Sandra Fluke Officially Working With Obama


If you needed a blood transfusion, but your employeer refused to allow your insurance to cover it, would you still be saying "pay for it yourself!" ?

Or if your employeer were, say ... Muslim and you needed a surgery where they wanted to use a pig valve and your employeer refused to allow the insurance to cover that... Still ok with that?

Are you REALLY equating the need for a blood transfusion and heart surgery to birth control?

What I am equating is one religions person health opinions with another.

Birth control, btw, can be just as vital and life saving as blood transfusions.
Okay, I see your point.
Or, conversely, we can take everyone out of the woman's bedroom except for herself and her sexual partner, and just tell Health Insurance companies that they need to stop treating women's health issues different than men's health issues.

Thanks for proving my point, dipshit!
As the interviewer in the video Stephanie posted asked:

"So you want government out of the bedroom. Why do you want government to pay for what goes on in the bedroom?"

None of those asked could think of a reason. You wanna give it a shot?

Sure, I can answer that.

Because you're asking the question based on a false presumption that all "bedroom intrusion" is equal. It's not. When progressives say we want the government out of our bedrooms, we're asking that they not legislate what can or can't be done between two consenting adults. You know, like not passing laws making blowjobs illegal, or two dudes fucking illegal, etc.

The birth control policy isn't about sexual activity. It's about health. It's about not having unlimited resources to take care of every baby ever born. It's kind of sad that in 2012 we're still having to convince old, white people that birth control is a good thing. Unwanted pregnancies lead to overpopulation and more welfare babies. Also, more babies in orphanages, etc.

It's both silly and impractical to say "just stop fucking" as a means of controlling population. Population control is a very real and very necessary means to keep your country from things like massive famine, and outbreaks of disease.

In short, making sure that women have no reason to not at least have birth control as an option makes sense for EVRYONE. Making sure two dudes who like to fuck each other can't get married only makes sense for the people who believe in fairy tale mythologies about invisible forces guiding their destiny.

Does that answer your question, fuck nut? Of course it does, but you'll sputter some bullshit response. And I will know I won.
Uh huh. So you don't mind the government in your bedroom, as long as they're paying for the activities.

Interesting way of attempting to explain they hypocrisy.
Yeah. None of that explains why I should have to pay for your choices.

Of course, you have no answer to that, and will instead blather on with mindless profanities and pretend you've won.

Good luck with that.

You have to pay for my choices, because I have to pay for yours. It's how insurance works. It's how paying taxes works. We don't get handed a menu of services. We pay the bill. If you're okay with getting preferential treatment over women, that's fine, Lameman. Just admit it and be proud.
Since my insurance provider covers contraception, I'm really not seeing how I get preferential treatment.

But even when we were struggling the hardest financially, we could have sprung for 9 bucks a month.
Just a point of fact.

The $9 price point was the bottom of the barrel cheapest pill, and not every woman can take that.

Also, for those who attend that college the insurance coverage would be added to tuition, which most have assistance with, so just because you go to an expensive college, does not always equal having money in your pocket.
This debate reminds me a lot of the "drug testing welfare recipients" debate. It feels right, "druggies shouldn't get welfare!", so people disreguard the cost to the government.
So you want me to pay for someone's illegal drug habit, too?

You're awfully generous with other people's money.

Actually, dumb fuck, those tests have been proven to be wasteful expenditures.

So you're the one being generous with other people's money, since you have to compensate people who pass the drug test.

Whoops! There goes ol' facts and truth, fucking up Conservative dogma again...
I have no problem paying for doing the right thing.
How stupid can you get....

Who here does not pay a dime towards their own health insurance? If I hel;p pay for my health insurance then I should get a say in what coverage I get, and women should have health care coverage for reproductive services....

Why should us women have to pay for vasectomies for men? It's not my vasectomy....but I still have to help pay for it....

Why should women have to pay for Viagra for men....? I don't get to take it, I don't get the hardon, I don't get the pleasure for some other guy's viagra?

Why should I have to pay for someone else's Diabetics medicine? I don't have the disease.....? Why should I pay for another woman's baby....I've never had a baby, why should my insurance costs include these?

I don't have heart trouble, why should I have to pay for someone elses heart attack?

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and blah....

What a bunch of bunk
Do you object to, say, dog fighting?

Should you be forced to underwrite that?

I'm going to assume you said "no".

Okay -- so why should a company be forced to underwrite actions it views as morally objectionable?

Because it's false morality. That's why. We all know the Catholics are fucking retarded for their anti-birth control pill stance. No one has the balls to say it. But I will. The Catholics are fucking retarded for their stance on birth control.
Yeah, I'm sure the Pope will read your post and admit the Church is wrong.

Or you could just keep stamping your feet and screeching.

Yes, the second is far more likely.
This debate reminds me a lot of the "drug testing welfare recipients" debate. It feels right, "druggies shouldn't get welfare!", so people disreguard the cost to the government.
So you want me to pay for someone's illegal drug habit, too?

You're awfully generous with other people's money.

:lol: I used that a couple days ago.
Did I miss where you were the only person in America who pays taxes? It's only your money? My tax dollars are collected by the tooth fairy?
Do you object to your tax dollars funding someone's illegal drug habit?
So you want me to pay for someone's illegal drug habit, too?

You're awfully generous with other people's money.

Actually, dumb fuck, those tests have been proven to be wasteful expenditures.

So you're the one being generous with other people's money, since you have to compensate people who pass the drug test.

Whoops! There goes ol' facts and truth, fucking up Conservative dogma again...
I have no problem paying for doing the right thing.

I do.

You want to talk wasteing taxpayer dollars, that's it right there.

You would find just as many people testing positive if you stopped people in the street and drug tested them. It was supposed to save the taxpayers money by taking away benifits from the undeserving, only it cost a boat load and proved that those on welfare dont take drugs at a higher rate than anyone else.

Like I said, sounds good, feels good, however you'd do jus as well to stand in the street and burn our tax dollars.
You have to pay for my choices, because I have to pay for yours. It's how insurance works. It's how paying taxes works. We don't get handed a menu of services. We pay the bill. If you're okay with getting preferential treatment over women, that's fine, Lameman. Just admit it and be proud.
Since my insurance provider covers contraception, I'm really not seeing how I get preferential treatment.

But even when we were struggling the hardest financially, we could have sprung for 9 bucks a month.
Just a point of fact.

The $9 price point was the bottom of the barrel cheapest pill, and not every woman can take that.

Also, for those who attend that college the insurance coverage would be added to tuition, which most have assistance with, so just because you go to an expensive college, does not always equal having money in your pocket.
Life's full of hard choices, innit?
Actually, dumb fuck, those tests have been proven to be wasteful expenditures.

So you're the one being generous with other people's money, since you have to compensate people who pass the drug test.

Whoops! There goes ol' facts and truth, fucking up Conservative dogma again...
I have no problem paying for doing the right thing.

I do.

You want to talk wasteing taxpayer dollars, that's it right there.

You would find just as many people testing positive if you stopped people in the street and drug tested them. It was supposed to save the taxpayers money by taking away benifits from the undeserving, only it cost a boat load and proved that those on welfare dont take drugs at a higher rate than anyone else.

Like I said, sounds good, feels good, however you'd do jus as well to stand in the street and burn our tax dollars.
*shrug* It caught some druggies. Their habits are no longer financed by the taxpayers.

That's a good thing.
So you want me to pay for someone's illegal drug habit, too?

You're awfully generous with other people's money.

:lol: I used that a couple days ago.
Did I miss where you were the only person in America who pays taxes? It's only your money? My tax dollars are collected by the tooth fairy?
Do you object to your tax dollars funding someone's illegal drug habit?

I do.
And as soon as the state is back in the black, with money to spare, if the voters want to start testing welfare recipients, as well as city workers, state employees And their politicians, I'd be all for it.

However when your laying off firemen, and scraping for every penny just to keep the lights on, a program that only drains money and can't show real improvement, shouldn't be a top priority.
How stupid can you get....

Who here does not pay a dime towards their own health insurance? If I hel;p pay for my health insurance then I should get a say in what coverage I get, and women should have health care coverage for reproductive services....

Why should us women have to pay for vasectomies for men? It's not my vasectomy....but I still have to help pay for it....

Why should women have to pay for Viagra for men....? I don't get to take it, I don't get the hardon, I don't get the pleasure for some other guy's viagra?

Why should I have to pay for someone else's Diabetics medicine? I don't have the disease.....? Why should I pay for another woman's baby....I've never had a baby, why should my insurance costs include these?

I don't have heart trouble, why should I have to pay for someone elses heart attack?

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and blah....

What a bunch of bunk
Do you object to, say, dog fighting?

Should you be forced to underwrite that?

I'm going to assume you said "no".

Okay -- so why should a company be forced to underwrite actions it views as morally objectionable?
Most women on birth control are married...why would it be morally objectionable?

btw....this isn't about one school, who DOES offer it on their health care policies for their workers can they provide it on the one hand for their workers and then claim religious reasons for not providing it on the other? and if the school IS NOT paying for the group health care plan for the students, and the students are paying for it....why should the school be able to dictate this? that's my main problem with it, the students are paying for their own health care and the workers in the school have their own policy that does include reproductive services/birth control. Seems to me the employer has no religious grounds to stand addition to this Catholic charities which includes the schools, receives 50% of their money from the tax payers of this Nation, so even if the school had claimed to be paying for it, they truly are not paying for it in full, the tax payer would have been paying 50% of it and the tax payer includes these students and their parents income as well... I don't think the Catholic charities has the right to dictate their beliefs in a secular school....this is a school that accepts all students from any faith or non faith, a school that receives tax payer's money, atheist, christian, jew, hindu, wiccans, agnostics....that is money from every one and every faith....they should not be able to ask for a religious exemption under those circumstances.

If this were the Catholic Church and we were talking about their employees who actually work for the Parish, in the church, paid for with the Catholic churches money from their own parishioners of the church itself, then I would support their reason of it being for religious reasons that they are asking for the exemption and the ACA already allows them the exemption.

but that is not what we are talking about, we are talking about Catholic charities, not the catholic church, and we are talking about a secular school who accepts all faiths or non faiths in to the school....which is also receiving tax monies and is not some private seminary.
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I see the attacks on Fluke as a sign that the right is worried about her.

It is ironic that they cry foul if anyone says anything at all about Palin but they attack Fluke's sexual habits and call her a slut and she is fair game.

Pathetic but it's working in Obama's favor so keep it up.

Oh! fucking bullshit, we've put up with Palin attacks for four years non stop, cry us a fucking river whydonchya?

Yep, and you cried foul every single time. And she did a fair amount of whining herself.

But that doesn't matter if it is someone like Fluke.

Then it is o.k. to call her a slut and bash her because she works for Obama now.

Double standard much?
I see the attacks on Fluke as a sign that the right is worried about her.

It is ironic that they cry foul if anyone says anything at all about Palin but they attack Fluke's sexual habits and call her a slut and she is fair game.

Pathetic but it's working in Obama's favor so keep it up.

gawd, you people are desperate for anything to work in his favor..

His approvals are down in the LOW 40's, so you think the flukie is going to improve them, dream on:lol:

The more those on the right are frothing at the mouth about Fluke, the better Obama's numbers are with women.

So keep it up.
From the article:

What I don’t understand is why Obama would want to campaign next to Sandra Fluke. What Fluke stands for is the idea that entitlement is more important than liberty. Fluke’s position is that if we don’t subsidize her birth control we’re somehow limiting her access to it. Therefore we must provide her and others with free or subsidized contraception, and whatever moral objections we may or may not have to such things are irrelevant.
Put another way, if you don’t subsidize my gun collection irregardless of whatever personal feelings or mores you may harbor about them, you’re limiting my right to guns. That’s the logic these people are applying, except that they would never apply it to something like guns.
How stupid can you get....

Who here does not pay a dime towards their own health insurance? If I hel;p pay for my health insurance then I should get a say in what coverage I get, and women should have health care coverage for reproductive services....

Why should us women have to pay for vasectomies for men? It's not my vasectomy....but I still have to help pay for it....

Why should women have to pay for Viagra for men....? I don't get to take it, I don't get the hardon, I don't get the pleasure for some other guy's viagra?

Why should I have to pay for someone else's Diabetics medicine? I don't have the disease.....? Why should I pay for another woman's baby....I've never had a baby, why should my insurance costs include these?

I don't have heart trouble, why should I have to pay for someone elses heart attack?

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and blah....

What a bunch of bunk

Yep, you got it!!
I see the attacks on Fluke as a sign that the right is worried about her.

It is ironic that they cry foul if anyone says anything at all about Palin but they attack Fluke's sexual habits and call her a slut and she is fair game.

Pathetic but it's working in Obama's favor so keep it up.

Attacks? Not really, more like having a good laugh. She's a freakin' joke and it's nothing less than pitiful that a) the obama campaign thinks she makes some kind of cogent point, and b) women are so repulsively stupid that they would actually fall for such tripe. Fluke is nothing more than a whining asshole parasite poster child for the liberal gimme agenda. Me, me, me...fuck everyone else...that's how liberals present themselves. Thanks, if I wanted to fuck something that ridiculous, I'd buy my own rubber. Not to fear, I have far higher standards.

If she's such a joke, why do you care? Why spend any time at all talking about her or what she's doing? There must be some reason the right is frothing at the mouth over Fluke. So what is it? Is she effective? Does she make a good point? Why was it blasphemy to say one negative word about Palin but Fluke can be bashed until the end of time? And if you don't think she's being attacked-read this thread from the beginning. As a woman, I find it disgusting but it also makes me laugh because Fluke is getting to them. LOL
The value of having Fluke in the campaign is that everywhere she goes, all the normal American people she talks to, all the normal American people who get to know her

get to be reminded that Rush Limbaugh, the spiritual/intellectual/philosophical leader of modern American conservatism,

called her a slut.

And the sanctimonious bitch should mention that she was not woman enough to accept Rush's apology. But she won't!

It wasn't an apology. Why should she accept something that was forced from him after he started losing sponsors.

He called her a slut, wanted to see videos, and said her parents must be ashamed.

C'mon. I would tell him to go jump off the nearest cliff.
Yeah. None of that explains why I should have to pay for your choices.

Of course, you have no answer to that, and will instead blather on with mindless profanities and pretend you've won.

Good luck with that.

You have to pay for my choices, because I have to pay for yours. It's how insurance works. It's how paying taxes works. We don't get handed a menu of services. We pay the bill. If you're okay with getting preferential treatment over women, that's fine, Lameman. Just admit it and be proud.
Since my insurance provider covers contraception, I'm really not seeing how I get preferential treatment.

But even when we were struggling the hardest financially, we could have sprung for 9 bucks a month.

Glad that "you" now means "everyone."
As the interviewer in the video Stephanie posted asked:

"So you want government out of the bedroom. Why do you want government to pay for what goes on in the bedroom?"

None of those asked could think of a reason. You wanna give it a shot?

Sure, I can answer that.

Because you're asking the question based on a false presumption that all "bedroom intrusion" is equal. It's not. When progressives say we want the government out of our bedrooms, we're asking that they not legislate what can or can't be done between two consenting adults. You know, like not passing laws making blowjobs illegal, or two dudes fucking illegal, etc.

The birth control policy isn't about sexual activity. It's about health. It's about not having unlimited resources to take care of every baby ever born. It's kind of sad that in 2012 we're still having to convince old, white people that birth control is a good thing. Unwanted pregnancies lead to overpopulation and more welfare babies. Also, more babies in orphanages, etc.

It's both silly and impractical to say "just stop fucking" as a means of controlling population. Population control is a very real and very necessary means to keep your country from things like massive famine, and outbreaks of disease.

In short, making sure that women have no reason to not at least have birth control as an option makes sense for EVRYONE. Making sure two dudes who like to fuck each other can't get married only makes sense for the people who believe in fairy tale mythologies about invisible forces guiding their destiny.

Does that answer your question, fuck nut? Of course it does, but you'll sputter some bullshit response. And I will know I won.
Uh huh. So you don't mind the government in your bedroom, as long as they're paying for the activities.

Interesting way of attempting to explain they hypocrisy.

Who said anything about them paying for people fucking? We'd be paying, through our insurance companies, for each other's fucking if anything.

Logic fail, Davey. Logic Fail.
The value of having Fluke in the campaign is that everywhere she goes, all the normal American people she talks to, all the normal American people who get to know her

get to be reminded that Rush Limbaugh, the spiritual/intellectual/philosophical leader of modern American conservatism,

called her a slut.

And the sanctimonious bitch should mention that she was not woman enough to accept Rush's apology. But she won't!

It wasn't an apology. Why should she accept something that was forced from him after he started losing sponsors.

He called her a slut, wanted to see videos, and said her parents must be ashamed.

C'mon. I would tell him to go jump off the nearest cliff.

Slacker! I would at least offer to help him jump off the nearest cliff. THAT too pushy?

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