for the guy that got his ass kicked? Yeah, I think it would.

Thanks for playing......
Have you sought mental health counseling for your paranoid delusions?

Have you ever taken a minute to think that you might be wrong on some things? Have you ever thought tht thre might be some people that know more than you? You might want to consider it...
Where is she wrong??
Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.
Not as embarrassing as Americans siding with Russians though. :ack-1:

One of those pesky things that happen when you have an epiphany and you realize that all the bullshit that you were fed was nothing but propaganda in order to keep you in line and saluting the corporate banner that is USA.INC. You have idiots that are still stuck on "stupid" that swing their purses at you here in cyberville because you won't "get with the program".

I call it like I see it and let the chips fall where they may. If I was judging a fight between an American and a Russian and the Russian was kicking the American's ass...wouldn't it be chickenshit to score the fight for the guy that got his ass kicked? Yeah, I think it would.

Thanks for playing......
Never heard siding with the enemy portrayed that way; but then never heard anyone calling goat naming as kicking one's ass. You sure do have low standards, even for a rightard.

How is Russia an "enemy"? What acts of aggression have they done that has threatened USA.INC? What Putin has done is kicked the shit out the mercenaries funded by the CIA that have wanted Assad ousted and I don't see how that affects you. So, please tell me how Russia or Putin are an "enemy" outside of the fact that he has attacked terrorists?
Barrypuppet wanted to send in troops against Assad in 2014, those within our military and those of us that are awake spoke out against it and Putin backed his ally. The chemical attacks were perpetrated by the very mercenaries the CIA is backing that we are suppose to be worried about here and the reason that the spy on us. Obviously you have no clue as to what is going on. All you know is that some world leader punked the Barrypuppet so your panties are in a wad.....and I am suppose to give a shit because of???????

I am much more leery of this corporate "gubermint" than I am of Putin or any other world leader.
Americans consider Russia as our second greatest enemy (just behind North Korea). You would know that if you loved America.

Yeah, and we considered Iraq and Afghanistan as a great enemy as well.......Americans are not that bright. We feed at the trough of the corporate media and believe everything they spew. Just because "da gubermint" claims someone is an enemy doesn't mean that is the case.
I would be proud if someone named his goat after me

I was very young when I named my cat after my very much believed grand mother. She took it as the compliment it was.

Patriotic Americans don't care what Pooting's Russia thinks of our country or our president. If they do care, its about their own country and president - not the Russians.

Honestly, I remember a time when right or left, Dem or Repub, you were loyal to your own country. Now we have a whole sub-human culture like the OP who hate their own country.
Putin is cool while Obama is not. Americans hate pussies like Obama. Because of Obama being our leader, Putin sends his jets to storm our ships at sea. Our brave American boys hands are tied and can't do anything because Obama is a chickenshit coward.
Did you call Bush a pussy when Russian jets buzzed our ships at sea while he was president?
Not as embarrassing as Americans siding with Russians though. :ack-1:

One of those pesky things that happen when you have an epiphany and you realize that all the bullshit that you were fed was nothing but propaganda in order to keep you in line and saluting the corporate banner that is USA.INC. You have idiots that are still stuck on "stupid" that swing their purses at you here in cyberville because you won't "get with the program".

I call it like I see it and let the chips fall where they may. If I was judging a fight between an American and a Russian and the Russian was kicking the American's ass...wouldn't it be chickenshit to score the fight for the guy that got his ass kicked? Yeah, I think it would.

Thanks for playing......
Never heard siding with the enemy portrayed that way; but then never heard anyone calling goat naming as kicking one's ass. You sure do have low standards, even for a rightard.

How is Russia an "enemy"? What acts of aggression have they done that has threatened USA.INC? What Putin has done is kicked the shit out the mercenaries funded by the CIA that have wanted Assad ousted and I don't see how that affects you. So, please tell me how Russia or Putin are an "enemy" outside of the fact that he has attacked terrorists?
Barrypuppet wanted to send in troops against Assad in 2014, those within our military and those of us that are awake spoke out against it and Putin backed his ally. The chemical attacks were perpetrated by the very mercenaries the CIA is backing that we are suppose to be worried about here and the reason that the spy on us. Obviously you have no clue as to what is going on. All you know is that some world leader punked the Barrypuppet so your panties are in a wad.....and I am suppose to give a shit because of???????

I am much more leery of this corporate "gubermint" than I am of Putin or any other world leader.
Americans consider Russia as our second greatest enemy (just behind North Korea). You would know that if you loved America.

Yeah, and we considered Iraq and Afghanistan as a great enemy as well.......Americans are not that bright. We feed at the trough of the corporate media and believe everything they spew. Just because "da gubermint" claims someone is an enemy doesn't mean that is the case.
Where has the government called Russia an enemy?

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