San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15. Results in THIS:

exactly; everyone knows how imprecise web based technology still is regarding human language.

It must be an information error since labor would be seeking employment at the appropriate wage level under any form of Capitalism according to the laws of demand and supply. If capitalists really wanted those positions filled, they would be paying to have them filled and someone in HR may even get a nice capital bonus for putting the right capital people in the right capital place at the right capital time.
The fact is employers DO want to fill their open positions. With the best candidates. Employers can afford to be extremely selective.
In my opinion, this is a good issue for policy review. Why is there any capital gains preference if capitalists are unwilling to pay to have full capital employment?
Policy review? As in government policy? No thanks. There is enough meddling in the private sector by government already.
Stop whining to Washington with your little perceived problems.
Government policy is THE reason why the labor participation rate is lower than it was in the 1970's
San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15.

hey that is great news, now a no frills 1/8th lb. burger with bun will cost $5.99, with condiments, which once were free will cost another $4.99, if you want a slab of cheese on it, that will be $3.99 extra, if you want fries and a drink.., total will be $39.95...., oooh, if you want a straw in that drink add another $1.99....., one more thing there will be a toll gate to exit.., $0.99

don'tcha just love liberfool logic = stupidity. :lmao:
right wing logic is funnier; and the right usually cannot blame it on drugs.
Labor costs have no effect on prices?
exactly; everyone knows how imprecise web based technology still is regarding human language.

It must be an information error since labor would be seeking employment at the appropriate wage level under any form of Capitalism according to the laws of demand and supply. If capitalists really wanted those positions filled, they would be paying to have them filled and someone in HR may even get a nice capital bonus for putting the right capital people in the right capital place at the right capital time.
The fact is employers DO want to fill their open positions. With the best candidates. Employers can afford to be extremely selective.
The fact is, no they don't; or, they would offer wages that ensure those positions are filled at the best, current market price.

Whence any capital reason to offer tax preference for capital gains if capitalists are not going to "share the wealth" by offering wages that fill those positions at the best current market price.
Spoon, did I anything about wanting it both ways? Nope.
Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills. When they are making minimum wage, that can be quite tricky, no?
I see the GOP wants to cut funding for training programs. Well, that just adds another wall for those who want to better their skills and life.
Not a wall. A hurdle. So what?....
And you'll have to dig for quite a while to find companies that no longer train workers for better positions...Stop it.

The jig is just about up. They are running out of stuff to whine about and are reduced to making shit up as they go along.

I have been here just about five years, people know I don't make shit up, asshole!
Why don't you point out something I made up. I'll wait.
Ahh...When caught, protest angrily and deny strongly....

I never said all companies aren't training employees, maybe I was too general in my comment.
But, the two Wall Street Journal and the Bloomberg articles (plus the thousand articles that are available) signify that it is certainly an issue. No?
In the time I've been posting here I have been one to throw shit on the wall to see if it sticks and when I have been wrong on an issue, I don't run away from admitting that I'm wrong. I research hard and try very hard not to use biased issues. I know for a fact that I have never used any hyper-partisan resources or talking points. I'd rather be credible.
Fine. Protecting one's credibility is paramount to debate.
However, those articles point to a trend. That trend is the result of certain realities that business must acknowledge.
San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15.

hey that is great news, now a no frills 1/8th lb. burger with bun will cost $5.99, with condiments, which once were free will cost another $4.99, if you want a slab of cheese on it, that will be $3.99 extra, if you want fries and a drink.., total will be $39.95...., oooh, if you want a straw in that drink add another $1.99....., one more thing there will be a toll gate to exit.., $0.99

don'tcha just love liberfool logic = stupidity. :lmao:
right wing logic is funnier; and the right usually cannot blame it on drugs.
Labor costs have no effect on prices?
all costs, not just labor have an effect on price.
exactly; everyone knows how imprecise web based technology still is regarding human language.

It must be an information error since labor would be seeking employment at the appropriate wage level under any form of Capitalism according to the laws of demand and supply. If capitalists really wanted those positions filled, they would be paying to have them filled and someone in HR may even get a nice capital bonus for putting the right capital people in the right capital place at the right capital time.
The fact is employers DO want to fill their open positions. With the best candidates. Employers can afford to be extremely selective.
The fact is, no they don't; or, they would offer wages that ensure those positions are filled at the best, current market price.

Whence any capital reason to offer tax preference for capital gains if capitalists are not going to "share the wealth" by offering wages that fill those positions at the best current market price.
umm. That is a woefully uninformed observation.
I just got through explaining the whys and hows leading to the trends seen in today's job market.
The salaries are there. it is the applicants that lack either the experience or training required to perform the job from day one.
In no way does this apply to unskilled entry level work.
San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15.

hey that is great news, now a no frills 1/8th lb. burger with bun will cost $5.99, with condiments, which once were free will cost another $4.99, if you want a slab of cheese on it, that will be $3.99 extra, if you want fries and a drink.., total will be $39.95...., oooh, if you want a straw in that drink add another $1.99....., one more thing there will be a toll gate to exit.., $0.99

don'tcha just love liberfool logic = stupidity. :lmao:
right wing logic is funnier; and the right usually cannot blame it on drugs.
Labor costs have no effect on prices?
all costs, not just labor have an effect on price.
So.....Where's the problem?
BTW, labor accounts for the largest percentage of the cost of doing business. It is also the one cost that can be controlled in the event of a downturn in business.
Labor is thus, a commodity.
exactly; everyone knows how imprecise web based technology still is regarding human language.

It must be an information error since labor would be seeking employment at the appropriate wage level under any form of Capitalism according to the laws of demand and supply. If capitalists really wanted those positions filled, they would be paying to have them filled and someone in HR may even get a nice capital bonus for putting the right capital people in the right capital place at the right capital time.
The fact is employers DO want to fill their open positions. With the best candidates. Employers can afford to be extremely selective.
The fact is, no they don't; or, they would offer wages that ensure those positions are filled at the best, current market price.

Whence any capital reason to offer tax preference for capital gains if capitalists are not going to "share the wealth" by offering wages that fill those positions at the best current market price.
umm. That is a woefully uninformed observation.
I just got through explaining the whys and hows leading to the trends seen in today's job market.
The salaries are there. it is the applicants that lack either the experience or training required to perform the job from day one.
In no way does this apply to unskilled entry level work.
No such Thing under our form of Capitalism.

Wages are simply insufficient to attract qualified labor. H1B visas should end capital gains preference for capitalists if there is no full employment for US labor.
San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15.

hey that is great news, now a no frills 1/8th lb. burger with bun will cost $5.99, with condiments, which once were free will cost another $4.99, if you want a slab of cheese on it, that will be $3.99 extra, if you want fries and a drink.., total will be $39.95...., oooh, if you want a straw in that drink add another $1.99....., one more thing there will be a toll gate to exit.., $0.99

don'tcha just love liberfool logic = stupidity. :lmao:
right wing logic is funnier; and the right usually cannot blame it on drugs.
Labor costs have no effect on prices?
all costs, not just labor have an effect on price.
So.....Where's the problem?
BTW, labor accounts for the largest percentage of the cost of doing business. It is also the one cost that can be controlled in the event of a downturn in business.
Labor is thus, a commodity.
some of your cost inputs seem arbitrary and capricious and could result in special pleading.
San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15.

hey that is great news, now a no frills 1/8th lb. burger with bun will cost $5.99, with condiments, which once were free will cost another $4.99, if you want a slab of cheese on it, that will be $3.99 extra, if you want fries and a drink.., total will be $39.95...., oooh, if you want a straw in that drink add another $1.99....., one more thing there will be a toll gate to exit.., $0.99

don'tcha just love liberfool logic = stupidity. :lmao:
Careful your gonna get broke going to McDonald.

The market will adjust. Gov't mandated higher wages will result in higher prices and fewer customers and jobs (not that people like you seem to care).

You base that upon that never happening with previous min wage increases?
Yer kidding....You people whine about prices, about the fact that it takes a two income family to accomplish the same goals as 50 years ago.....There is a direct correlation to wages and the cost of living when government steps in and interferes with the marketplace.
I don't know about you but I want loony lefties to stop promoting the idea that a part-time job as a clerk is a "career" that should support a family of 8 and I want bleeding-heart libs to stop pretending the rest of us are somehow required to pay for others poor choices. Keeping them down may serve the party-of-gov't-freebies but doesn't serve America.

Then get the job creators to do that and pay a decent wage. Otherwise look forward to more government dependence.
You continue ot revert back to the same lib talking points.
Tell ya what. How about you go ahead and start a business. Pay your employees whatever you like. Ignore the prevailing market rates for labor. See how long your business lasts. Get back to us. Until you do that, you don't get to say "pay a decent wage"....Because you can't define what is a "decent wage".

Do you want small government or not? Because your love of low wages will continue to make it grow. I think you may be the liberal.

Yanno, we could adjust the gov't standards for aid, forcing those part-time low wage earners to do what so many did before we began confiscating private wealth to pay our expansive (and expensive) gov't bennies ... get a 2nd job.
Those with a lick of pride still manage to get along without gov't help but forcing firms to automate to remain competitive will make those low-skill jobs disappear.

Yes you can do that. And then those people will be unhappy and elect people who will bring them back. You see we vote in this country. So if you really want small government then we need employers to take care of employees. You guys seems so stupidly oblivious to this fact.
Business does not exist to "take care" of workers.
With your comment, you admit that certain people will go to the polls and vote for 'free shit'....
That's another bullshit talking point.

It is reality.
A reality created by the left wing. Their own reality. One in which they choose to immerse themselves to further a political agenda.

I'm pretty sure it is created by Walmart not paying very much while the Waltons make billions each year.

What the Waltons make is none of your biz and millions of Americans who depend on stock dividends to supplement their income as well as the millions who have jobs thanks to Walmarts and Target - not to mention the millions more who enjoy the low prices - are glad the Walmarts of the world exist. You, like most loony leftists, simply live to whine.

Well don't expect the government to shrink any time soon then. As long as they are making billions and collecting corporate welfare that simply will not happen. They are a huge employer and pay so little that employees are on welfare. That grows government dependence. We need good jobs where people can support themselves, not more inequality. That just slows our economy and increases government dependence. Just look at the current state of our country.
Ahh more liberal buzz terms...."making billion"..."corporate welfare"...."workers collecting welfare"....."inequality"....Please.
Stop complaining.
Just look at the state of the country.....Yes, look at it...Who's been at the helm for the last 7 years.....Quit yer bitching and DO SOMETHING to help yourself....
San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15.

hey that is great news, now a no frills 1/8th lb. burger with bun will cost $5.99, with condiments, which once were free will cost another $4.99, if you want a slab of cheese on it, that will be $3.99 extra, if you want fries and a drink.., total will be $39.95...., oooh, if you want a straw in that drink add another $1.99....., one more thing there will be a toll gate to exit.., $0.99

don'tcha just love liberfool logic = stupidity. :lmao:
Careful your gonna get broke going to McDonald.

The market will adjust. Gov't mandated higher wages will result in higher prices and fewer customers and jobs (not that people like you seem to care).

You base that upon that never happening with previous min wage increases?

The studies vary on the impact but they are all based on small min wage increases. However what is proposed is a doubling of the min wage. Given the technology currently available (and that sure to come) only a fool would argue that the supply of low skill jobs will not be diminished as well as the demand for low skill workers (but then, what do you care, eh?).

It has never been seen yet.
Cut the bullshit....For more than a decade, manufacturing has been transformed from a heavy dependence on labor to heavy dependence on technology.
That is now being translated down to small business.
For Christ's sake the typical cash register is advanced enough so that now the cashier no longer has to have any math skills.
In fact, the cashier job will eventually disappear. In some states tolls on highways and bridges are no longer collected by people. It's all automated....
This is what we realists refer to as "progress"...
BTW, cashless tolls, ATM's, self checkout devices and the like don't call in sick. Don't get drunk on the weekend, don't come to work with a whole lot of personal baggage. Don't have to take a day off to go to court to answer a summons for a DUI...Etc....Are you getting this?
The market will adjust. Gov't mandated higher wages will result in higher prices and fewer customers and jobs (not that people like you seem to care).

You base that upon that never happening with previous min wage increases?

The studies vary on the impact but they are all based on small min wage increases. However what is proposed is a doubling of the min wage. Given the technology currently available (and that sure to come) only a fool would argue that the supply of low skill jobs will not be diminished as well as the demand for low skill workers (but then, what do you care, eh?).

It has never been seen yet.

Yes, it has and the min wage has never been doubled in the face of technological alternatives like inexpensive automation. Be careful what you wish for.

"High minimum wages, however, particularly in rigid labour markets, do appear to hit employment. France has the rich world’s highest wage floor, at more than 60% of the median for adults and a far bigger fraction of the typical wage for the young. This helps explain why France also has shockingly high rates of youth unemployment: 26% for 15- to 24-year-olds."

That is France. We have increased min wage here many times and it has not ever happened. lets do what France is doing...And expect a different result....Brilliant.
Why are so interested in the minimum wage, anyway? What's in it for you?
San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15.

hey that is great news, now a no frills 1/8th lb. burger with bun will cost $5.99, with condiments, which once were free will cost another $4.99, if you want a slab of cheese on it, that will be $3.99 extra, if you want fries and a drink.., total will be $39.95...., oooh, if you want a straw in that drink add another $1.99....., one more thing there will be a toll gate to exit.., $0.99

don'tcha just love liberfool logic = stupidity. :lmao:
Careful your gonna get broke going to McDonald.

The market will adjust. Gov't mandated higher wages will result in higher prices and fewer customers and jobs (not that people like you seem to care).

You base that upon that never happening with previous min wage increases?
Yer kidding....You people whine about prices, about the fact that it takes a two income family to accomplish the same goals as 50 years ago.....There is a direct correlation to wages and the cost of living when government steps in and interferes with the marketplace.

Show me where it has ever happened.
You base that upon that never happening with previous min wage increases?

The studies vary on the impact but they are all based on small min wage increases. However what is proposed is a doubling of the min wage. Given the technology currently available (and that sure to come) only a fool would argue that the supply of low skill jobs will not be diminished as well as the demand for low skill workers (but then, what do you care, eh?).

It has never been seen yet.

Yes, it has and the min wage has never been doubled in the face of technological alternatives like inexpensive automation. Be careful what you wish for.

"High minimum wages, however, particularly in rigid labour markets, do appear to hit employment. France has the rich world’s highest wage floor, at more than 60% of the median for adults and a far bigger fraction of the typical wage for the young. This helps explain why France also has shockingly high rates of youth unemployment: 26% for 15- to 24-year-olds."

That is France. We have increased min wage here many times and it has not ever happened. lets do what France is doing...And expect a different result....Brilliant.
Why are so interested in the minimum wage, anyway? What's in it for you?

I'm not. I'm interested in small government and a strong economy.
Then get the job creators to do that and pay a decent wage. Otherwise look forward to more government dependence.
You continue ot revert back to the same lib talking points.
Tell ya what. How about you go ahead and start a business. Pay your employees whatever you like. Ignore the prevailing market rates for labor. See how long your business lasts. Get back to us. Until you do that, you don't get to say "pay a decent wage"....Because you can't define what is a "decent wage".

Do you want small government or not? Because your love of low wages will continue to make it grow. I think you may be the liberal.

Yanno, we could adjust the gov't standards for aid, forcing those part-time low wage earners to do what so many did before we began confiscating private wealth to pay our expansive (and expensive) gov't bennies ... get a 2nd job.
Those with a lick of pride still manage to get along without gov't help but forcing firms to automate to remain competitive will make those low-skill jobs disappear.

Yes you can do that. And then those people will be unhappy and elect people who will bring them back. You see we vote in this country. So if you really want small government then we need employers to take care of employees. You guys seems so stupidly oblivious to this fact.
Business does not exist to "take care" of workers.
With your comment, you admit that certain people will go to the polls and vote for 'free shit'....

Of course they will. I live in the real world.

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