Russians Insult Obama Naming Black Goat After Him

Actually, I think that the goat would be more insulted.

Russians Insult Obama by Naming Black Goat After Him

Russia also threatened to boycott the Eurovision song contest.

Russia is just a whining big bully.
That Ukraine singer's song about the Crimera will make the American Top 40 in about 40 years from never. lol

It's Eurovision, it's supposed to be tacky and awful, that's the only reason people watch it.
One of those pesky things that happen when you have an epiphany and you realize that all the bullshit that you were fed was nothing but propaganda in order to keep you in line and saluting the corporate banner that is USA.INC. You have idiots that are still stuck on "stupid" that swing their purses at you here in cyberville because you won't "get with the program".

I call it like I see it and let the chips fall where they may. If I was judging a fight between an American and a Russian and the Russian was kicking the American's ass...wouldn't it be chickenshit to score the fight for the guy that got his ass kicked? Yeah, I think it would.

Thanks for playing......
Never heard siding with the enemy portrayed that way; but then never heard anyone calling goat naming as kicking one's ass. You sure do have low standards, even for a rightard.

How is Russia an "enemy"? What acts of aggression have they done that has threatened USA.INC? What Putin has done is kicked the shit out the mercenaries funded by the CIA that have wanted Assad ousted and I don't see how that affects you. So, please tell me how Russia or Putin are an "enemy" outside of the fact that he has attacked terrorists?
Barrypuppet wanted to send in troops against Assad in 2014, those within our military and those of us that are awake spoke out against it and Putin backed his ally. The chemical attacks were perpetrated by the very mercenaries the CIA is backing that we are suppose to be worried about here and the reason that the spy on us. Obviously you have no clue as to what is going on. All you know is that some world leader punked the Barrypuppet so your panties are in a wad.....and I am suppose to give a shit because of???????

I am much more leery of this corporate "gubermint" than I am of Putin or any other world leader.
Americans consider Russia as our second greatest enemy (just behind North Korea). You would know that if you loved America.

Yeah, and we considered Iraq and Afghanistan as a great enemy as well.......Americans are not that bright. We feed at the trough of the corporate media and believe everything they spew. Just because "da gubermint" claims someone is an enemy doesn't mean that is the case.
Where has the government called Russia an enemy?

So why do you consider them to be an enemy? The sheeple must have gotten that impression from someplace.......could it be the "gubermint" controlled media?
I would be proud if someone named his goat after me

I was very young when I named my cat after my very much believed grand mother. She took it as the compliment it was.

Patriotic Americans don't care what Pooting's Russia thinks of our country or our president. If they do care, its about their own country and president - not the Russians.

Honestly, I remember a time when right or left, Dem or Repub, you were loyal to your own country. Now we have a whole sub-human culture like the OP who hate their own country.
Putin is cool while Obama is not. Americans hate pussies like Obama. Because of Obama being our leader, Putin sends his jets to storm our ships at sea. Our brave American boys hands are tied and can't do anything because Obama is a chickenshit coward.

Putin is "cool?" Lol.
Never heard siding with the enemy portrayed that way; but then never heard anyone calling goat naming as kicking one's ass. You sure do have low standards, even for a rightard.

How is Russia an "enemy"? What acts of aggression have they done that has threatened USA.INC? What Putin has done is kicked the shit out the mercenaries funded by the CIA that have wanted Assad ousted and I don't see how that affects you. So, please tell me how Russia or Putin are an "enemy" outside of the fact that he has attacked terrorists?
Barrypuppet wanted to send in troops against Assad in 2014, those within our military and those of us that are awake spoke out against it and Putin backed his ally. The chemical attacks were perpetrated by the very mercenaries the CIA is backing that we are suppose to be worried about here and the reason that the spy on us. Obviously you have no clue as to what is going on. All you know is that some world leader punked the Barrypuppet so your panties are in a wad.....and I am suppose to give a shit because of???????

I am much more leery of this corporate "gubermint" than I am of Putin or any other world leader.
Americans consider Russia as our second greatest enemy (just behind North Korea). You would know that if you loved America.

Yeah, and we considered Iraq and Afghanistan as a great enemy as well.......Americans are not that bright. We feed at the trough of the corporate media and believe everything they spew. Just because "da gubermint" claims someone is an enemy doesn't mean that is the case.
Where has the government called Russia an enemy?

So why do you consider them to be an enemy? The sheeple must have gotten that impression from someplace.......could it be the "gubermint" controlled media?
Apparently not since you can't cite the government calling them an enemy.
How is Russia an "enemy"? What acts of aggression have they done that has threatened USA.INC? What Putin has done is kicked the shit out the mercenaries funded by the CIA that have wanted Assad ousted and I don't see how that affects you. So, please tell me how Russia or Putin are an "enemy" outside of the fact that he has attacked terrorists?
Barrypuppet wanted to send in troops against Assad in 2014, those within our military and those of us that are awake spoke out against it and Putin backed his ally. The chemical attacks were perpetrated by the very mercenaries the CIA is backing that we are suppose to be worried about here and the reason that the spy on us. Obviously you have no clue as to what is going on. All you know is that some world leader punked the Barrypuppet so your panties are in a wad.....and I am suppose to give a shit because of???????

I am much more leery of this corporate "gubermint" than I am of Putin or any other world leader.
Americans consider Russia as our second greatest enemy (just behind North Korea). You would know that if you loved America.

Yeah, and we considered Iraq and Afghanistan as a great enemy as well.......Americans are not that bright. We feed at the trough of the corporate media and believe everything they spew. Just because "da gubermint" claims someone is an enemy doesn't mean that is the case.
Where has the government called Russia an enemy?

So why do you consider them to be an enemy? The sheeple must have gotten that impression from someplace.......could it be the "gubermint" controlled media?
Apparently not since you can't cite the government calling them an enemy.

YOU are the one claiming that they are the enemy,....who put that idea in your head? Where could you have possibly of gotten that impression? Did you come up with it all on your own that Russia is working to take down USA.INC???? Obviously you got that from somewhere. Your Barrypuppet was pissed about Crimea deciding to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U.......we were told that Russian troops were crossing the border of the Ukraine when that was a total load of bullshit. USA.INC was pissed that Assad brought in help from Russia to take on ISIS/al qaeda which is fight a war for USA.INC........but yeah, I'm are right...Barrypuppet good...Putin bad. (snicker)
Americans consider Russia as our second greatest enemy (just behind North Korea). You would know that if you loved America.

Yeah, and we considered Iraq and Afghanistan as a great enemy as well.......Americans are not that bright. We feed at the trough of the corporate media and believe everything they spew. Just because "da gubermint" claims someone is an enemy doesn't mean that is the case.
Where has the government called Russia an enemy?

So why do you consider them to be an enemy? The sheeple must have gotten that impression from someplace.......could it be the "gubermint" controlled media?
Apparently not since you can't cite the government calling them an enemy.

YOU are the one claiming that they are the enemy,....who put that idea in your head? Where could you have possibly of gotten that impression? Did you come up with it all on your own that Russia is working to take down USA.INC???? Obviously you got that from somewhere. Your Barrypuppet was pissed about Crimea deciding to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U.......we were told that Russian troops were crossing the border of the Ukraine when that was a total load of bullshit. USA.INC was pissed that Assad brought in help from Russia to take on ISIS/al qaeda which is fight a war for USA.INC........but yeah, I'm are right...Barrypuppet good...Putin bad. (snicker)
I claimed they are our enemy. I never said I got that from the government. That's just you... well... jumping to wrong conclusions again. They've been our enemy since the 40's. The Cold War never ended. It seemed to subside while Gorbachev was in power and he tried to westernize the Soviet Union. But then the U.S.S.R. collapsed, Russia returned to their old ways with Putin, and they currently spend more on their military as a percentage of GDP than we do.
The real entertainment will be when they name an orangutan after Trump... :lmao:
Yeah, and we considered Iraq and Afghanistan as a great enemy as well.......Americans are not that bright. We feed at the trough of the corporate media and believe everything they spew. Just because "da gubermint" claims someone is an enemy doesn't mean that is the case.
Where has the government called Russia an enemy?

So why do you consider them to be an enemy? The sheeple must have gotten that impression from someplace.......could it be the "gubermint" controlled media?
Apparently not since you can't cite the government calling them an enemy.

YOU are the one claiming that they are the enemy,....who put that idea in your head? Where could you have possibly of gotten that impression? Did you come up with it all on your own that Russia is working to take down USA.INC???? Obviously you got that from somewhere. Your Barrypuppet was pissed about Crimea deciding to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U.......we were told that Russian troops were crossing the border of the Ukraine when that was a total load of bullshit. USA.INC was pissed that Assad brought in help from Russia to take on ISIS/al qaeda which is fight a war for USA.INC........but yeah, I'm are right...Barrypuppet good...Putin bad. (snicker)
I claimed they are our enemy. I never said I got that from the government. That's just you... well... jumping to wrong conclusions again. They've been our enemy since the 40's. The Cold War never ended. It seemed to subside while Gorbachev was in power and he tried to westernize the Soviet Union. But then the U.S.S.R. collapsed, Russia returned to their old ways with Putin, and they currently spend more on their military as a percentage of GDP than we do.

There couldn't have been a USSR without Wall Street and the corporate "gubermint". They funded the Bolshevik revolution. Trotsky was working on Wall Street when he was sent to can you not know that? The Russian people have USA.INC to "thank" for communist oppression. USA.INC sent aid and manufacturing capabilities over to Russia in order to build them into an opponent because the American people need to have something to be afraid of. USA.INC is filled with rich commies that want to model the world under a totalitarian communist "gubermint" with the rich elite in charge. It's not a surprise to me that you don't have a fucking clue about the real history since 1900. I can back up everything I contend with facts and data.....I will send your ass packing. Don't fuck with me. I spend 90 percent of my time reading and researching. You get your info from MSNBC. You don't know diddly squat.....fuck your Marxist Barrypuppet and anyone that defends that piece of shit.
Tensions must be high if it makes world news that a black goat in Russia is named "Obama."

In case you didn't know, Russians are racist against anyone with dark skin. I had an Armenian client, he went to Moscow and they wouldn't even let him wait in the food line because he was dark-skinned.

Russia has always been a backwards, third-world country, and the corruption of its people ensure that it will never make any real progress.

Ha-ha-ha! :)) And also we have bears, playing at balalaikas and drinking vodka.

Russians don't have any racism to anyone with dark skin, absolutely - as a proof, in Russia words "black" and others doesn't have any negative meaning. But Russian have dislike to middle-east and caucasian sorts of behaviour in society - it's true. It's because Russian police very liberal and don't consider abusing behaviour as sort of crime, and don't fight with ethnic crime mafia, as we need.

HOW you can to distinguish Armenians from south Russians? As for me, native Russian - I can't. Have you seen any Armenians before you telling this story? :)
Well, I don't care. That was still hilarious when I read it! :lol: Obama goat. Lol!
Tensions must be high if it makes world news that a black goat in Russia is named "Obama."

In case you didn't know, Russians are racist against anyone with dark skin. I had an Armenian client, he went to Moscow and they wouldn't even let him wait in the food line because he was dark-skinned.

Russia has always been a backwards, third-world country, and the corruption of its people ensure that it will never make any real progress.

Ha-ha-ha! :)) And also we have bears, playing at balalaikas and drinking vodka.

Russians don't have any racism to anyone with dark skin, absolutely - as a proof, in Russia words "black" and others doesn't have any negative meaning. But Russian have dislike to middle-east and caucasian sorts of behaviour in society - it's true. It's because Russian police very liberal and don't consider abusing behaviour as sort of crime, and don't fight with ethnic crime mafia, as we need.

HOW you can to distinguish Armenians from south Russians? As for me, native Russian - I can't. Have you seen any Armenians before you telling this story? :)

Highly doubt he can point at Armenia on a Russian map :D
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

I wonder how many of Pooties political enemies he sent to Siberia when he was the head of the KGB? It would be cool to have that much power. I could think of several of my own personal enemies I could give that treatment to. Then he rides horses and shoots bow and arrow with his shirt off. How cool and manly is THAT? It's no wonder that many American fascists and it's unwitting supporters have fallen in love with Pootie. It's springtime and international bromance is in the air.
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

I wonder how many of Pooties political enemies he sent to Siberia when he was the head of the KGB? It would be cool to have that much power. I could think of several of my own personal enemies I could give that treatment to. Then he rides horses and shoots bow and arrow with his shirt off. How cool and manly is THAT? It's no wonder that many American fascists and it's unwitting supporters have fallen in love with Pootie. It's springtime and international bromance is in the air.

Riding horse and shooting bow - is just show. But look here at 11:40 minute (cannot make direct link :(( )

He is walking with frozen right arm in situations, when he don't think about it. Because he is real gunfighter and always ready to get his hidden gun :)
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Where has the government called Russia an enemy?

So why do you consider them to be an enemy? The sheeple must have gotten that impression from someplace.......could it be the "gubermint" controlled media?
Apparently not since you can't cite the government calling them an enemy.

YOU are the one claiming that they are the enemy,....who put that idea in your head? Where could you have possibly of gotten that impression? Did you come up with it all on your own that Russia is working to take down USA.INC???? Obviously you got that from somewhere. Your Barrypuppet was pissed about Crimea deciding to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U.......we were told that Russian troops were crossing the border of the Ukraine when that was a total load of bullshit. USA.INC was pissed that Assad brought in help from Russia to take on ISIS/al qaeda which is fight a war for USA.INC........but yeah, I'm are right...Barrypuppet good...Putin bad. (snicker)
I claimed they are our enemy. I never said I got that from the government. That's just you... well... jumping to wrong conclusions again. They've been our enemy since the 40's. The Cold War never ended. It seemed to subside while Gorbachev was in power and he tried to westernize the Soviet Union. But then the U.S.S.R. collapsed, Russia returned to their old ways with Putin, and they currently spend more on their military as a percentage of GDP than we do.

There couldn't have been a USSR without Wall Street and the corporate "gubermint". They funded the Bolshevik revolution. Trotsky was working on Wall Street when he was sent to can you not know that? The Russian people have USA.INC to "thank" for communist oppression. USA.INC sent aid and manufacturing capabilities over to Russia in order to build them into an opponent because the American people need to have something to be afraid of. USA.INC is filled with rich commies that want to model the world under a totalitarian communist "gubermint" with the rich elite in charge. It's not a surprise to me that you don't have a fucking clue about the real history since 1900. I can back up everything I contend with facts and data.....I will send your ass packing. Don't fuck with me. I spend 90 percent of my time reading and researching. You get your info from MSNBC. You don't know diddly squat.....fuck your Marxist Barrypuppet and anyone that defends that piece of shit.
What's to fuck with? You're a moron. You didn't even address my point, which is that that Russia is our enemy, the cold war is still on and we're in an arms race with them. Instead, you make an idiot of yourself going off on an unrelated tangent, during which, you switch your own empty rhetoric from saying I get my information from the government to saying I get it from MSNBC.

Which establishes you wrong again. And you're wrong again because you continuously leap to erroneous conclusions. :cuckoo:
oh well, any civility or respect for the office of the President went out the window when Bush was in office. remember when Hugo Chavez came on our soil and called Bush a dog, the left/dem howled with glee and did cartwheels. so what ever they do with Obama is a now. so what, oh well. Obama deserves every bit of it in my book

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