Same bullshit, different decade: What members of the gay rights movement could learn from history

Jesus was Jewish and even then he was not a good one at it!
Wait in Post 725 you wrote:
Also Jesus followed the Tanakh]
So if he followed the Tanakh that would make him a good Jew. But now you say he was not a good Jew.
Are you on drugs? Or are you terminally ignorant and stupid?

Do you even know what the Tanakh is?

You do know Jesus was a Rabbi right?

And in my opinion he was a terrible one, so are you stupid because there are many Jews that are bad at being Jewish...
Uh, check the screen name, s0n.
In your considered opinion as a biblical scholar, what made Jesus a terrible rabbi?
And if there are many Jews bad at being Jewish how does that make me stupid? Did I cause that somehow?

Again I know I am not your son because I knew my father and he was not some lunatic guy pretending to be Jewish while defending a Christian Idol that is false...
I still want to hear your learned opinon on why Jesus was a bad rabbi. (ohyeah, he wasnt a rabbi either. Sucks to be you).

Yes he was... it sucks to be you because you distorted what I wrote already and claimed I said Muslims thought he was the son of god when I only wrote they believe in him, so stop with the lies...
Next he'll be ranting about red cows.

Dammit Rabbi, you just got him started again. I'm running out of jokes man!

You are a joke.

You wrote you would put me on ignore and then lied about it.

How does it feel to be a lying fake Christian?

Also if you believe a being was created by a mythical being then how does it feel to be a worshiper of Roman and Greek Mythology?

In the end your gay bashing hatred is based on writings by old men that lived in a cave with each other, and how gay is that?

Did you get kicked out of Stormfront or something?
Yes he was... it sucks to be you because you distorted what I wrote already and claimed I said Muslims thought he was the son of god when I only wrote they believe in him, so stop with the lies...

Okay... now I have a migraine, from reading that, or from laughing so hard that I saw stars in my eyes...
Next he'll be ranting about red cows.

Dammit Rabbi, you just got him started again. I'm running out of jokes man!
Templer, this guy knows he hates Christians. Maybe he got fondled by a priest of something when he was a kid. I dunno. But he's the most amusing whacko to come along here in a while. Better than TruthMatters.

That was out of line and to claim I was raped or molested by someone is disturbing as hell by someone that claims to be a good Jew.
That was out of line and to claim I was raped or molested by someone is disturbing as hell by someone that claims to be a good Jew.

That was no better than you comparing us to ISIS. They do just about every thing Rabbi describes to women and children. Tell me, how does that hypocrisy feel?
Next he'll be ranting about red cows.

Dammit Rabbi, you just got him started again. I'm running out of jokes man!

You are a joke.

You wrote you would put me on ignore and then lied about it.

How does it feel to be a lying fake Christian?

Also if you believe a being was created by a mythical being then how does it feel to be a worshiper of Roman and Greek Mythology?

In the end your gay bashing hatred is based on writings by old men that lived in a cave with each other, and how gay is that?

Did you get kicked out of Stormfront or something?

Check the date when I joined this board and I am not a regular on here... Is Rabbi your Jewish Twinkie?
Okay, this is getting tiresome. Bellboy has long since fled.

I must go, my twinkies need me.
That was out of line and to claim I was raped or molested by someone is disturbing as hell by someone that claims to be a good Jew.

That was no better than you comparing us to ISIS. They do just about every thing Rabbi describes to women and children. Tell me, how does that hypocrisy feel?

Wow, so you feel hurt that I believe you have more in common with ISIL than actual Christianity?

Also I know of FLDS that would be good ISIL members, so Christians like you are no different in my eyes.

Now why don't you and your twinkie boy get a life!!!
That was out of line and to claim I was raped or molested by someone is disturbing as hell by someone that claims to be a good Jew.

That was no better than you comparing us to ISIS. They do just about every thing Rabbi describes to women and children. Tell me, how does that hypocrisy feel?

Wow, so you feel hurt that I believe you have more in common with ISIL than actual Christianity?

Also I know of FLDS that would be good ISIL members, so Christians like you are no different in my eyes.

Now why don't you and your twinkie boy get a life!!!

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Simple, the teaching to fear and hate homosexuals and their sexuality was written into the doctrines and the so call word of God was only words of man wanting to control the idiots of the world, and I take the Bible and it words with a grain of salt.

And that is your opinion. Don't go assuming you can tell us how to practice out faith. Understand?

Actually you can practice your religion all you want at your home and Church, but at work, government and general society you have no right to force your religious view unto others and if you feel you do have that right then you have a lot in common with ISIL...

Also at one point in the Christian religion they claimed the Mark of Cain was the African race, so you enjoy your religion of intolerance and hatred while the rest of the world marches on without you...

Actually, I can practice my religion all I want, anywhere I want. It's like a Constitutional right, or something.

If you feel YOU have a right to influence policy, while those you disagree with do not, then YOU resemble ISIS more than any of us. So you enjoy your pride and self-satisfied arrogance. Just remember what pride goeth before.

No you do not have the right to pass laws based on your religion and the constitution does not protect your right to preach to me or annoy me with your Bible bashing ways.

Check the law, Chuckles. Like every other American, we have the right to pass any law based on any concern or belief system that we can get enough support for. I know your ilk would love to reserve that right just to yourself: no voices but yours, no beliefs but yours. This, however, is a free country, which means you can't make anyone sit down, shut up, and butt out of politics just because you want to.

Furthermore, you might try using your Internet to actually READ the Constitution, because nowhere in it does it promise you a right to not be annoyed. Get over it. If I have to put up with you being a self-satisfied, narcissistic prick, you have to put up with me disagreeing with you. Life sucks; wear a helmet.

It is those like you demand that I honor some book written by a Roman nutter and if I do not then I am denying you your right to force me to live by your rules. You should read the constitution because this nation allows everyone of freedom of religion and does not dictate which one we should obey.

Who's trying to dictate anything to you? How is saying, "I don't want to participate in your life, and I have the right not to" demanding that you honor anything? Whatever the hell you're smoking, Chuckles, you need to drop the bong and back away.

Now of course you would demand that we obey the certain parts of the Bible while you ignore the rest of the bible because let face it you only use the bible when it fit your close minded bigoted view.

Are you even talking to me at this point, or are you debating the voices in your head? You don't get to jam the words you'd like to have me say into my mouth just so you can have an argument that your inferior intellect can handle. I suggest if you want to make any lofty pronouncements about my views, that you actually find out what they are, instead of projecting onto me. The only bigot here is you and your smug attempts to stuff me into the pigeonhole you want to assign me, hypocrite.

In the end ISIL would be proud of you and those like you were you Muslim and the truth is you have more in common with them than I do, and try to deny it because I am willing to bet your view on gays is about the same as a ISIL member and would condemn them to death because according to many nutters it is a sin according to their religious text written by man.

So thanks for showing your true ignorance and I am sure God speaks to you but in reality the voices in your head can be controlled by medication if you would seek help...

Blah blah demonize demonize "Your ignorance is demonstrated by what I want to imagine you believe but you've never actually said".

I'm glad to hear that your doctor has at least extended you the hope of explaining about medication, though.
No you do not have the right to pass laws based on your religion and the constitution does not protect your right to preach to me or annoy me with your Bible bashing ways.

Who said anything about passing any laws? We just want to be left alone. What about that do you not understand?

We're trying to resist having the laws changed, and they want to delusionally pretend that we're trying to introduce radically new and different laws from what life has always been.

Leftists have always seen black as white, up as down, etc., but this is just insane.
Wait in Post 725 you wrote:
So if he followed the Tanakh that would make him a good Jew. But now you say he was not a good Jew.
Are you on drugs? Or are you terminally ignorant and stupid?

Do you even know what the Tanakh is?

You do know Jesus was a Rabbi right?

And in my opinion he was a terrible one, so are you stupid because there are many Jews that are bad at being Jewish...
Uh, check the screen name, s0n.
In your considered opinion as a biblical scholar, what made Jesus a terrible rabbi?
And if there are many Jews bad at being Jewish how does that make me stupid? Did I cause that somehow?

Again I know I am not your son because I knew my father and he was not some lunatic guy pretending to be Jewish while defending a Christian Idol that is false...
I still want to hear your learned opinon on why Jesus was a bad rabbi. (ohyeah, he wasnt a rabbi either. Sucks to be you).

Yes he was... it sucks to be you because you distorted what I wrote already and claimed I said Muslims thought he was the son of god when I only wrote they believe in him, so stop with the lies...
Please present evidence Jesus was a rabbi.
Oh, what am I saying? You can't even keep your own posts straight, contradicting yourself from one to the next. You couldn't provide proof to any of this if someoe held a gun to your head.
Fact is you write about how the Christian Bible says this or that but I am willing to bet you do not obey all the rules set forth in the Bible. I am sure you like to eat pork don't you?


Another "why don't you follow the Old Testament?" argument.

(FYI, no pork, just twinkies.)

I thought I was on ignore?

Also if you follow the Bible them you follow both old and new and not the selected parts you like. Also Twinkies is code for young males in the gay world so you like young men?

Also Jesus followed the Tanakh seeing the Bible you read today was not written at the time of his life.

I have to wonder a lot about you when someone says, "Twinkies" and you think about fucking young boys instead of yellow snack cakes filled with whipped cream, made by Hostess Bakeries.
Fact is you write about how the Christian Bible says this or that but I am willing to bet you do not obey all the rules set forth in the Bible. I am sure you like to eat pork don't you?


Another "why don't you follow the Old Testament?" argument.

(FYI, no pork, just twinkies.)

I thought I was on ignore?

Also if you follow the Bible them you follow both old and new and not the selected parts you like. Also Twinkies is code for young males in the gay world so you like young men?

Also Jesus followed the Tanakh seeing the Bible you read today was not written at the time of his life.

I have to wonder a lot about you when someone says, "Twinkies" and you think about fucking young boys instead of yellow snack cakes filled with whipped cream, made by Hostess Bakeries.

Fact is you write about how the Christian Bible says this or that but I am willing to bet you do not obey all the rules set forth in the Bible. I am sure you like to eat pork don't you?


Another "why don't you follow the Old Testament?" argument.

(FYI, no pork, just twinkies.)

I thought I was on ignore?

Also if you follow the Bible them you follow both old and new and not the selected parts you like. Also Twinkies is code for young males in the gay world so you like young men?

Also Jesus followed the Tanakh seeing the Bible you read today was not written at the time of his life.

I have to wonder a lot about you when someone says, "Twinkies" and you think about fucking young boys instead of yellow snack cakes filled with whipped cream, made by Hostess Bakeries.

That's why most gay twinks weigh a buck twenty and you're a whale.
Next he'll be ranting about red cows.

Dammit Rabbi, you just got him started again. I'm running out of jokes man!

You are a joke.

You wrote you would put me on ignore and then lied about it.

How does it feel to be a lying fake Christian?

Also if you believe a being was created by a mythical being then how does it feel to be a worshiper of Roman and Greek Mythology?

In the end your gay bashing hatred is based on writings by old men that lived in a cave with each other, and how gay is that?

Did you get kicked out of Stormfront or something?

This from the guy who cries like a girl over ad hominem attacks in the other direction.
Samuel 16:7 ESV
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

Galatians 3:28 ESV
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 5:14 ESV
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Matthew 5:44 ESV
But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

Mark 12:31 ESV
The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Romans 2:11 ESV
For God shows no partiality.

Genesis 1:27 ESV
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Luke 10:27 ESV
And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”

Proverbs 6:16-19 ESV
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

Took you long enough to copy and paste those.

You don't get it do you? You can quote as maaany Bible verses as you want. You're still wrong, and practice nothing they teach.

Samuel 16:7 ESV
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

Bellboy, the very thing you have done in this thread is judge me by my outward appearance. That verse doesn't mean what you think it means.

Galatians 3:28 ESV
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

I know why you quoted this one, specifically for the "there is no male and female" part, am I correct? What do you take me for, huh? This is not an endorsement of homosexuality, but a case that all the Christians who believe in the true teachings of Christ are united in Christ.

Galatians 5:14 ESV
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

You sure aren't loving me as your neighbor right now, are you? So how can you preach about ANYONE loving their neighbor when you have clearly demonstrated your inability to do so?

Matthew 5:44 ESV
But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

Like I asked before, how are you loving your enemies? You're fighting with them, seeking to strike them down. You can't pray for those that persecute you, you go ahead and persecute them right back.

Genesis 1:27 ESV
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.


Male and female, not male and male, not female and female. Do you not understand why God created two OPPOSITE sexes? Let's party like it's the year 1849, cause this is pure gold!

Luke 10:27 ESV
And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”

So, once again, do you love your neighbor as yourself, or do you attack him instead as you have done me?

Proverbs 6:16-19 ESV
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

1. A lying tongue. That pretty much describes you. That is a proven fact which has been demonstrated in this thread.

2. Hands that shed innocent blood. Though not related to this discussion, you more or less are pro choice, or pro abortion. That's pretty much as close to "hands that shed innocent blood" as it gets.

3. A heart that devises wicked plans. Any heart that holds hatred, and acts on that hatred devises wickedness. Such wickedness is such where you (yes, you) cause your fellow believers to stumble. Something I've seen plenty of from you.

4. Feet that make haste to run to evil. See 3.

5. A false witness who breathes out lies. You have repeatedly leveled out false accusations against me, all of which I soundly refuted. Yet you continue on, undeterred. You twist the Bible around to say what it really doesn't say, and insist on beating me with it like a cudgel. You are a textbook "false witness." (I think that breaks a commandment by the way).

6. And one who sows discord among brothers. I will let your behavior towards me speak to that. You have done nothing but try to dictate to me my own beliefs, preach to me your version of my faith. You essentially are trying sow discord with me and people like me.

Like I said. You do nothing these verses say, and in some cases, the exact opposite.

Oh my, you are the "victim" here...

Can you sink any lower to protect your evil, anti-Jesus like bigotry?

We must be silent when we see wrong...
If Jesus owned a bakery, he would serve ALL His people.

Jesus was a carpenter, not a baker. And there you go presuming what Jesus would do.

I know for a fact that Jesus loved whores, but I also know that Jesus, in His professional capacity as a carpenter, wouldn't have participated in building a brothel.

Therefore, I also feel equally certain that if Jesus had been a baker, He would not have catered a homosexual wedding, despite loving homosexuals as His children.

This is because I attend a REAL church that teaches the difference between loving the sinner and loving the sin.

Much truth to that. I was raised on that principle. I practice it all the time. All of us sin and fall short of the Glory of God. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. It's that simple.

Yea, and here is another of your congregation.

Quantum Windbag said:
Jesus used physical force and beat the crap out of people that offended him, would you prefer that approach?

Cecilie1200 said:
No, we're defending THE RIGHT to discriminate.
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Hey TemplarKormac,

You claim to be a Christian and take umbrage when someone desecrates your religion.

WHERE is your comments about this?

Post #699
The Rabbi

Romans 3:34 "And when you are buttfucking remember the Lord has blessed it

Ephesians 1:25: So I say to you that lying carnally with men with cool, even better if you picked him up in a swish disco.

Gallatians 5:69: So go thou and commit abomination all across the land, for you honor me thereby.

See, it's in black and white!

Same bullshit different decade What members of the gay rights movement could learn from history Page 70 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
yea, we need to embrace the ignorant grunts in America

And lets embrace the fact that you keep making my point, by referring to us as "ignorant grunts" you demonstrate your own intolerance of OUR beliefs, while accosting us for THOSE VERY SAME beliefs as "intolerant" or "discriminatory."

This is where you get off. You are not only intolerant, you are a hypocrite.

You're confused...I tolerate you ignorant grunts. But being tolerant doesn't mean I support your ignorance, will ever be silent or subservient to your ignorance by telling people to just "go somewhere else" for service they have the constitutional right to receive.
There is no constitutional right of service by private business.
you fail. And you're stupid.
There are Public Accomodation laws for fifty years now
That isnt a response, genius.

I'm afraid it trumps you

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