Saudi Arabia ditches US dollar and will NOT renew the 50 year 'petro-dollar' agreement with the United States.

Lol..This thread coming from Trumpists who constantly rant about a return to isolationism and that the US should withdraw from its treaty obligations. Nothing would please Trumpists more than to see the dollar dropped as the world’s reserve currency. It would be in line with their world view.
Lol..This thread coming from Trumpists who constantly rant about a return to isolationism and that the US should withdraw from its treaty obligations. Nothing would please Trumpists more than to see the dollar dropped as the world’s reserve currency.
That's simply an untrue assessment. What many desire is not isolation as you falsely claim but a return to sanity and heeding George Washington's advice against long-term foreign entanglements. The US should pursue a global economic agenda without picking favorites and shackling ourselves to foreign liabilities, like NATO. If the US is a neutral arbitrator our currency is an acceptable global standard. Yet using our currency as a weapon destroys our credibility and global good faith, as we are seeing now.
Lol..This thread coming from Trumpists who constantly rant about a return to isolationism and that the US should withdraw from its treaty obligations. Nothing would please Trumpists more than to see the dollar dropped as the world’s reserve currency. It would be in line with their world view.

America 1st isn't the same as isolationism. :itsok:
That's simply an untrue assessment. What many desire is not isolation as you falsely claim but a return to sanity and heeding George Washington's advice against long-term foreign entanglements. The US should pursue a global economic agenda without picking favorites and shackling ourselves to foreign liabilities, like NATO. If the US is a neutral arbitrator our currency is an acceptable global standard. Yet using our currency as a weapon destroys our credibility and global good faith, as we are seeing now.
Apparently, JLW has never heard of Switzerland.

Chill out. Saudi Arabia doesn't sell much oil to the US. They do sell lots to China and India. This decision has nothing to do with Biden. You're an idiot.
Chill out. Saudi Arabia doesn't sell much oil to the US. They do sell lots to China and India. This decision has nothing to do with Biden. You're an idiot.

You have ZERO comprehension of how these things work. And you are so insecure you have to use an ad hominem.

And yeah, a real POTUS would have prevented this. Instead, we have POTATUS.
Chill out. Saudi Arabia doesn't sell much oil to the US. They do sell lots to China and India. This decision has nothing to do with Biden. You're an idiot.
After the U.S. reneged on paying off gold to France from the Bretton Woods agreement from WW 2, the world financial system started to buckle. A basket of currencies was set up with our nation not paying attention to oil producing nations. They saw an opening with a developing Watergate, and we still treated them stupidly. Eventually we made a deal where our currency aligned with the greatest sweet crude oil on earth at the time. And Saudi Arabia was ground zero. So, our currency and Saudi oil which is a commodity ruled for a half century. We lost control of our Fiat Currency at that time as we cry about massive debts that grow and grow now. There are different grades of oil. We may export our lower grades to other parts of the world to get the sweetest ones imported for us.
Just another Biden junta moment.

The worst President ever. The one and only POTATUS.

It is an unfortunate. We already know how the left will respond to this. They’re the same people who believe a man can get pregnant and it’s cool for a trans woman to show her breasts on the White House lawn at a presidential event. they are all for legalizing marijuana, and feminizing men in American society.

“Just have the stay home and clean the kitchen while the woman goes to work.”

Unfortunately, conservatives have not done enough to reject the feminization the bastardization of American society. The downfall of Christianity in America, the uprise of filth and vandalism all over the place in our country. The rise of Black Lives Matter and the terroristic destruction of statues of great European Christian men across this country, the terrorist actions by BLM to cause billions of dollars worth of damage destroy cities, kill dozens of people and injure thousands in 2018 and 2020

Saudi Arabia doesn’t have any of this type of left-wing fanaticism or filth. Their country has cities that are prosperous and clean. They have a very strong middle class. There’s a lot of Americans who go to work there. I would love to visit the country. I’ve been to Singapore It is similar to Saudi just not a Muslim majority place.

Isn’t it something when the dumbed down marijuana addicted left-wing American starts running their mouth about something they have no idea about which are the laws of Saudi Arabia, the customs of the country. They think that “they’re in the Stone Age.”

Well no … but otoh the modern USA is a disgrace to what it used to be. Though I am confident that things will change for the better in the United States. Left-wing fanaticism is being rejected. We have to give it some time and stay positive even with this unfortunate development with Saudi Arabia and the USA.

It’s imperative that traditional values, Christianity and masculinity makes a return to the United States.

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