Zone1 *Sacrifice's Of Animals Again On The Jewish Mount!*

The Temple was a restaurant.
as a levite----devoid of hereditary land----I APPRECIATE IT
there was and is no "land confiscation" ----you are
thinking of the "HOLY" roman empire


According to Genesis 34, the Levites are involved with Simeon in the killing of the recently circumcised males in Shechem. As a result they are supposedly disbanded as a tribe in “Jacob's Blessing” (Genesis 49:5–7) and thus are to receive no land.

not sure what the "problem" was in scechem, maybe a lack of jelly beans - doesn't appear though to have had a lot to do with the holy romans.

not sure what the "problem" was in scechem, maybe a lack of jelly beans - doesn't appear though to have had a lot to do with the holy romans.
both simeon and levi were involved in the Shechem
affair----their descendants were not denied land for
that reason----your jelly bean lady lied

not sure what the "problem" was in scechem, maybe a lack of jelly beans - doesn't appear though to have had a lot to do with the holy romans.
suradie agrees ---and is THUS on record as being
in agreement with the statement that the Shechem
affair in which Levi and Simeon were involved was
based on a jelly bean shortage
suradie agrees ---and is THUS on record as being
in agreement with the statement that the Shechem
affair in which Levi and Simeon were involved was
based on a jelly bean shortage
... doesn't appear though to have had a lot to do with the holy romans.

- perhaps more accurate, the judean practice to hide their 1st century treachery and religious shortcomings as deliberations of the roman empire than their own culpability and errant, corrupt historical lineages. from the very beginning - moses the liar.
- perhaps more accurate, the judean practice to hide their 1st century treachery and religious shortcomings as deliberations of the roman empire than their own culpability and errant, corrupt historical lineages. from the very beginning - moses the liar.
OH---that's a good one----1st century treachery---
yet another jelly bean meme. ----uhm---is the
history of Levi and Simeon another jelly bean
I am not a Christian by definition and I have no thirst for Jewish blood. Are you bleeding? lol...aww.

I stand in the sanctuary of God and my only aim is to do exactly as God commands, reveal the wisdom of God hidden in the figurative language of the words used in the Law proving that Jesus, a Jew, was right as a light in a dark world without shape or form and void to heal the nations and feed the multitude sick and tired of your unclean sanctimonious religious deceptions, vile and degrading practices, and endless parade of false prophets hell bent on misleading people into defiling themselves with the work of human hands so all of you few so called religious experts and wise men can lead smooth and easy lives by fleecing the duped laity for life in the name of God.

In fact every religious Jewish and Gentile person on earth who hungers to see righteousness prevail will be satisfied feasting on the flesh trimmed from the fat and broken bones of your lifeless corpse slaughtered with such kindness and skill that you do not even know that you are dead.

So pay no heed to what I have said. Build a temple and brazenly murder other Jews by deception.

I have spoken. It cannot be undone. :funnyface: Deal with it. My hands have been washed clean.

Mazel tov!

"Not a christian" preaching about Cheeeezosss...
"No thirst for Jewish blood" only it's the 3rd time you
talk about sacrificing me and indulging in a cannibal fetish.

Yeah...typical Christian demagoguery...
which is supposed to answer the SHAME
it condemns all humanity by default of birth.

What if the Cheez guy was another false prophet?

How are you supposed to reveal the figurative
meaning of any teaching without hearing
and knowledge of the literal word?
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"Not a christian" preaching about Cheeeezosss...
"No thirst for Jewish blood" only it's the 3rd time you
talk about sacrificing me and indulging in a cannibal fetish.

Yeah...typical Christian demagoguery...
which is supposed to answer the SHAME
it condemns all humanity by default of birth.

What if the Cheez guy was another false prophet?

How are you supposed to reveal the figurative
meaning of any teaching without hearing
and knowledge of the literal word?
easy----both hebrew and aramaic are MYSTERY
LANGUAGES----the english translations are a
OH---that's a good one----1st century treachery---
yet another jelly bean meme.
----uhm---is the
history of Levi and Simeon another jelly bean

no - just not a jelly bean for them ... or all those that new. the truth.


speaking of - coverup's - perhaps the greatest one of all time, no - they were not judean ... and in the 4th century the crucifiers c bible - their conversion to holiness.
Not a christian" preaching about Cheeeezosss...
"No thirst for Jewish blood" only it's the 3rd time you
talk about sacrificing me and indulging in a cannibal fetish.

Right. Not a Christian. Christians profess to believe that Jesus was an almighty yet edible unequalled coequal triune mangod that diddled a virgin to father himself only to be despised, rejected, mocked, tortured and crucified so that believers could sin with impunity for life because he loved the Roman empire so much. Pft. I don't. Jews have always been right to reject this crap.

Pay attention.

What if the Cheez guy was another false prophet?

If he claimed to be God, as Christians profess to believe, he was insane, but he didn't. If he supported the corruption of temple worship and taught others that that the subject of kosher law was about food, he was a false prophet...But he didn't.

How are you supposed to reveal the figurative
meaning of any teaching without hearing
and knowledge of the literal word?

How? Duh..

If I didn't have knowledge of the literal word I couldn't have already revealed the hidden meaning but I did. Are you hard of reading?
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easy----both hebrew and aramaic are MYSTERY
LANGUAGES----the english translations are a

When I first heard the story of Adam and Eve when I was 8 years old and a talking serpent was introduced I immediately understood that the book was to be approached like a fairy tale with a hidden teaching or moral to the story.

I had already known about figurative language for half of my life by then because my mother read to me and explained how to understand fairy tales before I went to kindergarten. lol. English is a sophisticated language with many words that have many levels of literal and implied meanings.

Like the word nachash in hebrew, a serpent in english can be a metaphor for a human archetype.

This is not a deep mystery in any language nor is it rocket science so cut the MYSTERY LANGUAGES Mod Edit: XXXX -- snipped some profanity here. and smarten up. Any child can understand this.
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the jelly been lady filled your head with that really
smelly stuff that galvanized that genocides of tens
of millions in DA NAME a' da fadda and da son
and caspar da friendly ghost

What smelly stuff? That Jesus never claimed to be God? That Jesus taught that the subject of Kosher law is not about food but teaching whether clean or unclean? That the words used in the law are figurative the subjects hidden? That to Jesus, his disciples, followers, and the unknown authors of the gospels 'the nations' were the enemy? That Jesus cursed the nations with a sword identified as a cup of wine inspired by the words used in Jeremiah 25:15? That the law remains in effect and in is full force? What jelly bean lady have you ever heard such things from sweetness?

These words have never been seen or heard of before. You have confused me with someone else.
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""That Jesus taught that the subject of Kosher law is not about food but teaching whether clean or unclean? That the words used in the law are figurative the subjects hidden? "" <<<from the annals jellybean
dust it off and read it again

"It is not what enters the mouth that defiles the person, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles the person.” Matthew 15:11

“Don’t you understand either?” he asked. “Can’t you see that the food you put into your body cannot defile you? Food doesn’t go into your mind, but only passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer.” And then he added, “It is what comes from inside that defiles you. For from within, out of a person’s mind, come evil thoughts, immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you.” Mark 7: 18-23

What then?

You are hereby declared ritually unclean. You will remain outside the camp. You may not touch any consecrated thing. You will never enter the sanctuary of God until you wash your stinky ass clean.

out of a person’s mind, come evil thoughts, immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness.
You are hereby declared ritually unclean.

should have stopped at - evil thoughts - their books are a virtual lesson how the above list is subjective to the circumstances, covering all their lead characters as being the exceptions to the rules for their notoriety - deceivers - liars - murderers - all guilty though worshiped non the less.

* and they are the one's that abandoned the religion of antiquity - circumstances withstanding - for dogma.

"It is not what enters the mouth that defiles the person, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles the person.” Matthew 15:11

“Don’t you understand either?” he asked. “Can’t you see that the food you put into your body cannot defile you? Food doesn’t go into your mind, but only passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer.” And then he added, “It is what comes from inside that defiles you. For from within, out of a person’s mind, come evil thoughts, immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you.” Mark 7: 18-23

What then?

You are hereby declared ritually unclean. You will remain outside the camp. You may not touch any consecrated thing. You will never enter the sanctuary of God until you wash your stinky ass clean.
^^^^ that's called QUARANTINE. Long ago I
attended a lecture by the TOP NOTCH guy in the
field of infectious disease. He had a firm grasp
of public health unlike the SCHOOL OF THE JELLY-
Just deleted 11 posts -- issued 2 warnings and a thread ban. It was getting to be profanity and personal exchanges. REPORT folks who violate the Zone1 rules -- dont ENGAGE them.

This thread was "grandfathered" into Zone1 because of the quality and HONESTY of the discussion level. This is a last warning to keep it -- civil discussion. Not profane. Not personal.
Right. Not a Christian. Christians profess to believe that Jesus was an almighty yet edible unequalled coequal triune mangod that diddled a virgin to father himself only to be despised, rejected, mocked, tortured and crucified so that believers could sin with impunity for life because he loved the Roman empire so much. Pft. I don't. Jews have always been right to reject this crap.

Pay attention.

If he claimed to be God, as Christians profess to believe, he was insane, but he didn't. If he supported the corruption of temple worship and taught others that that the subject of kosher law was about food, he was a false prophet...But he didn't.

How? Duh..

If I didn't have knowledge of the literal word I couldn't have already revealed the hidden meaning but I did. Are you hard of reading?

See, you can't argue Cheeezooos isn't THE Christian thing...
Neither the theme of human sacrifice and cannibalism in your posts...

And some ridiculous strawman argument inside the Christian dogma,
isn't going to prove your non-Christian motives, it is more of the same.

This strawman desperately trying to evade admitting,
a dogmatic assumption, that regardless of quality of any action,
humanity has no way 'to haven' but through BELIEF in the Cheeezz guy.

All your knowledge sums into spamming threads with a fetish for Cheezzis,
and fundamental inability to rely on the text in support of that insanity.

Along with arguing Jews should eat pig, because, something "figurative"
makes him not only a false prophet, but a pagan instigator,
outside the Hebrew school of Prophecy.

See, I pay attention, to Hindus, Christians and Muslims,
the projections and attention - to the Temple Mount.

From where do you think Noahides gather?

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See, you can't argue Cheeezooos isn't THE Christian thing...
Neither the theme of human sacrifice and cannibalism in your posts...

And some ridiculous strawman argument inside the Christian dogma,
isn't going to prove your non-Christian motives, it is more of the same.

This strawman desperately trying to evade admitting,
a dogmatic assumption, that regardless of quality of any action,
humanity has no way 'to haven' but through BELIEF in the Cheeezz guy.

All your knowledge sums into spamming threads with a fetish for Cheezzis,
and fundamental inability to rely on the text in support of that insanity.

Along with arguing Jews should eat pig, because, something "figurative"
makes him not only a false prophet, but a pagan instigator,
outside the Hebrew school of Prophecy.

See, I pay attention, to Hindus, Christians and Muslims,
the projections and attention - to the Temple Mount.

From where do you think Noahides gather?

From where do you think Noahides gather?

... after the flood - howabout before, the heavenly law broken to bring it about. the goal of self determination.
... after the flood - howabout before, the heavenly law broken to bring it about. the goal of self determination.

Go on,

continue with that thought....

self determination is the challenge for WHOM?

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