Zone1 *Sacrifice's Of Animals Again On The Jewish Mount!*

You are delirious. At the time in question the overwhelming
majority of the people of arabia were illiterate. To what "books"
do you allude?
suradie disagrees with the above. ----which IMO indicates that SHE
believes that 2000 years ago literacy was prevalent amongst the
people now inhabiting the land called "saudi arabia" and books
abounded. Somehow in the midst of the literacy---muhummad
managed to remain illiterate more than 600 years later. Well-- there was some literacy----but absolutely not in arabic--to wit Persians, Jews and Christians did. Arabic was not
a written language (well--it is most likely that jews wrote arabic
words using the hebrew alphabet---maybe christians and
zoroastrians did the same using Farsi and/or Latin There still exists a Judeo-arabic break off language---

-something like Yiddish is a breakoff from
German however judeo-arabic is very arcane
suradie disagrees with the above. ----which IMO indicates that SHE
believes that 2000 years ago literacy was prevalent amongst the
now inhabiting the land called "saudi arabia" and books
abounded. Somehow in the midst of the literacy---muhummad
managed to remain illiterate more than 600 years later. Well-- there was some literacy----but absolutely not in arabic--to wit Persians, Jews and Christians did. Arabic was not
a written language (well--it is most likely that jews wrote arabic
words using the hebrew alphabet---maybe christians and
zoroastrians did the same using Farsi and/or Latin There still exists a Judeo-arabic break off language---

-something like Yiddish is a breakoff from
German however judeo-arabic is very arcane

your definition of literacy is reading a book ... did judaism not exist till that time.

- or ever even in print is questionable for the truly literate not in a mesmerized mental condition.
your definition of literacy is reading a book ... did judaism not exist till that time.

- or ever even in print is questionable for the truly literate not in a mesmerized mental condition.
Literacy in a HUMAN population means the existence of
a written alphabet which is known in writing and reading
by at least one person. Your apparently rhetorical fart
"did judaism not exist till that time" --relates HOW?
Literacy in a HUMAN population means the existence of
a written alphabet which is known in writing and reading
by at least one person. Your apparently rhetorical fart
"did judaism not exist till that time" --relates HOW?
managed to remain illiterate

the neanderthal wasn't a jew because they could not read their book ... is the guess from the stylized dictionary of - 91 ... and all jews of the time had their own copy they read five times a day and before sunrise each morning. he haw ...

- competence or knowledge, neither is found in either books or the desert - comprising the middleast ... is perhaps the closest answer.
Sacrificing animals was originated to remind the sons of Adam that sin is the killing of the innocent. The sin of Adam was continued in the genetic code all the sons of Adam, and was fulfilled when Edom murdered the Perfect Man, YahShua/Christ. The killing of animals is no longer required except by the sons of Esau, anti-Christs all of them, maybe to satisfy their blood lusts and remember their killing of the King of kings and their hoped for extermination of the Sons of Yacob. Then they suppose they can declare victory over the King of His Universe.

Torah tells us sacrifice offering of animals and crop,
is the most human expression of a desire to unite
the world, including the human, with the Creator...

Sin isn't the main theme,
it's just periphery of life,
the theme is our action,
choices - in this world.
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It is amazing you'd exclude most of the living beings on earth,
for not conforming to your dogma, then lecture about intelligence.
While the Temple service,
represents all living planes on earth.

Now, why are you triggered if it's merely a 'slaughterhouse' or 'stupid tradition'?

Why? Seriously? Damn. Because It is a misrepresentation of the commands of God that can result in nothing other than a curse on all living planes on earth which excludes all of the inhabitants of the earth who pay homage to these bizarre and degrading practices from the blessings, peace, and the exalted experience of life in the realm of God on earth, the highest plane of living existence, promised by God for fulfilling Divine instruction. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You, a he-goat "without blemish", have been carefully selected and prepared as an offering for the expiation of sin. Your slaughter has been dedicated to the Lord. See? It has already been done.

No farm animals, no knives, no blood, no actor and lying fraud in fancy robes, no temple required.
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Why? Seriously? Damn. Because It is a misrepresentation of the commands of God that can result in nothing other than a curse on all living planes on earth which excludes all of the inhabitants of the earth who pay homage to these bizarre and degrading practices from the blessings, peace, and the exalted experience of life in the realm of God on earth, the highest plane of living existence, promised by God for fulfilling Divine instruction. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You, a he-goat "without blemish", have been carefully selected and prepared as an offering for the expiation of sin. Your slaughter has been dedicated to the Lord. See? It has already been done.

No farm animals, no knives, no blood, no actor and lying fraud in fancy robes, no temple required.

I'm not a he-goat, and you ain't the mouth to speak of anyone's slaughter.
But this thirst for Jewish blood and flesh as the ultimate salvation
is a bizarre fetish of the Christian dogma.

Personal sin is the main focus of sacrifice in Christianity,
only to justify HUMAN SACRIFICE as its' main theme.
However in Jewish, Hebrew thought...well...

Cain and Abel's offerings to G-d |
were not about sin, rather participation.
The initial human intention in offering to G-d |
sheep and fruit, is about sharing all living, and material planes.

But you think Jews sacrificing sheep and goats in the only place,
we are commanded, is THE CURSE ON ALL LIVING PLANES!

Ok Bil'am, now you know how you end.
Now your chance in this life, is your understanding,
that the Temple to the G-d of Israel is exactly that place universal beyond.
as a levite----devoid of hereditary land----I APPRECIATE IT

When our ancestors were wandering in the wilderness of sin there was no hereditary land yet they had manna from heaven, teaching from God, to eat every day which sustained them. Jesus turned this bread from heaven into his flesh, a new metaphor for instruction from God. Since after all this time you don't seem to have grown teeth with which to eat flesh I have turned it back into bread that any toothless person, young or old, can eat. No hereditary land, no irrational theocracy, no butchers, no chefs, no clowns in robes, and no temple ever was or is required for a heavenly feast.

If you want to reach out your hand, take, and eat from the tree of life in the middle of paradise, just do it. If you don't know how to do it, just ask. There is no barrier between you and your God rosie except the one that was built by your own obstinate stupidity. Tear it down and you will be fed by God himself wherever and whenever the hell you are. The veil of the temple was torn long ago.

If you are just looking for a good restaurant to eat at try Chompies. No shit. They're awesome!

Otherwise get a falafel in Jerusalem and see if you feel any better as a starving earthbound misfit.
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When our ancestors were wandering in the wilderness of sin there was no hereditary land yet they had manna from heaven, teaching from God, to eat every day which sustained them. Jesus turned this bread from heaven into his flesh, a new metaphor for instruction from God. Since after all this time you don't seem to have grown teeth with which to eat flesh I have turned it back into bread that any toothless person, young or old, can eat. No hereditary land, no irrational theocracy, no butchers, no chefs, no clowns in robes, and no temple ever was or is required for a heavenly feast.

If you want to reach out your hand, take, and eat from the tree of life in the middle of paradise, just do it. If you don't know how to do it, just ask. There is no barrier between you and your God rosie except the one that was built by your own obstinate stupidity. Tear it down and you will be fed by God himself wherever and whenever the hell you are. The veil of the temple was torn long ago.

If you are just looking for a good restaurant to eat at try Chompies. No shit. They're awesome!

Otherwise get a falafel in Jerusalem and see if you feel any better as a starving earthbound misfit.
even felafel is not manna from heaven. The generations of slaves and persons nursed on
on cookies from heaven ---morphed into a
NATION. The epic history ----like the sweeping
novels of Steinbeck-----are not for EVERYONE.
stick to your pink and blue little weekly "reader"
as a levite----devoid of hereditary land----I APPRECIATE IT

- and their restaurant is an answer for land confiscation ... the religion of ownership is not judaism.

* must be she was starved than given the jelly beans she craves.
make that "okey dokey jelly bean" <<< it's
more consistent with your "culture"

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, (Jesus H. Christ!), buried it again...."

Can you dig it? Sadly, obviously, you can't. The least you could have done is try....... Damn.
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- and their restaurant is an answer for land confiscation ... the religion of ownership is not judaism.

* must be she was starved than given the jelly beans she craves.
there was and is no "land confiscation" ----you are
thinking of the "HOLY" roman empire
Revelation says there is no temple because Jesus is the temple.
:eusa_doh:It says the opposite of what you say most or all of the time!
It describes the 3rd. Temple in detail and says the Jews will return to animal sacrificing. The Holy of Holies in the New Temple will be defiled by the very person that is responsible for the peace treaty involving Israel.
:eusa_doh:It says the opposite of what you say most or all of the time!
It describes the 3rd. Temple in detail and says the Jews will return to animal sacrificing. The Holy of Holies in the New Temple will be defiled by the very person that is responsible for the peace treaty involving Israel.
"IT" says "...the holies of holies in the new temple
will be "defiled" by the very person that is responsible for the peace treaty involving Israel ????? where?

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