Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

the more of Paulie's stuff I read, the more I'm convinced he's got some sort of Tourette's syndrome..that through no fault of his own compels him to yammer the same bullshit over and over again!

He continues to post the same cropped picture of the two men with backpacks, long after he was literally shown the big picture which proves the photo was taken AFTER the explosions.

One more time for Paulie: The photo was taken AFTER the explosions.

Even if so, i find it so sad that you Sheeple have no questions at all about these guys. What happened to you? When and why did you become such loyal Big Brother-Worshippers? I'll never understand such blind allegiance. Sadly, that's all-too common in this Country.

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What are your questions dumb fuck? We know who they are and why they were there and that its standard procedure to have them on hand for these events. Fuck more you need to know you little bitch?

Pussies disgust me.
Heh poor Paulitician knows he's stuck. Everyone in this thread knows he lied about those backpacks, so now he's just like a 6 year old with his eyes shut and fingers plugging his ears stating the same thing over and over again.

Paulitician... everyone knows you lied, and everyone thinks it is pretty funny watching try to pretend you didn't get caught.

Seriously funny shit.

Yet you're all still here hanging on my every word. Go figure? There must be a tiny bit of doubt and curiosity left in you. Big Brother hasn't crushed it completely yet. And if lying really bothered you dummies so much, you'd be much more skeptical of and even angry at your Government.

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Whether this (13 miles from Sandy Hook) had any connection to the training exercise in Carmel or not, it's at least another "grim coincidence" to stack on the already significant pile.

2800 Bridgeport St., Connecticut, is the address of a Catholic Medical Center ...and there are a few schools in its immediate vicinity as well.
Whether this (13 miles from Sandy Hook) had any connection to the training exercise in Carmel or not, it's at least another "grim coincidence" to stack on the already significant pile.

2800 Bridgeport St., Connecticut, is the address of a Catholic Medical Center ...and there are a few schools in its immediate vicinity as well.

Yeah, if you hear anyone from the Government mentioning a 'Drill' is going on, i would immediately get the Hell out of there. Their track-record on 'Drills' is dangerously dubious. There always seems to be one going on at the time of many awful tragedies. 9/11 being the most infamous example.
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Another dumb assed line from a moron.

How many drills have there ever been? Hundreds of thousands.

How many massacres? Tens.

More hyperbole from a pussy.
the more of Paulie's stuff I read, the more I'm convinced he's got some sort of Tourette's syndrome..that through no fault of his own compels him to yammer the same bullshit over and over again!

He continues to post the same cropped picture of the two men with backpacks, long after he was literally shown the big picture which proves the photo was taken AFTER the explosions.

One more time for Paulie: The photo was taken AFTER the explosions.

Even if so, i find it so sad that you Sheeple have no questions at all about these guys. What happened to you? When and why did you become such loyal Big Brother-Worshippers? I'll never understand such blind allegiance. Sadly, that's all-too common in this Country.

speaking of blind loyalty.....
Heh poor Paulitician knows he's stuck. Everyone in this thread knows he lied about those backpacks, so now he's just like a 6 year old with his eyes shut and fingers plugging his ears stating the same thing over and over again.

Paulitician... everyone knows you lied, and everyone thinks it is pretty funny watching try to pretend you didn't get caught.

Seriously funny shit.

Yet you're all still here hanging on my every word. Go figure? There must be a tiny bit of doubt and curiosity left in you. Big Brother hasn't crushed it completely yet. And if lying really bothered you dummies so much, you'd be much more skeptical of and even angry at your Government.

FUN FACT: guys, the above is standard paulie bullshit when his ass is in a sling!
Whether this (13 miles from Sandy Hook) had any connection to the training exercise in Carmel or not, it's at least another "grim coincidence" to stack on the already significant pile.

2800 Bridgeport St., Connecticut, is the address of a Catholic Medical Center ...and there are a few schools in its immediate vicinity as well.

Yeah, if you hear anyone from the Government mentioning a 'Drill' is going on, i would immediately get the Hell out of there. Their track-record on 'Drills' is dangerously dubious. There always seems to be one going on at the time of many awful tragedies. 9/11 being the most infamous example.
Whether this (13 miles from Sandy Hook) had any connection to the training exercise in Carmel or not, it's at least another "grim coincidence" to stack on the already significant pile.

2800 Bridgeport St., Connecticut, is the address of a Catholic Medical Center ...and there are a few schools in its immediate vicinity as well.

Yeah, if you hear anyone from the Government mentioning a 'Drill' is going on, i would immediately get the Hell out of there. Their track-record on 'Drills' is dangerously dubious. There always seems to be one going on at the time of many awful tragedies. 9/11 being the most infamous example.

Even in the minds of the most ardent defenders of various official narratives, assuming there's a drop of intellectual honesty between their respective worldviews, at some point the apparent irony HAS to give way to entertaining thoughts of potential duplicity.

How many more times will mock maneuvers purportedly designed to enhance the speed and effectiveness of emergency responders ...have to hamper their effectiveness by fomenting confusion and occupying vital resources away from real-life incidents, before the majority starts to question the rationale behind these ridiculous exercises?
Gee I guess those hundreds of exercises i participated in during my 22 years on active duty weren't there so we would be proficient at our jobs but so that the Government could use them to cover up killing some kid somewhere....

You fools are fucking ignorant. the US Military, Local Security forces, and first responders routinely have maneuvers/exercises/drills.... What damned good would they be if they didn't?
Whether this (13 miles from Sandy Hook) had any connection to the training exercise in Carmel or not, it's at least another "grim coincidence" to stack on the already significant pile.

2800 Bridgeport St., Connecticut, is the address of a Catholic Medical Center ...and there are a few schools in its immediate vicinity as well.

Yeah, if you hear anyone from the Government mentioning a 'Drill' is going on, i would immediately get the Hell out of there. Their track-record on 'Drills' is dangerously dubious. There always seems to be one going on at the time of many awful tragedies. 9/11 being the most infamous example.

Even in the minds of the most ardent defenders of various official narratives, assuming there's a drop of intellectual honesty between their respective worldviews, at some point the apparent irony HAS to give way to entertaining thoughts of potential duplicity.

How many more times will mock maneuvers purportedly designed to enhance the speed and effectiveness of emergency responders ...have to hamper their effectiveness by fomenting confusion and occupying vital resources away from real-life incidents, before the majority starts to question the rationale behind these ridiculous exercises?
... What damned good would they be if they didn't?

On 9/11 ...a whole hell of a lot more good than they were chasing ghosts in Canada and Alaska.

Similarly, on the 14th of December, 2012, a fully equipped local ERT might have been more useful reacting to real-life shooter(s) and victims than imaginary ones; and the 911 dispatchers might not have had to deal with certain rumors.
Ha. The loyal Goose Steppers show up on cue. This time they arrive at the same time. Is it a coincidence, or is there a Conspiracy there? Hmm?...

[ame=]Proof! Paid Shill Admits Federal Government Hires Trolls to Attack Public Social Media! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Governments Hire Web Trolls to Sway Public Opinion - YouTube[/ame]
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Granted, training is essential for emergency responders and specialized units, but contingencies to prevent or mitigate the potential consequences of all these high-profile drill/real-life coincidences should have been worked out well in advance.
Ha. The loyal Goose Steppers show up on cue. This time they arrive at the same time. Is it a coincidence, or is there a Conspiracy there? Hmm?...

Proof! Paid Shill Admits Federal Government Hires Trolls to Attack Public Social Media! - YouTube

Governments Hire Web Trolls to Sway Public Opinion - YouTube
is that off topic or what?
another classic paulie ploy!

Oh that's right, you're one of those wingnuts who trolls for the Government for free. I get Ollie's loyal Goose Stepping. He was broken like a dog in the Military. Defending Big Brother is all he knows. But you? Man, tolling for Government for free is just plain loony. lol.
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