Russia's Invasion: Worse Than Afghanistan

Bush went back into Afghanistan to try and save Enron.
Whatever the boy warrior king was doing, his iraq strategy was a model of coherence in comparison. Saddam was starving his own people, while sitting on huge oil reserves, and his team was convinced that somewhere Saddam surely at least had some old mustard gas or something, so we'd get rid of Saddam for the Iraqis and they could live peacefully ever after ..... the problem of course was the shia had every intention of cutting every sunni throat, and the kurds wanted to have a homeland with oil so as to threaten Turkey

His team has so many differing goals and views of Iraq that the idiot looked for one common denominator and came up with womd.

Given that clusterfk, I can almost have some pity for Putin's never expecting anyone would care what he did to Ukraine.

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