San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15. Results in THIS:

It is reality.
A reality created by the left wing. Their own reality. One in which they choose to immerse themselves to further a political agenda.

I'm pretty sure it is created by Walmart not paying very much while the Waltons make billions each year.

What the Waltons make is none of your biz and millions of Americans who depend on stock dividends to supplement their income as well as the millions who have jobs thanks to Walmarts and Target - not to mention the millions more who enjoy the low prices - are glad the Walmarts of the world exist. You, like most loony leftists, simply live to whine.

Well don't expect the government to shrink any time soon then. As long as they are making billions and collecting corporate welfare that simply will not happen. They are a huge employer and pay so little that employees are on welfare. That grows government dependence. We need good jobs where people can support themselves, not more inequality. That just slows our economy and increases government dependence. Just look at the current state of our country.
Ahh more liberal buzz terms...."making billion"..."corporate welfare"...."workers collecting welfare"....."inequality"....Please.
Stop complaining.
Just look at the state of the country.....Yes, look at it...Who's been at the helm for the last 7 years.....Quit yer bitching and DO SOMETHING to help yourself....

I am doing quite well. Think I heard corporate welfare first from ron Paul. You should listen to him. Tell me what I have said that is wrong?
Careful your gonna get broke going to McDonald.

The market will adjust. Gov't mandated higher wages will result in higher prices and fewer customers and jobs (not that people like you seem to care).

You base that upon that never happening with previous min wage increases?

The studies vary on the impact but they are all based on small min wage increases. However what is proposed is a doubling of the min wage. Given the technology currently available (and that sure to come) only a fool would argue that the supply of low skill jobs will not be diminished as well as the demand for low skill workers (but then, what do you care, eh?).

It has never been seen yet.
Cut the bullshit....For more than a decade, manufacturing has been transformed from a heavy dependence on labor to heavy dependence on technology.
That is now being translated down to small business.
For Christ's sake the typical cash register is advanced enough so that now the cashier no longer has to have any math skills.
In fact, the cashier job will eventually disappear. In some states tolls on highways and bridges are no longer collected by people. It's all automated....
This is what we realists refer to as "progress"...
BTW, cashless tolls, ATM's, self checkout devices and the like don't call in sick. Don't get drunk on the weekend, don't come to work with a whole lot of personal baggage. Don't have to take a day off to go to court to answer a summons for a DUI...Etc....Are you getting this?

You are trying to predict the future while ignoring the past. That seems silly.
Yanno, we could adjust the gov't standards for aid, forcing those part-time low wage earners to do what so many did before we began confiscating private wealth to pay our expansive (and expensive) gov't bennies ... get a 2nd job.
Those with a lick of pride still manage to get along without gov't help but forcing firms to automate to remain competitive will make those low-skill jobs disappear.

Yes you can do that. And then those people will be unhappy and elect people who will bring them back. You see we vote in this country. So if you really want small government then we need employers to take care of employees. You guys seems so stupidly oblivious to this fact.

Woo ... as often posted (and most adults understand) biz does not exist (nor is it their responsibility) to "take care of employees." Your life is yours ... make of it what you will but please stop the incessant whining.

So that is why the government keeps growing then. It seems high inequality is far more important to you than small government.

Once more for the Brain Dead: My concern is with gov't meddling in the labor market that will negatively impact those least able to adjust. Growth in gov't expenditures (not gov't) is a function of too easily available gov't freebies. Lower the freebies and those part-timers will get a second job.

And again if you lower the freebies they will come right back when new politicians are elected. Get employers to pay well and government will shrink for good.
That's horse shit.....And it's lame.
So, let's get this on record....Your notion of a higher wage plain will immediately translate to smaller government?
And is it also safe to say that you think it is in good form for people to go to the election polls with a singular issue in mind that they will vote for the candidate that will offer them the most in free money?
And you think this is acceptable?
No, government should reduce the freebies and have the balls to keep them at low levels. This speaks directly to the entitlement mentality. Once those who believe they are owed something realize that they will be waiting a very long time for Uncle Same to arrive dressed as Santa Claus, they will come to the realization that ion order to have the things they want, they will have to work for them.
Here in our state, the legislature reduced the max weekly unemployment benefit from $505 to $350. That was two years ago. Magically unemployment in the state has tumbled to just under 6% from around 9%.....Now, as a further incentive for the able bodied to get back to work, the new law is that in order to collect that week's benefits, they must show at least 5 legitimate job contacts for the pay period. That is up from 3 contacts. Years ago. in my home state I collected unemployment after my entire department was let go from a data communications company. We lost a very large account. I collected UE benefits for 4 weeks. I had to make SIX verifiable contacts in order to receive my check....SIX...
Watch this everybody....
Yes you can do that. And then those people will be unhappy and elect people who will bring them back. You see we vote in this country. So if you really want small government then we need employers to take care of employees. You guys seems so stupidly oblivious to this fact.

Woo ... as often posted (and most adults understand) biz does not exist (nor is it their responsibility) to "take care of employees." Your life is yours ... make of it what you will but please stop the incessant whining.

So that is why the government keeps growing then. It seems high inequality is far more important to you than small government.

Once more for the Brain Dead: My concern is with gov't meddling in the labor market that will negatively impact those least able to adjust. Growth in gov't expenditures (not gov't) is a function of too easily available gov't freebies. Lower the freebies and those part-timers will get a second job.

And again if you lower the freebies they will come right back when new politicians are elected. Get employers to pay well and government will shrink for good.
That's horse shit.....And it's lame.
So, let's get this on record....Your notion of a higher wage plain will immediately translate to smaller government?
And is it also safe to say that you think it is in good form for people to go to the election polls with a singular issue in mind that they will vote for the candidate that will offer them the most in free money?
And you think this is acceptable?
No, government should reduce the freebies and have the balls to keep them at low levels. This speaks directly to the entitlement mentality. Once those who believe they are owed something realize that they will be waiting a very long time for Uncle Same to arrive dressed as Santa Claus, they will come to the realization that ion order to have the things they want, they will have to work for them.
Here in our state, the legislature reduced the max weekly unemployment benefit from $505 to $350. That was two years ago. Magically unemployment in the state has tumbled to just under 6% from around 9%.....Now, as a further incentive for the able bodied to get back to work, the new law is that in order to collect that week's benefits, they must show at least 5 legitimate job contacts for the pay period. That is up from 3 contacts. Years ago. in my home state I collected unemployment after my entire department was let go from a data communications company. We lost a very large account. I collected UE benefits for 4 weeks. I had to make SIX verifiable contacts in order to receive my check....SIX...
Watch this everybody....

I am not saying what is right or wrong, I am simply stating facts.

If everyone made enough money to not be on welfare you don't think that would shrink government? Seriously?

Haven't republicans always said people will vote for the free money? I don't see why they wouldn't.

Ah yes so now you are saying SHOULD. Yes the government SHOULD do all those things, sure. But the REALITY is that won't happen because politicians are cowards and there will always be people elected to give away free shit. So while you can think they SHOULD do something, reality is they WILL NOT. At best it will be done for one election cycle and then turned back as pissed off people vote. So your idea of what should happen will not happen.

I believe unemployment has been tumbling the last few years for every state. I'm not too impressed by your numbers.

8 years of Reagan should have shrunk government. 8 years of George Bush should have shrunk government. What was the reality? They spent like crazy. Get a clue.
A reality created by the left wing. Their own reality. One in which they choose to immerse themselves to further a political agenda.

I'm pretty sure it is created by Walmart not paying very much while the Waltons make billions each year.

What the Waltons make is none of your biz and millions of Americans who depend on stock dividends to supplement their income as well as the millions who have jobs thanks to Walmarts and Target - not to mention the millions more who enjoy the low prices - are glad the Walmarts of the world exist. You, like most loony leftists, simply live to whine.

Well don't expect the government to shrink any time soon then. As long as they are making billions and collecting corporate welfare that simply will not happen. They are a huge employer and pay so little that employees are on welfare. That grows government dependence. We need good jobs where people can support themselves, not more inequality. That just slows our economy and increases government dependence. Just look at the current state of our country.
Ahh more liberal buzz terms...."making billion"..."corporate welfare"...."workers collecting welfare"....."inequality"....Please.
Stop complaining.
Just look at the state of the country.....Yes, look at it...Who's been at the helm for the last 7 years.....Quit yer bitching and DO SOMETHING to help yourself....

I am doing quite well. Think I heard corporate welfare first from ron Paul. You should listen to him. Tell me what I have said that is wrong?
You're doing quite well? Who the fuck asked you?...
Ron Paul? He's out there on the lunatic fringe. Nothing that guy says is remotely probable of occurring here in the US. Ron Paul.. These so called Libertarians are nothing but Pseudo Idahoan survivalist wack jobs.
Ya want to get rid of corp. welfare( doesn't really exist) but for the sake of argument let's say it does. Just what do you think these companies, many of which are very large contributors to PAC's, party organizations, etc expect in return for their largess? Nothing?....
As long as the system is what it is, we will see government paying off their benefactors.
Now, I am going to piss you off. But, who cares....This is why Donald Trump is the best candidate for POTUS this country has seen in a very long time. The reason is simple. Trump is beholden to no one. He is not using a dime of anyone else's money to run his campaign. he is spending his own cash....This scares the living shit out of the political establishments on both sides of the aisle. Trump is not playing by their rules. And they can't stand it. Taking a look at polling stats, Trump is very popular among likely GOP voters and somewhat attractive to uncommitted voters. Of course likely democrat voters look upon Trump unfavorably by a wide margin.
Last point.. Don't you tell me to whom I should listen. You want to waste your time with a fringe politician like Ron Paul, go right ahead.
Woo ... as often posted (and most adults understand) biz does not exist (nor is it their responsibility) to "take care of employees." Your life is yours ... make of it what you will but please stop the incessant whining.

So that is why the government keeps growing then. It seems high inequality is far more important to you than small government.

Once more for the Brain Dead: My concern is with gov't meddling in the labor market that will negatively impact those least able to adjust. Growth in gov't expenditures (not gov't) is a function of too easily available gov't freebies. Lower the freebies and those part-timers will get a second job.

And again if you lower the freebies they will come right back when new politicians are elected. Get employers to pay well and government will shrink for good.
That's horse shit.....And it's lame.
So, let's get this on record....Your notion of a higher wage plain will immediately translate to smaller government?
And is it also safe to say that you think it is in good form for people to go to the election polls with a singular issue in mind that they will vote for the candidate that will offer them the most in free money?
And you think this is acceptable?
No, government should reduce the freebies and have the balls to keep them at low levels. This speaks directly to the entitlement mentality. Once those who believe they are owed something realize that they will be waiting a very long time for Uncle Same to arrive dressed as Santa Claus, they will come to the realization that ion order to have the things they want, they will have to work for them.
Here in our state, the legislature reduced the max weekly unemployment benefit from $505 to $350. That was two years ago. Magically unemployment in the state has tumbled to just under 6% from around 9%.....Now, as a further incentive for the able bodied to get back to work, the new law is that in order to collect that week's benefits, they must show at least 5 legitimate job contacts for the pay period. That is up from 3 contacts. Years ago. in my home state I collected unemployment after my entire department was let go from a data communications company. We lost a very large account. I collected UE benefits for 4 weeks. I had to make SIX verifiable contacts in order to receive my check....SIX...
Watch this everybody....

I am not saying what is right or wrong, I am simply stating facts.

If everyone made enough money to not be on welfare you don't think that would shrink government? Seriously?

Haven't republicans always said people will vote for the free money? I don't see why they wouldn't.

Ah yes so now you are saying SHOULD. Yes the government SHOULD do all those things, sure. But the REALITY is that won't happen because politicians are cowards and there will always be people elected to give away free shit. So while you can think they SHOULD do something, reality is they WILL NOT. At best it will be done for one election cycle and then turned back as pissed off people vote. So your idea of what should happen will not happen.

I believe unemployment has been tumbling the last few years for every state. I'm not too impressed by your numbers.

8 years of Reagan should have shrunk government. 8 years of George Bush should have shrunk government. What was the reality? They spent like crazy. Get a clue.
To answer your first question go back to my most recent post. See the area regarding "entitlement mentality"...There you will find your answer as to the size of government.
The answer to this is not to artificially increase wages by political means...The best way to stimulate the economy is through private sector job growth. And for that to happen, government must get out of the way.
Government should be a silent partner to the private sector, walking along side.. Not leading it.
Woo ... as often posted (and most adults understand) biz does not exist (nor is it their responsibility) to "take care of employees." Your life is yours ... make of it what you will but please stop the incessant whining.

So that is why the government keeps growing then. It seems high inequality is far more important to you than small government.

Once more for the Brain Dead: My concern is with gov't meddling in the labor market that will negatively impact those least able to adjust. Growth in gov't expenditures (not gov't) is a function of too easily available gov't freebies. Lower the freebies and those part-timers will get a second job.

And again if you lower the freebies they will come right back when new politicians are elected. Get employers to pay well and government will shrink for good.
That's horse shit.....And it's lame.
So, let's get this on record....Your notion of a higher wage plain will immediately translate to smaller government?
And is it also safe to say that you think it is in good form for people to go to the election polls with a singular issue in mind that they will vote for the candidate that will offer them the most in free money?
And you think this is acceptable?
No, government should reduce the freebies and have the balls to keep them at low levels. This speaks directly to the entitlement mentality. Once those who believe they are owed something realize that they will be waiting a very long time for Uncle Same to arrive dressed as Santa Claus, they will come to the realization that ion order to have the things they want, they will have to work for them.
Here in our state, the legislature reduced the max weekly unemployment benefit from $505 to $350. That was two years ago. Magically unemployment in the state has tumbled to just under 6% from around 9%.....Now, as a further incentive for the able bodied to get back to work, the new law is that in order to collect that week's benefits, they must show at least 5 legitimate job contacts for the pay period. That is up from 3 contacts. Years ago. in my home state I collected unemployment after my entire department was let go from a data communications company. We lost a very large account. I collected UE benefits for 4 weeks. I had to make SIX verifiable contacts in order to receive my check....SIX...
Watch this everybody....

I am not saying what is right or wrong, I am simply stating facts.

If everyone made enough money to not be on welfare you don't think that would shrink government? Seriously?

Haven't republicans always said people will vote for the free money? I don't see why they wouldn't.

Ah yes so now you are saying SHOULD. Yes the government SHOULD do all those things, sure. But the REALITY is that won't happen because politicians are cowards and there will always be people elected to give away free shit. So while you can think they SHOULD do something, reality is they WILL NOT. At best it will be done for one election cycle and then turned back as pissed off people vote. So your idea of what should happen will not happen.

I believe unemployment has been tumbling the last few years for every state. I'm not too impressed by your numbers.

8 years of Reagan should have shrunk government. 8 years of George Bush should have shrunk government. What was the reality? They spent like crazy. Get a clue.
You don't see why people would not vote for 'free money"....Ya know what? That's sad.
I'm pretty sure it is created by Walmart not paying very much while the Waltons make billions each year.

What the Waltons make is none of your biz and millions of Americans who depend on stock dividends to supplement their income as well as the millions who have jobs thanks to Walmarts and Target - not to mention the millions more who enjoy the low prices - are glad the Walmarts of the world exist. You, like most loony leftists, simply live to whine.

Well don't expect the government to shrink any time soon then. As long as they are making billions and collecting corporate welfare that simply will not happen. They are a huge employer and pay so little that employees are on welfare. That grows government dependence. We need good jobs where people can support themselves, not more inequality. That just slows our economy and increases government dependence. Just look at the current state of our country.
Ahh more liberal buzz terms...."making billion"..."corporate welfare"...."workers collecting welfare"....."inequality"....Please.
Stop complaining.
Just look at the state of the country.....Yes, look at it...Who's been at the helm for the last 7 years.....Quit yer bitching and DO SOMETHING to help yourself....

I am doing quite well. Think I heard corporate welfare first from ron Paul. You should listen to him. Tell me what I have said that is wrong?
You're doing quite well? Who the fuck asked you?...
Ron Paul? He's out there on the lunatic fringe. Nothing that guy says is remotely probable of occurring here in the US. Ron Paul.. These so called Libertarians are nothing but Pseudo Idahoan survivalist wack jobs.
Ya want to get rid of corp. welfare( doesn't really exist) but for the sake of argument let's say it does. Just what do you think these companies, many of which are very large contributors to PAC's, party organizations, etc expect in return for their largess? Nothing?....
As long as the system is what it is, we will see government paying off their benefactors.
Now, I am going to piss you off. But, who cares....This is why Donald Trump is the best candidate for POTUS this country has seen in a very long time. The reason is simple. Trump is beholden to no one. He is not using a dime of anyone else's money to run his campaign. he is spending his own cash....This scares the living shit out of the political establishments on both sides of the aisle. Trump is not playing by their rules. And they can't stand it. Taking a look at polling stats, Trump is very popular among likely GOP voters and somewhat attractive to uncommitted voters. Of course likely democrat voters look upon Trump unfavorably by a wide margin.
Last point.. Don't you tell me to whom I should listen. You want to waste your time with a fringe politician like Ron Paul, go right ahead.

You said do something to help myself. Well I am doing quite well so why do I need help?

Wow you sound like a min wage increase is the only option. Given how corps are in the pockets of everyone as you say.

How does talking about Trump piss me off? You realize I'm an independent right? I don't have any affection for either party anymore. I agree with Trump on a lot of points, but I don't think he is electable.
What the Waltons make is none of your biz and millions of Americans who depend on stock dividends to supplement their income as well as the millions who have jobs thanks to Walmarts and Target - not to mention the millions more who enjoy the low prices - are glad the Walmarts of the world exist. You, like most loony leftists, simply live to whine.

Well don't expect the government to shrink any time soon then. As long as they are making billions and collecting corporate welfare that simply will not happen. They are a huge employer and pay so little that employees are on welfare. That grows government dependence. We need good jobs where people can support themselves, not more inequality. That just slows our economy and increases government dependence. Just look at the current state of our country.

There are plenty of good jobs but American biz is forced to go overseas to fill them because so many American kids just aren't interested in education.
In NYC, for instance, over 1/3 of those who enter high school never finish.


You do know how to access GOOGLE, right?

NYC's high school graduation rate jumps to 64 percent

Yes. Show me reason to believe there are lots of good jobs out there.
Your beliefs are irrelevant.
So that is why the government keeps growing then. It seems high inequality is far more important to you than small government.

Once more for the Brain Dead: My concern is with gov't meddling in the labor market that will negatively impact those least able to adjust. Growth in gov't expenditures (not gov't) is a function of too easily available gov't freebies. Lower the freebies and those part-timers will get a second job.

And again if you lower the freebies they will come right back when new politicians are elected. Get employers to pay well and government will shrink for good.
That's horse shit.....And it's lame.
So, let's get this on record....Your notion of a higher wage plain will immediately translate to smaller government?
And is it also safe to say that you think it is in good form for people to go to the election polls with a singular issue in mind that they will vote for the candidate that will offer them the most in free money?
And you think this is acceptable?
No, government should reduce the freebies and have the balls to keep them at low levels. This speaks directly to the entitlement mentality. Once those who believe they are owed something realize that they will be waiting a very long time for Uncle Same to arrive dressed as Santa Claus, they will come to the realization that ion order to have the things they want, they will have to work for them.
Here in our state, the legislature reduced the max weekly unemployment benefit from $505 to $350. That was two years ago. Magically unemployment in the state has tumbled to just under 6% from around 9%.....Now, as a further incentive for the able bodied to get back to work, the new law is that in order to collect that week's benefits, they must show at least 5 legitimate job contacts for the pay period. That is up from 3 contacts. Years ago. in my home state I collected unemployment after my entire department was let go from a data communications company. We lost a very large account. I collected UE benefits for 4 weeks. I had to make SIX verifiable contacts in order to receive my check....SIX...
Watch this everybody....

I am not saying what is right or wrong, I am simply stating facts.

If everyone made enough money to not be on welfare you don't think that would shrink government? Seriously?

Haven't republicans always said people will vote for the free money? I don't see why they wouldn't.

Ah yes so now you are saying SHOULD. Yes the government SHOULD do all those things, sure. But the REALITY is that won't happen because politicians are cowards and there will always be people elected to give away free shit. So while you can think they SHOULD do something, reality is they WILL NOT. At best it will be done for one election cycle and then turned back as pissed off people vote. So your idea of what should happen will not happen.

I believe unemployment has been tumbling the last few years for every state. I'm not too impressed by your numbers.

8 years of Reagan should have shrunk government. 8 years of George Bush should have shrunk government. What was the reality? They spent like crazy. Get a clue.
You don't see why people would not vote for 'free money"....Ya know what? That's sad.

Sure it is, but we are still talking about reality right? The reality is that many of the very rich choosing to pay so little inherited their wealth and now they stick it to the poor. Look at the Waltons making billions each year while paying so little their employees are on welfare. Most or maybe all of them don't even have positions in the company. You really blame the poor who have had no opportunities to vote for free stuff? They are sticking it to the rich for once.
Well don't expect the government to shrink any time soon then. As long as they are making billions and collecting corporate welfare that simply will not happen. They are a huge employer and pay so little that employees are on welfare. That grows government dependence. We need good jobs where people can support themselves, not more inequality. That just slows our economy and increases government dependence. Just look at the current state of our country.

There are plenty of good jobs but American biz is forced to go overseas to fill them because so many American kids just aren't interested in education.
In NYC, for instance, over 1/3 of those who enter high school never finish.


You do know how to access GOOGLE, right?

NYC's high school graduation rate jumps to 64 percent

Yes. Show me reason to believe there are lots of good jobs out there.
Your beliefs are irrelevant.

If there were lots of great jobs out there wages would be increasing. They are stagnant, these jobs do not exist.
What the Waltons make is none of your biz and millions of Americans who depend on stock dividends to supplement their income as well as the millions who have jobs thanks to Walmarts and Target - not to mention the millions more who enjoy the low prices - are glad the Walmarts of the world exist. You, like most loony leftists, simply live to whine.

Well don't expect the government to shrink any time soon then. As long as they are making billions and collecting corporate welfare that simply will not happen. They are a huge employer and pay so little that employees are on welfare. That grows government dependence. We need good jobs where people can support themselves, not more inequality. That just slows our economy and increases government dependence. Just look at the current state of our country.
Ahh more liberal buzz terms...."making billion"..."corporate welfare"...."workers collecting welfare"....."inequality"....Please.
Stop complaining.
Just look at the state of the country.....Yes, look at it...Who's been at the helm for the last 7 years.....Quit yer bitching and DO SOMETHING to help yourself....

I am doing quite well. Think I heard corporate welfare first from ron Paul. You should listen to him. Tell me what I have said that is wrong?
You're doing quite well? Who the fuck asked you?...
Ron Paul? He's out there on the lunatic fringe. Nothing that guy says is remotely probable of occurring here in the US. Ron Paul.. These so called Libertarians are nothing but Pseudo Idahoan survivalist wack jobs.
Ya want to get rid of corp. welfare( doesn't really exist) but for the sake of argument let's say it does. Just what do you think these companies, many of which are very large contributors to PAC's, party organizations, etc expect in return for their largess? Nothing?....
As long as the system is what it is, we will see government paying off their benefactors.
Now, I am going to piss you off. But, who cares....This is why Donald Trump is the best candidate for POTUS this country has seen in a very long time. The reason is simple. Trump is beholden to no one. He is not using a dime of anyone else's money to run his campaign. he is spending his own cash....This scares the living shit out of the political establishments on both sides of the aisle. Trump is not playing by their rules. And they can't stand it. Taking a look at polling stats, Trump is very popular among likely GOP voters and somewhat attractive to uncommitted voters. Of course likely democrat voters look upon Trump unfavorably by a wide margin.
Last point.. Don't you tell me to whom I should listen. You want to waste your time with a fringe politician like Ron Paul, go right ahead.

You said do something to help myself. Well I am doing quite well so why do I need help?

Wow you sound like a min wage increase is the only option. Given how corps are in the pockets of everyone as you say.

How does talking about Trump piss me off? You realize I'm an independent right? I don't have any affection for either party anymore. I agree with Trump on a lot of points, but I don't think he is electable.
Independent? Please......
And....Politicians whose only interest is their own careers in Washington are in the pockets of the corporate donors.
So that is why the government keeps growing then. It seems high inequality is far more important to you than small government.

Once more for the Brain Dead: My concern is with gov't meddling in the labor market that will negatively impact those least able to adjust. Growth in gov't expenditures (not gov't) is a function of too easily available gov't freebies. Lower the freebies and those part-timers will get a second job.

And again if you lower the freebies they will come right back when new politicians are elected. Get employers to pay well and government will shrink for good.
That's horse shit.....And it's lame.
So, let's get this on record....Your notion of a higher wage plain will immediately translate to smaller government?
And is it also safe to say that you think it is in good form for people to go to the election polls with a singular issue in mind that they will vote for the candidate that will offer them the most in free money?
And you think this is acceptable?
No, government should reduce the freebies and have the balls to keep them at low levels. This speaks directly to the entitlement mentality. Once those who believe they are owed something realize that they will be waiting a very long time for Uncle Same to arrive dressed as Santa Claus, they will come to the realization that ion order to have the things they want, they will have to work for them.
Here in our state, the legislature reduced the max weekly unemployment benefit from $505 to $350. That was two years ago. Magically unemployment in the state has tumbled to just under 6% from around 9%.....Now, as a further incentive for the able bodied to get back to work, the new law is that in order to collect that week's benefits, they must show at least 5 legitimate job contacts for the pay period. That is up from 3 contacts. Years ago. in my home state I collected unemployment after my entire department was let go from a data communications company. We lost a very large account. I collected UE benefits for 4 weeks. I had to make SIX verifiable contacts in order to receive my check....SIX...
Watch this everybody....

I am not saying what is right or wrong, I am simply stating facts.

If everyone made enough money to not be on welfare you don't think that would shrink government? Seriously?

Haven't republicans always said people will vote for the free money? I don't see why they wouldn't.

Ah yes so now you are saying SHOULD. Yes the government SHOULD do all those things, sure. But the REALITY is that won't happen because politicians are cowards and there will always be people elected to give away free shit. So while you can think they SHOULD do something, reality is they WILL NOT. At best it will be done for one election cycle and then turned back as pissed off people vote. So your idea of what should happen will not happen.

I believe unemployment has been tumbling the last few years for every state. I'm not too impressed by your numbers.

8 years of Reagan should have shrunk government. 8 years of George Bush should have shrunk government. What was the reality? They spent like crazy. Get a clue.
To answer your first question go back to my most recent post. See the area regarding "entitlement mentality"...There you will find your answer as to the size of government.
The answer to this is not to artificially increase wages by political means...The best way to stimulate the economy is through private sector job growth. And for that to happen, government must get out of the way.
Government should be a silent partner to the private sector, walking along side.. Not leading it.

Well a min wage increase really isn't how I would do it, but it seems like the only option on the table. I have been saying I want smaller government, but I seem to be alone in that. Dems love giving away free stuff to the people, and Repubs love giving corporate welfare.
Well don't expect the government to shrink any time soon then. As long as they are making billions and collecting corporate welfare that simply will not happen. They are a huge employer and pay so little that employees are on welfare. That grows government dependence. We need good jobs where people can support themselves, not more inequality. That just slows our economy and increases government dependence. Just look at the current state of our country.
Ahh more liberal buzz terms...."making billion"..."corporate welfare"...."workers collecting welfare"....."inequality"....Please.
Stop complaining.
Just look at the state of the country.....Yes, look at it...Who's been at the helm for the last 7 years.....Quit yer bitching and DO SOMETHING to help yourself....

I am doing quite well. Think I heard corporate welfare first from ron Paul. You should listen to him. Tell me what I have said that is wrong?
You're doing quite well? Who the fuck asked you?...
Ron Paul? He's out there on the lunatic fringe. Nothing that guy says is remotely probable of occurring here in the US. Ron Paul.. These so called Libertarians are nothing but Pseudo Idahoan survivalist wack jobs.
Ya want to get rid of corp. welfare( doesn't really exist) but for the sake of argument let's say it does. Just what do you think these companies, many of which are very large contributors to PAC's, party organizations, etc expect in return for their largess? Nothing?....
As long as the system is what it is, we will see government paying off their benefactors.
Now, I am going to piss you off. But, who cares....This is why Donald Trump is the best candidate for POTUS this country has seen in a very long time. The reason is simple. Trump is beholden to no one. He is not using a dime of anyone else's money to run his campaign. he is spending his own cash....This scares the living shit out of the political establishments on both sides of the aisle. Trump is not playing by their rules. And they can't stand it. Taking a look at polling stats, Trump is very popular among likely GOP voters and somewhat attractive to uncommitted voters. Of course likely democrat voters look upon Trump unfavorably by a wide margin.
Last point.. Don't you tell me to whom I should listen. You want to waste your time with a fringe politician like Ron Paul, go right ahead.

You said do something to help myself. Well I am doing quite well so why do I need help?

Wow you sound like a min wage increase is the only option. Given how corps are in the pockets of everyone as you say.

How does talking about Trump piss me off? You realize I'm an independent right? I don't have any affection for either party anymore. I agree with Trump on a lot of points, but I don't think he is electable.
Independent? Please......
And....Politicians whose only interest is their own careers in Washington are in the pockets of the corporate donors.

Oh and why am I not independent?
Once more for the Brain Dead: My concern is with gov't meddling in the labor market that will negatively impact those least able to adjust. Growth in gov't expenditures (not gov't) is a function of too easily available gov't freebies. Lower the freebies and those part-timers will get a second job.

And again if you lower the freebies they will come right back when new politicians are elected. Get employers to pay well and government will shrink for good.
That's horse shit.....And it's lame.
So, let's get this on record....Your notion of a higher wage plain will immediately translate to smaller government?
And is it also safe to say that you think it is in good form for people to go to the election polls with a singular issue in mind that they will vote for the candidate that will offer them the most in free money?
And you think this is acceptable?
No, government should reduce the freebies and have the balls to keep them at low levels. This speaks directly to the entitlement mentality. Once those who believe they are owed something realize that they will be waiting a very long time for Uncle Same to arrive dressed as Santa Claus, they will come to the realization that ion order to have the things they want, they will have to work for them.
Here in our state, the legislature reduced the max weekly unemployment benefit from $505 to $350. That was two years ago. Magically unemployment in the state has tumbled to just under 6% from around 9%.....Now, as a further incentive for the able bodied to get back to work, the new law is that in order to collect that week's benefits, they must show at least 5 legitimate job contacts for the pay period. That is up from 3 contacts. Years ago. in my home state I collected unemployment after my entire department was let go from a data communications company. We lost a very large account. I collected UE benefits for 4 weeks. I had to make SIX verifiable contacts in order to receive my check....SIX...
Watch this everybody....

I am not saying what is right or wrong, I am simply stating facts.

If everyone made enough money to not be on welfare you don't think that would shrink government? Seriously?

Haven't republicans always said people will vote for the free money? I don't see why they wouldn't.

Ah yes so now you are saying SHOULD. Yes the government SHOULD do all those things, sure. But the REALITY is that won't happen because politicians are cowards and there will always be people elected to give away free shit. So while you can think they SHOULD do something, reality is they WILL NOT. At best it will be done for one election cycle and then turned back as pissed off people vote. So your idea of what should happen will not happen.

I believe unemployment has been tumbling the last few years for every state. I'm not too impressed by your numbers.

8 years of Reagan should have shrunk government. 8 years of George Bush should have shrunk government. What was the reality? They spent like crazy. Get a clue.
You don't see why people would not vote for 'free money"....Ya know what? That's sad.

Sure it is, but we are still talking about reality right? The reality is that many of the very rich choosing to pay so little inherited their wealth and now they stick it to the poor. Look at the Waltons making billions each year while paying so little their employees are on welfare. Most or maybe all of them don't even have positions in the company. You really blame the poor who have had no opportunities to vote for free stuff? They are sticking it to the rich for once.
That reality and those who live in it should open a history book and take a long hard look at post depression 30's 40's and early 50's...The people of that generation would have done ANYTHING to not become a burden on their neighbors. If that meant working two jobs to support their families, so be it. If that meant selling their home and moving in with relatives, they did it. There was an extreme sense of pride in Americans. Today we have a third of the population who thinks they are owed a living. They think they shouldn't have to work. They have lost their pride, their self respect. And for that you think the businesses that are most likely to be harmed by this nonsense min wage should just cough it up.....Again....that is sad. You are more sad.
Oh, I have to address this quote...
"The reality is that many of the very rich choosing to pay so little inherited their wealth and now they stick it to the poor."....
Choose to pay so little inherited wealth"....Excuse me, what?.....And how are they "sticking it to the poor"?
First question.....What business is it of yours what a private individual does with his or her assets? How does anything they do with their wealth, other than perhaps one day investing in you or one of your competitors, affect you?.....Why do you feel compelled to stick your nose into the business of others?....
And why should anyone seek to hand over to government more of what is theirs?...
Ahh more liberal buzz terms...."making billion"..."corporate welfare"...."workers collecting welfare"....."inequality"....Please.
Stop complaining.
Just look at the state of the country.....Yes, look at it...Who's been at the helm for the last 7 years.....Quit yer bitching and DO SOMETHING to help yourself....

I am doing quite well. Think I heard corporate welfare first from ron Paul. You should listen to him. Tell me what I have said that is wrong?
You're doing quite well? Who the fuck asked you?...
Ron Paul? He's out there on the lunatic fringe. Nothing that guy says is remotely probable of occurring here in the US. Ron Paul.. These so called Libertarians are nothing but Pseudo Idahoan survivalist wack jobs.
Ya want to get rid of corp. welfare( doesn't really exist) but for the sake of argument let's say it does. Just what do you think these companies, many of which are very large contributors to PAC's, party organizations, etc expect in return for their largess? Nothing?....
As long as the system is what it is, we will see government paying off their benefactors.
Now, I am going to piss you off. But, who cares....This is why Donald Trump is the best candidate for POTUS this country has seen in a very long time. The reason is simple. Trump is beholden to no one. He is not using a dime of anyone else's money to run his campaign. he is spending his own cash....This scares the living shit out of the political establishments on both sides of the aisle. Trump is not playing by their rules. And they can't stand it. Taking a look at polling stats, Trump is very popular among likely GOP voters and somewhat attractive to uncommitted voters. Of course likely democrat voters look upon Trump unfavorably by a wide margin.
Last point.. Don't you tell me to whom I should listen. You want to waste your time with a fringe politician like Ron Paul, go right ahead.

You said do something to help myself. Well I am doing quite well so why do I need help?

Wow you sound like a min wage increase is the only option. Given how corps are in the pockets of everyone as you say.

How does talking about Trump piss me off? You realize I'm an independent right? I don't have any affection for either party anymore. I agree with Trump on a lot of points, but I don't think he is electable.
Independent? Please......
And....Politicians whose only interest is their own careers in Washington are in the pockets of the corporate donors.

Oh and why am I not independent?
LOL....You post lib. You side with liberal issues. Need I go on?....
There are plenty of good jobs but American biz is forced to go overseas to fill them because so many American kids just aren't interested in education.
In NYC, for instance, over 1/3 of those who enter high school never finish.


You do know how to access GOOGLE, right?

NYC's high school graduation rate jumps to 64 percent

Yes. Show me reason to believe there are lots of good jobs out there.
Your beliefs are irrelevant.

If there were lots of great jobs out there wages would be increasing. They are stagnant, these jobs do not exist.
Bullshit they don't.....Stop complaining.
San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15.

hey that is great news, now a no frills 1/8th lb. burger with bun will cost $5.99, with condiments, which once were free will cost another $4.99, if you want a slab of cheese on it, that will be $3.99 extra, if you want fries and a drink.., total will be $39.95...., oooh, if you want a straw in that drink add another $1.99....., one more thing there will be a toll gate to exit.., $0.99

don'tcha just love liberfool logic = stupidity. :lmao:
right wing logic is funnier; and the right usually cannot blame it on drugs.
Labor costs have no effect on prices?
all costs, not just labor have an effect on price.
So.....Where's the problem?
BTW, labor accounts for the largest percentage of the cost of doing business. It is also the one cost that can be controlled in the event of a downturn in business.
Labor is thus, a commodity.
some of your cost inputs seem arbitrary and capricious and could result in special pleading.
In English please...?
And again if you lower the freebies they will come right back when new politicians are elected. Get employers to pay well and government will shrink for good.
That's horse shit.....And it's lame.
So, let's get this on record....Your notion of a higher wage plain will immediately translate to smaller government?
And is it also safe to say that you think it is in good form for people to go to the election polls with a singular issue in mind that they will vote for the candidate that will offer them the most in free money?
And you think this is acceptable?
No, government should reduce the freebies and have the balls to keep them at low levels. This speaks directly to the entitlement mentality. Once those who believe they are owed something realize that they will be waiting a very long time for Uncle Same to arrive dressed as Santa Claus, they will come to the realization that ion order to have the things they want, they will have to work for them.
Here in our state, the legislature reduced the max weekly unemployment benefit from $505 to $350. That was two years ago. Magically unemployment in the state has tumbled to just under 6% from around 9%.....Now, as a further incentive for the able bodied to get back to work, the new law is that in order to collect that week's benefits, they must show at least 5 legitimate job contacts for the pay period. That is up from 3 contacts. Years ago. in my home state I collected unemployment after my entire department was let go from a data communications company. We lost a very large account. I collected UE benefits for 4 weeks. I had to make SIX verifiable contacts in order to receive my check....SIX...
Watch this everybody....

I am not saying what is right or wrong, I am simply stating facts.

If everyone made enough money to not be on welfare you don't think that would shrink government? Seriously?

Haven't republicans always said people will vote for the free money? I don't see why they wouldn't.

Ah yes so now you are saying SHOULD. Yes the government SHOULD do all those things, sure. But the REALITY is that won't happen because politicians are cowards and there will always be people elected to give away free shit. So while you can think they SHOULD do something, reality is they WILL NOT. At best it will be done for one election cycle and then turned back as pissed off people vote. So your idea of what should happen will not happen.

I believe unemployment has been tumbling the last few years for every state. I'm not too impressed by your numbers.

8 years of Reagan should have shrunk government. 8 years of George Bush should have shrunk government. What was the reality? They spent like crazy. Get a clue.
You don't see why people would not vote for 'free money"....Ya know what? That's sad.

Sure it is, but we are still talking about reality right? The reality is that many of the very rich choosing to pay so little inherited their wealth and now they stick it to the poor. Look at the Waltons making billions each year while paying so little their employees are on welfare. Most or maybe all of them don't even have positions in the company. You really blame the poor who have had no opportunities to vote for free stuff? They are sticking it to the rich for once.
That reality and those who live in it should open a history book and take a long hard look at post depression 30's 40's and early 50's...The people of that generation would have done ANYTHING to not become a burden on their neighbors. If that meant working two jobs to support their families, so be it. If that meant selling their home and moving in with relatives, they did it. There was an extreme sense of pride in Americans. Today we have a third of the population who thinks they are owed a living. They think they shouldn't have to work. They have lost their pride, their self respect. And for that you think the businesses that are most likely to be harmed by this nonsense min wage should just cough it up.....Again....that is sad. You are more sad.
Oh, I have to address this quote...
"The reality is that many of the very rich choosing to pay so little inherited their wealth and now they stick it to the poor."....
Choose to pay so little inherited wealth"....Excuse me, what?.....And how are they "sticking it to the poor"?
First question.....What business is it of yours what a private individual does with his or her assets? How does anything they do with their wealth, other than perhaps one day investing in you or one of your competitors, affect you?.....Why do you feel compelled to stick your nose into the business of others?....
And why should anyone seek to hand over to government more of what is theirs?...

That sounds real nice and all, but we aren't going to bring back the 30's and 40's. That just isn't possible. Sorry but this is 2015.

Are you saying people aren't jealous of the wealthy and feel they have it easy? Really? Are you going to change that feeling? Good luck with that.
San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15.

hey that is great news, now a no frills 1/8th lb. burger with bun will cost $5.99, with condiments, which once were free will cost another $4.99, if you want a slab of cheese on it, that will be $3.99 extra, if you want fries and a drink.., total will be $39.95...., oooh, if you want a straw in that drink add another $1.99....., one more thing there will be a toll gate to exit.., $0.99

don'tcha just love liberfool logic = stupidity. :lmao:
Careful your gonna get broke going to McDonald.

The market will adjust. Gov't mandated higher wages will result in higher prices and fewer customers and jobs (not that people like you seem to care).

You base that upon that never happening with previous min wage increases?
Yer kidding....You people whine about prices, about the fact that it takes a two income family to accomplish the same goals as 50 years ago.....There is a direct correlation to wages and the cost of living when government steps in and interferes with the marketplace.

Show me where it has ever happened.
Umm, look at Western Europe. Government mandates control how employee/ business relationships are conducted. For example, in France it is virtually impossible to discharge even the most inept employee. In Denmark nearly HALF the population of those under the age of 35 is collecting at least some social benefit.
Remember the Nixon and Carter years. Both those POTUS tried to use government to control wages and prices. It was an economic disaster.
Do you really believe in government control of the majority of the US Economy?...Are you really that tax happy?.....

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