Sacramento BLM vs Cop Cruiser

And these are the same shitbags who wonder why cops react so quickly with deadly force. I'm sure these protesters only wanted to invite the cops to discuss their differences...
“Can’t stop the revolution!”

5 seconds later, BLM rioters attacking cop car sent flying through the air.

We need a national law to make it legal to shoot or run over “protesters” that stand in front of traffic.

Cops 21
Protesters 0


I can't believe that cop didn't stop for us as a bunch of brats climbed all over his car!

What if now EVERYONE starts running over these assholes!

What I loved best is that when the 2nd cop car came by, he left the jerk laying in the streets.

These stupid idiots don't realize it yet, but they are creating the Future Cop Car that will have all kinds of guns, shock, smoke and other weapons BUILT INTO an armored body that the police won't even have to get out of the car to KICK YOUR ASS, not to mention full robotic drones!

All brought to you by the dimwits on the Left.
“Can’t stop the revolution!”

5 seconds later, BLM rioters attacking cop car sent flying through the air.

We need a national law to make it legal to shoot or run over “protesters” that stand in front of traffic.

lol. Thanks, man, that made my morning.

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