Sandy Hook - The Documentary [Video]...

Well, that's what you learned from the Idiot Box anyway. You really should check out the video. It raises many legitimate logical questions.

Sorry, man, I have no time to spend time in the Truther/Brither/Waco Rabbit HOle you spend most of your time in.

You would be funny, except that the thing we are talking about are 20 dead kids here.
Well, that's what you learned from the Idiot Box anyway. You really should check out the video. It raises many legitimate logical questions.

Sorry, man, I have no time to spend time in the Truther/Brither/Waco Rabbit HOle you spend most of your time in.

You would be funny, except that the thing we are talking about are 20 dead kids here.

Well, no one's forcing you to do anything. You make your own decisions. And i'm not intending to be funny. If you have time, check it out. Or don't. Whatever.
Well, that's what you learned from the Idiot Box anyway. You really should check out the video. It raises many legitimate logical questions.

Sorry, man, I have no time to spend time in the Truther/Brither/Waco Rabbit HOle you spend most of your time in.

You would be funny, except that the thing we are talking about are 20 dead kids here.

Well, no one's forcing you to do anything. You make your own decisions. And i'm not intending to be funny. If you have time, check it out. Or don't. Whatever.

No, you weren't trying to be funny... but you are succeeding in being a sick fucking joke.
Sorry, man, I have no time to spend time in the Truther/Brither/Waco Rabbit HOle you spend most of your time in.

You would be funny, except that the thing we are talking about are 20 dead kids here.

Well, no one's forcing you to do anything. You make your own decisions. And i'm not intending to be funny. If you have time, check it out. Or don't. Whatever.

No, you weren't trying to be funny... but you are succeeding in being a sick fucking joke.

Sorry you feel that way. But i think i'll get over it.
No, the sad thing is, the Libertarian Whacks keep gettng a seat at the table at the GOP, and they wonder why the GOP isn't taken seriously as a party any more.

They're getting more seats at the table. But they're still vastly outnumbered by Neocon assholes who have destroyed the Party. They're the only real hope for a GOP resurgence. The People want real choices. They don't want more of this Democrat/Democrat-Light stuff. Hopefully the phony corrupt check-pant Republicans' days are numbered. But i guess we'll see.
There was a fake emergency procedure drill at the schooljust down the street from sandy hook the exact same day as the shooting and the media used footage and still shots from that when referring to sandy hook.

And they show the cororner, who would not let the families ever see their dead child in person, also as an actor playing the part of a fireman during the fake drill.

It's very suspicious and if I were one of the parents, providing they have not been paid off, I would demand to exhume my child's body to make sure she or he was really dead and not sold off as a sex slave.

I know it sounds kooky but something is very fishy about this whole thing.
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There was a fake emergency procedure drill at the schooljust down the street from sandy hook the exact same day as the shooting and the media used footage and still shots from that when referring to sandy hook.

And they show the cororner, who would not let the families ever see their dead child in person, also as an actor playing the part of a fireman during the fake drill.

It's very suspicious and if I were one of the parents, providing they have not been paid off, I would demand to exhume my child's body to make sure she or he was really dead and sold off as a sex slave.

I know it sounds kooky but something is very fishy about this whole thing.

It could be a well coordinated but somewhat flawed CIA False-Flag Operation. There are so many holes in their story. The whole thing could be a staged made-for-TV event. Who really knows? And that's the point. What does anyone really know?
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It could be a well coordinated but somewhat flawed CIA False-Flag Operation. There are so many holes in their story.
So lets further this discussion, what holes? You started the thread so the subject must interest you, surely you realize the only way this thread will be covering the topic will be to engage.

What holes?
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It could be a well coordinated but somewhat flawed CIA False-Flag Operation. There are so many holes in their story.
So lets further this discussion, what holes? You started the thread so the subject must interest you, surely you realize the only way this thread will be covering the topic will be to engage.

What holes?

Still haven't watched the video i guess. Check it out and then get back to us.
There was a fake emergency procedure drill at the schooljust down the street from sandy hook the exact same day as the shooting and the media used footage and still shots from that when referring to sandy hook.

And they show the cororner, who would not let the families ever see their dead child in person, also as an actor playing the part of a fireman during the fake drill.

It's very suspicious and if I were one of the parents, providing they have not been paid off, I would demand to exhume my child's body to make sure she or he was really dead and not sold off as a sex slave.

I know it sounds kooky but something is very fishy about this whole thing.

Talk about a kook! Your avatar helps you. Isn't that interesting?
What does anyone really know?

Does that question extend to you and every fucking thing you have ever said?

Yes. You and I only know what we've seen on TV. All we have is the Government/Media Complex story. We just don't know what really happened, or didn't happen. But check out the video. It's very interesting.
Still haven't watched the video i guess. Check it out and then get back to us.
Still not confident in your ability to debate your own topic I guess. Just keep on claiming "holes in their story" then deflecting with demands people watch a 3 hour youtube video.

Again, some of us have better things to do I'm not sure if you are unemployed or just one of those young adults who lives in mommy's basement but it is clear with almost 30 posts a day, watching youtube videos that rival The Hobbit in length, and absorbing every conspiracy that comes your way you've got way too much time on your hands yet can't make the time to support your own theories.

No, the sad thing is, the Libertarian Whacks keep gettng a seat at the table at the GOP, and they wonder why the GOP isn't taken seriously as a party any more.

They're getting more seats at the table. But they're still vastly outnumbered by Neocon assholes who have destroyed the Party. They're the only real hope for a GOP resurgence. The People want real choices. They don't want more of this Democrat/Democrat-Light stuff. Hopefully the phony corrupt check-pant Republicans' days are numbered. But i guess we'll see.

No, the problem is, like the Religious Whacks, the Corporate Whacks, the GOP has no intention of standing up to your fringe group that alienates more people than it brings in.

Elections are won by numbers, and frankly, you idiots scare people away.

Voted for a Democratic President for the first time, ever, in 2012. Keep up with the shit, I'll do it again.
No, the sad thing is, the Libertarian Whacks keep gettng a seat at the table at the GOP, and they wonder why the GOP isn't taken seriously as a party any more.

They're getting more seats at the table. But they're still vastly outnumbered by Neocon assholes who have destroyed the Party. They're the only real hope for a GOP resurgence. The People want real choices. They don't want more of this Democrat/Democrat-Light stuff. Hopefully the phony corrupt check-pant Republicans' days are numbered. But i guess we'll see.

No, the problem is, like the Religious Whacks, the Corporate Whacks, the GOP has no intention of standing up to your fringe group that alienates more people than it brings in.

Elections are won by numbers, and frankly, you idiots scare people away.

Voted for a Democratic President for the first time, ever, in 2012. Keep up with the shit, I'll do it again.

Vote for who you want. I won't tell you who to vote for. But it's the Neocon assholes who have destroyed the Republican Party. And it's people like Rand Paul who will bring it back. Time for the Old-Guard to go. Their time has passed.
Still haven't watched the video i guess. Check it out and then get back to us.
Still not confident in your ability to debate your own topic I guess. Just keep on claiming "holes in their story" then deflecting with demands people watch a 3 hour youtube video.

Again, some of us have better things to do I'm not sure if you are unemployed or just one of those young adults who lives in mommy's basement but it is clear with almost 30 posts a day, watching youtube videos that rival The Hobbit in length, and absorbing every conspiracy that comes your way you've got way too much time on your hands yet can't make the time to support your own theories.


That's what makes you a typical ignorant Goose Stepper. Won't take the time to watch the video, but demand others debate you over it. But hey, stay ignorant. That's your call i guess.
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That's what makes you a typical ignorant Goose Stepper. Won't take the time to watch the video,
Nice, I get to have one of the half dozen or so of Pauliticians standard catch words thrown at me.

Goose Stepper (n) one with enough of a life that they aren't going to burn 3 hours of it watching a youtube video.

but demand others debate you over it.
I'm not demanding anyone debate me over the film, I'm trying to initiate discussion over the event. This is a "current events" board you know.

However you are not capable of supporting the opinions you've stated on this event, so continue to hide behind this attitude that the event of Sandy Hook cannot be discussed unless everyone watches your video. Nope, opinions on the event cannot be stated by Paulitician, he has time for almost 30 posts per day but no time to support his statements.

And lets get real, we both know if I watched your video you'd still refuse to discuss Sandy Hook. You'd just blather about goose stepping and big brother more and make more excuses to not be exposed for being puddle deep.
That's what makes you a typical ignorant Goose Stepper. Won't take the time to watch the video,
Nice, I get to have one of the half dozen or so of Pauliticians standard catch words thrown at me.

Goose Stepper (n) one with enough of a life that they aren't going to burn 3 hours of it watching a youtube video.

but demand others debate you over it.
I'm not demanding anyone debate me over the film, I'm trying to initiate discussion over the event. This is a "current events" board you know.

However you are not capable of supporting the opinions you've stated on this event, so continue to hide behind this attitude that the event of Sandy Hook cannot be discussed unless everyone watches your video. Nope, opinions on the event cannot be stated by Paulitician, he has time for almost 30 posts per day but no time to support his statements.

And lets get real, we both know if I watched your video you'd still refuse to discuss Sandy Hook. You'd just blather about goose stepping and big brother more and make more excuses to not be exposed for being puddle deep.

Well then maybe you should exit my thread and go create one of your own? Just a suggestion anyway.

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