Sandra Fluke Officially Working With Obama

The value of having Fluke in the campaign is that everywhere she goes, all the normal American people she talks to, all the normal American people who get to know her

get to be reminded that Rush Limbaugh, the spiritual/intellectual/philosophical leader of modern American conservatism,

called her a slut.
Yesterday, Louise Radnofsky of the Wall Street Journal reported that some colleges are dropping their student health plans for the new academic year, because the new law increases the cost of those plans by as much as 1,112 percent. And no, that’s not a typo.

Most college students are in the peak of health. Hence, covering their health care is usually a pretty easy thing to do. A number of colleges—particularly small, private liberal-arts institutions—offer their students what are called “limited-benefit” plans, which cover health expenses up to a defined cap, such as $10,000. Because expenses are capped, these plans are extremely inexpensive, with premiums ranging from $150-500 per year.

Obamacare Increases Costs of College Health Plans by as Much as 1,112% - Forbes

Colleges are dropping plans, and according to liberal logic, students will die. :eek:

And that 1112 percent increase could buy a lot of birth control. And maybe a few textbooks too.

Thanks Sandra. :mad:
Did you really think that Sandra Fluke would be supporting Romney?
Did you really think that Sandra Fluke would be supporting Romney?

I doubt many care who she is or supports..

that you all and Obama believes she is important is funny as hell

For someone whose not important the right sure is spending a lot of energy talking about her.

Thank you, Mr Limbaugh, for giving this woman a platform. You're the gift that just keeps giving.
Did you really think that Sandra Fluke would be supporting Romney?

I doubt many care who she is or supports..

that you all and Obama believes she is important is funny as hell

For someone whose not important the right sure is spending a lot of energy talking about her.

Thank you, Mr Limbaugh, for giving this woman a platform. You're the gift that just keeps giving.

oh yeah right, talking on a message board about her make her important and she should thank Rush for gawd
Fluke is still a whore, not a very bright whore, and a panhandler too. and obama lies like a dog.
Obama did not remove the work requirements related to welfare reform.

He gave states waivers to devise new strategies to get people into work and to meet work requirements - thereby giving states flexibility to administer their programs and find inventive new ways to do business. However, any state applying for such flexibility must demonstrate that their approach will more effectively aid in getting people into work than the current federal program.

This is, of course, a perfectly brilliant Republican idea - but since Obama proposed it, Republicans have to lie, cheat and act like it's a communist plot. And Republican sycophants have to eat up the talking points.

Just a different way of saying he removed work requirements. He made it possible to rewrite the law at the whim of the Sec of Health and Human Services. Obama has no intention of making it harder for people to qualify. This was intended to make it easier. If they decide that watching television is work then they're qualified to receive welfare.

He essentially gutted welfare reform.

That's simply false but since the Right loves the lie, the truth here becomes irrelevant.

Going around the letter of the law by making it easier to change it is not going to prevent it from being changed. It simply makes it easier to warp it's original intent, which according to experts was a pretty damned effective law.
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One of the reasons Clinton got his surplus was welfare reform. He won't admit it because of his base. Now Obama is gutting it. He wants a bigger deficit.
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No you cant use birth control, you slut!
No you cant have an abortion, you sinner!
No you cant have welfare, you free loader!

Who said she cant have birth control????
No one

Who said she couldnt kill her unborn innocent baby?
No One
Who said she cant freeload off my hard earned money if she was in need???
No One

So three lies....Have anymore?

Actually, I DO object to her demanding my hard-earned money to pay for her birth control and abortions.
What is she 30? I love how the liberals called her a "Student", but yet she was near or at 30 years old, been in school her whole life (typical liberal) and testafied before congress, but she was a "student" and poor Rush picked on her, nope he picked on an activist of the democratic party, man liberals hide behind skirts like nobodys businesss
Maddow made the good point last night.

Fluke is going to be in Colorado. Anti women's rights Tea party loon Ken Buck lost his Senate bid in Colorado in 2010 when his Democratic opponent Michael Bennett went after him head-on on women's issues;

Buck lost the women's vote 56 - 39.

The Democrats know exactly what there doing here. They're going to tie the Fluke-haters to Romney and let him try to wriggle out from under them.

Are women really that stupid? No wonder the Founding Fathers saw fit to exclude them from voting.
Listening to Rush Limbaugh. He called her "Sandra FLUCK" and then said, "Hmm, what does she make you think of?" Then he had to wait awhile before he could stop laughing enough to speak.

Classy leader the Republican Party has.

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