Sarah Palin being considered for Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Agent Orange naming Palin would be an insult to vets. What else should we expect from a person who trashed POWs. Wll POWs be alowd at the VA under Trump? Will they have to use the back door?

Donald Trump said POWs were not heroes. Trump, a man who never served had the balls to trash John McCain & you whiny fucks love him.

You don't know what you're talking about. bedwetter

Nice try but we are talking about the man for whom you voted. Why did you support such a person that trashed POWs?

A man who never served & never cared about the military who trashed our Generals when he claimed he knew more about ISIS than they did. He might as well screamed " Our military is stupid".

You petend patriots make me sick.

Hey, at least he's got a Purple Heart Medal.
Cool, she can tell veterans how part of Paul Revere's ride was to warn the British. :badgrin:

Sarah Palin dumbfuck, not Tina Fey.

Why are you leftists too fucking stupid to grasp that parodies on TV are not the actual person?

Well, that's why you're leftists....

Actually, you show your ignorance when you make posts like this. Hear, lemmie clear it up for you so you can see it was actually SARAH who said it.

Why are you too fucking stupid to know this actually happened?

Holy sheep shit! She actually misspoke. She could have called all you Hillary drones 'deplorable.'
It is my understanding that Palin said she will appoint Paul Revere her first deputy as he is a veteran and great patriot.

Oh really.?? Under obama the troops are now coming back alive . Under the last guy, they came back in boxes .

You may slobber to slurp Barry's cum, but you have no idea what is going on around you.

The Obama administration is facing a serious scandal in which government officials are alleged to have falsified data to hide how long veterans were waiting to see doctors at VA hospitals. The controversy has led to calls for the resignation of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki, who has served for five years. Here is a timeline of events leading up to the current situation, which President Obama on Wednesday called "intolerable" and "disgraceful."

• Early 2012: Dr. Katherine Mitchell, a Veterans Affairs emergency-room physician, warns Sharon Helman, incoming director of the Phoenix VA Health Care System, that the Phoenix ER is overwhelmed and dangerous. Mitchell now alleges she was told within days by senior administrators that she had deficient communication skills and was transferred out of the ER.

• Later in 2012: The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs orders implementation of electronic wait-time tracking and makes improved patient access a top priority. In December, the Government Accountability Office tells the Veterans Health Administration that its reporting of outpatient medical-appointment wait times is "unreliable."}

Timeline: The story behind the VA scandal

If it wasn't for Ws disasters of two wars we wouldn't have overloaded the Va with his victims .

We should have surrendered to Osama bin laden right after his boys hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and saved a lot of Soldiers lives. Don't you agree?
Oh God...I love you Americans!!!!
The comedy is just long can you keep producing at this high standard though?!

no worries ... the world will be laughing at right wingers for hundreds of years ..

Yeah, ok... I guess you missed the point where Democrats have the lowest numbers since the twenties?

- Minority control of Senate
- Minority control of the house
- Minority control of governorship's including state houses
- Lost the presidency
- Will not be able to appoint judicial activists to the courts for possibly a decade or better

Yeah.... run with that.
The best thing about 2-4 years is all on you guys.

Exactly. In some way, all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. They'll destroy the GOP from the inside, along with completely and totally dividing the nation. It's gonna be an absolute trainwreck....brace yourselves....

Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"
Agent Orange naming Palin would be an insult to vets. What else should we expect from a person who trashed POWs. Wll POWs be alowd at the VA under Trump? Will they have to use the back door?

Donald Trump said POWs were not heroes. Trump, a man who never served had the balls to trash John McCain & you whiny fucks love him.

You don't know what you're talking about. bedwetter

Nice try but we are talking about the man for whom you voted. Why did you support such a person that trashed POWs?

A man who never served & never cared about the military who trashed our Generals when he claimed he knew more about ISIS than they did. He might as well screamed " Our military is stupid".

You petend patriots make me sick.

I wrote in a candidate, Elmer Fudd.... he gets no respect.
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I think she'd be great pick if for no other reason to drive the moonbats even crazier.

LOL I agree but I'd put her as head of the Dept. of Energy.
no worries ... the world will be laughing at right wingers for hundreds of years ..

Yeah, ok... I guess you missed the point where Democrats have the lowest numbers since the twenties?

- Minority control of Senate
- Minority control of the house
- Minority control of governorship's including state houses
- Lost the presidency
- Will not be able to appoint judicial activists to the courts for possibly a decade or better

Yeah.... run with that.
The best thing about 2-4 years is all on you guys.

Exactly. In some way, all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. They'll destroy the GOP from the inside, along with completely and totally dividing the nation. It's gonna be an absolute trainwreck....brace yourselves....
Barry already divided the nation perfectly… Shit for brains:lmao:
Obama did not split our country. Putting a black mam in the White House brought out all the racists & bigots who then helped Trump win.

You're talking out of your ass, pussy whipped bitch…:lmao:
Cool, she can tell veterans how part of Paul Revere's ride was to warn the British. :badgrin:

Sarah Palin dumbfuck, not Tina Fey.

Why are you leftists too fucking stupid to grasp that parodies on TV are not the actual person?

Well, that's why you're leftists....

Actually, you show your ignorance when you make posts like this. Hear, lemmie clear it up for you so you can see it was actually SARAH who said it.

Why are you too fucking stupid to know this actually happened?

Holy sheep shit! She actually misspoke. She could have called all you Hillary drones 'deplorable.'

She didn't misspeak. That's the funniest part of her idiocy. When Chris Wallace offered her the opportunity to correct her mistake, she doubled down on rightardism and repeated her nonsense on how part of Revere's ride was to warn the British.

While Revere was captured by the British, no part of his ride was to warn the British. His ride was all about notifying the colonists the British were coming.
no worries ... the world will be laughing at right wingers for hundreds of years ..

Yeah, ok... I guess you missed the point where Democrats have the lowest numbers since the twenties?

- Minority control of Senate
- Minority control of the house
- Minority control of governorship's including state houses
- Lost the presidency
- Will not be able to appoint judicial activists to the courts for possibly a decade or better

Yeah.... run with that.
The best thing about 2-4 years is all on you guys.

Exactly. In some way, all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. They'll destroy the GOP from the inside, along with completely and totally dividing the nation. It's gonna be an absolute trainwreck....brace yourselves....

Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.
Cool, she can tell veterans how part of Paul Revere's ride was to warn the British. :badgrin:

Sarah Palin dumbfuck, not Tina Fey.

Why are you leftists too fucking stupid to grasp that parodies on TV are not the actual person?

Well, that's why you're leftists....

Actually, you show your ignorance when you make posts like this. Hear, lemmie clear it up for you so you can see it was actually SARAH who said it.

Why are you too fucking stupid to know this actually happened?

Holy sheep shit! She actually misspoke. She could have called all you Hillary drones 'deplorable.'

She didn't misspeak. That's the funniest part of her idiocy. When Chris Wallace offered her the opportunity to correct her mistake, she doubled down on rightardism and repeated her nonsense on how part of Revere's ride was to warn the British.

While Revere was captured by the British, no part of his ride was to warn the British. His ride was all about notifying the colonists the British were coming.

maybe she went to the same schools that teach that Castro was a great humanitarian leader.
Yeah, ok... I guess you missed the point where Democrats have the lowest numbers since the twenties?

- Minority control of Senate
- Minority control of the house
- Minority control of governorship's including state houses
- Lost the presidency
- Will not be able to appoint judicial activists to the courts for possibly a decade or better

Yeah.... run with that.
The best thing about 2-4 years is all on you guys.

Exactly. In some way, all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. They'll destroy the GOP from the inside, along with completely and totally dividing the nation. It's gonna be an absolute trainwreck....brace yourselves....

Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.
Nothing was changed to affect the methodology of how the unemployment rate is calculated. Add this to your ever growing list of lies.
Cool, she can tell veterans how part of Paul Revere's ride was to warn the British. :badgrin:

Sarah Palin dumbfuck, not Tina Fey.

Why are you leftists too fucking stupid to grasp that parodies on TV are not the actual person?

Well, that's why you're leftists....

Actually, you show your ignorance when you make posts like this. Hear, lemmie clear it up for you so you can see it was actually SARAH who said it.

Why are you too fucking stupid to know this actually happened?

Holy sheep shit! She actually misspoke. She could have called all you Hillary drones 'deplorable.'

She didn't misspeak. That's the funniest part of her idiocy. When Chris Wallace offered her the opportunity to correct her mistake, she doubled down on rightardism and repeated her nonsense on how part of Revere's ride was to warn the British.

While Revere was captured by the British, no part of his ride was to warn the British. His ride was all about notifying the colonists the British were coming.

And yet you give a pass to a fake fucking squaw, and the meaning of corruption - a clinton. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. Get your fucking head out of your ass. shit for brains:lmao:
Yeah, ok... I guess you missed the point where Democrats have the lowest numbers since the twenties?

- Minority control of Senate
- Minority control of the house
- Minority control of governorship's including state houses
- Lost the presidency
- Will not be able to appoint judicial activists to the courts for possibly a decade or better

Yeah.... run with that.
The best thing about 2-4 years is all on you guys.

Exactly. In some way, all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. They'll destroy the GOP from the inside, along with completely and totally dividing the nation. It's gonna be an absolute trainwreck....brace yourselves....

Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.
The best thing about 2-4 years is all on you guys.

Exactly. In some way, all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. They'll destroy the GOP from the inside, along with completely and totally dividing the nation. It's gonna be an absolute trainwreck....brace yourselves....

Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.

how many of those are part time? how many are illegals? How many are minimum wage?
The best thing about 2-4 years is all on you guys.

Exactly. In some way, all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. They'll destroy the GOP from the inside, along with completely and totally dividing the nation. It's gonna be an absolute trainwreck....brace yourselves....

Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.
Nothing was changed to affect the methodology of how the unemployment rate is calculated. Add this to your ever growing list of lies.

yes they did, they stopped counting people who were no longer actively looking for work.

You are doing the lying here, as usual
Exactly. In some way, all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. They'll destroy the GOP from the inside, along with completely and totally dividing the nation. It's gonna be an absolute trainwreck....brace yourselves....

Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.

how many of those are part time? how many are illegals? How many are minimum wage?
Many more part-time jobs, mostly service jobs all along eliminating great paying jobs like coal mining... and the progressives call that growth. :lmao:
Exactly. In some way, all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. They'll destroy the GOP from the inside, along with completely and totally dividing the nation. It's gonna be an absolute trainwreck....brace yourselves....

Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.

how many of those are part time? how many are illegals? How many are minimum wage?
Full time:

Part time:

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