Sandy Hook - The Documentary [Video]...

You refuse to watch the video, yet you want to dabate it. Well, that's not how it works
Sure it is. Those of us with real lives and things to do usually won't stop to watch a 3 hour youtube video, that is more the realm of losers like you who form their lives around absorbing conspiracy videos on youtube. Once you get lucky and starting getting laid or making friends you'll probably understand why staring at a youtube video for 3 hours isn't appealing to the normal people.

You're a loyal Boot-Licking Goose Stepper stooge. (blah blah) You're all-in with that Big Brother-Worship stuff.
Yup, your standard move when you have nothing, just random babble about goose stepping and big brother. Seems you saw that somewhere as a response and were impressed so now it is your money move, anytime you have nothing intelligent to say (which is most of the time) you start with the big brother references. If you weren't such a dullard you'd understand how often you use it out of context and look even more foolish than usual.

Paulitician watched a video and came away with the belief that Sandy Hook was a failed CIA plot.........but won't discuss it with anyone who won't watch the video.

Yup. He can sit in and post links but is far too stupid to actually debate the points. I've laid out my skepticism on some of Misty's reasoning, he can't address that either just back to his usual brainless "boot licker big brother" rhetoric. I'd be surprised if he held a job requiring more than ditch digging.
You refuse to watch the video, yet you want to dabate it. Well, that's not how it works
Sure it is. Those of us with real lives and things to do usually won't stop to watch a 3 hour youtube video, that is more the realm of losers like you who form their lives around absorbing conspiracy videos on youtube. Once you get lucky and starting getting laid or making friends you'll probably understand why staring at a youtube video for 3 hours isn't appealing to the normal people.

You're a loyal Boot-Licking Goose Stepper stooge. (blah blah) You're all-in with that Big Brother-Worship stuff.
Yup, your standard move when you have nothing, just random babble about goose stepping and big brother. Seems you saw that somewhere as a response and were impressed so now it is your money move, anytime you have nothing intelligent to say (which is most of the time) you start with the big brother references. If you weren't such a dullard you'd understand how often you use it out of context and look even more foolish than usual.

Paulitician watched a video and came away with the belief that Sandy Hook was a failed CIA plot.........but won't discuss it with anyone who won't watch the video.

Yup. He can sit in and post links but is far too stupid to actually debate the points. I've laid out my skepticism on some of Misty's reasoning, he can't address that either just back to his usual brainless "boot licker big brother" rhetoric. I'd be surprised if he held a job requiring more than ditch digging.

:lol: Whatever. You're too lazy & ignorant to take the time to watch the video, yet you demand people debate you over it. Well guess what? Not gonna happen. Stop being a lazy Goose Stepper, and then get back to us.
:lol: Whatever. You're too lazy & ignorant to take the time to watch the video, yet you demand people debate you over it.
Let me fix that for you:

"whatever, you have a life so won't watch a 3 hour youtube video. I do not and have nothing better to do than sit in my parent's basement for 3 hours staring at it."

You're welcome. And yes it is funny the guy who can't be bothered to type into a post why he believes what he does is calling others lazy.
:lol: Whatever. You're too lazy & ignorant to take the time to watch the video, yet you demand people debate you over it.
Let me fix that for you:

"whatever, you have a life so won't watch a 3 hour youtube video. I do not and have nothing better to do than sit in my parent's basement for 3 hours staring at it."

You're welcome. And yes it is funny the guy who can't be bothered to type into a post why he believes what he does is calling others lazy.

Right, you're a lazy ignorant Goose Stepper. That's what i said. SHEESH! :cuckoo:
So anyways, dismissing the inane comments of our obviously mentally challenged threadstarter who hasn't the intellectual capacity to debate his own topic...

Does anyone else find it odd that people are claiming one of the supposed victims is seen posing with Obama at a memorial for families of the victims? Think about what this must require:

1) That family must be in on the elaborate hoax, since their daughter as a victim must disappear from public life

2) They were then invited to meet the president, but forgot their daughter was supposed to be dead so brought her for photo ops with Obama, not thinking that could cause problems with said elaborate hoax

This requires a serious suspension of common sense, no?
Seriously, take this conspiracy theory shit and shove it up your ass.

Ron Paul would find you repulsive.
Paulitician, after you had your ass handed to you on another board, I would think you'd pull the video and stop attention-whoring.
It appears, this whole thing may very well be a somewhat botched CIA False Flag Operation. The stories don't seem to add up. Just my assessment anyway.

It appears, you are crazier than batshit and need to be institutionalized. Why is it all you Ron Paul Supporters are crazy whackjobs? It just doesn't seem to add up. Just my assessment, anyway.
Paulitician, after you had your ass handed to you on another board, I would think you'd pull the video and stop attention-whoring.

:lol: Obviously your version of events is delusionally inaccurate. I take on all you dimwits here. And i can assure you, even attacking as a wild rabid pack doesn't work for you guys. So bring it on anytime. I'll be here.
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It appears, this whole thing may very well be a somewhat botched CIA False Flag Operation. The stories don't seem to add up. Just my assessment anyway.

It appears, you are crazier than batshit and need to be institutionalized. Why is it all you Ron Paul Supporters are crazy whackjobs? It just doesn't seem to add up. Just my assessment, anyway.

Yeah, like you watched the video. Gotta love lazy ignorant Goose Steppers...Or do ya. ;)
I take on all you dimwits here. And i can assure you, even attacking as a wild rabid pack doesn't work for you guys. So bring it on anytime. I'll be here.
Hah that is hilarious, you never take on anyone. You just hide behind nonsensical big brother and goose stepping comments that have no relationship to the topic.

You're putting on this face but I think deep down you know you are a laughingstock.
I take on all you dimwits here. And i can assure you, even attacking as a wild rabid pack doesn't work for you guys. So bring it on anytime. I'll be here.
Hah that is hilarious, you never take on anyone. You just hide behind nonsensical big brother and goose stepping comments that have no relationship to the topic.

You're putting on this face but I think deep down you know you are a laughingstock.

Nah, that's just another one of your crazy Conspiracy Theories. ;)
Paulitician, after you had your ass handed to you on another board, I would think you'd pull the video and stop attention-whoring.

:lol: Obviously your version of events is delusionally inaccurate. I take on all you dimwits here. And i can assure you, even attacking as a wild rabid pack doesn't work for you guys. So bring it on anytime. I'll be here.

Wild rabid pack? Really? A handful of poster from a board with over 1,000 members is hardly a pack. And pointing out your tinfoil hat cries for attention hardly seems rabid.

Yes, you will be here. You have nowhere else to go.
It appears, this whole thing may very well be a somewhat botched CIA False Flag Operation. The stories don't seem to add up. Just my assessment anyway.

It appears, you are crazier than batshit and need to be institutionalized. Why is it all you Ron Paul Supporters are crazy whackjobs? It just doesn't seem to add up. Just my assessment, anyway.

Yeah, like you watched the video. Gotta love lazy ignorant Goose Steppers...Or do ya. ;)

Guy, the minute you start using crazy talk like "CIA False Flag" operation, you don't need to watch the crazy documentary to know... you're fucking nutz.

Okay, here's what happened at Sandy Hook. A crazy woman bought a lot of guns. Her crazier son shot her and took the guns and shot a bunch of kids.

Because guns are too easy to get in this country.
Paulitician, after you had your ass handed to you on another board, I would think you'd pull the video and stop attention-whoring.

:lol: Obviously your version of events is delusionally inaccurate. I take on all you dimwits here. And i can assure you, even attacking as a wild rabid pack doesn't work for you guys. So bring it on anytime. I'll be here.

Wild rabid pack? Really? A handful of poster from a board with over 1,000 members is hardly a pack. And pointing out your tinfoil hat cries for attention hardly seems rabid.

Yes, you will be here. You have nowhere else to go.

What a whiner. :(
It appears, you are crazier than batshit and need to be institutionalized. Why is it all you Ron Paul Supporters are crazy whackjobs? It just doesn't seem to add up. Just my assessment, anyway.

Yeah, like you watched the video. Gotta love lazy ignorant Goose Steppers...Or do ya. ;)

Guy, the minute you start using crazy talk like "CIA False Flag" operation, you don't need to watch the crazy documentary to know... you're fucking nutz.

Okay, here's what happened at Sandy Hook. A crazy woman bought a lot of guns. Her crazier son shot her and took the guns and shot a bunch of kids.

Because guns are too easy to get in this country.

Well, that's what you learned from the Idiot Box anyway. You really should check out the video. It raises many legitimate logical questions.
Are you the guy that drove down from Canada to harass the town folk?

Ah, asking questions = 'Harassment' now. Classic Goose Stepper illogic.

Stick to your cartoons there little dummy. :cuckoo:
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