Sandy Hook A Hoax?...


So, please tell me oh great OP person, how did they put together such a massive hoax at Sandy Hook? Was 9/11 a hoax to? Was all the people killed on 9/11 still alive somewhere as well?

as far as 9/11we dont have all the answers since there was never a real investigation into it, but something we DO know is many of the alleged highjackers turned up alive,Bin Laden said he did not do it,and the FBI doesnt have Bin Laden on their most wanted list and that he was visited by a CIA operative two months before 9/11 and that they flew family members of Bin Ladens out of the country when everyone else was grounded and that The Bush family had a long standing friendship with The Bin Laden family as well as that Bush,Cheney,and zionist jew larry silverstein proffited handsomely from 9/11 despite what Dawgshit who thanked you,says.

oh and that there were many people who said they heeard explosions going off died mysterious deaths after giving that information.same pattern as the JFK assassination,people coming forward giving evidence that did not fit the governments version of events dying in mysterious deaths.yep no inside job by the government there.:cuckoo:

that just scratches the are 5 videos in this first link here that myself and this thread starter have posted that nobody ever has an answer for since it proves it was an inside job.
your 5 videos have been debunked more times then you've had sex.
like the complete pussy you are you've never stuck around long enough to find out.
how could you if we're all on ignore?
as always,,dawgshit can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is when cornered and the cat gots his tongue.:D:lol:

He will be back to fart and shit all over the floor again very soon.thats a given.He is way too predictable.hee hee.
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as always,,dawgshit can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is when cornered and the cat gots his tongue.:D:lol:

He will be back to fart and shit all over the floor again very soon.thats a given.He is way too predictable.hee hee.
how am I cornered handjob?
and it the cat "got" his tongue ..not "gots"
besides, it seems you have no Idea what that term means, as you've incorrectly

used it, misspelled it since it magically appeared in you severely limited vocabulary last week.
I'd say use only words and phrases that you know but then all you could say would be fart, fling, shit, and extinguished...

So, please tell me oh great OP person, how did they put together such a massive hoax at Sandy Hook? Was 9/11 a hoax to? Was all the people killed on 9/11 still alive somewhere as well?

Oh no......Don't go there 911shitforbrains will call you a paid troll if you don't believe in his theories about 911. Except that he/she/it supports all the different theories about 911. Except for the true official one that is....

So, please tell me oh great OP person, how did they put together such a massive hoax at Sandy Hook? Was 9/11 a hoax to? Was all the people killed on 9/11 still alive somewhere as well?

Oh no......Don't go there 911shitforbrains will call you a paid troll if you don't believe in his theories about 911. Except that he/she/it supports all the different theories about 911. Except for the true official one that is....

I'll remember that, and I already been called a paid poster in regards to the Sandy Hook Shooting at another site, so it be no problem! :razz:


So, please tell me oh great OP person, how did they put together such a massive hoax at Sandy Hook? Was 9/11 a hoax to? Was all the people killed on 9/11 still alive somewhere as well?

as far as 9/11we dont have all the answers since there was never a real investigation into it, but something we DO know is many of the alleged highjackers turned up alive,Bin Laden said he did not do it,and the FBI doesnt have Bin Laden on their most wanted list and that he was visited by a CIA operative two months before 9/11 and that they flew family members of Bin Ladens out of the country when everyone else was grounded and that The Bush family had a long standing friendship with The Bin Laden family as well as that Bush,Cheney,and zionist jew larry silverstein proffited handsomely from 9/11 despite what Dawgshit who thanked you,says.

oh and that there were many people who said they heeard explosions going off died mysterious deaths after giving that information.same pattern as the JFK assassination,people coming forward giving evidence that did not fit the governments version of events dying in mysterious deaths.yep no inside job by the government there.:cuckoo:

that just scratches the are 5 videos in this first link here that myself and this thread starter have posted that nobody ever has an answer for since it proves it was an inside job.

The shit you just spewed has been debunked like another poster said so many times..... Yeah, how did these people just magically die? Please, amuse me.


So, please tell me oh great OP person, how did they put together such a massive hoax at Sandy Hook? Was 9/11 a hoax to? Was all the people killed on 9/11 still alive somewhere as well?

Oh no......Don't go there 911shitforbrains will call you a paid troll if you don't believe in his theories about 911. Except that he/she/it supports all the different theories about 911. Except for the true official one that is....

I'll remember that, and I already been called a paid poster in regards to the Sandy Hook Shooting at another site, so it be no problem! :razz:


So, please tell me oh great OP person, how did they put together such a massive hoax at Sandy Hook? Was 9/11 a hoax to? Was all the people killed on 9/11 still alive somewhere as well?

as far as 9/11we dont have all the answers since there was never a real investigation into it, but something we DO know is many of the alleged highjackers turned up alive,Bin Laden said he did not do it,and the FBI doesnt have Bin Laden on their most wanted list and that he was visited by a CIA operative two months before 9/11 and that they flew family members of Bin Ladens out of the country when everyone else was grounded and that The Bush family had a long standing friendship with The Bin Laden family as well as that Bush,Cheney,and zionist jew larry silverstein proffited handsomely from 9/11 despite what Dawgshit who thanked you,says.

oh and that there were many people who said they heeard explosions going off died mysterious deaths after giving that information.same pattern as the JFK assassination,people coming forward giving evidence that did not fit the governments version of events dying in mysterious deaths.yep no inside job by the government there.:cuckoo:

that just scratches the are 5 videos in this first link here that myself and this thread starter have posted that nobody ever has an answer for since it proves it was an inside job.

The shit you just spewed has been debunked like another poster said so many times..... Yeah, how did these people just magically die? Please, amuse me.


debunked my trolls talk shit its been debunked but when challenged to prove it,this is the ONLY crap you can talk.not surprising since yeah they pay you to troll like this,no way would you embarrass yourselfs like this for free as we both know.yep thats what trolls like you and dawgshit are full of is this-:bsflag:
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Oh no......Don't go there 911shitforbrains will call you a paid troll if you don't believe in his theories about 911. Except that he/she/it supports all the different theories about 911. Except for the true official one that is....

I'll remember that, and I already been called a paid poster in regards to the Sandy Hook Shooting at another site, so it be no problem! :razz:

as far as 9/11we dont have all the answers since there was never a real investigation into it, but something we DO know is many of the alleged highjackers turned up alive,Bin Laden said he did not do it,and the FBI doesnt have Bin Laden on their most wanted list and that he was visited by a CIA operative two months before 9/11 and that they flew family members of Bin Ladens out of the country when everyone else was grounded and that The Bush family had a long standing friendship with The Bin Laden family as well as that Bush,Cheney,and zionist jew larry silverstein proffited handsomely from 9/11 despite what Dawgshit who thanked you,says.

oh and that there were many people who said they heeard explosions going off died mysterious deaths after giving that information.same pattern as the JFK assassination,people coming forward giving evidence that did not fit the governments version of events dying in mysterious deaths.yep no inside job by the government there.:cuckoo:

that just scratches the are 5 videos in this first link here that myself and this thread starter have posted that nobody ever has an answer for since it proves it was an inside job.

The shit you just spewed has been debunked like another poster said so many times..... Yeah, how did these people just magically die? Please, amuse me.


debunked my trolls talk shit its been debunked but when challenged to prove it,this is the ONLY crap you can talk.not surprising since yeah they pay you to troll like this,no way would you embarrass yourselfs like this for free as we both know.yep thats what trolls like you and dawgshit are full of is this-:bsflag:

Ignoring anything about debunking or you honestly think anyone is embarrassed by their arguments with you?

I mean, you go on and on with your fart posts, and talking about shit left and right, but you think somehow others are embarrassed by your replies?

I think that may be less realistic than the conspiracy theories themselves. :tongue:
911shitforbrains thinks that as long as he tells himself most of us are on ignore that we haven't debunked his shit in the last 4 or 5 years.....Many times over.......
Oh no......Don't go there 911shitforbrains will call you a paid troll if you don't believe in his theories about 911. Except that he/she/it supports all the different theories about 911. Except for the true official one that is....

I'll remember that, and I already been called a paid poster in regards to the Sandy Hook Shooting at another site, so it be no problem! :razz:

as far as 9/11we dont have all the answers since there was never a real investigation into it, but something we DO know is many of the alleged highjackers turned up alive,Bin Laden said he did not do it,and the FBI doesnt have Bin Laden on their most wanted list and that he was visited by a CIA operative two months before 9/11 and that they flew family members of Bin Ladens out of the country when everyone else was grounded and that The Bush family had a long standing friendship with The Bin Laden family as well as that Bush,Cheney,and zionist jew larry silverstein proffited handsomely from 9/11 despite what Dawgshit who thanked you,says.

oh and that there were many people who said they heeard explosions going off died mysterious deaths after giving that information.same pattern as the JFK assassination,people coming forward giving evidence that did not fit the governments version of events dying in mysterious deaths.yep no inside job by the government there.:cuckoo:

that just scratches the are 5 videos in this first link here that myself and this thread starter have posted that nobody ever has an answer for since it proves it was an inside job.

The shit you just spewed has been debunked like another poster said so many times..... Yeah, how did these people just magically die? Please, amuse me.


debunked my trolls talk shit its been debunked but when challenged to prove it,this is the ONLY crap you can talk.not surprising since yeah they pay you to troll like this,no way would you embarrass yourselfs like this for free as we both know.yep thats what trolls like you and dawgshit are full of is this-:bsflag:

LOL. Again, provide real proof and we can talk. But there is none. So you can go kiss my balls and fuck off until then.
Oh no......Don't go there 911shitforbrains will call you a paid troll if you don't believe in his theories about 911. Except that he/she/it supports all the different theories about 911. Except for the true official one that is....

I'll remember that, and I already been called a paid poster in regards to the Sandy Hook Shooting at another site, so it be no problem! :razz:

as far as 9/11we dont have all the answers since there was never a real investigation into it, but something we DO know is many of the alleged highjackers turned up alive,Bin Laden said he did not do it,and the FBI doesnt have Bin Laden on their most wanted list and that he was visited by a CIA operative two months before 9/11 and that they flew family members of Bin Ladens out of the country when everyone else was grounded and that The Bush family had a long standing friendship with The Bin Laden family as well as that Bush,Cheney,and zionist jew larry silverstein proffited handsomely from 9/11 despite what Dawgshit who thanked you,says.

oh and that there were many people who said they heeard explosions going off died mysterious deaths after giving that information.same pattern as the JFK assassination,people coming forward giving evidence that did not fit the governments version of events dying in mysterious deaths.yep no inside job by the government there.:cuckoo:

that just scratches the are 5 videos in this first link here that myself and this thread starter have posted that nobody ever has an answer for since it proves it was an inside job.

The shit you just spewed has been debunked like another poster said so many times..... Yeah, how did these people just magically die? Please, amuse me.


debunked my trolls talk shit its been debunked but when challenged to prove it,this is the ONLY crap you can talk.not surprising since yeah they pay you to troll like this,no way would you embarrass yourselfs like this for free as we both know.yep thats what trolls like you and dawgshit are full of is this-:bsflag:

as always agent Gomer Pyle Ollie has been caught lying like the lying troll he is.He has the logic just because HE has been exposed as a paid troll who defends the official version of government corruption- this coward,runs off with his tail between his legs when he is cornered and cant refute facts in videos-this troll wouldnt last one minute in a debating hall and would be laughed out withing that time frame-he hasnt learned you actually got to try and counter the facts your opponent presents in a debate-which includes facts given in

Lying agent troll Gomer Ollie has exposed what a liar he is in the fact I have said many people at this site that have been brainwashed by the lies of 9/11,sandy hook and others like predfan troll,whitehall,toto and others are just that,brainwashed Bush dupes that are just in denial and afraid of rhe truth as they have proven so many times in this forum .cowardly running away and avoiding facts when they are cornered.they again are just brainwashed Bush dupes in denial,they dont make up lies like Gomer Ollie does when he is cornered and cant refute facts,they just run off and leave when they are cornered,

Gomer as always,shows he has alzheimers diseace and cant remember anything.:clap2:
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I'll remember that, and I already been called a paid poster in regards to the Sandy Hook Shooting at another site, so it be no problem! :razz:

The shit you just spewed has been debunked like another poster said so many times..... Yeah, how did these people just magically die? Please, amuse me.


debunked my trolls talk shit its been debunked but when challenged to prove it,this is the ONLY crap you can talk.not surprising since yeah they pay you to troll like this,no way would you embarrass yourselfs like this for free as we both know.yep thats what trolls like you and dawgshit are full of is this-:bsflag:

LOL. Again, provide real proof and we can talk. But there is none. So you can go kiss my balls and fuck off until then.

ah the newest agent troll that has been exposed.Just like your lover paid troll Gomer Ollie,when cornered and cant counter facts presented to you,you sling insults in defeat out of frustration of getting your ass handed to you on a platter.nice.:clap2: Just liek Gomer Ollie,you have no debating skills whatsoever,you cowardly run off when challenged to fefute the facts exposed to you and wont even try,Just like gomer ollie,as we both know,you wouldnt last one minute in debating hall and would be laughed out of it withing that time frame.

oh and you just proved what an idiot troll you are as well .Gomer Ollie like the dumbfuck he is,thinks HE is right and all these high ranking credible officers in the military he has disgraced with much higher authority than HE has,are wrong.:lmao: you both should start a comedy club.

Senior Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement,
and Government Officials Question
the 9/11 Commission Report

Many well known and respected senior U.S. military officers, intelligence services and law enforcement veterans, and government officials have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report or have made public statements that contradict the Report. Several even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. This page of the website is a collection of their statements. The website does not represent any organization and it should be made clear that none of these individuals are affiliated with this website.

Listed below are statements by more than 220 of these senior officials. Their collective voices give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed. These individuals cannot be simply dismissed as irresponsible believers in some 9/11 conspiracy theory. Their sincere concern, backed by their decades of service to their country, demonstrate that criticism of the Report is not

Gomer troll seriously needs to grow up. the fact that you even listen to that retard just shows you have no credibility whatsoever either as well as proving you cant stand toe to two in a debate.:clap2::clap2:

you have been exposed sock puppet.have fun trolling.oh and your boss has failed miserably in sending such a reatrded shill here who cant even wont get me to play your game and waste time on you your trolling ways like your boss wants me you can pass on that message to your boss,what a failure you are in getting me to waste anymore time on you troll.
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Does a poster being 'exposed' as a paid government agent mean simply you claiming that they are? Because I must say, I haven't seen anything else to show that anyone here is being paid for their posts.
someone here loves talking to himself.:D which by the way if you havent figured it out,means you are on my ignore list even though you are not a paid agent like gomer ollie and his new lover troll.till you learn how to debate-which doesnt mean changing the subject about the facts of Obama, and evading those facts then changing it to the messengers body language as an example,till you figure out thats not HOW you properly debate,evading facts like gomer and this new troll does,Im done with ya.
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I'll remember that, and I already been called a paid poster in regards to the Sandy Hook Shooting at another site, so it be no problem! :razz:

The shit you just spewed has been debunked like another poster said so many times..... Yeah, how did these people just magically die? Please, amuse me.


debunked my trolls talk shit its been debunked but when challenged to prove it,this is the ONLY crap you can talk.not surprising since yeah they pay you to troll like this,no way would you embarrass yourselfs like this for free as we both know.yep thats what trolls like you and dawgshit are full of is this-:bsflag:

as always agent Gomer Pyle Ollie has been caught lying like the lying troll he is.He has the logic just because HE has been exposed as a paid troll who defends the official version of government corruption- this coward,runs off with his tail between his legs when he is cornered and cant refute facts in videos-this troll wouldnt last one minute in a debating hall and would be laughed out withing that time frame-he hasnt learned you actually got to try and counter the facts your opponent presents in a debate-which includes facts given in

Lying agent troll Gomer Ollie has exposed what a liar he is in the fact I have said many people at this site that have been brainwashed by the lies of 9/11,sandy hook and others like predfan troll,whitehall,toto and others are just that,brainwashed Bush dupes that are just in denial and afraid of rhe truth as they have proven so many times in this forum .cowardly running away and avoiding facts when they are cornered.they again are just brainwashed Bush dupes in denial,they dont make up lies like Gomer Ollie does when he is cornered and cant refute facts,they just run off and leave when they are cornered,

Gomer as always,shows he has alzheimers diseace and cant remember anything.:clap2:

And here I thought that 911shitforbrains had me on ignore, at least that is what he/she/it has claimed this past year.

So I challenge 911shitforbrains to prove one thing I have ever posted is a lie.

I won't hold my breath.
someone here loves talking to himself.:D which by the way if you havent figured it out,means you are on my ignore list even though you are not a paid agent like gomer ollie and his new lover troll.till you learn how to debate-which doesnt mean changing the subject about the facts of Obama, and evading those facts then changing it to the messengers body language as an example,till you figure out thats not HOW you properly debate,evading facts like gomer and this new troll does,Im done with ya.

I've joined the infamous 9/11 ignore list?! The one in which he continues to reply to your posts despite supposedly having you on ignore?! Oh fabulous day!

Oh, and getting debate tips from 911 IJ is like getting culinary tips from Jeffrey Dahmer. :tongue:
I was happy and content ignoring threads by 9/11 and his likeness, after my previous post in here and the similar "sandy hook hoax" spam. But 9/11 decided he just had to keep Pm ing me about it..

I guess I must have ruffled his feathers a bit.. So, I got a bit more time for a few days, and decided to make this kind of crap a priority.. Wouldn't have been a thing, had he not made it a thing...

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