Saudi ArAmCO CEO: We will prevent alternative energy technologies and Obama is a dreamer...

Germany is cutting way back on solar subsidies
Yes, they are smart enough to know that when a business starts being successful, you stop giving it subsidies.

I wish our Republican morons in Congress would stop giving subsidies of $4B per year to oil companies.

MOST folks agree that NOTHING should be subsidized if it's an existing product.. But that's not why Germany is cutting back. Their rates are going up and hurting people.. Largely because they have to have TWO generators instead of one. One that works all the time perfectly -- and the other sketchy alternatives to keep the eco-whacks from whining..
MOST folks agree that NOTHING should be subsidized if it's an existing product.
False. Most folks don't agree with that.

Promising emerging technologies should be subsidized until they are successful, and can stand on their own two feet, not until they exist.

So you're happy that GE pays no taxes because they have more green tax credits than they can possibly use?
All of wind, solar and oil are MATURE competitive markets. Don't need production subsidies.

How LONG do you bleed money "until they are successful"?? Sounds like a very bad plan..
So you're happy that GE pays no taxes because they have more green tax credits than they can possibly use?
Is that why they pay no taxes?

I'll need a link for that.

Exxon/Mobil paid no taxes and I don't believe that was the reason.

GE is one of the largest builders of turbines. They get credits for wind turbines, efficient train/jet turbines, and at least about 5 yrs ago was getting $50 in tax credits for every energy efficient dishwasher and $75 in tax credits for every energy efficient washer/dryer they sold.

Like I said --- NOBODY should get subsidies for existing products. And those $50/75/1000 dollar tax credits come RIGHT OFF your tax debt. Look it up. Besides sheltering money overseas -- these credits are the primary reason that "GE paid no taxes" in those years. And then you have the laughable circus of guys like Bernie the Burn hootin and hollerin about it --- when it's THEIR BACON that GE is eating..

Hysterical hypocrisy and Bernie knows it..

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