Sandra Day O'Connor Says Obama Should Get To Replace Justice Scalia

Since both Barack Obama and Chuck Shumer have attempted to block a GOP President's nominee from going to a vote...they really have no leg to stand on if the GOP returns the favor.

Hypocrites...all of them...
Appointed by Reagan, so her word is golden, right wingnuts?

Sandra Day O'Connor Says Obama Should Get To Replace Justice Scalia

"Let's get on with it," the retired Reagan appointee said.

Sandra Day O'Connor, the retired Supreme Court justice appointed by a Republican president, said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama should get to name the replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

O'Connor, in an interview with a Fox affiliate in Phoenix, disagreed with Republican arguments that the next president, and not Obama, should get to fill the high court vacancy.

"I think we need somebody there to do the job now and let's get on with it," said O'Connor, the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court.

O'Connor, 85, agreed it's unusual for a Supreme Court vacancy to open in an election year, which "creates much talk around the thing that isn't necessary."

But she said the president still has an important responsibility to fulfill.

"You just have to pick the best person you can under the circumstances, as the appointing authority must do," she said. "It's an important position and one that we care about as a nation and as a people. And I wish the president will as he makes choices and goes down that line. It's hard."
Obama, the classless fuck that he is, decided to discuss Scalia's replacement even before the man has even been laid to rest.

It's like Obama has been waiting 7 years for the guy to croak.
The GOP is already cracking, as predicted...

"Already, there is some evidence of Republican anxiety. Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) has encouraged his party to at least hold hearings on a nominee. Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), in a 57-word statement that said barely anything, suggested her party shouldn't rush to judgment. And Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), up for re-election this year, backtracked on Tuesday to say he'd be open to hearings. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who chairs the Judiciary Committee, left the door ajar to holding hearings. And outside Congress, several operatives and legal officials have said that the process of replacing a justice is too sacrosanct to succumb to partisan gridlock."
The Only Weapon Obama Has In Supreme Court Fight Is Public Shaming

....Good post....and you may notice that many of the senators mentioned above are up for re-election this November.
More drama, who has Obama nominated that the Senate is stalling hearings on?

Obama, the classless fuck that he is, decided to discuss Scalia's replacement even before the man has even been laid to rest.

It's like Obama has been waiting 7 years for the guy to croak.

Actually, you nitwit, it was McConnell who, after 45 minutes of Scalia's death announcement who came out and stated that GOP senators will not even "entertain" an Obama nominee .....
Obama, the classless fuck that he is, decided to discuss Scalia's replacement even before the man has even been laid to rest.

It's like Obama has been waiting 7 years for the guy to croak.

Actually, you nitwit, it was McConnell who, after 45 minutes of Scalia's death announcement who came out and stated that GOP senators will not even "entertain" an Obama nominee .....

Gosh, a Senate President who won't let the opposition's agenda come to the floor for a vote! I KNOW that no Democrat would EVER do that...right, Harry Reid?
Obama, the classless fuck that he is, decided to discuss Scalia's replacement even before the man has even been laid to rest.

It's like Obama has been waiting 7 years for the guy to croak.

Actually, you nitwit, it was McConnell who, after 45 minutes of Scalia's death announcement who came out and stated that GOP senators will not even "entertain" an Obama nominee .....
Show me a timeline to prove it or STFU.
Republicans are wrong about everything. They win some battles but are destined to lose the war.
who ever is the president at the time a vacancy comes up gets to do the picking.....during the next presidents 4 years,that one will no doubt be picking at least 2 more...
Appointed by Reagan, so her word is golden, right wingnuts?



Her opinion is her own, and nothing more. If she wishes she can explain why it is more important to get a replacement in their quickly rather than wait for one who might not be a piece of shit liberal.
Appointed by Reagan, so her word is golden, right wingnuts?

Sandra Day O'Connor Says Obama Should Get To Replace Justice Scalia

"Let's get on with it," the retired Reagan appointee said.

Sandra Day O'Connor, the retired Supreme Court justice appointed by a Republican president, said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama should get to name the replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

O'Connor, in an interview with a Fox affiliate in Phoenix, disagreed with Republican arguments that the next president, and not Obama, should get to fill the high court vacancy.

"I think we need somebody there to do the job now and let's get on with it," said O'Connor, the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court.

O'Connor, 85, agreed it's unusual for a Supreme Court vacancy to open in an election year, which "creates much talk around the thing that isn't necessary."

But she said the president still has an important responsibility to fulfill.

"You just have to pick the best person you can under the circumstances, as the appointing authority must do," she said. "It's an important position and one that we care about as a nation and as a people. And I wish the president will as he makes choices and goes down that line. It's hard."
The court is supposed to be apolitical so her opinion means shit
Then why would Republicans make it political like they have?

You stepped right into that one. You should at least try to think before posting.

The appointing of a justice IS political the court and the justices themselves aren't supposed to be
Gosh, a Senate President who won't let the opposition's agenda come to the floor for a vote! I KNOW that no Democrat would EVER do that...right, Harry Reid?

First, its NOT senate president (that's the V.P.) but majority leader.....and second, I never liked Reid and I welcome his retirement.
Appointed by Reagan, so her word is golden, right wingnuts?

Sandra Day O'Connor Says Obama Should Get To Replace Justice Scalia

"Let's get on with it," the retired Reagan appointee said.

Sandra Day O'Connor, the retired Supreme Court justice appointed by a Republican president, said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama should get to name the replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

O'Connor, in an interview with a Fox affiliate in Phoenix, disagreed with Republican arguments that the next president, and not Obama, should get to fill the high court vacancy.

"I think we need somebody there to do the job now and let's get on with it," said O'Connor, the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court.

O'Connor, 85, agreed it's unusual for a Supreme Court vacancy to open in an election year, which "creates much talk around the thing that isn't necessary."

But she said the president still has an important responsibility to fulfill.

"You just have to pick the best person you can under the circumstances, as the appointing authority must do," she said. "It's an important position and one that we care about as a nation and as a people. And I wish the president will as he makes choices and goes down that line. It's hard."
Yes. Let Obama nominate a conservative Italian Catholic and I'd almost guarantee he'll be confirmed.
Yes. Let Obama nominate a conservative Italian Catholic and I'd almost guarantee he'll be confirmed.

In other words you want to maintain the 5-4 conservative majority that the SC has been for decades....Good luck.
Appointed by Reagan, so her word is golden, right wingnuts?

Sandra Day O'Connor Says Obama Should Get To Replace Justice Scalia

"Let's get on with it," the retired Reagan appointee said.

Sandra Day O'Connor, the retired Supreme Court justice appointed by a Republican president, said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama should get to name the replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

O'Connor, in an interview with a Fox affiliate in Phoenix, disagreed with Republican arguments that the next president, and not Obama, should get to fill the high court vacancy.

"I think we need somebody there to do the job now and let's get on with it," said O'Connor, the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court.

O'Connor, 85, agreed it's unusual for a Supreme Court vacancy to open in an election year, which "creates much talk around the thing that isn't necessary."

But she said the president still has an important responsibility to fulfill.

"You just have to pick the best person you can under the circumstances, as the appointing authority must do," she said. "It's an important position and one that we care about as a nation and as a people. And I wish the president will as he makes choices and goes down that line. It's hard."
Yes. Let Obama nominate a conservative Italian Catholic and I'd almost guarantee he'll be confirmed.
Not if the GOP keeps their word, which they won't.
Show me a timeline to prove it or STFU.

First, do your OWN search, nitwit.....but since I'm a nice person:

The swiftness of McConnell’s statement — coming about an hour after Scalia’s death in Texas had been confirmed — stunned White House officials who had expected the Kentucky Republican to block their nominee with every tool at his disposal, but didn't imagine the combative GOP leader would issue an instant, categorical rejection of anyone Obama chose to nominate.

Read more:
Gosh, a Senate President who won't let the opposition's agenda come to the floor for a vote! I KNOW that no Democrat would EVER do that...right, Harry Reid?

First, its NOT senate president (that's the V.P.) but majority leader.....and second, I never liked Reid and I welcome his retirement.

Yeah, I'm sure you were here night and day complaining about all those GOP House bills that Harry had stacked on his desk refusing to let them come to the floor, Nat!

It's amusing to see all the far left liberals who didn't have the slightest problem in the world with Reid doing that...suddenly screaming bloody murder because Mitch McConnell is sending a little back Barry's way!
Show me a timeline to prove it or STFU.

First, do your OWN search, nitwit.....but since I'm a nice person:

The swiftness of McConnell’s statement — coming about an hour after Scalia’s death in Texas had been confirmed — stunned White House officials who had expected the Kentucky Republican to block their nominee with every tool at his disposal, but didn't imagine the combative GOP leader would issue an instant, categorical rejection of anyone Obama chose to nominate.

Read more:

The fact that anyone in the Obama White House was "stunned" by that simply proves how out of touch this Administration IS!

That's if you choose to believe anything that group of people says...
It's amusing to see all the far left liberals who didn't have the slightest problem in the world with Reid doing that...suddenly screaming bloody murder because Mitch McConnell is sending a little back Barry's way!

I'm sure that whatever brain cells you may have left can distinguish between a senate BILL to be voted on, and confirming (or not) a nominee for a judgeship...
The fact that anyone in the Obama White House was "stunned" by that simply proves how out of touch this Administration IS!

That's if you choose to believe anything that group of people says...

Yes, the WH may be "out-of-touch" with the depravities of the ultra-partisan senate. (actually, the WH should be glad that McConnell is digging a huge hole for those 24 GOP senators to get reelected.)

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