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Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Given the murderous nature of Samer's associates and their continual attempts to attack Israeli civilians - I would not be willing to risk the lives of his intended victims by naming them in such a public venue.

Especially not in a forum where certain posters have been known to gloat about the idea of Jews being murdered.

Having so called murdreous associates is not a crime. If it were, you would be locked up, for your associations with Israel and defending Isreal's war criminals here on this discussion board.

Israel has yet to come up with a new crime to charge Samer Issawi with and until they do, his detention remains unlawful, and the other four hunger strikers are likewise being detained unlawfully.

Looking at the extensive numbers of prisoners held unlawfully like Samer, with no charges that constitute valid crime sunder intl law standards lodged against them, held outside the occupied territories in complete violation of intl law, I would call these unlawful administrative detentions grave violations of The Fourth Geneva Convention and war crimes.

These administrative detention practices need to be taken before The Criminal Court In THe Hague.

Frau Sherri is certainly good for a laugh. She tells Marg she would be locked up for associating with Israel, while Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," has nary a word to say against the Muslims who are busy murdering her fellow Christians. Evidently Frau Sherri has no problem with her Muslim friends murdering Christians because no Jews happen to be involved. If she really cared about her fellow Christians, she certainly would be speaking about what is happening to them at least on one other forum. Alas, all she does day in and day out is run around the Internet bashing Israel and the Jews, and if ten thousand Christians were murdered tomorrow, Frau Sherri would not even pay attention to it. I wonder if we would ever hear Frau Sherri say that the leaders of the Muslim countries should be taken to the Hague for not doing their job of protecting those of all religions living in their countries. By the way, Frau Sherri, do you have anything to say about the Christians being held in Iranian prisons for the sole reason that they happen to be Christian?
Given the murderous nature of Samer's associates and their continual attempts to attack Israeli civilians - I would not be willing to risk the lives of his intended victims by naming them in such a public venue.

Especially not in a forum where certain posters have been known to gloat about the idea of Jews being murdered.

Having so called murdreous associates is not a crime. If it were, you would be locked up, for your associations with Israel and defending Isreal's war criminals here on this discussion board.

Israel has yet to come up with a new crime to charge Samer Issawi with and until they do, his detention remains unlawful, and the other four hunger strikers are likewise being detained unlawfully.

Looking at the extensive numbers of prisoners held unlawfully like Samer, with no charges that constitute valid crime sunder intl law standards lodged against them, held outside the occupied territories in complete violation of intl law, I would call these unlawful administrative detentions grave violations of The Fourth Geneva Convention and war crimes.

These administrative detention practices need to be taken before The Criminal Court In THe Hague.

Frau Sherri is certainly good for a laugh. She tells Marg she would be locked up for associating with Israel, while Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," has nary a word to say against the Muslims who are busy murdering her fellow Christians. Evidently Frau Sherri has no problem with her Muslim friends murdering Christians because no Jews happen to be involved. If she really cared about her fellow Christians, she certainly would be speaking about what is happening to them at least on one other forum. Alas, all she does day in and day out is run around the Internet bashing Israel and the Jews, and if ten thousand Christians were murdered tomorrow, Frau Sherri would not even pay attention to it. I wonder if we would ever hear Frau Sherri say that the leaders of the Muslim countries should be taken to the Hague for not doing their job of protecting those of all religions living in their countries. By the way, Frau Sherri, do you have anything to say about the Christians being held in Iranian prisons for the sole reason that they happen to be Christian?

Sherri doee what she does-----but without much skill ----and often to the point of
clownishness. I suppor her continued posting----mel brooks could use the material
Sherri, one can't point out a lie except by pointing out the truth: so far you haven't managed to do that, either in regard to your false allegation that the IDF report quoted in CAMERA was not factual, or in regard to the ridiculous claims that I support war crimes.

Indeed, given your penchant for excusing whatever abominable behavior by any Palestinian or Arab against any Jewish Israeli as 'resistance' - it seems you are the one who truly needs to be concerned about being connected to 'war crimes'.

But enough of the nonsense you insist on dragging into these discussions.

Continuing to make patently ridiculous claims that others are 'shills' is defamatory and disruptive: it detracts from any ability for other posters to use this site as intended, for DISCUSSION.
i recognise caamera as a pro-israeli propaganda rag and, as such, lacks credibility.

Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And your OPINION on that is any more meaningful than anyone else's why, exactly?

it is also my opinion that stormront is a hate site.

the whole message board is opinion.

Not exactly: if others agree, there's really no need to explain.
When others do not agree with the opinion expressed, it's common courtesy to give some further information by way of explanation.

Sherri has insisted on giving the OPINION that, for example, I am a 'liar' and 'Israeli shill', with no supporting evidence whatsoever.

You appear to ascribe to the view that all 'pro-Israeli' sources are untrustworthy: therefore, you could have no logical objection whatsoever to the POV that Ma'an or any other 'pro-Palestinian' information source is likewise untrustworthy.

Which rather defeats the ability of anyone to discuss much of anything ......
Hey Sherri , did anyone ever tell you that just because you repeat the same nonsense Nazi lies over and over, that it won't actually make them true ? I agree with you however that the Palestinians are the victims. Victims of themselves and victims of their murderous government. So while the Philistines , I mean Palestinians continue to blame Israel for their 'struggle', their hole will get deeper and deeper while Israel gets stronger and stronger, like it has for the past 60 plus years. Blaming Israel has never gotten and NEVER will get the Fakestinians, I mean Palestinians anywhere, except more death and destruction .

Dear Palestinians :stop launching terror wars if you ever want peace!!
Sherri, one can't point out a lie except by pointing out the truth: so far you haven't managed to do that, either in regard to your false allegation that the IDF report quoted in CAMERA was not factual, or in regard to the ridiculous claims that I support war crimes.

Indeed, given your penchant for excusing whatever abominable behavior by any Palestinian or Arab against any Jewish Israeli as 'resistance' - it seems you are the one who truly needs to be concerned about being connected to 'war crimes'.

But enough of the nonsense you insist on dragging into these discussions.

Continuing to make patently ridiculous claims that others are 'shills' is defamatory and disruptive: it detracts from any ability for other posters to use this site as intended, for DISCUSSION.

You stated Samer previously attacked civilians and I asked you to identify the civilians he attacked. You could not, so I pointed out already and point out one more time, you lied.

But that is not the issue regarding Samer's detention, the problem with his detention is Israel has charged him with violating no new crimes. They hold him unlawfully and should posthaste release him and comply with their obligations owed to the civilian population in the lands they occupy and refrain from holding Palestinian prisoners under unlawful administrative detentions.

These unlawful administrative detentions are war crimes and need to taken before The International Criminal Court, along with the illegal settlements.

why do you keep lying, sherri-----Israel has said he violated the TERMS of his release----
they did not charge him with a new crime?-----Your major lie is the idea that violation
of terms of release is not a "LEGAL REASON" to incarcerate a felon. Your legal
philosophy is not complex. ----simple---It is legal to slit the throat of a jewish infant---
and illegal to prosecute an arab for doing so Samer was charged with being involved
with terrorists groups and harboring weapons that should be used on all people and those
who are theirs-----who trivialize the purpose of those weapons. If you had a scintilla
of character ----you would offer yourself a a surety----for ANY ACT OF VIOLENCE
comitted by and of the released convicts ----once they are released. You will need
several several thousand volunteers for the project of TEN SLIT THROATS FOR EACH
"You stated Samer previously attacked civilians and I asked you to identify the civilians he attacked. You could not, so I pointed out already and point out one more time, you lied. "

This is simply a further lie: I gave you reasons why I WOULD not do so, whether or not I had the information.

If I told you their names, how would that prove that such people exist and were the victims?
Then your argument would be called a dingleberry.

Address the facts, you are too emotive to get your point across.
I did address that facts!

Israel has no legal jurisdiction in East Jerusalem or the West Bank, so they cannot detain him, charge him or force feed him, because they don't like what he's doing to their image around the world.

He's a protected person. That IS the facts. Why don't you address that?
"You stated Samer previously attacked civilians and I asked you to identify the civilians he attacked. You could not, so I pointed out already and point out one more time, you lied. "

This is simply a further lie: I gave you reasons why I WOULD not do so, whether or not I had the information.

If I told you their names, how would that prove that such people exist and were the victims?

"You stated Samer previously attacked civilians and I asked you to identify the civilians he attacked. You could not, so I pointed out already and point out one more time, you lied. "

This is simply a further lie: I gave you reasons why I WOULD not do so, whether or not I had the information.

If I told you their names, how would that prove that such people exist and were the victims?

Sherri is fully aware of the fact that her demand that you name names is absurd---
it is the kind of thing fourth rate lawyers do Samer was convicted in the course of
a REAL TRIAL of involvement with terrorist groups and the harboring of weapons
----unrelated to those used to hunt deer and of use to his colleagues only for the
purpose of terrorism ------not good enough for sherri who would support a situation
that would require that every muslim terrorist in both US and Israeli jails be
released. She has come out in favor of SHAYKH ABDEL RAHMAN who orchestrated
the bombing of the WORLD TRADE CENTER in 1993 too. He worked out of Jersey
City, New Jersey-----where another egytptian muslim just shot two COPTS for
the glory of allah, isa and the rapist-----I have no doubt she well demand his release
too. give it a minute she will demand I PROVE it Two bodies with holes in
their chests and their blood in the car of the perpetrator does not do it for her

the fact of bombs launched at civilians and stabbings in the street and bomb on ass
operations etc etc does not "PROVE" that anything is happening. Sherri wants
UP CLOSE PROOF -----may she get it
Former Irish hunger striker to Samer al-Issawi Stay Strong

Former Irish Hunger Striker to Samer Al Issawi "Stay Strong"

"When I recently read Samer's published letter from Prison it brought me right back to when I was also on hunger strike alongside our great hero Bobby Sands who was the first of ten men to die. Samer said in his prison letter: "There is no going back, only in my victory" This reminds me of the words of Bobby Sands when he said "We must see our present fight right through to the very end." Our Martyr Bobby Sands wrote the following words when he was also in Prison and when he had begun the Hunger strike. These prophetic words could today describe Samer's struggle and the current situation in Palestine with more than 4000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Bobby said; "I am a political prisoner because I am a casualty of a perennial war that is being fought between the oppressed Irish (Palestinian) people and an alien, oppressive, unwanted regime that refuses to withdraw from our land."

To Samer and all his comrades "stay strong." I think Israel should learn from the Irish struggle and take heed. They should remember what Margaret Thatcher the former British Prime Minister once said to us. She claimed the Irish Hunger Strike was our "Last Card" as she let ten of my comrades die. She thought she had won. Yet today, as I travel the world as a former Prisoner, former Hunger striker and an elected MLA, I know who is remembered, and who is forgotten."

Amnesty's Report In 11/2002, we see Amnesty documenting 8000 prisoners taken by Israel in military operations in the West Bank, from February to June, we see ill treatment documented, to include torture, arbitary detention, and unfair trials, and Amnesty identifies this pattern of unlawful conduct as "crimes against humanity."

"In the four months between 27 February and the end of June 2002 – the period of the two major IDF offensives and the reoccupation of the West Bank - the IDF killed nearly 500 Palestinians... More than 8,000 Palestinians detained in mass round-ups over the same period were routinely subjected to ill-treatment(2) and more than 3,000 Palestinian homes were demolished."

Torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of detainees is documented.

Torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in arbitrary detention is documented.

Crimes against Humanity are documented.

"Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court defines crimes against humanity as various specified acts when committed as part of a "widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack", "pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organization’s policy to commit such attack". Crimes against humanity do not require a link to an armed conflict - they can be committed either in peacetime or in wartime. The specified acts include murder; extermination; enslavement; deportation or forcible transfer of population; imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law; torture; rape and other forms of sexual violence; persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity; enforced disappearance; apartheid; and other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. For many years, Amnesty International has documented unlawful killings; torture and ill-treatment; arbitrary detention; unfair trials; collective punishments such as punitive closures of areas and destruction of homes; extensive and wanton destruction of property; deportations; and discriminatory treatment of Palestinians as compared to Israeli settlers. Many of these violations have been committed in a widespread and systematic manner, and in pursuit of government policy (some, such as targeted killings or deportations, were carried out in pursuit of a publicly declared policy); such violations meet the definition of crimes against humanity under international law. Some of the violations reported during the Jenin and Nablus incursions are part of the pattern of such crimes."

Document - Israel and the Occupied Territories: Shielded from scrutiny: IDF violations in Jenin and Nablus | Amnesty International

An article in 972 Magazine does a very good job of describing what is happening in Samer Issawis case. And also a comparison of Jewish prisoners and Palestinian prisoners and disparate treatment demonstrates Israel's Apartheid.

Hunger-striker Samer Issawi is another victim of an unjust legal system | +972 Magazine

Hunger-striker Samer Issawi is another victim of an unjust legal system

"Samer Issawi, the Palestinian prisoner who has been on an intermittent hunger strike for over 200 days, had his day in court on Thursday. According to the sentence handed down by the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, one might ostensibly believe that Issawi would be released on March 6, when his prison term is completed. But Samer Issawi is Palestinian, and therefore subject to a multi-layered legal system in which his fate is not determined by civilian judges, but rather by three IDF officers. Before Israel agreed to release 1,027 Palestinians in exchange for captured IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, the army quietly modified Article 186 to Military Order 1651. Article 186 codifies special military tribunals that have the power to cancel early releases. The panels operate using secret evidence and do not even reveal to Palestinians what they are accused of.

So while according to Thursday’s sentencing hearing in the Magistrate’s Court Issawi is to be released within weeks, he will likely be re-sentenced by the military tribunal to the 20 years that remained when he was freed in exchange for Shalit. He will not know for what alleged crime he is being re-incarcerated. Even Israel’s most secretive prisoner in recent years, Prisoner X, knew what he was charged with. But Prisoner X was Jewish. Samer Issawi is Palestinian."

That is the explanation of what is happening in Samer's case, and Ayman's as well. And the redetentions violate intl law because there are no due process rights given to the prisoners, they do not hear charges against them, they have no ability to respond to the charges, the redetentions are arbitrary and capricious and violate the provisions of intl law that give those living under occupation basic human rights, like fair trials, like due process rights in trials.

But the difficulty the prisoners face is Israel makes a practice of violating intl law with Impunity, there is no mechanism within our intl legal system that can readily be used to force Isreal to respect the legal rights of those Palestinains she arrests and detains.

My idea is the Palestinians should take this to the ICC.

Then your argument would be called a dingleberry.

Address the facts, you are too emotive to get your point across.
I did address that facts!

Israel has no legal jurisdiction in East Jerusalem or the West Bank, so they cannot detain him, charge him or force feed him, because they don't like what he's doing to their image around the world.

He's a protected person. That IS the facts. Why don't you address that?

You addressed nothing. I provided the official statements and you have not answered those in any reasonable or responsible manner.
"You stated Samer previously attacked civilians and I asked you to identify the civilians he attacked. You could not, so I pointed out already and point out one more time, you lied. "

This is simply a further lie: I gave you reasons why I WOULD not do so, whether or not I had the information.

If I told you their names, how would that prove that such people exist and were the victims?

you got to be kidding me?

that doesn't make any sense at all.

is this what he was originally imprisoned for? i assume it is.

he was released. what part of that do you not understand?
Former Irish hunger striker to Samer al-Issawi Stay Strong

Former Irish Hunger Striker to Samer Al Issawi "Stay Strong"

"When I recently read Samer's published letter from Prison it brought me right back to when I was also on hunger strike alongside our great hero Bobby Sands who was the first of ten men to die. Samer said in his prison letter: "There is no going back, only in my victory" This reminds me of the words of Bobby Sands when he said "We must see our present fight right through to the very end." Our Martyr Bobby Sands wrote the following words when he was also in Prison and when he had begun the Hunger strike. These prophetic words could today describe Samer's struggle and the current situation in Palestine with more than 4000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Bobby said; "I am a political prisoner because I am a casualty of a perennial war that is being fought between the oppressed Irish (Palestinian) people and an alien, oppressive, unwanted regime that refuses to withdraw from our land."

To Samer and all his comrades "stay strong." I think Israel should learn from the Irish struggle and take heed. They should remember what Margaret Thatcher the former British Prime Minister once said to us. She claimed the Irish Hunger Strike was our "Last Card" as she let ten of my comrades die. She thought she had won. Yet today, as I travel the world as a former Prisoner, former Hunger striker and an elected MLA, I know who is remembered, and who is forgotten."


Bobby Sands actually stuck to it and didn't eat, Samer is stuffing his face in the Israeli jails and fooling all of you.
Then your argument would be called a dingleberry.

Address the facts, you are too emotive to get your point across.
I did address that facts!

Israel has no legal jurisdiction in East Jerusalem or the West Bank, so they cannot detain him, charge him or force feed him, because they don't like what he's doing to their image around the world.

He's a protected person. That IS the facts. Why don't you address that?

What do you mean by "protected person"? So Sammi is free to do what he wants with impunity?:confused:
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