Sandra Day O'Connor Says Obama Should Get To Replace Justice Scalia

RETIRED in an ordinary citizen whose opinion is worth no more than your or mine. Got it.
Obama should get to nominate someone to replace justice Scalia which no one is stopping him from doing if that person gets confirmed is not up to Obama that is the Senates job.
Obama should get to nominate someone to replace justice Scalia which no one is stopping him from doing if that person gets confirmed is not up to Obama that is the Senates job.
Absolutely. I don't think McConnell said Obama couldn't nominate anyone, just that he would try to ensure it was a cold day in hell before they allowed the confirmation...
Appointed by Reagan, so her word is golden, right wingnuts?

Sandra Day O'Connor Says Obama Should Get To Replace Justice Scalia

"Let's get on with it," the retired Reagan appointee said.

Sandra Day O'Connor, the retired Supreme Court justice appointed by a Republican president, said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama should get to name the replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

O'Connor, in an interview with a Fox affiliate in Phoenix, disagreed with Republican arguments that the next president, and not Obama, should get to fill the high court vacancy.

"I think we need somebody there to do the job now and let's get on with it," said O'Connor, the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court.

O'Connor, 85, agreed it's unusual for a Supreme Court vacancy to open in an election year, which "creates much talk around the thing that isn't necessary."

But she said the president still has an important responsibility to fulfill.

"You just have to pick the best person you can under the circumstances, as the appointing authority must do," she said. "It's an important position and one that we care about as a nation and as a people. And I wish the president will as he makes choices and goes down that line. It's hard."
Na, Barry does not deserve it...
Show me a timeline to prove it or STFU.

First, do your OWN search, nitwit.....but since I'm a nice person:

The swiftness of McConnell’s statement — coming about an hour after Scalia’s death in Texas had been confirmed — stunned White House officials who had expected the Kentucky Republican to block their nominee with every tool at his disposal, but didn't imagine the combative GOP leader would issue an instant, categorical rejection of anyone Obama chose to nominate.

Read more:

Are you suprised?
Appointed by Reagan, so her word is golden, right wingnuts?

Sandra Day O'Connor Says Obama Should Get To Replace Justice Scalia

"Let's get on with it," the retired Reagan appointee said.

Sandra Day O'Connor, the retired Supreme Court justice appointed by a Republican president, said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama should get to name the replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

O'Connor, in an interview with a Fox affiliate in Phoenix, disagreed with Republican arguments that the next president, and not Obama, should get to fill the high court vacancy.

"I think we need somebody there to do the job now and let's get on with it," said O'Connor, the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court.

O'Connor, 85, agreed it's unusual for a Supreme Court vacancy to open in an election year, which "creates much talk around the thing that isn't necessary."

But she said the president still has an important responsibility to fulfill.

"You just have to pick the best person you can under the circumstances, as the appointing authority must do," she said. "It's an important position and one that we care about as a nation and as a people. And I wish the president will as he makes choices and goes down that line. It's hard."
Obama, the classless fuck that he is, decided to discuss Scalia's replacement even before the man has even been laid to rest.

It's like Obama has been waiting 7 years for the guy to croak.
I've been waiting longer than that.

But let's talk about what a fucking liar you are, and that I can prove it. After Scalia died:

But in the following two hours, those balls fell — on Grassley.

The conservative Twitterverse erupted with demands that the Senate refuse to confirm anybody nominated by President Obama to replace Scalia.

Then, at 6:41 p.m., not two hours after the San Antonio Express-News broke the news of Scalia’s death, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) declared that “this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”

The proverbial before-the-body-was-cold pronouncements began nine minutes after the San Antonio paper tweeted Scalia’s death. Sean Davis of the right-wing publication the Federalist tweeted: “If Scalia has actually passed away, the Senate must refuse to confirm any justices in 2016.”

Four minutes later, Conn Carroll, a spokesman for Senate Judiciary Committee member Mike Lee (R-Utah), tweeted that chances were “less than zero” of an Obama nominee succeeding.

The ugly political spectacle around Justice Scalia’s death

So shut the fuck up, mudwhistle.
Appointed by Reagan, so her word is golden, right wingnuts?

Sandra Day O'Connor Says Obama Should Get To Replace Justice Scalia

"Let's get on with it," the retired Reagan appointee said.

Sandra Day O'Connor, the retired Supreme Court justice appointed by a Republican president, said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama should get to name the replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

O'Connor, in an interview with a Fox affiliate in Phoenix, disagreed with Republican arguments that the next president, and not Obama, should get to fill the high court vacancy.

"I think we need somebody there to do the job now and let's get on with it," said O'Connor, the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court.

O'Connor, 85, agreed it's unusual for a Supreme Court vacancy to open in an election year, which "creates much talk around the thing that isn't necessary."

But she said the president still has an important responsibility to fulfill.

"You just have to pick the best person you can under the circumstances, as the appointing authority must do," she said. "It's an important position and one that we care about as a nation and as a people. And I wish the president will as he makes choices and goes down that line. It's hard."
Obama, the classless fuck that he is, decided to discuss Scalia's replacement even before the man has even been laid to rest.

It's like Obama has been waiting 7 years for the guy to croak.
I've been waiting longer than that.

But let's talk about what a fucking liar you are, and that I can prove it. After Scalia died:

But in the following two hours, those balls fell — on Grassley.

The conservative Twitterverse erupted with demands that the Senate refuse to confirm anybody nominated by President Obama to replace Scalia.

Then, at 6:41 p.m., not two hours after the San Antonio Express-News broke the news of Scalia’s death, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) declared that “this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”

The proverbial before-the-body-was-cold pronouncements began nine minutes after the San Antonio paper tweeted Scalia’s death. Sean Davis of the right-wing publication the Federalist tweeted: “If Scalia has actually passed away, the Senate must refuse to confirm any justices in 2016.”

Four minutes later, Conn Carroll, a spokesman for Senate Judiciary Committee member Mike Lee (R-Utah), tweeted that chances were “less than zero” of an Obama nominee succeeding.

The ugly political spectacle around Justice Scalia’s death

So shut the fuck up, mudwhistle.
You understand nothing of what you posted means Mudwhistle lied, right?
More drama, who has Obama nominated that the Senate is stalling hearings on?

Good question. Also, who will Obama nominate that the Senate will decide on?

Will he make a reasonable choice, or will he be an obstructionist?
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Appointed by Reagan, so her word is golden, right wingnuts?

Sandra Day O'Connor Says Obama Should Get To Replace Justice Scalia

"Let's get on with it," the retired Reagan appointee said.

Sandra Day O'Connor, the retired Supreme Court justice appointed by a Republican president, said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama should get to name the replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

O'Connor, in an interview with a Fox affiliate in Phoenix, disagreed with Republican arguments that the next president, and not Obama, should get to fill the high court vacancy.

"I think we need somebody there to do the job now and let's get on with it," said O'Connor, the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court.

O'Connor, 85, agreed it's unusual for a Supreme Court vacancy to open in an election year, which "creates much talk around the thing that isn't necessary."

But she said the president still has an important responsibility to fulfill.

"You just have to pick the best person you can under the circumstances, as the appointing authority must do," she said. "It's an important position and one that we care about as a nation and as a people. And I wish the president will as he makes choices and goes down that line. It's hard."

she's right. but if only she'd thought twice before putting her desire to retire before ruling on bush v gore
It's amusing to see all the far left liberals who didn't have the slightest problem in the world with Reid doing that...suddenly screaming bloody murder because Mitch McConnell is sending a little back Barry's way!

I'm sure that whatever brain cells you may have left can distinguish between a senate BILL to be voted on, and confirming (or not) a nominee for a judgeship...

If it was a single "BILL" might have a point, Nat...but it was dozens of them! Harry Reid effectively took our legislative process hostage for years and liberals like yourself didn't seem to have a problem with that AT ALL! Now when Mitch McConnell does essentially the same thing to Barack Obama's process to nominate a new Supreme Court Justice you're up in arms? I'm sorry...but my "brain cells" are having a hard time not seeing that as hypocritical!
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The fact that anyone in the Obama White House was "stunned" by that simply proves how out of touch this Administration IS!

That's if you choose to believe anything that group of people says...

Yes, the WH may be "out-of-touch" with the depravities of the ultra-partisan senate. (actually, the WH should be glad that McConnell is digging a huge hole for those 24 GOP senators to get reelected.)

So now the GOP led Senate is "depraved" because they won't rubber stamp another liberal for Barry? You people are unbelievable...
The president has the power to nominate judges by the consent of the Senate. The decision, ultimately, rests with the Senate.

But Obama's gonna parade a bunch of clowns in front of it, no doubt, wasting time, making statements, baring his ego. He's just an obstructionist. Nothing more.
So now the GOP led Senate is "depraved" because they won't rubber stamp another liberal for Barry? You people are unbelievable...

For the last time........I FULLY expect (and actually hope) that the senate's judiciary committee rejects any Obama nominee; the spectacle will speak for itself to independent voters ........This ENTIRE discussion has been about the abject stupidity of some right wing senators telling Obama that he shouldn't even try to nominate if Obama would heed that moronic warning from McConnell and a few other idiots.
And if O'Connor had said that Obama should wait, you guys would be calling her all kinds of names and dismissing her opinion.

There's no urgent need to fill the seat now. Any tie votes will simply mean the appeals court decision, and it sets no precedent. Plus, the chief justice can delay cases until the vacancy is filled, if nothing else. So it's not a huge deal.

We all know that if the roles were reversed, there is no way a Democratic-controlled Senate would allow a Republican president with 10 months left in his second term to replace an ardent liberal on the court. Give us a break. So, liberals, why don't you grow up and start being honest about this issue?
So now the GOP led Senate is "depraved" because they won't rubber stamp another liberal for Barry? You people are unbelievable...

For the last time........I FULLY expect (and actually hope) that the senate's judiciary committee rejects any Obama nominee; the spectacle will speak for itself to independent voters ........This ENTIRE discussion has been about the abject stupidity of some right wing senators telling Obama that he shouldn't even try to nominate if Obama would heed that moronic warning from McConnell and a few other idiots.

What this discussion SHOULD be about is how hypocritical you on the left are for crying about McConnell possibly doing to you what Harry Reid actually did to the GOP House for years!
replace an ardent liberal on the court. Give us a break. So, liberals, why don't you grow up and start being honest about this issue?

Of course, the label of "ardent liberal" is something that ONLY reflects your political leanings (and stirs the support of fellow right wingers, don't you think?)
What this discussion SHOULD be about is how hypocritical you on the left are for crying about McConnell possibly doing to you what Harry Reid actually did to the GOP House for years!

If that is what the discussion "SHOULD" shoud start your own thread......

I WANT and WELCOME McConnell's stall tactics....that actually plays right into democrats' plans to win over the independents.
Another thread on please don't do what our part has done in the past..........pretty please............

They don't want a Karma attack...........


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