Sandy Hook - The Documentary [Video]...

It appears, this whole thing may very well be a somewhat botched CIA False Flag Operation. The stories don't seem to add up. Just my assessment anyway.

LMAO, so a Ron Paul fanatic supporting and actually believing an off-the-wall, impossible, devote of logic and down-right EVIL conspiracy theory? LOL who would have thunk!

Why do you Ron Paul nutjobs believe every crazy conspiracy theory! You fools make Ron Paul's brilliant son look bad! And Rand Paul is awesome!
It appears, this whole thing may very well be a somewhat botched CIA False Flag Operation. The stories don't seem to add up. Just my assessment anyway.

LMAO, so a Ron Paul fanatic supporting and actually believing an off-the-wall, impossible, devote of logic and down-right EVIL conspiracy theory? LOL who would have thunk!

Why do you Ron Paul nutjobs believe every crazy conspiracy theory! You fools make Ron Paul's brilliant son look bad! And Rand Paul is awesome!

What do you believe? What do you know? All you know is what you see on the Idiot Box. But for you ignorant Goose Steppers, i guess that's all you want to know. Enjoy your Goose Stepper Bliss. :)
westboro level crazy has been reached.

I hope you never sleep again OP.

I hope the screams of the dead and dying children of Sandy hook ring forever in your head everytime you close your eyes.
westboro level crazy has been reached.

I hope you never sleep again OP.

I hope the screams of the dead and dying children of Sandy hook ring forever in your head everytime you close your eyes.

You one of those bogus Crisis Actors? If so, you're very bad at it. Calm down and start thinking.
[ame=]Child Screaming - YouTube[/ame]
I hope you head forever echos with the screams of the dying children you claim are non exsistant.

You are an EVIL EVIL EVIL man
I hope every bite of food you ever take again tastes of torn flesh stinking of powder burns
I hope every wiff of air that enteres your nostrils till the day you die smells of fresh blood and gunsmoke
I hope every time touch another living thing your fingers can only feel the feel of cold dead flesh even though the person is perfectly alive and healthy
Your the monster that now haunts these childrens brothers and sisters nightmares
when you tell victims they are nothing but liars in the face of undeniable crimes then you are westboro level crazy

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