S.E Cupp: Trump and the GOP in tatters

Gee, let's see, you had the worst midterm election in 2018 since Watergate. Lost 41 seats in the House, seven governorships, and multiple state legislative majorities,
Are you disingenuous or just downright sleazy?

because it doesn't fit his agenda. And he said he wasn't partisan
He's turned into as big a disingenuous hack as Mac.....All over the blind hatred of one man.

Our distain for Dear Leader is based on verifiable facts and evidence.
Put on your MAGA kneepads man, you're PATHETIC

Gee, let's see, you had the worst midterm election in 2018 since Watergate. Lost 41 seats in the House, seven governorships, and multiple state legislative majorities,
Are you disingenuous or just downright sleazy?

because it doesn't fit his agenda. And he said he wasn't partisan
He's turned into as big a disingenuous hack as Mac.....All over the blind hatred of one man.

Our distain for Dear Leader is based on verifiable facts and evidence.
Put on your MAGA kneepads man, you're PATHETIC

Gee, let's see, you had the worst midterm election in 2018 since Watergate. Lost 41 seats in the House, seven governorships, and multiple state legislative majorities,
Are you disingenuous or just downright sleazy?

because it doesn't fit his agenda. And he said he wasn't partisan
He's turned into as big a disingenuous hack as Mac.....All over the blind hatred of one man.

Our distain for Dear Leader is based on verifiable facts and evidence.
Put on your MAGA kneepads man, you're PATHETIC

Look up "sleazy" again.
The Republican Party is in shambles, devastated by the wild vagaries of former President Trump, the titular leader of the GOP.

First, Trump told the Republican National Committee not to use his name to raise funds to help Republicans get elected. Trump didn't want to help the 17 Republicans in the House and Senate who voted to impeach him.

Then the RNC rebuffed a cease-and-desist letter from Trump's lawyers that warned it not to use his name or likeness to raise money from donors. Justin Riemer, chief counsel for the RNC, stated, “the R.N.C., of course, has every right to refer to public figures as it engages in core, First Amendment-protected political speech, and it will continue to do so in pursuit of those common goals.”

Then, in a sign of the delicate dance between Trump and a Republican Party fearful of alienating him, Riemer changed his mind. He said that the R.N.C. had not and would not make fund-raising appeals using Trump’s name or likeness without his approval.

Then Trump lashed out on email. “No more money for RINOs,” a term used to bash moderate GOP politicians accused of governing like Democrats. He asserted that they “do nothing but hurt the Republican Party and our great voting base — they will never lead us to Greatness.”

Then Trump told his supporters to instead send money to his political action committee, Save America.

Trump is competing with the GOP’s fundraising operation and lashing out at its members, further complicating his status as a Republican Party leader.

I shyt you not. Honest, this is really happening. You can check with my sources.

R.N.C. says it ‘has every right’ to use Trump’s name to raise money but won’t do so without his OK.
Lawyers for Mr. Trump had sent cease-and-desist letters to the Republican National Committee and other groups, warning them to stop relying on him in their fund-raising appeals.

Trump tells donors to give money to him, not Republicans 'in name only'
Redirecting Republican money into his own war chest could help Trump tighten his grip on the party as he aims to undermine his perceived enemies within it.

Sandy, you always seem to be able to pin things down perfectly. I had NOT heard that the RNC pussied out. Just WoW :oops:

LOL, another Democrat telling us what Republicans think, makes perfect sense to you! But you're trained to believe whatever you hear.

Is being that stupid painful or is it more of a numbing effect?
Conservative columnist S.E. Cupp writes of the downfall of Donald Trump and the GOP:

Trump’s legacy was in tatters before he lost to Joe Biden, but in the ensuing months, he really managed to burn it to the ground. Historians, even without the benefit of hindsight, have already declared him the worst president in American history.

Let’s not forget, Trump also leaves a big stink-bomb of a parting gift to the GOP — Democratic control of both houses of Congress.

This all raises the question: Was it worth it, Republicans? Was carrying Trump’s fetid water around for four years worth the baggage, the guilt by association or, in some cases, the actual guilt of doing Trump’s dirty work?

Was it worth the impeachments — plural — the current and sure-to-come lawsuits, the resignations, the revolving door of users, losers and grifters?

Was it worth the domestic terrorism — a rise during Trump’s tenure of white supremacy and anti-Semitic attacks, and a revolt at the Capitol that left five people dead?

Was it worth the near-constant embarrassments of an ignorant, dishonest, petulant and puerile president who humiliated our country on the world stage with his gross incompetence and undignified antics?

Was it worth losing any moral or ethical high ground the party could once claim by ignoring or defending a whole catalog of terrible behavior, from multiple allegations of rape to orphaning migrant children, interfering in U.S. elections to inciting violence at the Capitol?

Not to worry the Ds will F things up and lose control of both houses, possibly in 2022. That is if the pattern of the last few decades holds true.

Trump was the best thing to happen to the D party. Now they must rule and they suck at that.

Don't be too sure of that. January 6 did lasting damage to the Republican party. I doubt that voters are going to give power to a party that attempted to steal a election.
Conservative columnist S.E. Cupp writes of the downfall of Donald Trump and the GOP:

Trump’s legacy was in tatters before he lost to Joe Biden, but in the ensuing months, he really managed to burn it to the ground. Historians, even without the benefit of hindsight, have already declared him the worst president in American history.

Let’s not forget, Trump also leaves a big stink-bomb of a parting gift to the GOP — Democratic control of both houses of Congress.

This all raises the question: Was it worth it, Republicans? Was carrying Trump’s fetid water around for four years worth the baggage, the guilt by association or, in some cases, the actual guilt of doing Trump’s dirty work?

Was it worth the impeachments — plural — the current and sure-to-come lawsuits, the resignations, the revolving door of users, losers and grifters?

Was it worth the domestic terrorism — a rise during Trump’s tenure of white supremacy and anti-Semitic attacks, and a revolt at the Capitol that left five people dead?

Was it worth the near-constant embarrassments of an ignorant, dishonest, petulant and puerile president who humiliated our country on the world stage with his gross incompetence and undignified antics?

Was it worth losing any moral or ethical high ground the party could once claim by ignoring or defending a whole catalog of terrible behavior, from multiple allegations of rape to orphaning migrant children, interfering in U.S. elections to inciting violence at the Capitol?

What makes this self proclaimed "conservative" broad think that Trump was responsible for the D's victory? And why does she think its a "stink bomb"? Isn't she loyal to Joe the Somnolent who she wanted to get in?
S.E. Cupp misses the point. Trumpism is a cult. It is not about policy but personality. Cult followers will go down with the cult leader.
This is indeed a shit show. But I'm not making any long-term assumptions.

The Democrats still have to be more attractive, and they're more than capable of failing at that. 2020 was a good example, outside of schlonging Trump. The Dems under-performed.

The chasm is so wide now that both parties are presenting some pretty easy targets.

The problem is that Republicans pulled a fast one in 2020 at the Congressional level. They convinced people that Democrats wanted to defund the police which was a lie. I suspe ct in 2022, Republicans are going to claim Democrats want to give checks to criminals which is a lie. Also Republicans are going to have to answer for attempting to steal a election.
Conservative columnist S.E. Cupp writes of the downfall of Donald Trump and the GOP:

Trump’s legacy was in tatters before he lost to Joe Biden, but in the ensuing months, he really managed to burn it to the ground. Historians, even without the benefit of hindsight, have already declared him the worst president in American history.

Let’s not forget, Trump also leaves a big stink-bomb of a parting gift to the GOP — Democratic control of both houses of Congress.

This all raises the question: Was it worth it, Republicans? Was carrying Trump’s fetid water around for four years worth the baggage, the guilt by association or, in some cases, the actual guilt of doing Trump’s dirty work?

Was it worth the impeachments — plural — the current and sure-to-come lawsuits, the resignations, the revolving door of users, losers and grifters?

Was it worth the domestic terrorism — a rise during Trump’s tenure of white supremacy and anti-Semitic attacks, and a revolt at the Capitol that left five people dead?

Was it worth the near-constant embarrassments of an ignorant, dishonest, petulant and puerile president who humiliated our country on the world stage with his gross incompetence and undignified antics?

Was it worth losing any moral or ethical high ground the party could once claim by ignoring or defending a whole catalog of terrible behavior, from multiple allegations of rape to orphaning migrant children, interfering in U.S. elections to inciting violence at the Capitol?


Its OPINION, Moe... not news.
They're conditioned to scream FAKE NEWS at anything they don't like, and then beat on it with a stick.

Think of it as Trumpster Tourette's.
That is some serious TDS right there.

If you think "Trumpster" is an actual word, you might be a TDS afflicted moron.

Sorry. Qult45 says what?
I said way back in the beginning of 2016 that if Trump were to get the nomination and actually pull off a win he'd bring long term destruction to the Republican Party. It unfolded exactly as predicted.
70 million voted for trump. thanks.

81 million voted for Biden.

And if you subtract the fraudulent ones, he stole the election. Democrats have turned the United States into a third world tin pot dictatorship. And are using fascism to keep it that way
I said way back in the beginning of 2016 that if Trump were to get the nomination and actually pull off a win he'd bring long term destruction to the Republican Party. It unfolded exactly as predicted.
70 million voted for trump. thanks.

81 million voted for Biden.

And if you subtract the fraudulent ones, he stole the election. Democrats have turned the United States into a third world tin pot dictatorship. And are using fascism to keep it that way

There were no fraudulent votes of any great number. Republicans tried to steal a election and install Trump illegally.
I said way back in the beginning of 2016 that if Trump were to get the nomination and actually pull off a win he'd bring long term destruction to the Republican Party. It unfolded exactly as predicted.
70 million voted for trump. thanks.

81 million voted for Biden.

And if you subtract the fraudulent ones, he stole the election. Democrats have turned the United States into a third world tin pot dictatorship. And are using fascism to keep it that way

There were no fraudulent votes of any great number. Republicans tried to steal a election and install Trump illegally.

Of course there are, fascist. Democrats didn't remove all accountability in vote counting in order to NOT cheat
Conservative columnist S.E. Cupp writes of the downfall of Donald Trump and the GOP:

Trump’s legacy was in tatters before he lost to Joe Biden, but in the ensuing months, he really managed to burn it to the ground. Historians, even without the benefit of hindsight, have already declared him the worst president in American history.

Let’s not forget, Trump also leaves a big stink-bomb of a parting gift to the GOP — Democratic control of both houses of Congress.

This all raises the question: Was it worth it, Republicans? Was carrying Trump’s fetid water around for four years worth the baggage, the guilt by association or, in some cases, the actual guilt of doing Trump’s dirty work?

Was it worth the impeachments — plural — the current and sure-to-come lawsuits, the resignations, the revolving door of users, losers and grifters?

Was it worth the domestic terrorism — a rise during Trump’s tenure of white supremacy and anti-Semitic attacks, and a revolt at the Capitol that left five people dead?

Was it worth the near-constant embarrassments of an ignorant, dishonest, petulant and puerile president who humiliated our country on the world stage with his gross incompetence and undignified antics?

Was it worth losing any moral or ethical high ground the party could once claim by ignoring or defending a whole catalog of terrible behavior, from multiple allegations of rape to orphaning migrant children, interfering in U.S. elections to inciting violence at the Capitol?

Not to worry the Ds will F things up and lose control of both houses, possibly in 2022. That is if the pattern of the last few decades holds true.

Trump was the best thing to happen to the D party. Now they must rule and they suck at that.

Don't be too sure of that. January 6 did lasting damage to the Republican party. I doubt that voters are going to give power to a party that attempted to steal a election.
Maybe but I doubt it. The Ds have the power to do anything, just as they did in O’s first two years. They proved themselves to be frauds then and will now. They don’t care about working class Americans.

This in no way should be construed to mean the Rs are any better. It’s just the way of the duopoly.
Great article. Thanks.
Not a great article. What's great is Trump's legacy. There will be no more RINOs in the Republican party.

Trump didn't register to vote until he was 41.. He's not a conservative and has NO core values.

"Cupp, who identifies as a Log Cabin Republican, said the Republican Party should support gay marriage. She describes herself as a "mainstream conservative" and criticized Ron Paul's support for a non-interventionist foreign policy"
So Cupp is a RINO who we no longer want in the GOP.

That only means that the GOP has only 36% of what it had before 2016. And that number is quite "Liberal" and getting more "Liberal" every day. But it's not the ones you don't like that are becoming more liberal, it's you Rumpsters that are becoming for Fascists.
Conservative columnist S.E. Cupp writes of the downfall of Donald Trump and the GOP:

Trump’s legacy was in tatters before he lost to Joe Biden, but in the ensuing months, he really managed to burn it to the ground. Historians, even without the benefit of hindsight, have already declared him the worst president in American history.

Let’s not forget, Trump also leaves a big stink-bomb of a parting gift to the GOP — Democratic control of both houses of Congress.

This all raises the question: Was it worth it, Republicans? Was carrying Trump’s fetid water around for four years worth the baggage, the guilt by association or, in some cases, the actual guilt of doing Trump’s dirty work?

Was it worth the impeachments — plural — the current and sure-to-come lawsuits, the resignations, the revolving door of users, losers and grifters?

Was it worth the domestic terrorism — a rise during Trump’s tenure of white supremacy and anti-Semitic attacks, and a revolt at the Capitol that left five people dead?

Was it worth the near-constant embarrassments of an ignorant, dishonest, petulant and puerile president who humiliated our country on the world stage with his gross incompetence and undignified antics?

Was it worth losing any moral or ethical high ground the party could once claim by ignoring or defending a whole catalog of terrible behavior, from multiple allegations of rape to orphaning migrant children, interfering in U.S. elections to inciting violence at the Capitol?

Not to worry the Ds will F things up and lose control of both houses, possibly in 2022. That is if the pattern of the last few decades holds true.

Trump was the best thing to happen to the D party. Now they must rule and they suck at that.

Don't be too sure of that. January 6 did lasting damage to the Republican party. I doubt that voters are going to give power to a party that attempted to steal a election.
Says the guy who did just that. Still projecting
Great article. Thanks.
Not a great article. What's great is Trump's legacy. There will be no more RINOs in the Republican party.

Trump didn't register to vote until he was 41.. He's not a conservative and has NO core values.

"Cupp, who identifies as a Log Cabin Republican, said the Republican Party should support gay marriage. She describes herself as a "mainstream conservative" and criticized Ron Paul's support for a non-interventionist foreign policy"
So Cupp is a RINO who we no longer want in the GOP.

That only means that the GOP has only 36% of what it had before 2016. And that number is quite "Liberal" and getting more "Liberal" every day. But it's not the ones you don't like that are becoming more liberal, it's you Rumpsters that are becoming for Fascists.
And yet 75 million votes for Trump. More than any other gop president. How did that happen?
Great article. Thanks.
Not a great article. What's great is Trump's legacy. There will be no more RINOs in the Republican party.

Trump didn't register to vote until he was 41.. He's not a conservative and has NO core values.

"Cupp, who identifies as a Log Cabin Republican, said the Republican Party should support gay marriage. She describes herself as a "mainstream conservative" and criticized Ron Paul's support for a non-interventionist foreign policy"
So Cupp is a RINO who we no longer want in the GOP.

That only means that the GOP has only 36% of what it had before 2016. And that number is quite "Liberal" and getting more "Liberal" every day. But it's not the ones you don't like that are becoming more liberal, it's you Rumpsters that are becoming for Fascists.
And yet 75 million votes for Trump. More than any other gop president. How did that happen?

And Rump won't get near that amount in 2024. If the GOP keeps Rump as it's candidate, they all just need to go out and buy handguns that shoot backwards and get it over with. Present a decent Candidate and the Republicans might win. But let Rump endorse him and just fire that backward firing hand gun and get it over with.
Great article. Thanks.
Not a great article. What's great is Trump's legacy. There will be no more RINOs in the Republican party.

Trump didn't register to vote until he was 41.. He's not a conservative and has NO core values.

"Cupp, who identifies as a Log Cabin Republican, said the Republican Party should support gay marriage. She describes herself as a "mainstream conservative" and criticized Ron Paul's support for a non-interventionist foreign policy"
So Cupp is a RINO who we no longer want in the GOP.

That only means that the GOP has only 36% of what it had before 2016. And that number is quite "Liberal" and getting more "Liberal" every day. But it's not the ones you don't like that are becoming more liberal, it's you Rumpsters that are becoming for Fascists.
And yet 75 million votes for Trump. More than any other gop president. How did that happen?

And Rump won't get near that amount in 2024. If the GOP keeps Rump as it's candidate, they all just need to go out and buy handguns that shoot backwards and get it over with. Present a decent Candidate and the Republicans might win. But let Rump endorse him and just fire that backward firing hand gun and get it over with.
He’d get more, you’re right

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