Sarah Palin Tops Poll Of Women Americans Want To Run For President

" when people were asked what women other than Hillary Clinton Americans would want to run for president in either 2016 or 2020"

Did the OP read the article?
you poor's the same shit over and over and it's just not even entertaining
I believe this poll shows none of you matter and the people could care less about what have to say.... you aren't going to vote her go bow to that loser Hillary that you all had a hand in making her by voting in the community organizer for President (a man) INSTEAD OF HER...

give yourselves a hand in that one, now that was entertaining
you people are such two faced hypocrites and just don't seem to care
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you poor's the same shit over and over and it's just not even entertaining
I believe this poll shows none of you matter and the people could care less about what have to say.... you aren't going to vote her go bow to that loser Hillary that you all had a hand in making her by voting in the community organizer for President (a man) INSTEAD OF HER...

give yourselves a hand in that one, now that was entertaining
you people are such two faced hypocrites and just don't seem to care

You have to hand it to these liberals....they would vote for a woman that played a direct hand in the deaths of Americans abroad without hesitation in order to keep a dumbass in the White House.

Again - Hillary can't manage a marriage. How the hell is she going to run a country for God's sake!?!?!
you poor's the same shit over and over and it's just not even entertaining
I believe this poll shows none of you matter and the people could care less about what have to say.... you aren't going to vote her go bow to that loser Hillary that you all had a hand in making her by voting in the community organizer for President (a man) INSTEAD OF HER...

give yourselves a hand in that one, now that was entertaining
you people are such two faced hypocrites and just don't seem to care

You have to hand it to these liberals....they would vote for a woman that played a direct hand in the deaths of Americans abroad without hesitation in order to keep a dumbass in the White House.

Again - Hillary can't manage a marriage. How the hell is she going to run a country for God's sake!?!?!

I don't think they can stand it that Palin had more experience than any of them running, even McLame

she ran a STATE, they all ran their careers being a low life politician...
you poor's the same shit over and over and it's just not even entertaining
I believe this poll shows none of you matter and the people could care less about what have to say.... you aren't going to vote her go bow to that loser Hillary that you all had a hand in making her by voting in the community organizer for President (a man) INSTEAD OF HER...

give yourselves a hand in that one, now that was entertaining
you people are such two faced hypocrites and just don't seem to care

You have to hand it to these liberals....they would vote for a woman that played a direct hand in the deaths of Americans abroad without hesitation in order to keep a dumbass in the White House.

Again - Hillary can't manage a marriage. How the hell is she going to run a country for God's sake!?!?!

Interesting. A direct hand in the deaths of Americans abroad. You forgot to say "four". Wasn't it four Americans?
Palin/Cruz sounds awesome.

Hell yes it does...

Run please run, do Democrats a favor! :lol:
Yes, TY, that would be a wonderful Christmas present.

Quitter Palin and "Where were you born again?" Cruz. A dream come true.

oh cute, a birther
so you'd have up there a LOSER with Hillary..remember she ran ONCE for President and LOST
so it would be interesting EH...some dream gawd you all are pathetic
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Obama is sitting at 60% of the people DISAPPROVES of him and his party, yet they want to act like people are STILL in love with them

they are so cute aren't they?

I hope they get CREAMED
Hell yes it does...

Run please run, do Democrats a favor! :lol:
Yes, TY, that would be a wonderful Christmas present.

Quitter Palin and "Where were you born again?" Cruz. A dream come true.

oh cute, a birther
so you'd have up there a LOSER with Hillary..remember she ran ONCE for President and LOST
so it would be interesting EH...some dream gawd you all are pathetic
You run losers like Palin, and jerks like Cruz, we get to enjoy the show.
Obama is sitting at 60% of the people DISAPPROVES of him and his party, yet they want to act like people are STILL in love with them

they are so cute aren't they?

I hope they get CREAMED
20% (10% times 2). 50% hated him as soon as they heard of him.
Yes, TY, that would be a wonderful Christmas present.

Quitter Palin and "Where were you born again?" Cruz. A dream come true.

oh cute, a birther
so you'd have up there a LOSER with Hillary..remember she ran ONCE for President and LOST
so it would be interesting EH...some dream gawd you all are pathetic
You run losers like Palin, and jerks like Cruz, we get to enjoy the show.

LOL, you put in a community organizer as President and a Buffoon career Politician slow Joe Biden and have the nerve to call people loser and jerks

you funny and pathetic
Geez...watching Palin run would definitely be entertaining...and when she got tired halfway thru...she could just QUIT..Like she did her job job as governor...

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She has quit every single thing she has ever started.

But dang, wouldn't it be fun to watch the rw's if $appy $arah ran?

$he won't run though because $he is in it for the $$. That means $he will stay with fux, another failed reality $how and/or her own network.
Geez...watching Palin run would definitely be entertaining...and when she got tired halfway thru...she could just QUIT..Like she did her job job as governor...

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Didn't her Thighness, Hillary QUIT being Sec. of State.... or was she fired over 4 dead American Patriots in Benghazi...
oh cute, a birther
so you'd have up there a LOSER with Hillary..remember she ran ONCE for President and LOST
so it would be interesting EH...some dream gawd you all are pathetic
You run losers like Palin, and jerks like Cruz, we get to enjoy the show.

LOL, you put in a community organizer as President and a Buffoon career Politician slow Joe Biden and have the nerve to call people loser and jerks

you funny and pathetic
Elections are about winning kiddo, something you are having trouble doing. You lost, twice remember, when the America didn't vote for your guys.
Geez...watching Palin run would definitely be entertaining...and when she got tired halfway thru...she could just QUIT..Like she did her job job as governor...

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Didn't her Thighness, Hillary QUIT being Sec. of State.... or was she fired over 4 dead American Patriots in Benghazi...
Neither. She served out a term, and resigned. They do that sometimes, unlike Palin who quit in the middle of her term after she lost.

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