Sandra Day O'Connor Says Obama Should Get To Replace Justice Scalia

But Obama's gonna parade a bunch of clowns in front of it, no doubt, wasting time, making statements, baring his ego.

You know nothing about Obama, even after 7 years. You can't point to any examples of him doing anything like that on any subject.

He's going to find a nominee who has been confirmed for a Federal Judgeship unanimously by Republicans, or near-unanimously.

Then he's going to let Republicans sweat, trying to explain why they voted for that nominee but reject them now.

Obama is way smarter than any Republican in office. That's why you hate him.
Does her opinion carry more weight because she was appointed by a republican president? Google up Barry Hussein Obama's stated reason for voting to obstruct Justice Alito's appointment when he was senator. I'd say Obama's opinion trumps O'Connor's.
What this discussion SHOULD be about is how hypocritical you on the left are for crying about McConnell possibly doing to you what Harry Reid actually did to the GOP House for years!

If that is what the discussion "SHOULD" shoud start your own thread......

I WANT and WELCOME McConnell's stall tactics....that actually plays right into democrats' plans to win over the independents.

I hate to break this to you, Nat but intelligent independents are going to view a far left Obama nominee as something that the President KNOWS will never get past a GOP controlled Senate and therefore nothing more than one more example of Barack Obama's knack for creating partisan divide in Washington.

Now he COULD nominate a real moderate...which would put an incredible amount of pressure on Republican Senators running for reelection! Anyone want to bet on Barry being an astute enough politician to figure that out?
But Obama's gonna parade a bunch of clowns in front of it, no doubt, wasting time, making statements, baring his ego.

You know nothing about Obama, even after 7 years. You can't point to any examples of him doing anything like that on any subject.

He's going to find a nominee who has been confirmed for a Federal Judgeship unanimously by Republicans, or near-unanimously.

Then he's going to let Republicans sweat, trying to explain why they voted for that nominee but reject them now.

Obama is way smarter than any Republican in office. That's why you hate him.

Obama is "smart", Synth? Really? To tell you the truth I've been waiting for him to display some of his vaunted intellect for the better part of seven and a half years now and I'm still waiting!

Maybe Barry can explain why he supported a filibuster against George W. Bush's nomination of Samual Alito when HE was a Senator?
Republicans are wrong about everything. They win some battles but are destined to lose the war.
Being anti-white pieces of shit will lose Democrats the war.
Now he COULD nominate a real moderate...which would put an incredible amount of pressure on Republican Senators running for reelection! Anyone want to bet on Barry being an astute enough politician to figure that out?

Actually YES......Its like Ali's "rope-a-dope" stratagem.....and McConnell et al are the perfect dopes...LOL
Now he COULD nominate a real moderate...which would put an incredible amount of pressure on Republican Senators running for reelection! Anyone want to bet on Barry being an astute enough politician to figure that out?

Actually YES......Its like Ali's "rope-a-dope" stratagem.....and McConnell et al are the perfect dopes...LOL

Once again, Nat...I hate to burst your bubble here but we're talking about the Obama Administration...AKA 'The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight'! Between Choom Gang Barry, Senile Uncle Joe, John 'Winter Soldier' Kerry, Susan 'I Just Say What I'm Told' Rice and Valerie 'I Can't Believe I Get To Run A Country' couldn't come up with a bigger gang of dopes if you tried! Just saying...
Once again, Nat...I hate to burst your bubble here but we're talking about the Obama Administration...AKA 'The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight'! Between Choom Gang Barry, Senile Uncle Joe, John 'Winter Soldier' Kerry, Susan 'I Just Say What I'm Told' Rice and Valerie 'I Can't Believe I Get To Run A Country' couldn't come up with a bigger gang of dopes if you tried! Just saying...

I have a feeling that even you don't blieve your own silliness...That "gang who couldn't shoot straight" DID manage to get 2 other justices confirmed, pass the ACA, get re-elected for 8 years, get OBL, stabilized the downward spiral of our economy, dropped the unemployment rate, have less body bags coming home, etc.....

Not too bad, actually. LOL
Once again, Nat...I hate to burst your bubble here but we're talking about the Obama Administration...AKA 'The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight'! Between Choom Gang Barry, Senile Uncle Joe, John 'Winter Soldier' Kerry, Susan 'I Just Say What I'm Told' Rice and Valerie 'I Can't Believe I Get To Run A Country' couldn't come up with a bigger gang of dopes if you tried! Just saying...

I have a feeling that even you don't blieve your own silliness...That "gang who couldn't shoot straight" DID manage to get 2 other justices confirmed, pass the ACA, get re-elected for 8 years, get OBL, stabilized the downward spiral of our economy, dropped the unemployment rate, have less body bags coming home, etc.....

Not too bad, actually. LOL

Come on, Nat...most of those things would have happened if Barry and his band of idiots had taken a long vacation! How hard is it to confirm 2 Justices when you control the House and Senate? Duh? How hard is it to pass the ACA? Oh, wait...they almost couldn't pull that off could they? They had to bribe a bunch of Democrats to get what is probably the worst piece of legislation ever crafted by American legislators passed before the American people could stop them by sending a wave of Republicans to the House and Senate! And that was all basically done by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid...I don't think Barry even knows what's in the bill NOW! Osama bin Laden? Well...yeah the Navy Seals killed him using intel W's people got by using techniques that Obama subsequently outlawed. Didn't you see Zero Dark 30? The economy? TARP stabilized the downward spiral of our economy and that was another Bush program...Barry carried that forward but he couldn't even do that well because he started giving money to loser green energy companies like Solyndra! If you can tell me what Obama initiative it is that's dropped unemployment or created jobs...I'd be amazed! He's overseen the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression!
She's right....

They should get on with it.

They'll probably shut down the government doing it.

And we put these morons in charge of our health care.
because he started giving money to loser green energy companies like Solyndra!
You've been schooled on Solyndra yet you continue with the bullshit.

This is why I no longer take you seriously. I used to, though!
because he started giving money to loser green energy companies like Solyndra!
You've been schooled on Solyndra yet you continue with the bullshit.

This is why I no longer take you seriously. I used to, though!

You've "schooled" me on Solyndra? Really, Synth? When did this take place?

Has something happened with Solyndra that I'm not aware of? Did we the taxpayers NOT lose millions on that deal?

The truth don't take me seriously because you're afraid to converse with someone who points out how full of shit you are.
Appointed by Reagan, so her word is golden, right wingnuts?

Sandra Day O'Connor Says Obama Should Get To Replace Justice Scalia

"Let's get on with it," the retired Reagan appointee said.

Sandra Day O'Connor, the retired Supreme Court justice appointed by a Republican president, said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama should get to name the replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

O'Connor, in an interview with a Fox affiliate in Phoenix, disagreed with Republican arguments that the next president, and not Obama, should get to fill the high court vacancy.

"I think we need somebody there to do the job now and let's get on with it," said O'Connor, the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court.

O'Connor, 85, agreed it's unusual for a Supreme Court vacancy to open in an election year, which "creates much talk around the thing that isn't necessary."

But she said the president still has an important responsibility to fulfill.

"You just have to pick the best person you can under the circumstances, as the appointing authority must do," she said. "It's an important position and one that we care about as a nation and as a people. And I wish the president will as he makes choices and goes down that line. It's hard."

Of course he gets to nominate a replacement... and the Senate gets to confirm or not to confirm.

Remember Obama hen he filibustered Alito?
But then again Synth seems to think that Obama didn't almost double the national debt while leading the worst recovery from a recession since his concept of reality might be a LITTLE skewed!:blowup:
But if you point that out...he probably wont "take you seriously" anymore! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

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