Sarah Palin being considered for Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Exactly. In some way, all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. They'll destroy the GOP from the inside, along with completely and totally dividing the nation. It's gonna be an absolute trainwreck....brace yourselves....

Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.
Nothing was changed to affect the methodology of how the unemployment rate is calculated. Add this to your ever growing list of lies.

yes they did, they stopped counting people who were no longer actively looking for work.

You are doing the lying here, as usual
Stop lying.

They have counted those folks the same way as they did under Clinton and Bush.

How the Government Measures Unemployment
Agent Orange naming Palin would be an insult to vets. What else should we expect from a person who trashed POWs. Wll POWs be alowd at the VA under Trump? Will they have to use the back door?

Donald Trump said POWs were not heroes. Trump, a man who never served had the balls to trash John McCain & you whiny fucks love him.

You don't know what you're talking about. bedwetter

Nice try but we are talking about the man for whom you voted. Why did you support such a person that trashed POWs?

A man who never served & never cared about the military who trashed our Generals when he claimed he knew more about ISIS than they did. He might as well screamed " Our military is stupid".

You petend patriots make me sick.

I wrote in a candidate, Elmer Fudd.... he gets no respect.

Wow, it took a while for Bush voters to be in denial. Trump voters about one weeks.
Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.
Nothing was changed to affect the methodology of how the unemployment rate is calculated. Add this to your ever growing list of lies.

yes they did, they stopped counting people who were no longer actively looking for work.

You are doing the lying here, as usual
Stop lying.

They have counted those folks the same way as they did under Clinton and Bush.

How the Government Measures Unemployment
The real unemployment numbers are probably closer to 20% if you count the people at quit altogether looking for a job. shit for brains
Agent Orange naming Palin would be an insult to vets. What else should we expect from a person who trashed POWs. Wll POWs be alowd at the VA under Trump? Will they have to use the back door?

Donald Trump said POWs were not heroes. Trump, a man who never served had the balls to trash John McCain & you whiny fucks love him.

You don't know what you're talking about. bedwetter

Nice try but we are talking about the man for whom you voted. Why did you support such a person that trashed POWs?

A man who never served & never cared about the military who trashed our Generals when he claimed he knew more about ISIS than they did. He might as well screamed " Our military is stupid".

You petend patriots make me sick.

I wrote in a candidate, Elmer Fudd.... he gets no respect.

Wow, it took a while for Bush voters to be in denial. Trump voters about one weeks.

I never said I was voting for Trump from the start, but I am glad the hildabeast is not in there.
No one should be voting for a colostomy bag in the pantsuit... The Clintons are the most repugnant of people. Fact
Exactly. In some way, all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. They'll destroy the GOP from the inside, along with completely and totally dividing the nation. It's gonna be an absolute trainwreck....brace yourselves....

Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.

how many of those are part time? how many are illegals? How many are minimum wage?
How many under Bush were part time? How many under Bush were illegal How many under Bush were minimum wage.

You assholes have an excuse for everything. Obama started with an ecomony losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Your buddy Bush started with a balanced budget on the path to paying down the debt & left with an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Eat that, asswipe.
Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.

how many of those are part time? how many are illegals? How many are minimum wage?
How many under Bush were part time? How many under Bush were illegal How many under Bush were minimum wage.

You assholes have an excuse for everything. Obama started with an ecomony losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Your buddy Bush started with a balanced budget on the path to paying down the debt & left with an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Eat that, asswipe.
Meet Redfish, one of the forum's biggest liars.

Take a gander...

obama birth certificate: this one goes to eleven...
Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.

how many of those are part time? how many are illegals? How many are minimum wage?
How many under Bush were part time? How many under Bush were illegal How many under Bush were minimum wage.

You assholes have an excuse for everything. Obama started with an ecomony losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Your buddy Bush started with a balanced budget on the path to paying down the debt & left with an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Eat that, asswipe.
Bush was/is a progressive career politician... so what's your point?
"God helped President Trump win the presidency!" - Palin said this week

"Don't I get credit for anything?" answered Satan

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.

how many of those are part time? how many are illegals? How many are minimum wage?
How many under Bush were part time? How many under Bush were illegal How many under Bush were minimum wage.

You assholes have an excuse for everything. Obama started with an ecomony losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Your buddy Bush started with a balanced budget on the path to paying down the debt & left with an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Eat that, asswipe.
Meet Redfish, one of the forum's biggest liars.

Take a gander...

obama birth certificate: this one goes to eleven...

your obsession with me is noted-------------------with disgust. in the thread you referenced I asked you to list my "lies", you never did, because you cant.

Heres a suggestion for you. ideas or facts that you disagree with are not lies.

heres another one, the left wing media is lying to you

and another, the dem/lib party is lying to you

and another, liberal academia is lying to you.

and finally, you are too stupid to recognize that you are being lied to.
Talk's cheap ---- have a seat. Let the adults straighten out this mess you guys have made.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.

how many of those are part time? how many are illegals? How many are minimum wage?
How many under Bush were part time? How many under Bush were illegal How many under Bush were minimum wage.

You assholes have an excuse for everything. Obama started with an ecomony losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Your buddy Bush started with a balanced budget on the path to paying down the debt & left with an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Eat that, asswipe.

when did I ever say that Bush was a great president? eat that asswipe.

the facts are that Bush screwed up and Obama made his screw ups worse.
the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.

how many of those are part time? how many are illegals? How many are minimum wage?
How many under Bush were part time? How many under Bush were illegal How many under Bush were minimum wage.

You assholes have an excuse for everything. Obama started with an ecomony losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Your buddy Bush started with a balanced budget on the path to paying down the debt & left with an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Eat that, asswipe.
Meet Redfish, one of the forum's biggest liars.

Take a gander...

obama birth certificate: this one goes to eleven...

your obsession with me is noted-------------------with disgust. in the thread you referenced I asked you to list my "lies", you never did, because you cant.

Heres a suggestion for you. ideas or facts that you disagree with are not lies.

heres another one, the left wing media is lying to you

and another, the dem/lib party is lying to you

and another, liberal academia is lying to you.

and finally, you are too stupid to recognize that you are being lied to.
Pointing out your constant stream of lies is hardly an obsession. But if that's what you need to make yourself feel better because you've been caught lying non-stop by posters on these fora, so be it.
Agent Orange naming Palin would be an insult to vets. What else should we expect from a person who trashed POWs. Wll POWs be alowd at the VA under Trump? Will they have to use the back door?

Donald Trump said POWs were not heroes. Trump, a man who never served had the balls to trash John McCain & you whiny fucks love him.

You don't know what you're talking about. bedwetter

Nice try but we are talking about the man for whom you voted. Why did you support such a person that trashed POWs?

A man who never served & never cared about the military who trashed our Generals when he claimed he knew more about ISIS than they did. He might as well screamed " Our military is stupid".

You petend patriots make me sick.

Simple truth: Being a POW doesn't make a person a hero and some Generals (like other politicians) are very very stupid. Stating simple truth is not "trashing" anybody. Another simple truth is that anyone who would appoint John Kerry to any government position is going to earn the scorn of veterans and active military. Also someone needs to make Hillary aware that children throwing flowers is not actual sniper fire.
Palin is a tough minded former soccer mom who ran against the entrenched political establishment in her city and became mayor. Later she became governor of Alaska. She shows what women can achieve on their own without relying her husband for every job she ever had but the left still hates her for some reason. There is no doubt that Palin can handle the job and surely anything is better than the current democrat establishment that laughs at patriotism, encourages desecration of the Flag and the abandons Veterans.
Oh God...I love you Americans!!!!
The comedy is just long can you keep producing at this high standard though?!

no worries ... the world will be laughing at right wingers for hundreds of years ..

Yeah, ok... I guess you missed the point where Democrats have the lowest numbers since the twenties?

- Minority control of Senate
- Minority control of the house
- Minority control of governorship's including state houses
- Lost the presidency
- Will not be able to appoint judicial activists to the courts for possibly a decade or better

Yeah.... run with that.
The best thing about 2-4 years is all on you guys.

Nope. It's all Obama's fault. Just like the last 8 were all Bush's fault.

See how this works?
back to the OP. Palin would probably do a good job as VA secretary. I find her personally irritating but she took on the oil companies in Alaska and won, so she could probably fix the mess at the VA.
Palin is a tough minded former soccer mom who ran against the entrenched political establishment in her city and became mayor. Later she became governor of Alaska. She shows what women can achieve but the left still hates her for some reason. Surely anything is better than the current democrat establishment that encourages desecration of the Flag and the abandonment of Veterans.
The left doesn't hate Sarah Palin! We pity her and anyone who mistakenly thinks she's competent.

And could you please tell us specifically who in the Democrat party is encouraging flag burning and the abandonment of veterans? Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.

Is that the message bouncing around the echo chamber? 4.9% unemployment? 72 consecutive months of job growth? Record high stock market? That's what rightwingnuts think is a "mess?"

the unemployment number is a lie, they changed the way it is calculated to make obozo look better.

Job growth? Bhahahahahaha, where, in Monterey Mexico?

what specific obozo policies or actions caused the market rise? be specific, give us a list.

how many of those are part time? how many are illegals? How many are minimum wage?
How many under Bush were part time? How many under Bush were illegal How many under Bush were minimum wage.

You assholes have an excuse for everything. Obama started with an ecomony losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Your buddy Bush started with a balanced budget on the path to paying down the debt & left with an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Eat that, asswipe.

when did I ever say that Bush was a great president? eat that asswipe.

the facts are that Bush screwed up and Obama made his screw ups worse.

Bush ..... 4.2% to 7.8% (+86%)
Obama .. 7.8% to 4.9% (-37%)


Bush ..... 10.6K to 8.3K (-22%)
Obama .... 8.3K to 19.2K (+132%)

Lying Redfish calls that worse under Obama.

Oh God...I love you Americans!!!!
The comedy is just long can you keep producing at this high standard though?!

no worries ... the world will be laughing at right wingers for hundreds of years ..

Yeah, ok... I guess you missed the point where Democrats have the lowest numbers since the twenties?

- Minority control of Senate
- Minority control of the house
- Minority control of governorship's including state houses
- Lost the presidency
- Will not be able to appoint judicial activists to the courts for possibly a decade or better

Yeah.... run with that.
The best thing about 2-4 years is all on you guys.

Yup, they have to put up or shut up. The microscope and spotlight is on them.

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