Save the planet - buy an electric car


I don't know what you like to say. The Club of Rome spoke the first time about problems in this context in the 1960ies. Nothing changed. Nevertheless we have to solve the problems or the problems will solve us. Take the worst case scenario: Mankind - perhaps even all life in the whole universe - will die out. This means all life of every human being who ever had existed, exists today and will exist was/is and will be forever totally superflous. I will not go to god in the end of time and tell him "Sorry father, we made some little mistakes and now your creation is dead". I will send you to tell him this. Or you. ... Or you. ...

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Based on the good number of auto industry jobs the auto and related companies have to threaten the State of Illinois with, I doubt if this $1000 annual tax comes to be.
Based on the good number of auto industry jobs the auto and related companies have to threaten the State of Illinois with, I doubt if this $1000 annual tax comes to be.

A problem of your culture is it, that you seem to think who is able to threaten someone is right. But the stronger are in most cases only the stronger idiots - what you can see very good in the white house. Or take the former owners of Monsanto as an example. They were in combination with the governmental and other public structures of the United States unbelievable criminal. Practically not any document of this company for their prodcuts was made under objective circumstances. Everything was made by pressure, criminal activities, corruption and so on and so on. So no one knows really something about the real dangers of the products of Monsanto. And the idea to let now Germans pay for this all is indeed "smart" in sense of this what your culture thinks what "intelligent" is. But nothing will change - completely independent how much money Bayer is able to pay before it is dead. Uncle Sam will stay to be as corrupt as he is and will the same time be the greatest moralist of the world, who has the right to attack everyone with wars.

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Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

If you gave everybody an electric car, the power grid simply could not handle it.

Ours could. But then again, we aren't the brain dead idjits here that live where you live.

Sure, it could. You Russians have some fine electron lines thanks to comrade Putin. In America, however, the US grid could not handle millions of people plugging their electric cars in when they all got home from work at the same time.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

If you gave everybody an electric car, the power grid simply could not handle it.

Ours could. But then again, we aren't the brain dead idjits here that live where you live.

Sure, it could. You Russians have some fine electron lines thanks to comrade Putin. In America, however, the US grid could not handle millions of people plugging their electric cars in when they all got home from work at the same time.

Why for heavens sake do you not close the USA? Most cars stand a long night at home and a long day at work - where's the problem to load the accumulators at home or at work?

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Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

If you gave everybody an electric car, the power grid simply could not handle it.

Ours could. But then again, we aren't the brain dead idjits here that live where you live.

Sure, it could. You Russians have some fine electron lines thanks to comrade Putin. In America, however, the US grid could not handle millions of people plugging their electric cars in when they all got home from work at the same time.

Why for heavens sake do you not close the USA? Most cars stand a long night at home and a short day at work - where's the problem to load the accumulators at home or at work?

The American grid system doesn't currently have enough transformers to handle an extra 250 million vehicles hitting it all at once.
Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

If you gave everybody an electric car, the power grid simply could not handle it.

Ours could. But then again, we aren't the brain dead idjits here that live where you live.

Sure, it could. You Russians have some fine electron lines thanks to comrade Putin. In America, however, the US grid could not handle millions of people plugging their electric cars in when they all got home from work at the same time.

Why for heavens sake do you not close the USA? Most cars stand a long night at home and a short day at work - where's the problem to load the accumulators at home or at work?

The American grid system doesn't currently have enough transformers to handle an extra 250 million vehicles hitting it all at once.

Okay - if you like to buy 250 million cars tomorrow including transformators then I have to speak with some people first. Not so easy such an order. ... By the way - do you need an airport?

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I own a Volt, good car nice and easy to charge, only goes forty miles on a charge, but I use it locally. The state is now charging me $200, I believe to register the car. My other car, a Suburban cost $70 to license. After the feds and state extolled the virtues of helping to save the environment. Looks like money is more important to the state.

Do something about it. It's wrong for them to charge that much. Get behind a Politico that wants to change that at the state level.
No it's not wrong

Any person who uses public roads has to contribute to their upkeep if people are driving electric cars and not paying gas taxes which are used for upkeep of roads then they have to pay another way

We will see every road become a toll road if all all cars on the road are ever electric.

You people still haven't learned there's no such thing as a free lunch
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

Nah: they're the past until they develop much better batteries and cheap cool fusion. But something to consider.

Ozone can:
  • Make it more difficult to breathe deeply and vigorously.
  • Cause shortness of breath, and pain when taking a deep breath.
  • Cause coughing and sore or scratchy throat.
  • Inflame and damage the airways.
  • Aggravate lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.
  • Increase the frequency of asthma attacks.
  • Make the lungs more susceptible to infection.
  • Continue to damage the lungs even when the symptoms have disappeared.
  • Cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Health Effects of Ozone Pollution | US EPA


Unfortunately, a capitalist systems only view IS profit

If you gave everybody an electric car, the power grid simply could not handle it.

No it couldn't.
Much of it is REP era infastructure, along with all the soon to be decommissioned GE Mark5 reactors

You people still haven't learned there's no such thing as a free lunch


and hey, i'm riding the green wave for all it's worth

but you want my opinion of saving energy.....

1st, stop the gluttony 2nd, shut something the 'eff OFF


Unfortunately, a capitalist systems only view IS profit

If you gave everybody an electric car, the power grid simply could not handle it.

No it couldn't.
Much of it is REP era infastructure, along with all the soon to be decommissioned GE Mark5 reactors

You people still haven't learned there's no such thing as a free lunch


and hey, i'm riding the green wave for all it's worth

but you want my opinion of saving energy.....

1st, stop the gluttony 2nd, shut something the 'eff OFF


Even if we could generate the capacity, the utilities in a lot of places are a hodgepodge with the minimum number of pole transformers and substations they can get away with. On a hot day, the one outside my house gets loud as crap it is handling so much electric just to meet the AC needs.
I own a Volt, good car nice and easy to charge, only goes forty miles on a charge, but I use it locally. The state is now charging me $200, I believe to register the car. My other car, a Suburban cost $70 to license. After the feds and state extolled the virtues of helping to save the environment. Looks like money is more important to the state.

I used to get behind one of the few Volts I ever saw on the road every morning! That asshole would get on a two-lane road with a 55 mph speed limit and could not get that thing above 45 mph going downhill with a strong tailwind! I used my big SUV to blow his doors off every morning. He got so used to it he would pull off the road to let me pass and I never exceeded the speed limit!

My Volt has never had any difficulty staying the speed limit. I have had that thing at 80 mph on the freeway. Going up hill in electric mode there is no lag at all. It wasn’t the car, it was the driver. I fill it up once a month, it takes 8 gallons. One of the better cars I have owned.
First of all not all fossil sources are the same. Last time I checked no one uses gasoline to make electricity.

Secondly part of electricity already comes from non-fossil sources and if really needed to we could make 100% of our electricity from non-fossil sources.

A lot of electric cars are hybrid, which means they are using some of the gas to generate electricity recharging the batteries, and fossil fuels or not, most methods of generating electricity still have a carbon footprint. The REAL solution to electric cars is the hydrogen fuel cell.

lol what? electric cars are electric (EV), hybrid cars are hybrid.

Number of succesful hydrogen cars is still zero and EV's are all the rage now with auto industry getting rocked by come-build-EVs-with-us Tesla. The ONLY possible reversal of that would be if batteries production runs into some sort of material shortages.

Hydrogen Cars Struggle To Compete With Electric Vehicles |

Right Ya. Teslas that BLOW UP. Blow it out your ass. I won't be driving any battery operated cars and I've forgotten more about them than you will ever know.

Oh, Mercy. You are the brightest, mostest educated person on the planet. Glad you cleared that up.

I'm sorry if I missed it DH, did you say you are an electrical engineer?

New blow for Tesla: Fire in the 'world's safest electric car' began in vehicle's battery | Daily Mail Online

Tesla Model S Battery Explodes, Totals Car in Minutes

Tesla launches investigation after parked car BLOWS UP in flames in viral VIDEO

What causes Teslas to explode?

Just as a side issue, FWIW, one of the chemicals that go into making a rechargeable lithium ion battery is a nerve gas agent.

Yes, you missed it. I never said I was an Electrical Engineer or an Engineer of any kind unless you count the times I operated a model train.

I come out of the Technical Aircraft world where Electrics have been used for many applications. Do some education on the Electric Marvel, the C-124 Globemaster. And before I retired, I designed and built electric vehicles, most are still on the road today. You don't need to be an Electric Engineer to understand something so simple.

Now, to answer your question...... Heat and overcharging. One of the additions to the Tesla is a heating and cooling system added to prevent heat. Plus, Tesla has added a control circuit that doesn't allow a faulty charging station over charge the battery. It's actually simple set of problems that required simple solutions. I suppose you would choose Diesel over Electrics. Ever see an early Diesel Runaway; make sure you are at least a hundred feet away from one. But that was also cured or at least mitigated. Every power solution has growing pains. You just nitpick the failures. And with every failure a solution comes out of it.

You missed the most terrifying problem that early electric cars had. They could do a runway as well. But that was from a malfunctioning controller. That's where the electrics got to full power and want to run wide open. The solution was to change the controller where if you step on the brake, it overrides the controller and you go into dynamic breaking until you can hit the off switch. If you think that problem only affects Electric Cars, I suggest you check into the problems that many Toyotas had that used the keyless ignition. During the time it took to turn the engine off (a 3 second delay) the engine would go to full power and accelerate. Made for a very hairy 3 seconds going from 65 mph to well over 100 in 3 seconds even with you pressing hard on the brakes. Toyota left off the brake override when a controller malfunctions like that and that was on a gas powered engine.

You keep looking for all the reasons why the Electrics should not be used. Meanwhile, even the Big 3 as well as Asian Manufacturers see the benefits of EVs. I think it's time to cull the gene pool once again. Have a nice day.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.
The only way to make an electric car viable is to make the gas burners more expensive ? Yeah that will help the middle class.

Considering that the actual cost of the car will remain the same, they just need to make the batteries cheaper and better. This is being done now and will get better as time goes by.

Sure, let's just change the laws of physics!

Or use the laws of physics to do it better. Maxwell Industry has an operating solid state flat battery that can recharge at a very, very high rate, isn't affected by normal heat (exclude the surface of the Sun or the inside of an active volcano) can do a very high discharge rate, has no liquid in it, lasts more than 100,000 recharging cycles, and costs a fraction of what the modern LIPO4 battery does. It's 5 times lighter if you used the density to output figures. Some have said it was impossible and against the laws of Physic. It's well within the laws of physics, mr doomsayer. It's reality and goes into full production no later than 2025 by Maxwell and Tesla. It usually takes at least 5 years to go from the proto stage to the full production so 2025 isn't out of the question. You must have missed that volume of the Laws of Physics.
Based on the good number of auto industry jobs the auto and related companies have to threaten the State of Illinois with, I doubt if this $1000 annual tax comes to be.

A problem of your culture is it, that you seem to think who is able to threaten someone is right. But the stronger are in most cases only the stronger idiots - what you can see very good in the white house. Or take the former owners of Monsanto as an example. They were in combination with the governmental and other public structures of the United States unbelievable criminal. Practically not any document of this company for their prodcuts was made under objective circumstances. Everything was made by pressure, criminal activities, corruption and so on and so on. So no one knows really something about the real dangers of the products of Monsanto. And the idea to let now Germans pay for this all is indeed "smart" in sense of this what your culture thinks what "intelligent" is. But nothing will change - completely independent how much money Bayer is able to pay before it is dead. Uncle Sam will stay to be as corrupt as he is and will the same time be the greatest moralist of the world, who has the right to attack everyone with wars.

I disagree with your premise that presumes those with the power are "in most cases" wrong. I believe in looking at these things on a case-by-case basis and believe it would be very beneficial to society in this case if the auto powers educate the Illinois legislature about any attempt to basically kill the sales of electric vehicles within their state.
Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

If you gave everybody an electric car, the power grid simply could not handle it.

Ours could. But then again, we aren't the brain dead idjits here that live where you live.

Sure, it could. You Russians have some fine electron lines thanks to comrade Putin. In America, however, the US grid could not handle millions of people plugging their electric cars in when they all got home from work at the same time.

Why for heavens sake do you not close the USA? Most cars stand a long night at home and a short day at work - where's the problem to load the accumulators at home or at work?

The American grid system doesn't currently have enough transformers to handle an extra 250 million vehicles hitting it all at once.

There is a solution to every problem. Our Grid can't handle the load it currently has. The Solution? If you want to own an EV, install Solar to your domicile where, when the sun is up, you charge your car. In Alaska, at Elmendorf, all parking spaces had an electric outlet for heating cores. What keeps us from doing the same. While you are work, your car does a slow charge outside of the peak hours. When you get home, you plug it in for a good charge but it's delayed until after the peak hours. With a 300 to 400 mile range, you won't be charging from zero too often and can work around the peak hours. Or we can do what we need to do even without the EV factor and FIX THE DAMNED ELECTRICAL GRID.
Based on the good number of auto industry jobs the auto and related companies have to threaten the State of Illinois with, I doubt if this $1000 annual tax comes to be.

A problem of your culture is it, that you seem to think who is able to threaten someone is right. But the stronger are in most cases only the stronger idiots - what you can see very good in the white house. Or take the former owners of Monsanto as an example. They were in combination with the governmental and other public structures of the United States unbelievable criminal. Practically not any document of this company for their prodcuts was made under objective circumstances. Everything was made by pressure, criminal activities, corruption and so on and so on. So no one knows really something about the real dangers of the products of Monsanto. And the idea to let now Germans pay for this all is indeed "smart" in sense of this what your culture thinks what "intelligent" is. But nothing will change - completely independent how much money Bayer is able to pay before it is dead. Uncle Sam will stay to be as corrupt as he is and will the same time be the greatest moralist of the world, who has the right to attack everyone with wars.

He was in the excellent movie "Das Boot", you know. Well it was a German TV mini series turned into a movie, anyway.
You keep looking for all the reasons why the Electrics should not be used.

No, I'm just looking for a better way than batteries and the fact that we are going to soon be FORCED to buy electric cars just as we were forced to buy CDs by taking LPs off the market though many people still wanted and still DO want them. Electric is efficient, but the technology is not so perfect yet nor gasoline power so bad that we need to abandon one fully for the other.

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