Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

I see agent candyass farted after my last post.:9:

two farts in a row from the trolls since then.One paid who knows 9/11 was an inside job and sandy hook was as well,one by someone who is afraid of truth,cant think outside the box, and only sees what he WANTS to see as evidenced in so many of his posts.:D
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anyways back to the topic here that trolls have tried to unsuccessully derail.

Hey Paul,i saw this in a magazine that I suscribe to and ordered this far as I know there isnt a DVD out there on this that talks about this that I am aware of.By chance,many of these facts I did nto know about.have they all been talked about in this thread of yours by chance?

there is this DVD out there I ordered that everybody should order as well for for the truth on the false flag operation of sandy hook.

Here are a lot of the facts this DVD exposes and i will talk more about when i get it.Here is just some of the information in the written order form on it that appears.It goes on to say-

.charity webpage for alleged victems created 3 days BEFORE event.

.26 dead,yet no ambulances at school?

.no wounded.

.no children or parents outside school?

.No evacuation?

.Raw helicopter footage exposes movie like set?

.FEMA runs nearby drill at exact same time of shooting?

.Parent of murdered child changes character from laughter to grief
in a split second at start of interview/

.actors pretending to be parents of alleged victems/

.reported victem does not actually exist."stolen identity"?

.family portraits of alleged victems digitally faked?

the sheople have been duped and brainwashed.

all the posters that thanked troll del for this post below

you're a real piece of shit

are all cowarly trolls who wont look at the evidence and facts.

in one case,candyass,is a paid shill who knows as well as this thread starter does that it was a false flag aoperation and is just posting what his handlers instruct him to.
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uh yes you did,too bad I deleted it so I could prove your wrong.actually you have already proved you lied about that because I did not send you a pm this morning like you claim.I sent you a VISITOR message.theres a difference between the two.:cuckoo:

anybody can got to your profle and view the visitor message I posted there.they cant do that with a pm.this message is as funny as your lie that Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th century which upon those facts being posted on that thread that he was actually the most corrupt at the time,you ran off with your tail between your legs knowing you were cornered.:D

Are you aware that calling someone the greatest president is an entirely subjective exercise? It's an opinion. Unless you are saying PC doesn't actually believe that, her saying it cannot be a lie.

I seriously question your ability to understand the difference between disagreeing with a person's opinion and them telling a lie.

many posters besides myself posted facts that proved them wrong,that they have been brainwashed by the CIA controlled media and mouthpieces like Rush Limbaugh...

You and others have proven that "they have been brainwashed by the CIA controlled media?" All you've ever proven is that you smoke waaay too much crack, Princess. :lol:

Paulie.......most people cant see through the fog of the matrix. Its been a lifetime worth of conditioing.__________________

"The fog of the matrix?" Are you serious? That was a movie you flamin' moron. Your life, such that it may be, is a bad fantasy. Have you ever kissed a girl? :lol:
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Are you aware that calling someone the greatest president is an entirely subjective exercise? It's an opinion. Unless you are saying PC doesn't actually believe that, her saying it cannot be a lie.

I seriously question your ability to understand the difference between disagreeing with a person's opinion and them telling a lie.

many posters besides myself posted facts that proved them wrong,that they have been brainwashed by the CIA controlled media and mouthpieces like Rush Limbaugh...

You and others have proven that "they have been brainwashed by the CIA controlled media?" All you've ever proven is that you smoke waaay too much crack, Princess. :lol:

Paulie.......most people cant see through the fog of the matrix. Its been a lifetime worth of conditioing.__________________

"The fog of the matrix?" Are you serious? That was a movie you flamin' moron. Your life, such that it may be, is a bad fantasy. Have you ever kissed a girl? :lol:

Her and Pauline may have kissed.........
Are you aware that calling someone the greatest president is an entirely subjective exercise? It's an opinion. Unless you are saying PC doesn't actually believe that, her saying it cannot be a lie.

I seriously question your ability to understand the difference between disagreeing with a person's opinion and them telling a lie.

many posters besides myself posted facts that proved them wrong,that they have been brainwashed by the CIA controlled media and mouthpieces like Rush Limbaugh...

You and others have proven that "they have been brainwashed by the CIA controlled media?" All you've ever proven is that you smoke waaay too much crack, Princess. :lol:

Paulie.......most people cant see through the fog of the matrix. Its been a lifetime worth of conditioing.__________________

"The fog of the matrix?" Are you serious? That was a movie you flamin' moron. Your life, such that it may be, is a bad fantasy. Have you ever kissed a girl? :lol:
does his first cousin count ?
5 farts in a row from the trolls since my last post.four of them being from agents.:9:

Quit blowing chunks and answer the question, Princess: have you ever kissed a girl (family doesn't count)? Clearly a boy like you has never and will never have a g-friend. :cool:
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Now 4 farts in a row from the agent trolls.three of them from Dawgshit.:clap2:
they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they
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Here we are in the second week of May, 2013, and nearly 1,500 posts of mostly name-calling later, we might actually know LESS than we did at the start of this thread.

I haven't been watching the legal developments very closely.

Has the 90-day gag order issued back in January been rescinded or allowed to expire (or has it affectively been extended in some other way by the State AG)?

Come on, guys, don't make me do my own research here.
Funny how hard it is to find anything on this aspect of the story in official public records, but here's an article from back in late March that provides a little insight.

[. . .]Superior Court Judge John Blawie ordered parts of the documents redacted after state prosecutors requested that the identity of a key witness not be revealed for another 90 days. The judge also approved blacking out some phone, credit card and serial numbers of some of the property confiscated from the Lanza home.[...]

Bear in mind: the redaction and censorship mentioned here are both above and beyond the reach of the initial gag order.

And as I recall...

[. . .]Judge Blawie’s rationale is that “The court finds that due to the nature and circumstances of this case and the ongoing investigation, the state’s interest in continuing nondisclosure substantially outweighs any right to public disclosure at this time.” That is most curious because the alleged perpetrator of the killings, Adam Lanza, allegedly shot himself dead in the school when he heard police arriving — which means there won’t be a criminal trial. Nor are there any lawsuits pending. For that matter, the lawyer who had filed the only lawsuit about the massacre (on behalf of a 6-year-old girl who had witnessed and survived the shootings) quickly withdrew his petition “after facing strong disapproval from people across the country.”

State’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky said in his applications to extend the statutory sealing period, that the affidavits contained information “not known to the general public” and that premature disclosure would “seriously jeopardize the outcome and success of the investigation” by “divulging sensitive and confidential information” known only to investigators. Although no arrests have been made and “none are contemplated,” Sedensky also said the possibility has not been ruled out, and that releasing the information would make it difficult to solve crimes that others might have committed.[...] [emphasis added]

...the reasoning behind the earlier request hinted at the possibility of further arrest(s).

So what, they're still unsure as to the existence of accomplices? :dunno: :eusa_think:
Funny how hard it is to find anything on this aspect of the story in official public records, but here's an article from back in late March that provides a little insight.

[. . .]Superior Court Judge John Blawie ordered parts of the documents redacted after state prosecutors requested that the identity of a key witness not be revealed for another 90 days. The judge also approved blacking out some phone, credit card and serial numbers of some of the property confiscated from the Lanza home.[...]

Bear in mind: the redaction and censorship mentioned here are both above and beyond the reach of the initial gag order.

And as I recall...

[. . .]Judge Blawie’s rationale is that “The court finds that due to the nature and circumstances of this case and the ongoing investigation, the state’s interest in continuing nondisclosure substantially outweighs any right to public disclosure at this time.” That is most curious because the alleged perpetrator of the killings, Adam Lanza, allegedly shot himself dead in the school when he heard police arriving — which means there won’t be a criminal trial. Nor are there any lawsuits pending. For that matter, the lawyer who had filed the only lawsuit about the massacre (on behalf of a 6-year-old girl who had witnessed and survived the shootings) quickly withdrew his petition “after facing strong disapproval from people across the country.”

State’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky said in his applications to extend the statutory sealing period, that the affidavits contained information “not known to the general public” and that premature disclosure would “seriously jeopardize the outcome and success of the investigation” by “divulging sensitive and confidential information” known only to investigators. Although no arrests have been made and “none are contemplated,” Sedensky also said the possibility has not been ruled out, and that releasing the information would make it difficult to solve crimes that others might have committed.[...] [emphasis added]

...the reasoning behind the earlier request hinted at the possibility of further arrest(s).

So what, they're still unsure as to the existence of accomplices? :dunno: :eusa_think:

We are Conservatives in the undying tradition of America’s Founding Fathers, deeply concerned about the sorry state of our country and the ruinous path our government, political, and cultural elites have taken. That is why we have formed this fellowship, this blog.

Despite our very different backgrounds, we share a deep love for God and country. We work on this blog for no pay because Fellowship of the Minds (FOTM) chooses to have no ads and therefore no income. We do this as a public service and a labor of love.

can you say highly bias...I knew you could.
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Here we are in the second week of May, 2013, and nearly 1,500 posts of mostly name-calling later, we might actually know LESS than we did at the start of this thread.

I haven't been watching the legal developments very closely.

Has the 90-day gag order issued back in January been rescinded or allowed to expire (or has it affectively been extended in some other way by the State AG)?

Come on, guys, don't make me do my own research here.

Case closed. The script has already been written. The puppets in the Government/Media Complex will now only read from that script. They will not deviate. The Boston Marathon mess will soon go the same way. Forget the fact our Government was well-aware of those guys. Don't expect any reporting on that in the future. That's definitely not part of the script. So just move along, nothing to see here. Remember, truth is treason in this empire of lies.
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