Sandra Fluke Officially Working With Obama

So you're not part of society then?
Where are all those free contraceptives going to come from, conservadddipshit?

I wonder if cutting 5% of the Defense budget would pay for them...

They are still NOT FREE.... And with people paying differing income taxation, you have some paying and some NOT paying... and once again, there is NO power of the government to pay for your PERSONAL responsibility
So you're not part of society then?

Being part of society means I have to pay for your personal responsibilities and not just mine??

No... sorry...

I'll chose freedom over force

Being part of society SHOULD make you able to see that we all benefit when population controls are in place.

Then again, you're not that bright.

We would all benefit from lots of thing.. but we PERSONALLY benefit... hell, why not free mandated sex? Why not computers for all? Why not free Tylenol for all?

God, you are dense
How stupid can you get....

Who here does not pay a dime towards their own health insurance? If I hel;p pay for my health insurance then I should get a say in what coverage I get, and women should have health care coverage for reproductive services....

Why should us women have to pay for vasectomies for men? It's not my vasectomy....but I still have to help pay for it....

Why should women have to pay for Viagra for men....? I don't get to take it, I don't get the hardon, I don't get the pleasure for some other guy's viagra?

Why should I have to pay for someone else's Diabetics medicine? I don't have the disease.....? Why should I pay for another woman's baby....I've never had a baby, why should my insurance costs include these?

I don't have heart trouble, why should I have to pay for someone elses heart attack?

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and blah....

What a bunch of bunk

IF you are buying your policy all on your own, YES you SHOULD be able to buy the plan you want... HOWEVER, you are contributing only a small amount toward your policy in MOST cases. You EMPLOYER, of their own decision and their willingness to add a compensation benefit that THEY manage and THEY negotiate decide what THEY are going to offer as part of that compensation... if you want more or different, you damn well have the freedom to go buy it all on your own
I see the attacks on Fluke as a sign that the right is worried about her.

It is ironic that they cry foul if anyone says anything at all about Palin but they attack Fluke's sexual habits and call her a slut and she is fair game.

Pathetic but it's working in Obama's favor so keep it up.

Attacks? Not really, more like having a good laugh. She's a freakin' joke and it's nothing less than pitiful that a) the obama campaign thinks she makes some kind of cogent point, and b) women are so repulsively stupid that they would actually fall for such tripe. Fluke is nothing more than a whining asshole parasite poster child for the liberal gimme agenda. Me, me, me...fuck everyone else...that's how liberals present themselves. Thanks, if I wanted to fuck something that ridiculous, I'd buy my own rubber. Not to fear, I have far higher standards.

If she's such a joke, why do you care? Why spend any time at all talking about her or what she's doing? There must be some reason the right is frothing at the mouth over Fluke. So what is it? Is she effective? Does she make a good point? Why was it blasphemy to say one negative word about Palin but Fluke can be bashed until the end of time? And if you don't think she's being attacked-read this thread from the beginning. As a woman, I find it disgusting but it also makes me laugh because Fluke is getting to them. LOL

It's a damn message board..and your posts is the only one FROTHING
Except those men are using it EXCLUSIVELY to fuck, while most women take BC pills for something other than birth control.

Failing is what you do best.

I am sure you have a link to prove that.

How an Unscrupulous Birth Control Policy Cost One Woman Her Ovary | Faith in Public Life

Here's one link, google will give you plenty to choose from, all saying upwards of 55% of women use birth control to treat medical issues.

I don't consider a blog quoting from an arm of Planned Parenthood a credible source.
The value of having Fluke in the campaign is that everywhere she goes, all the normal American people she talks to, all the normal American people who get to know her

get to be reminded that Rush Limbaugh, the spiritual/intellectual/philosophical leader of modern American conservatism,

called her a slut.

And the sanctimonious bitch should mention that she was not woman enough to accept Rush's apology. But she won't!

It wasn't an apology. Why should she accept something that was forced from him after he started losing sponsors.

He called her a slut, wanted to see videos, and said her parents must be ashamed.

C'mon. I would tell him to go jump off the nearest cliff.

That is because you are a liberal.

Ed Schultz called radio talk show host Laura Ingraham a "right wing slut" on his MSNBC program and she was woman enough to accept his apology.

There are women with class, and there are women who are assholes.
I am sure you have a link to prove that.

How an Unscrupulous Birth Control Policy Cost One Woman Her Ovary | Faith in Public Life

Here's one link, google will give you plenty to choose from, all saying upwards of 55% of women use birth control to treat medical issues.

I don't consider a blog quoting from an arm of Planned Parenthood a credible source.

I gave you a link to a non-blog source. Why didn't you comment on that? Oh that's right, because it proves that you don't know shit about this issue. Let me guess, you're in your 50s and white, right?
I am sure you have a link to prove that.

How an Unscrupulous Birth Control Policy Cost One Woman Her Ovary | Faith in Public Life

Here's one link, google will give you plenty to choose from, all saying upwards of 55% of women use birth control to treat medical issues.

I don't consider a blog quoting from an arm of Planned Parenthood a credible source.

You have the power! , to google it yourself.

No matter the site, they will all tell you the same thing.
And the sanctimonious bitch should mention that she was not woman enough to accept Rush's apology. But she won't!

It wasn't an apology. Why should she accept something that was forced from him after he started losing sponsors.

He called her a slut, wanted to see videos, and said her parents must be ashamed.

C'mon. I would tell him to go jump off the nearest cliff.

That is because you are a liberal.

Ed Schultz called radio talk show host Laura Ingraham a "right wing slut" on his MSNBC program and she was woman enough to accept his apology.

There are women with class, and there are women who are assholes.

Same goes to men too and Rush is a major asshole. He didn't apologize. Ed Schultz was right to apologize and Laura Ingraham was right to accept. Rush's apology was no apology. He wasn't sorry.
Attacks? Not really, more like having a good laugh. She's a freakin' joke and it's nothing less than pitiful that a) the obama campaign thinks she makes some kind of cogent point, and b) women are so repulsively stupid that they would actually fall for such tripe. Fluke is nothing more than a whining asshole parasite poster child for the liberal gimme agenda. Me, me, me...fuck everyone else...that's how liberals present themselves. Thanks, if I wanted to fuck something that ridiculous, I'd buy my own rubber. Not to fear, I have far higher standards.

If she's such a joke, why do you care? Why spend any time at all talking about her or what she's doing? There must be some reason the right is frothing at the mouth over Fluke. So what is it? Is she effective? Does she make a good point? Why was it blasphemy to say one negative word about Palin but Fluke can be bashed until the end of time? And if you don't think she's being attacked-read this thread from the beginning. As a woman, I find it disgusting but it also makes me laugh because Fluke is getting to them. LOL

It's a damn message board..and your posts is the only one FROTHING

Right and your answer wasn't? I understand how message boards work. If you look at this thread and how she is being talked about, I'd say frothing is a good word to use.

I was simply pointing out the Palin hypocrisy. And the fact that Fluke is doing her job very well. Getting people talking about this issue. Which helps Obama.
Except those men are using it EXCLUSIVELY to fuck, while most women take BC pills for something other than birth control.

Failing is what you do best.
That is correct. Without the Viagra participation in one or more regular activity of daily life is hampered. Which is why it is generally covered.

But what if those men are taking viagara and having sex out of wedlock?! Then they could make babies! AND THAT IS WRONG UNLESS JESUS TOLD YOU TO DO IT!!!

I like that you just admitted to the hypocrisy.

So to sum up: In your view, it's fine to cover viagara for men so they can fuck, but it's not okay to cover birth control for women so they don't get pregnant when they fuck.

This concludes "Stupid Fucking Shit Conservatives Say" for today.

I never made any claim that it is "not alright to cover birth control for women". As usual, shit for brains, you have missed the boat. My issue is with being forced to buy policies that cover birth control, or Viagra for that matter. While I myself have no strong religious beliefs, millions of people do, and being forced to carry birth control coverage, if they want to have insurance, is offensive to those beliefs. It seems like an easy accommodation could be made for those beliefs. But the left simply does not believe that individuals should be able to honor those beliefs. And not one of you fuckups has even attempted to explain why. Well, you have. You think those beliefs are stupid, and that appears to be your reason for eliminating the right of individuals to live in accordance with those beliefs.

By the way, if I am allowed to carry insurance that does not cover birth control, how does that affect any one else?
Why birth control and not any of the other mandated coverage?

Excellent question. I think that would be a good idea. Now, why would you allow an employer to exempt such coverage, but you would not afford the same liberty to an employee?
I think it would be nice for large coroprations to offer employees a religious insurance option, that would cover the needs for all dominations "no birth control, no blood transfusions, no std/aids care" etc etc.

However there is no way to make insurance pools for small businesses work if every employee gets to decide what coverage for other people they are willing to pay for.

Of course there is. Simply remopve the cost of birth control from the policies issued, and have the birth control available as seperate coverage for those that need it. Again, I am not advocating that the government force employers to have such policies, but merely that employers be permitted to, out of respect for deeply help convictions. But it seems very few, outside of you, are willing to allow such tolerance.
Excellent question. I think that would be a good idea. Now, why would you allow an employer to exempt such coverage, but you would not afford the same liberty to an employee?
I think it would be nice for large coroprations to offer employees a religious insurance option, that would cover the needs for all dominations "no birth control, no blood transfusions, no std/aids care" etc etc.

However there is no way to make insurance pools for small businesses work if every employee gets to decide what coverage for other people they are willing to pay for.

Of course there is. Simply remopve the cost of birth control from the policies issued, and have the birth control available as seperate coverage for those that need it. Again, I am not advocating that the government force employers to have such policies, but merely that employers be permitted to, out of respect for deeply help convictions. But it seems very few, outside of you, are willing to allow such tolerance.

Again, why birth control and not any of the other things i pay for but will never use?
It wasn't an apology. Why should she accept something that was forced from him after he started losing sponsors.

He called her a slut, wanted to see videos, and said her parents must be ashamed.

C'mon. I would tell him to go jump off the nearest cliff.

That is because you are a liberal.

Ed Schultz called radio talk show host Laura Ingraham a "right wing slut" on his MSNBC program and she was woman enough to accept his apology.

There are women with class, and there are women who are assholes.

Same goes to men too and Rush is a major asshole. He didn't apologize. Ed Schultz was right to apologize and Laura Ingraham was right to accept. Rush's apology was no apology. He wasn't sorry.

You are not very bright are you!

Limbaugh — who has a long history of making incendiary remarks, and is not known to take them back — issued the rare apology on Saturday afternoon, saying he was "sincerely" sorry about his "insulting" characterization of Fluke.

Rush Limbaugh Apologizes To Sandra Fluke For Calling Her A 'Slut'
I think it would be nice for large coroprations to offer employees a religious insurance option, that would cover the needs for all dominations "no birth control, no blood transfusions, no std/aids care" etc etc.

However there is no way to make insurance pools for small businesses work if every employee gets to decide what coverage for other people they are willing to pay for.

Of course there is. Simply remopve the cost of birth control from the policies issued, and have the birth control available as seperate coverage for those that need it. Again, I am not advocating that the government force employers to have such policies, but merely that employers be permitted to, out of respect for deeply help convictions. But it seems very few, outside of you, are willing to allow such tolerance.

Again, why birth control and not any of the other things i pay for but will never use?

Like what? I am sure there are, but can't think of any right now.
The value of having Fluke in the campaign is that everywhere she goes, all the normal American people she talks to, all the normal American people who get to know her

get to be reminded that Rush Limbaugh, the spiritual/intellectual/philosophical leader of modern American conservatism,

called her a slut.

And the sanctimonious bitch should mention that she was not woman enough to accept Rush's apology. But she won't!

It wasn't an apology. Why should she accept something that was forced from him after he started losing sponsors.

He called her a slut, wanted to see videos, and said her parents must be ashamed.

C'mon. I would tell him to go jump off the nearest cliff.

Another fool who doesn't know what he/she is talking about. And, check the link if you dare.

Limbaugh — who has a long history of making incendiary remarks, and is not known to take them back — issued the rare apology on Saturday afternoon, saying he was "sincerely" sorry about his "insulting" characterization of Fluke.

Rush Limbaugh Apologizes To Sandra Fluke For Calling Her A 'Slut'
I think it would be nice for large coroprations to offer employees a religious insurance option, that would cover the needs for all dominations "no birth control, no blood transfusions, no std/aids care" etc etc.

However there is no way to make insurance pools for small businesses work if every employee gets to decide what coverage for other people they are willing to pay for.

Of course there is. Simply remopve the cost of birth control from the policies issued, and have the birth control available as seperate coverage for those that need it. Again, I am not advocating that the government force employers to have such policies, but merely that employers be permitted to, out of respect for deeply help convictions. But it seems very few, outside of you, are willing to allow such tolerance.

Again, why birth control and not any of the other things i pay for but will never use?
I have singled out birth control because of religious views. Millions of people have religious views that they hold deeply, and that does not comport with participating in a plan that covers birth control. And prior to obama's arrival they were free to exercise those beliefs, as was every American.

I don't think there should be a restriction on what an individual includes in his policy.
Of course there is. Simply remopve the cost of birth control from the policies issued, and have the birth control available as seperate coverage for those that need it. Again, I am not advocating that the government force employers to have such policies, but merely that employers be permitted to, out of respect for deeply help convictions. But it seems very few, outside of you, are willing to allow such tolerance.

Again, why birth control and not any of the other things i pay for but will never use?
I have singled out birth control because of religious views. Millions of people have religious views that they hold deeply, and that does not comport with participating in a plan that covers birth control. And prior to obama's arrival they were free to exercise those beliefs, as was every American.

I don't think there should be a restriction on what an individual includes in his policy.

Off the top of my head

Check ups, shots for children, screenings for diffrent types of cancer, counseling for domestic violence...

As you said, individuals who have religious issues are free to not purchase the employeer insurance. However we have a separation of church and state, which means in part that we don't allow someone's religion to dictate national medical issues. A panel of medical experts decided birth control should be added to the list of "preventable medicine", and preventable medicine is what is mandated.
Again, why birth control and not any of the other things i pay for but will never use?
I have singled out birth control because of religious views. Millions of people have religious views that they hold deeply, and that does not comport with participating in a plan that covers birth control. And prior to obama's arrival they were free to exercise those beliefs, as was every American.

I don't think there should be a restriction on what an individual includes in his policy.

Off the top of my head

Check ups, shots for children, screenings for diffrent types of cancer, counseling for domestic violence...

As you said, individuals who have religious issues are free to not purchase the employeer insurance. However we have a separation of church and state, which means in part that we don't allow someone's religion to dictate national medical issues. A panel of medical experts decided birth control should be added to the list of "preventable medicine", and preventable medicine is what is mandated.

There is no separation of church and state....that is a myth invented by the left......especially when you see what's going on in black churches.
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I have singled out birth control because of religious views. Millions of people have religious views that they hold deeply, and that does not comport with participating in a plan that covers birth control. And prior to obama's arrival they were free to exercise those beliefs, as was every American.

I don't think there should be a restriction on what an individual includes in his policy.

Off the top of my head

Check ups, shots for children, screenings for diffrent types of cancer, counseling for domestic violence...

As you said, individuals who have religious issues are free to not purchase the employeer insurance. However we have a separation of church and state, which means in part that we don't allow someone's religion to dictate national medical issues. A panel of medical experts decided birth control should be added to the list of "preventable medicine", and preventable medicine is what is mandated.

There is no separation of church and state....that is a myth invented by the left......especially when you see what's going on in black churches.

For example, the law suit brought against the state of Ohio by the Justice Dept is racially motivated. Prior to the change in the law, all of the black church pastors preached Obama from 11 to 12 and then they all went to the polls to vote for him. Now only military personnel can vote on the Sunday before the election day on Tuesday.

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