Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Ha. The loyal Goose Steppers show up on cue. This time they arrive at the same time. Is it a coincidence, or is there a Conspiracy there? Hmm?...

Proof! Paid Shill Admits Federal Government Hires Trolls to Attack Public Social Media! - YouTube

Governments Hire Web Trolls to Sway Public Opinion - YouTube
is that off topic or what?
another classic paulie ploy!

Oh that's right, you're one of those wingnuts who trolls for the Government for free. I get Ollie's loyal Goose Stepping. He was broken like a dog in the Military. Defending Big Brother is all he knows. But you? Man, tolling for Government for free is just plain loony. lol.
the above is a fine example of paulie's plain B ploy...
the your a shill paid or unpaid false assumption/ accusation.
Polly tissue is a great laughing stock. Might be time for another board name change polly.
For the collective benefit of the unnamed guests watching this thread, as counter-intuitive as this might seem in relation to some of my previously stated views in this thread, I'm all for uniting the people of the world under a common banner and for the common good. My problem with some of the individuals driving the globalist agenda in the US and elsewhere ...lies with the implicit baggage carried by some of their preferred MO's. The end does NOT always justify the means; and if there is a greater power beyond the comprehension of man, whose will it is I choose to think otherwise, I will continue to stand for as long as I can (alone, if necessary) in open defiance of that power.

Back on topic...
For the collective benefit of the unnamed guests watching this thread, as counter-intuitive as this might seem in relation to some of my previously stated views in this thread, I'm all for uniting the people of the world under a common banner and for the common good. My problem with some of the individuals driving the globalist agenda in the US and elsewhere ...lies with the implicit baggage carried by some of their preferred MO's. The end does NOT always justify the means; and if there is a greater power beyond the comprehension of man, whose will it is I choose to think otherwise, I will continue to stand for as long as I can (alone, if necessary) in open defiance of that power.

Back on topic...
see guys, that's how to be pretentious!
Look at his Ron Paul avatar, that is like seeing an old toyota go by with the never scraped off Al Gore sticker.
For the collective benefit of the unnamed guests watching this thread, as counter-intuitive as this might seem in relation to some of my previously stated views in this thread, I'm all for uniting the people of the world under a common banner and for the common good. My problem with some of the individuals driving the globalist agenda in the US and elsewhere ...lies with the implicit baggage carried by some of their preferred MO's. The end does NOT always justify the means; and if there is a greater power beyond the comprehension of man, whose will it is I choose to think otherwise, I will continue to stand for as long as I can (alone, if necessary) in open defiance of that power.

Back on topic...
see guys, that's how to be pretentious!

I'm nowhere near as pretentious as I pretend to be...
Granted, training is essential for emergency responders and specialized units, but contingencies to prevent or mitigate the potential consequences of all these high-profile drill/real-life coincidences should have been worked out well in advance.

SO who ever plans an exercise or training scenario is supposed to know if some real emergency is going to happen ahead of time? Really?
Granted, training is essential for emergency responders and specialized units, but contingencies to prevent or mitigate the potential consequences of all these high-profile drill/real-life coincidences should have been worked out well in advance.

SO who ever plans an exercise or training scenario is supposed to know if some real emergency is going to happen ahead of time? Really?

No, but there should be protocols and procedural safeguards in place to retain the integrity of emergency response systems in the midst of such coincidences.

In other words, it should never be the case that mock exercises designed to enhance the speed and effectiveness of emergency responders ...actually hamper the speed and effectiveness of emergency responders during real-life events.
Granted, training is essential for emergency responders and specialized units, but contingencies to prevent or mitigate the potential consequences of all these high-profile drill/real-life coincidences should have been worked out well in advance.

SO who ever plans an exercise or training scenario is supposed to know if some real emergency is going to happen ahead of time? Really?

No, but there should be protocols and procedural safeguards in place to retain the integrity of emergency response systems in the midst of such coincidences.

In other words, it should never be the case that mock exercises designed to enhance the speed and effectiveness of emergency responders ...actually hamper the speed and effectiveness of emergency responders during real-life events.

Depending on budgets, size of the workforce and location, that may not actually be possible. :dunno:
FYI: I deleted the post regarding the Putnam County Sheriff's ERT drill, because due to my own failure to examine the borders on the map, it was based on the faulty premise that Putnam County is in Connecticut (which it isn't - it's in New York along the Connecticut border not far from the Newtown tragedy).

The stuff concerning the dissolution of all county Sheriff departments in Connecticut in favor of consolidated forces under the State Marshal Commission/the Dept. of Administrative Services was accurate.

Never let it be said that I knowingly allowed a mistake on my part to morph from misinformation into disinformation.
If you have 20 Firefighters in an area and want to train for a major fire, how do you do it without reducing the ability to fight a major fire (quickly, at least)?

It's a fair point, but I suggest that when budgetary concerns are weighed, compromising public safety should never be afforded as an acceptable risk in the interest of large-scale training exercises. More plainly: a department that can't afford to engage in such activities without significantly impacting its ability to do its job in the meantime ...can't afford to engage in that kind of training program, period.
If you have 20 Firefighters in an area and want to train for a major fire, how do you do it without reducing the ability to fight a major fire (quickly, at least)?

It's a fair point, but I suggest that when budgetary concerns are weighed, compromising public safety should never be afforded as an acceptable risk in the interest of large-scale training exercises. More plainly: a department that can't afford to engage in such activities without significantly impacting its ability to do its job in the meantime ...can't afford to engage in that kind of training program, period.

Fair enough. I don't know if that's feasible realistically, but it's certainly an understandable position.

EDIT - To clarify : I don't know if it's reasonable to have a fire department NOT train for large fires. While such training could degrade their abilities while the training is going on, not training that way at all also degrades their abilities if such a large fire ever occurs. It becomes a question of which risk one is willing to take, not how to avoid the risks altogether. Obviously, the larger the department, the more money in the budget, and the easier it is for them to reach all their areas of responsibility, the less this is a concern.
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Had to laugh my balls off when this went out last week >>>>

Hmmm......what a coincidence!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

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wow @ how adolescent your mind has to work to believe that jlo was making the sign of the illuminati purposely...


you guys are a riot
There is no justifiable reason that you need the files released. All that needs them are the victims and those involved. Not a busy body tin foil hat dork.

yep thats what you government worshippers are who worship the governments explanation on falseflag operations are,tin foil hatters.

You government tin foil hatters never question government authority like the blind worshipping sheep you are.what hypocrites you all are.

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